Exemple #1
def update_description(group, description):
	if not get_access(group).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError

	group = webnotes.bean("Website Group", group)
	group.doc.group_description = description
Exemple #2
def get_post_list_html(group, view, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	access = get_access(group)
	if isinstance(view, basestring):
		view = get_views()[view]
	view = webnotes._dict(view)
	# verify permission for paging
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd == "get_post_list_html":
		if not access.get("read"):
			return webnotes.PermissionError
	if view.name == "feed":
		order_by = "p.creation desc"
		now = get_datetime_str(now_datetime())
		order_by = """(p.upvotes + post_reply_count - (timestampdiff(hour, p.creation, \"{}\") / 2)) desc, 
			p.creation desc""".format(now)
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, pr.user_image, pr.first_name, pr.last_name,
		(select count(pc.name) from `tabPost` pc where pc.parent_post=p.name) as post_reply_count
		from `tabPost` p, `tabProfile` pr
		where p.website_group = %s and pr.name = p.owner and ifnull(p.parent_post, '')=''
		order by {order_by} limit %s, %s""".format(order_by=order_by),
		(group, int(limit_start), int(limit_length)), as_dict=True)
	context = {"posts": posts, "limit_start": limit_start, "view": view}
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html").render(context)
Exemple #3
def save_post(post, content, picture=None, picture_name=None, title=None,
	assigned_to=None, status=None, event_datetime=None):
	post = webnotes.bean("Post", post)

	access = get_access(post.doc.website_group)
	if not access.get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	# TODO improve error message
	if webnotes.session.user != post.doc.owner:
		for fieldname in ("title", "content"):
			if post.doc.fields.get(fieldname) != locals().get(fieldname):
				webnotes.throw("You cannot change: {}".format(fieldname.title()))
		if picture and picture_name:
			webnotes.throw("You cannot change: Picture")
		"title": (title or "").title(),
		"content": content,
		"assigned_to": assigned_to,
		"status": status,
		"event_datetime": event_datetime
	post.ignore_permissions = True
	if picture_name and picture:
		process_picture(post, picture_name, picture)
	return post.doc.parent_post or post.doc.name
Exemple #4
def get_post_list_html(group, view, limit_start=0, limit_length=20):
	access = get_access(group)
	if isinstance(view, basestring):
		view = get_views()[view]
	view = webnotes._dict(view)
	# verify permission for paging
	if webnotes.local.form_dict.cmd == "get_post_list_html":
		if not access.get("read"):
			return webnotes.PermissionError
	if view.name=="upcoming":
		condition = "and p.event_datetime >= %s"
		order_by = "p.event_datetime asc"
		condition = "and p.event_datetime < %s"
		order_by = "p.event_datetime desc"
	# should show based on time upto precision of hour
	# because the current hour should also be in upcoming
	now = now_datetime().replace(minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
	posts = webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, pr.user_image, pr.first_name, pr.last_name,
		(select count(pc.name) from `tabPost` pc where pc.parent_post=p.name) as post_reply_count
		from `tabPost` p, `tabProfile` pr
		where p.website_group = %s and pr.name = p.owner and ifnull(p.parent_post, '')=''
		and p.is_event=1 {condition}
		order by {order_by} limit %s, %s""".format(condition=condition, order_by=order_by),
		(group, now, int(limit_start), int(limit_length)), as_dict=True)
	context = {"posts": posts, "limit_start": limit_start, "view": view}
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/post_list.html").render(context)
Exemple #5
def get_settings_context(group_context):
	if not get_access(group_context.group.name).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	return {
		"profiles": webnotes.conn.sql("""select p.*, wsp.`read`, wsp.`write`, wsp.`admin`
			from `tabProfile` p, `tabWebsite Sitemap Permission` wsp
			where wsp.website_sitemap=%s and wsp.profile=p.name""", (group_context.group.name,), as_dict=True)
def has_access(group, view):
	access = get_access(group)
	if view=="settings":
		return access.get("admin")
	elif view in ("add", "edit"):
		return access.get("write")
		return access.get("read")
Exemple #7
def add_website_group(group, new_group, public_read, public_write, group_type="Forum"):
	if not get_access(group).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	parent_website_sitemap = webnotes.conn.get_value("Website Sitemap", 
		{"ref_doctype": "Website Group", "docname": group})
		"doctype": "Website Group",
		"group_name": group + "-" + new_group,
		"group_title": new_group,
		"parent_website_sitemap": parent_website_sitemap,
		"group_type": group_type,
		"public_read": int(public_read),
		"public_write": int(public_write)
def set_vote(ref_doctype, ref_name):
	website_group = webnotes.conn.get_value(ref_doctype, ref_name, "website_group")
	if not get_access(website_group).get("read"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
		user_vote = webnotes.bean({
			"doctype": "User Vote",
			"ref_doctype": ref_doctype,
			"ref_name": ref_name
		user_vote.ignore_permissions = True
		return "ok"
	except webnotes.DuplicateEntryError:
		return "duplicate"
Exemple #9
def update_permission(sitemap_page, profile, perm, value):
	if not get_access(sitemap_page).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError

