Exemple #1
def get_build_maps():
	"""get all build.jsons with absolute paths"""
	# framework js and css files
	pymodules = [webnotes.get_module(app) for app in webnotes.get_all_apps(True)]
	app_paths = [os.path.dirname(pymodule.__file__) for pymodule in pymodules]

	build_maps = {}
	for app_path in app_paths:
		path = os.path.join(app_path, 'public', 'build.json')
		if os.path.exists(path):
			with open(path) as f:
					for target, sources in json.loads(f.read()).iteritems():
						# update app path
						source_paths = []
						for source in sources:
							if isinstance(source, list):
								s = webnotes.get_pymodule_path(source[0], *source[1].split("/"))
								s = os.path.join(app_path, source)
						build_maps[target] = source_paths
				except Exception, e:
					print path
def load_lang(lang, apps=None):
	out = {}
	for app in (apps or webnotes.get_all_apps(True)):
		path = os.path.join(webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app), "translations", lang + ".csv")
		if os.path.exists(path):
			cleaned = dict([item for item in dict(read_csv_file(path)).iteritems() if item[1]])
	return out
def get_server_messages(app):
	messages = []
	for basepath, folders, files in os.walk(webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app)):
		for dontwalk in (".git", "public", "locale"):
			if dontwalk in folders: folders.remove(dontwalk)
		for f in files:
			if f.endswith(".py") or f.endswith(".html"):
				messages.extend(get_messages_from_file(os.path.join(basepath, f)))

	return clean(messages)
Exemple #4
def after_install():
	# import custom fields
	data_import_tool.import_doclist(webnotes.get_pymodule_path("aapkamanch", "data", "custom_fields.csv"), 
	from .import_units import import_units
	website_settings = webnotes.bean("Website Settings", "Website Settings")
	website_settings.doc.home_page = "index"
	website_settings.doc.disable_signup = 1
def build_website_sitemap_config(app):		
	config = {"pages": {}, "generators":{}}
	basepath = webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app)
	# pages
	for config_type in ("pages", "generators"):
		path = os.path.join(basepath, "templates", config_type)
		if os.path.exists(path):
			for fname in os.listdir(path):
				fname = webnotes.utils.cstr(fname)
				if fname.split(".")[-1] in ("html", "xml", "js", "css"):
					name = add_website_sitemap_config("Page" if config_type=="pages" else "Generator", 
						app, path, fname, basepath)
def run_all_tests(app=None, verbose=False):
	import os

	apps = [app] if app else webnotes.get_installed_apps()

	test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
	for app in apps:
		for path, folders, files in os.walk(webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app)):
			for dontwalk in ('locals', '.git', 'public'):
				if dontwalk in folders: 
			# print path
			for filename in files:
				filename = cstr(filename)
				if filename.startswith("test_") and filename.endswith(".py"):
					# print filename[:-3]
					_run_test(path, filename, verbose, test_suite=test_suite, run=False)
	return unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1+(verbose and 1 or 0)).run(test_suite)
def import_units():
	"""rebuild all units from units.json"""
	webnotes.conn.sql("""delete from tabUnit""")
	webnotes.conn.auto_commit_on_many_writes = True
	with open(webnotes.get_pymodule_path("aapkamanch", "data", "units.json")) as f:
		data = json.loads(f.read())

	def create_units(unit_name, unit_title, parent_unit, children_name, unit_type):
		units = []
		units.append(webnotes.bean({"doctype":"Unit", "unit_name": unit_name, "unit_title":unit_title,
			"parent_unit": parent_unit, "unit_type": unit_type, "public":1}).insert())
		for det in ((children_name, "Public"), ("Forum", "Public"), ("Discussion", "Private")):
				"parent_unit": units[0].doc.name, 
				"unit_type": unit_type, 
				"unit_title": det[0],
				"public": 1 if det[1]=="Public" else 0,
				"unit_name": unit_name + "-" + det[0]
		return units
	india = create_units("India", "India", "", "States", "Country")
	for state in data:
		state_units = create_units(state, state, india[1].doc.name, "Districts", "State")
		for district in data[state]:
			district_units = create_units(state_units[0].doc.name + "-" + district, district, state_units[1].doc.name, 
				"Blocks", "District")
			for block in data[state][district] or []:
				block_unit = create_units(district_units[0].doc.name + "-" + block, block, district_units[1].doc.name, 
					"Primary", "Block")

def get_all_patches():
    patches = []
    for app in webnotes.get_installed_apps():
        patches.extend(webnotes.get_file_items(webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app, "patches.txt")))

    return patches
def write_translations_file(app, lang, full_dict=None):
	tpath = webnotes.get_pymodule_path(app, "translations")
	write_csv_file(os.path.join(tpath, lang + ".csv"),
		get_messages_for_app(app), full_dict or get_full_dict(lang))