def get_appr_user_role(self, det, doctype_name, total, based_on, condition, item, company):
		amt_list, appr_users, appr_roles = [], [], []
		users, roles = '',''
		if det:
			for x in det:
			max_amount = max(amt_list)
			app_dtl = sql("select approving_user, approving_role from `tabAuthorization Rule` where transaction = %s and (value = %s or value > %s) and docstatus != 2 and based_on = %s and company = %s %s" % ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', condition), (doctype_name, flt(max_amount), total, based_on, company))
			if not app_dtl:
				app_dtl = sql("select approving_user, approving_role from `tabAuthorization Rule` where transaction = %s and (value = %s or value > %s) and docstatus != 2 and based_on = %s and ifnull(company,'') = '' %s" % ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', condition), (doctype_name, flt(max_amount), total, based_on)) 
			for d in app_dtl:
				if(d[0]): appr_users.append(d[0])
				if(d[1]): appr_roles.append(d[1])
			if not has_common(appr_roles, webnotes.user.get_roles()) and not has_common(appr_users, [session['user']]):
				msg, add_msg = '',''
				if max_amount:
					dcc = get_company_currency(
					if based_on == 'Grand Total': msg = "since Grand Total exceeds %s. %s" % (dcc, flt(max_amount))
					elif based_on == 'Itemwise Discount': msg = "since Discount exceeds %s for Item Code : %s" % (cstr(max_amount)+'%', item)
					elif based_on == 'Average Discount' or based_on == 'Customerwise Discount': msg = "since Discount exceeds %s" % (cstr(max_amount)+'%')
				if appr_users: add_msg = "Users : "+cstr(appr_users)
				if appr_roles: add_msg = "Roles : "+cstr(appr_roles)
				if appr_users and appr_roles: add_msg = "Users : "+cstr(appr_users)+" or "+"Roles : "+cstr(appr_roles)
				msgprint("You are not authorize to submit this %s %s. Please send for approval to %s" % (doctype_name, msg, add_msg))
				raise Exception
Exemple #2
	def get_comp(self):
		ret = {}
		type = []
		comp = []
		# ------ get period -----------
		ret['period'] = ['Annual','Half Yearly','Quarterly','Monthly']
		# ---- get companies ---------
		from import get_companies
		ret['company'] = get_companies()

		#--- to get fiscal year and start_date of that fiscal year -----
		res = sql("select name, year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year`")
		ret['fiscal_year'] = [r[0] for r in res]
		ret['start_dates'] = {}
		for r in res:
			ret['start_dates'][r[0]] = str(r[1])
		#--- from month and to month (for MIS - Comparison Report) -------
		month_list = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
		fiscal_start_month = sql("select MONTH(year_start_date) from `tabFiscal Year` where name = %s",(get_defaults()['fiscal_year']))
		fiscal_start_month = fiscal_start_month and fiscal_start_month[0][0] or 1
		mon = ['']
		for i in range(fiscal_start_month,13): mon.append(month_list[i-1])
		for i in range(0,fiscal_start_month-1): mon.append(month_list[i])
		ret['month'] = mon

		# ------------------------ get MIS Type on basis of roles of session user ------------------------------------------
		if has_common(self.roles, ['Sales Manager']):
		if has_common(self.roles, ['Purchase Manager']):
		ret['type'] = type
		return ret
Exemple #3
	def get_comp(self):
		ret = {}
		type = []
		comp = []
		# ------ get period -----------
		ret['period'] = ['Annual','Half Yearly','Quarterly','Monthly']
		# ---- get companies ---------
		from import get_companies
		ret['company'] = get_companies()

