Exemple #1
def end_with_layout():
    End a form started with ``start_with_layout()``
    >>> end_with_layout()
    return literal("</table>")+end_form()
Exemple #2
def form_end(*k, **p):
    End a form started with ``form_start()``
    >>> form_end()
    return HTML.tag("/table", _closed=False) + end_form(*k, **p)
Exemple #3
def form_end(*k, **p):
    End a form started with ``form_start()``
    >>> form_end()
    return literal("</table>")+end_form(*k, **p)
 def end(self):
     Closes the form, i.e. outputs </form>.
     return tags.end_form()
Exemple #5
def secure_link(href, value='Submit', value_formatted=None, title=None, method='post', form_data=None, link_data=None, link_class='', parent_id=None, force_profile=False):
#def secure_link(href, value='Submit', value_formatted=None, css_class='', title=None, rel=None, confirm_text=None, method='POST', json_form_complete_actions='', modal_params=None, data={}):
    Create two things:
      - A visible HTML form which POSTs some data along with an auth token
      - An invisible pretty-looking plain-text link which calls form.submit()
    Then use javascript to hide the form and show the pretty link
    @param href      - can be supplied as a string or a tuple in the format (args, kwargs), this tuple will then be used to automatically create href_json
    @param href_json - an optional JSON url to post to can be provided, this will then activate an AJAX call, this is normally set automatically by providing a tuple for href (see above)
    @param javascript_json_complete_actions - a string of javascript that is activated on a successful AJAX call. Normally used to refresh parts of the page that have been updated from the successful AJAX call.
    if not value_formatted:
        value_formatted = value
        value_formatted = literal(value_formatted)
    if not form_data:
        form_data = {}
    if not link_data:
        link_data = {}
    # Setup Get string href ----
    # the href could be passed a a tuple of (args,kwargs) for form() to create a JSON version to submit to
    # we need a text compatable href reguardless
    href_original = copy.deepcopy(href)
    if isinstance(href, tuple):
        args = href[0]
        kwargs = href[1]
        form_href = url(*args, **kwargs)
        kwargs['format'] = 'json'
        data_json = url(*args, **kwargs)
        #form_data = dict([(key.replace('_', '-' if '_' in key else key, form_data[key])) for key in form_data.keys()])
        # GregM: Work out what to do is json_complete has not been defined manually, this could and will fail on odd cercumstances
        if not form_data.get('json_complete'):
            args = list(args)
            args[0] = action_single_map.get(args[0], args[0])
            if kwargs.get('format'):
                del kwargs['format']
            kwargs['action'] = 'show'
            action1 = ['remove'] if method == 'DELETE' or method == 'delete' else ['update']
            action2 = ['update', [url(*args, **kwargs)], None, None]
            if parent_id:
                kwargs['id'] = parent_id
                action2[1].append(url(*args, **kwargs))
            if args[0] == 'member' or force_profile:
            form_data['json_complete'] = json.dumps([action1, action2]).replace('"',"'")
    # Do magic to convert all form & link _data to kwargs
    form_data = dict([ ('data-%s' % k.replace('_','-'), v if isinstance(v, basestring) else json.dumps(v)) for (k,v) in form_data.items() ])
    link_data = dict([ ('data-%s' % k.replace('_','-'), v if isinstance(v, basestring) else json.dumps(v)) for (k,v) in link_data.items() ])

    # Keep track of number of secure links created so they can all have unique hash's
    #hhash = hashlib.md5(uniqueish_id(href, value, vals)).hexdigest()[0:6]
    # GregM: Semi-unique ids required for selenium, these will be unique to every action (multiple of same action can exist)
#    hhash = re.sub(funky_chars, '_', re.sub(link_matcher, '', href)) + '_' + method

    # Create Form --------
    #AllanC: without the name attribute here the AJAX/JSON does not function, WTF! took me ages to track down :( NOTE: if the name="submit" jQuery wont submit! a known problem!?
    hf = form(href_original, method=method, class_='hide_if_js', **form_data) + \
            HTML.input(type="submit", value=value, name=value) + \
        end_form() #,

    hl = HTML.a(
        value_formatted ,
        href    = '#',
        class_  = link_class + ' hide_if_nojs link_secure', # GregM: secure_show means js will show element and remove class (to stop dup processing of same element)
        title   = title,
    return HTML.span(hf+hl, class_="secure_link") #+json_submit_script
Exemple #6
 def end(self):
     Closes the form, i.e. outputs </form>.
     return self.hidden_tag() + tags.end_form()
Exemple #7
 def end(self):
     return tags.end_form()
Exemple #8
 def end(self):
     Closes the form, i.e. outputs </form>.
     return self.hidden_tag() + tags.end_form()
 def end(self):
     Closes the form, i.e. outputs </form>.
     return tags.end_form()