Exemple #1
def main():
    sys.stdout = open('./Log/multicostModel.stdout.log', 'w')
    sys.stderr = open('./Log/multicostModel.stderr.log', 'w')

    # exportRaster('emp_centers4_47_98')
    # importVector('Data/FID4_47_98', EMPCENTERS)
    # print "list available raster maps in database..."
    # grass.run_command('g.mlist', type='rast')
    resultsdir = sys.argv[1]
    user = sys.argv[2]
    passwd = sys.argv[3]
    site = LEAMsite(resultsdir, user, passwd)
    global runlog
    runlog = RunLog(resultsdir, site, initmsg='Scenario ' + scenariotitle)
    runMulticostModel(user, passwd, runlog)
def main():
    # Sample variable values
    # scenariotitle = 'test2_projection'
    # resultsdir = 'http://portal.leam.illinois.edu/chicago/luc/scenarios/test4_scenario'
    # demandgraphurl="http://portal.leam.illinois.edu/chicago/luc/projections/test2_projection/getGraph"

    resultsdir = sys.argv[1]
    scenariotitle = os.path.basename(resultsdir)

    global site
    global runlog
    site = LEAMsite(resultsdir, user=sys.argv[2], passwd=sys.argv[3])
    runlog = RunLog(resultsdir, site, initmsg='Scenario ' + scenariotitle)

    demandgraphurl = sys.argv[4]
    demandstr = site.getURL(demandgraphurl).getvalue()

    executeGLUCModel(demandstr, scenariotitle, runlog)
def main():
    # The system stdout and stderr will be in /leam/scratch/<scenarioname>/<scenarioname>.log
    jobstart = time.asctime()
    os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join(
        ['./bin', os.environ.get('BIN', '.'), '/bin', '/usr/bin'])
    configurl, user, password = parseFlags()

    print "Parsing configuration file.............\n"
    configfile = get_config(configurl, user, password)
    luc = LUC(configfile)
    print luc.growthmap[0]
    # luc has sorted luc.growthmap(drivers) in year and luc.growth(projections)

    print "Setting up GRASS environment.............\n"
    get_grassfolder(luc.scenario['grass_loc'], user, password)
    global grass
    grass = grasssetup.grass

    print "Connect to the LEAM storage server............."
    resultsdir = luc.scenario['results']
    print resultsdir, '\n'
    title = luc.scenario['title']
    global site, runlog  # run.log will be stored in Log repository
    site = LEAMsite(resultsdir, user=user, passwd=password)
    runlog = RunLog(resultsdir, site, initmsg='Scenario ' + title)
    runlog.p('started at ' + jobstart)

    global projectiontable
    projectiontable = ProjTable()

    growth = dict(deltapop=[0.0], deltaemp=[0.0])
    if luc.growth:  # note growthmap[0]...should change luc, using luc_new
        runlog.h('Processing Growth driver set.............')
        startyear, isprobmapcached = processDriverSets(luc.growthmap[0])
        if not isprobmapcached:
            runlog.h('Building Probability Maps..............')
            runMulticostModel(resultsdir, site, runlog)

    if luc.growthmap:
        runlog.h('Processing Growth Projection set........')
        demandstr = processProjectionSet(luc.growth[0])
        genYearChangemap.executeGLUCModel(demandstr, title, runlog)
        runlog.h('Publishing all results..............')
        publishResults(title, site, resultsdir)
def main():    
    # The system stdout and stderr will be in /leam/scratch/<scenarioname>/<scenarioname>.log
    jobstart = time.asctime()
    os.environ['PATH'] = ':'.join(['./bin', os.environ.get('BIN', '.'),'/bin', '/usr/bin'])
    configurl, user, password = parseFlags()
    print "Parsing configuration file.............\n"
    configfile = get_config(configurl, user, password)
    luc = LUC(configfile)
    print luc.growthmap[0]
    # luc has sorted luc.growthmap(drivers) in year and luc.growth(projections)

    print "Setting up GRASS environment.............\n"
    get_grassfolder(luc.scenario['grass_loc'], user, password)
    global grass
    grass = grasssetup.grass
    print "Connect to the LEAM storage server............."
    resultsdir = luc.scenario['results']
    print resultsdir, '\n'

    title = luc.scenario['title']
    global site, runlog # run.log will be stored in Log repository
    site = LEAMsite(resultsdir, user=user, passwd=password)
    #create runlog file 
    site.createFolder("RunLog", resultsdir)    

    runlog = RunLog(resultsdir+"/runlog", site, initmsg='Scenario ' + title)
    runlog.p('started at '+jobstart)
    # creat two folders
    site.createFolder("Details", resultsdir)
    site.createFolder("Results", resultsdir)

    global projectiontable
    projectiontable = ProjTable()
    growth = dict(deltapop=[0.0], deltaemp=[0.0])
    if luc.growth: # note growthmap[0]...should change luc, using luc_new
        runlog.h('Processing Growth driver set.............')
        startyear, isprobmapcached = processDriverSets(luc.growthmap[0])
        if not isprobmapcached:
            runlog.h('Building Probability Maps..............')
            runMulticostModel(resultsdir, site, runlog)

    if luc.growthmap:
        runlog.h('Processing Growth Projection set........')
        demandstr = processProjectionSet(luc.growth[0])
        genYearChangemap.executeGLUCModel(demandstr, title, runlog)
        runlog.h('Publishing all results..............')
        #wrap the simmap file to Results
        publishResults(title, site, resultsdir+"/results")