		#--- to get fiscal year and start_date of that fiscal year -----
		res = webnotes.conn.sql("select name, year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year`")
		ret['fiscal_year'] = [r[0] for r in res]
		ret['start_dates'] = {}
		for r in res:
			ret['start_dates'][r[0]] = str(r[1])
		#--- from month and to month (for MIS - Comparison Report) -------
		month_list = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec']
		fiscal_start_month = webnotes.conn.sql("select MONTH(year_start_date) from `tabFiscal Year` where name = %s",(webnotes.defaults.get_global_default("fiscal_year")))
		fiscal_start_month = fiscal_start_month and fiscal_start_month[0][0] or 1
		mon = ['']
		for i in range(fiscal_start_month,13): mon.append(month_list[i-1])
		for i in range(0,fiscal_start_month-1): mon.append(month_list[i])
		ret['month'] = mon

		# ------------------------ get MIS Type on basis of roles of session user ------------------------------------------
		self.roles = webnotes.user.get_roles()
		if has_common(self.roles, ['Sales Manager']):
		if has_common(self.roles, ['Purchase Manager']):
		ret['type'] = type
		return ret
	def validate_rule(self):
		if self.doc.transaction != 'Appraisal':
			if not self.doc.approving_role and not self.doc.approving_user:
				msgprint("Please enter Approving Role or Approving User", raise_exception=1)
			elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.system_user == self.doc.approving_user:
				msgprint("Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To (User)", 
			elif self.doc.system_role and self.doc.system_role == self.doc.approving_role:
				msgprint("Approving Role cannot be same as user the rule is \
					Applicable To (Role).", raise_exception=1)
			elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.approving_role and \
			 		has_common([self.doc.approving_role], [x[0] for x in \
					sql("select role from `tabUserRole` where parent = '%s'" % \
				msgprint("System User : %s is assigned role : %s. So rule does not make sense" % 
				 	(self.doc.system_user,self.doc.approving_role), raise_exception=1)
			elif self.doc.transaction in ['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt', \
					'Purchase Invoice', 'Stock Entry'] and self.doc.based_on \
					in ['Average Discount', 'Customerwise Discount', 'Itemwise Discount']:
				msgprint("You cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for %s" % 
				 	self.doc.transaction, raise_exception=1)
			elif self.doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' and flt(self.doc.value) > 100.00:
				msgprint("Discount cannot given for more than 100%", raise_exception=1)
			elif self.doc.based_on == 'Customerwise Discount' and not self.doc.master_name:
				msgprint("Please enter Customer Name for 'Customerwise Discount'", 
			if self.doc.transaction == 'Appraisal' and self.doc.based_on != 'Not Applicable':
				msgprint("Based on should be 'Not Applicable' while setting authorization rule\
				 	for 'Appraisal'", raise_exception=1)
Exemple #5
 def validate_rule(self):
   if not self.doc.transaction == 'Expense Voucher' and not self.doc.transaction == 'Appraisal':
     if not self.doc.approving_role and not self.doc.approving_user:
       msgprint("Please enter Approving Role or Approving User")
       raise Exception
     elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.system_user == self.doc.approving_user:
       msgprint("Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To (User).")
       raise Exception
     elif self.doc.system_role and self.doc.system_role == self.doc.approving_role:
       msgprint("Approving Role cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To (Role).")
       raise Exception
     elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.approving_role and has_common([self.doc.approving_role],[x[0] for x in sql("select role from `tabUserRole` where parent = '%s'" % (self.doc.system_user))]):
       msgprint("System User : %s is assigned role : %s. So rule does not make sense." % (self.doc.system_user,self.doc.approving_role))
       raise Exception
     elif (self.doc.transaction == 'Purchase Order' or self.doc.transaction == 'Purchase Receipt' or self.doc.transaction == 'Purchase Invoice' or self.doc.transaction == 'Stock Entry') and (self.doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' or self.doc.based_on == 'Customerwise Discount' or self.doc.based_on == 'Itemwise Discount'):
       msgprint("You cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for %s." % (self.doc.transaction))
       raise Exception
     elif self.doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' and flt(self.doc.value) > 100.00:
       msgprint("Discount cannot given for more than 100 %s." % ('%'))
       raise Exception
     elif self.doc.based_on == 'Customerwise Discount' and not self.doc.master_name:
       msgprint("Please enter Customer Name for 'Customerwise Discount'")
       raise Exception
     if self.doc.transaction == 'Appraisal' and self.doc.based_on != 'Not Applicable':
       msgprint("Based on is 'Not Applicable' while setting authorization rule for 'Appraisal'")
       raise Exception
     if self.doc.transaction == 'Expense Voucher' and self.doc.based_on != 'Total Claimed Amount':
       msgprint("Authorization rule should be based on 'Total Calimed Amount' while setting authorization rule for 'Expense Voucher'")
       raise Exception
  def account_expiry_reminder(self):
    import webnotes.utils
    from datetime import datetime
    # Payment Reminder in case of not enough balance
    cr_reqd = cint(self.doc.total_users)
    days_left = cint(self.calc_days())
    # check if account balance is sufficient
    if cint(self.doc.credit_balance)<(cr_reqd):
      # Difference between last payment date and current date
      if self.doc.last_deduction_date: last_payment = date_diff(nowdate(),self.doc.last_deduction_date)
      else: last_payment = -1

