Exemple #1
def handle_login_POST():
    Carries out an actual log in.

    # If this is a POST it is a login request.
    username = request.values.get("username")
    password = request.values.get("password")
    guestlogin = request.values.get("guestlogin")

    # If we have a guestlogin then it is a DEMO login request.
    if guestlogin is not None:
        username = "******"
        password = "******"

    # We may or may not have a 'next' field. If we do, we make sure that the URL is safe.
    next = request.values.get("next")
    next = safe_redirect(next)

        session_id = weblab_api.api.login(username, password)
    except InvalidCredentialsError:
        flash("Invalid username or password", category="error")
        # _scheme is a workaround. See comment in other redirect.
        return redirect(url_for(".index", _external=True, _scheme=request.scheme))
        flash("There was an unexpected error while logging in.", 500)
        return make_response("There was an unexpected error while logging in.", 500)
        # TODO: Find proper way to do this.
        # This currently redirects to HTTP even if being called from HTTPS. Tried _external as a workaround but didn't work.
        # More info: https://github.com/mitsuhiko/flask/issues/773
        # For now we force the scheme from the request.
        response = make_response(redirect(next or url_for(".labs", _external=True, _scheme=request.scheme)))
        """ @type: flask.Response """

        session_id_cookie = "%s.%s" % (session_id.id, weblab_api.ctx.route)

        # Inserts the weblabsessionid and loginsessionid cookies into the response.
        # (What is the purpose of having both? Why the different expire dates?)
        weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, session_id_cookie)

        print "LOGGED IN WITH: (%s)" % (session_id_cookie)

        return response
Exemple #2
def federated():
    redirecting = session.pop('federated_redirecting', None)
    widget = request.args.get('widget')
    reservation_id = request.args.get('reservation_id')
    reservation_tokens = reservation_id.split(';')
    back_url = request.args.get('back_url')
    if len(reservation_tokens) == 1:
        reservation_id = reservation_tokens[0]
        reservation_id = reservation_tokens[0]
        reservation_id_plus_route = reservation_tokens[1]
        # The second argument is the session identifier plus a route. 
        # Here we analyze whether this message was intended for this server or for any other with a different route.
        # To do this, we check the route, and if it's different, we return a redirection to the same URL but setting a cookie with the required URL
        # However, if we were already redirecting, then there is a problem (e.g., not using an existing route), and a message is displayed.
        if '.' in reservation_id_plus_route:
            route = reservation_id_plus_route.split('.', 1)[1]
            if route != weblab_api.ctx.route:
                if redirecting:
                    return render_template("webclient/error.html", error_message = gettext("Invalid federated URL: you're attempting to use a route not used in this WebLab-Deusto instance"), federated_mode = True, title = gettext("Error"), back_url = back_url)

                session['federated_redirecting'] = "true"
                response = redirect(request.url)
                now = datetime.datetime.now()
                response.set_cookie('weblabsessionid', reservation_id_plus_route, expires = now + datetime.timedelta(days = 100), path = weblab_api.ctx.location)
                return response

    weblab_api.ctx.reservation_id = reservation_id
        experiment = weblab_api.api.get_reservation_experiment_info()
    except SessionNotFoundError:
        return render_template("webclient/error.html", error_message = gettext("The provided reservation identifier is not valid or has expired."), federated_mode = True, back_url = back_url)
        return render_template("webclient/error.html", error_message = gettext("Unexpected error on the server side while trying to get the reservation information."), federated_mode = True, back_url = back_url)

    session['reservation_id'] = reservation_id
    session['back_url'] = request.args.get('back_url')
    kwargs = {}
    if request.args.get('locale'):
        session['locale'] = request.args.get('locale')
        kwargs = dict(locale=request.args.get('locale'))
    response = redirect(url_for('.lab', experiment_name=experiment.name, category_name=experiment.category.name, **kwargs))
    reservation_id_plus_route = '%s.%s' % (reservation_id, weblab_api.ctx.route)
    weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, reservation_id_plus_route, reservation_id)
    return response
Exemple #3
def client():
    If there is a GET argument named %(reservation_id)s, it will take it and resend it as a
    POST argument. If it was passed through the history, then it will be again sent as a
    POST argument. Finally, if it is received as a POST argument, it will generate a redirect
    to the client, using the proper current structure.
    """ % { 'reservation_id' : RESERVATION_ID }