	permission = webnotes.bean("Website Sitemap Permission", {"website_sitemap": sitemap_page, "profile": profile})
	permission.doc.fields[perm] = int(value)
	# send email
	if perm=="admin" and int(value):
		group_title = webnotes.conn.get_value("Website Sitemap", sitemap_page, "page_title")
		subject = "You have been made Administrator of Group " + group_title
			subject= subject, add_unsubscribe_link=False,
			message="""<h3>Group Notification<h3>\
			<p style="color: #888">This is just for your information.</p>""" % subject)
Exemple #10
def add_sitemap_permission(sitemap_page, profile):
	if not get_access(sitemap_page).get("admin"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError
	permission = webnotes.bean({
		"doctype": "Website Sitemap Permission",
		"website_sitemap": sitemap_page,
		"profile": profile,
		"read": 1
	profile = permission.doc.fields
	profile.update(webnotes.conn.get_value("Profile", profile.profile, 
		["name", "first_name", "last_name", "user_image", "fb_location", "fb_hometown"], as_dict=True))
	return webnotes.get_template("templates/includes/sitemap_permission.html").render({
		"profile": profile
Exemple #11
def add_post(group, content, picture, picture_name, title=None, parent_post=None, 
	assigned_to=None, status=None, event_datetime=None):
	access = get_access(group)
	if not access.get("write"):
		raise webnotes.PermissionError

	if parent_post:
		if webnotes.conn.get_value("Post", parent_post, "parent_post"):
			webnotes.throw("Cannot reply to a reply")
	group = webnotes.doc("Website Group", group)	
	post = webnotes.bean({
		"title": (title or "").title(),
		"content": content,
		"website_group": group.name,
		"parent_post": parent_post or None
	if not parent_post:
		if group.group_type == "Tasks":
			post.doc.is_task = 1
			post.doc.assigned_to = assigned_to
		elif group.group_type == "Events":
			post.doc.is_event = 1
			post.doc.event_datetime = event_datetime
	post.ignore_permissions = True

	if picture_name and picture:
		process_picture(post, picture_name, picture)
	# send email
	if parent_post:
	return post.doc.parent_post or post.doc.name
def get_context(context):
	bean = webnotes.bean(context.ref_doctype, context.docname)
	group, view = guess_group_view(bean, context)
		if not has_access(group, view):
			raise webnotes.PermissionError
		group_context = get_group_context(group, view, bean)
		group_context["access"] = get_access(group)
		return render_blocks(group_context)
	except webnotes.DoesNotExistError:
		return {
			"content": '<div class="alert alert-danger full-page">'
				'The page you are looking for does not exist.</div>'
	except webnotes.PermissionError:
		return {
			"content": '<div class="alert alert-danger full-page">'
				'You are not permitted to view this page.</div>'