      # 7 days extension
      remaining_days = days_left - 24
      if last_payment > 30 or last_payment == -1:
        if remaining_days < 8 and remaining_days >= 1:
          return "Your account will be de-activated in " + cstr(remaining_days) + " days. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits."
        elif remaining_days==0:
          return "Your account will be disabled from tomorrow. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits."
        elif not has_common(['Administrator'],webnotes.user.get_roles()):
          return "Stopped"

      # check if user account is extended for seven days
      if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account)==0:
        if days_left < 10 and days_left >= 0:
          return "You have only %s Credits in your account. Buy credits before %s." % (cint(self.doc.credit_balance),formatdate(self.next_bill_sdate))
 def trial_payment_reminders(self):
   if cint(self.doc.is_trial_account)==1:
     # Trial Period Expiry
     trial_end_date = add_days(self.doc.account_start_date, 30)
     days = date_diff(trial_end_date, nowdate())
     # check if trial period has expired
     if days < 10 and days >= 0 and has_common(['System Manager'],webnotes.user.get_roles()):
       return "Your Trial Period expires on '%s'. Please buy credits online using Manage Account." % (formatdate(trial_end_date))
     # trial period has already expired
     elif days < 0 and days >= -6:
       extended_days = 7 + days
       return "Your Trial Period has expired on %s. However, your account will be live for %s days. Please contact your System Manager to buy credits." % (formatdate(trial_end_date),cstr(extended_days))
     elif not has_common(['Administrator'],webnotes.user.get_roles()) and days < -6:
       return "Stopped"
   # Account is not a trial account
     return self.account_expiry_reminder()
Exemple #8
    def get_comp(self):
        ret = {}
        type = []
        comp = []
        # ------ get period -----------
        ret["period"] = ["Annual", "Half Yearly", "Quarterly", "Monthly"]

        # ---- get companies ---------
        res = sql("select name from `tabCompany`")
        for r in res:
            # comp.append(r[0] for r in res)
        ret["company"] = comp

        # --- to get fiscal year and start_date of that fiscal year -----
        res = sql("select name, year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year`")
        ret["fiscal_year"] = [r[0] for r in res]
        ret["start_dates"] = {}
        for r in res:
            ret["start_dates"][r[0]] = str(r[1])

            # --- from month and to month (for MIS - Comparison Report) -------
        month_list = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
        fiscal_start_month = sql(
            "select MONTH(year_start_date) from `tabFiscal Year` where name = %s", (get_defaults()["fiscal_year"])
        fiscal_start_month = fiscal_start_month and fiscal_start_month[0][0] or 1
        mon = [""]
        for i in range(fiscal_start_month, 13):
            mon.append(month_list[i - 1])
        for i in range(0, fiscal_start_month - 1):
        ret["month"] = mon