    # If it is passed as a GET argument, send it as POST
    reservation_id = request.args.get(RESERVATION_ID)
    back_url       = request.args.get(BACK_URL)
    locale         = request.args.get(LOCALE)
    widget         = request.args.get(WIDGET) or ''
    if reservation_id is not None:
        return render_template('core_web/client_redirect.html',
            reason = 'GET performed',
            reservation_id = urllib.unquote(reservation_id),
            back_url = back_url, locale = locale, widget = widget)

    # If it is passed as History (i.e. it was not passed by GET neither POST),
    # pass it as a POST argument
    reservation_id = request.form.get(RESERVATION_ID)
    if reservation_id is None:
        return render_template('core_web/client_label.html')

    back_url = request.form.get(BACK_URL)
    widget   = request.form.get(WIDGET) or ''
    locale   = request.form.get(LOCALE) or ''

    reservation_id = urllib.unquote(reservation_id)

    route = weblab_api.ctx.route
    if route is not None:
        # If the request should not go to the current server
        if reservation_id.find('.') >= 0 and not reservation_id.endswith(route):
            if reservation_id.find(';') >= 0:
                partial_reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[1]
                partial_reservation_id = reservation_id

            response = make_response(render_template('core_web/client_redirect.html',
                reason         = 'reservation_id %s does not end in server_route %s' % (reservation_id, weblab_api.ctx.route),
                reservation_id = reservation_id, back_url = back_url, 
                locale = locale, widget = widget,
            weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, partial_reservation_id, partial_reservation_id)
            return response

    if reservation_id.find(';') >= 0:
        partial_reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[1]
        partial_reservation_id = reservation_id

    response = make_response()
    weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, partial_reservation_id, partial_reservation_id)

    # Finally, if it was passed as a POST argument, generate the proper client address
    weblab_api.ctx.reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[0]
        experiment_id = weblab_api.api.get_reservation_info()
    except SessionNotFoundError:
        response.response = render_template('core_web/client_error.html', reservation_id = reservation_id)
        return response

    client_address = url_for('core_webclient.federated', locale=locale, reservation_id=reservation_id, back_url=back_url, widget=widget)
    format_parameter = request.form.get(FORMAT_PARAMETER)
    if format_parameter is not None and format_parameter == 'text':
        response.response = client_address
        return response

    return redirect(client_address)
Exemple #4
def client():
    If there is a GET argument named %(reservation_id)s, it will take it and resend it as a
    POST argument. If it was passed through the history, then it will be again sent as a
    POST argument. Finally, if it is received as a POST argument, it will generate a redirect
    to the client, using the proper current structure.
    """ % {
        'reservation_id': RESERVATION_ID

    # If it is passed as a GET argument, send it as POST
    reservation_id = request.args.get(RESERVATION_ID)
    back_url = request.args.get(BACK_URL)
    locale = request.args.get(LOCALE)
    widget = request.args.get(WIDGET) or ''
    if reservation_id is not None:
        return render_template('core_web/client_redirect.html',
                               reason='GET performed',

    # If it is passed as History (i.e. it was not passed by GET neither POST),
    # pass it as a POST argument
    reservation_id = request.form.get(RESERVATION_ID)
    if reservation_id is None:
        return render_template('core_web/client_label.html')

    back_url = request.form.get(BACK_URL)
    widget = request.form.get(WIDGET) or ''
    locale = request.form.get(LOCALE) or ''

    reservation_id = urllib.unquote(reservation_id)

    route = weblab_api.ctx.route
    if route is not None:
        # If the request should not go to the current server
        if reservation_id.find('.') >= 0 and not reservation_id.endswith(
            if reservation_id.find(';') >= 0:
                partial_reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[1]
                partial_reservation_id = reservation_id

            response = make_response(
                    reason='reservation_id %s does not end in server_route %s'
                    % (reservation_id, weblab_api.ctx.route),
            weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, partial_reservation_id,
            return response

    if reservation_id.find(';') >= 0:
        partial_reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[1]
        partial_reservation_id = reservation_id

    response = make_response()
    weblab_api.fill_session_cookie(response, partial_reservation_id,

    # Finally, if it was passed as a POST argument, generate the proper client address
    weblab_api.ctx.reservation_id = reservation_id.split(';')[0]
        experiment_id = weblab_api.api.get_reservation_info()
    except SessionNotFoundError:
        response.response = render_template('core_web/client_error.html',
        return response

    client_address = url_for('core_webclient.federated',
    format_parameter = request.form.get(FORMAT_PARAMETER)
    if format_parameter is not None and format_parameter == 'text':
        response.response = client_address
        return response

    return redirect(client_address)