        # ------------------------ get MIS Type on basis of roles of session user ------------------------------------------
        if has_common(self.roles, ["Sales Manager"]):
        if has_common(self.roles, ["Purchase Manager"]):
        ret["type"] = type
        return ret
Exemple #9
	def check_approving_authority(self, doctype_name, grand_total):
		det = sql("select amount from `tabApproval Structure` where doctype_name = '%s' and parent = 'Authorization Rules' and amount <= '%s'" % (doctype_name, grand_total))
		amt_list, auth_users = [], []
		if det:
			for x in det:
			max_amount = max(amt_list)
			# Get names of all approving authority with max amount
			for d in sql("select approving_authority from `tabApproval Structure` where doctype_name = '%s' and parent = 'Authorization Rules' and amount = '%s'" % (doctype_name, flt(max_amount))): auth_users.append(d[0])
			for x in sql("select approving_authority from `tabApproval Structure` where doctype_name = '%s' and parent = 'Authorization Rules' and amount > '%s'" % (doctype_name, grand_total)): auth_users.append(x[0])
			if not has_common(auth_users, session['data']['profile']['roles']):
				msgprint("You do not have an authority to submit this %s. Only %s can submit since amount exceeds %s. %s" % (doctype_name, auth_users, get_defaults()['currency'], flt(max_amount)))
				raise Exception
Exemple #10
    def get_comp(self):
        ret = {}
        type = []

        ret["period"] = ["Annual", "Half Yearly", "Quarterly", "Monthly"]

        from import get_companies

        ret["company"] = get_companies()

        # --- to get fiscal year and start_date of that fiscal year -----
        res = webnotes.conn.sql("select name, year_start_date from `tabFiscal Year`")
        ret["fiscal_year"] = [r[0] for r in res]
        ret["start_dates"] = {}
        for r in res:
            ret["start_dates"][r[0]] = str(r[1])

            # --- from month and to month (for MIS - Comparison Report) -------
        month_list = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]
        fiscal_start_month = webnotes.conn.sql(
            "select MONTH(year_start_date) from `tabFiscal Year` where name = %s",
        fiscal_start_month = fiscal_start_month and fiscal_start_month[0][0] or 1
        mon = [""]
        for i in range(fiscal_start_month, 13):
            mon.append(month_list[i - 1])
        for i in range(0, fiscal_start_month - 1):
        ret["month"] = mon

        # get MIS Type on basis of roles of session user
        self.roles = webnotes.user.get_roles()
        if has_common(self.roles, ["Sales Manager"]):
        if has_common(self.roles, ["Purchase Manager"]):
        ret["type"] = type
        return ret
Exemple #11
    def validate_rule(self):
        if self.doc.transaction != 'Appraisal':
            if not self.doc.approving_role and not self.doc.approving_user:
                msgprint("Please enter Approving Role or Approving User",
            elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.system_user == self.doc.approving_user:
                    "Approving User cannot be same as user the rule is Applicable To (User)",
            elif self.doc.system_role and self.doc.system_role == self.doc.approving_role:
                msgprint("Approving Role cannot be same as user the rule is \
					Applicable To (Role).",
            elif self.doc.system_user and self.doc.approving_role and \
               has_common([self.doc.approving_role], [x[0] for x in \
              sql("select role from `tabUserRole` where parent = '%s'" % \
                    "System User : %s is assigned role : %s. So rule does not make sense"
                    % (self.doc.system_user, self.doc.approving_role),
            elif self.doc.transaction in ['Purchase Order', 'Purchase Receipt', \
              'Purchase Invoice', 'Stock Entry'] and self.doc.based_on \
              in ['Average Discount', 'Customerwise Discount', 'Itemwise Discount']:
                    "You cannot set authorization on basis of Discount for %s"
                    % self.doc.transaction,
            elif self.doc.based_on == 'Average Discount' and flt(
                    self.doc.value) > 100.00:
                msgprint("Discount cannot given for more than 100%",
            elif self.doc.based_on == 'Customerwise Discount' and not self.doc.master_name:
                    "Please enter Customer Name for 'Customerwise Discount'",
            if self.doc.transaction == 'Appraisal' and self.doc.based_on != 'Not Applicable':
                    "Based on should be 'Not Applicable' while setting authorization rule\
				 	for 'Appraisal'",