def handle_update_note(self, req): update = DataSourceUpdateEntry.get_by_id(req.POST['id']) if not update: raise exc.HTTPGone() update.note = req.POST['value'] meta.Session.commit() return {'value': update.note}
def handle_update_note(self, req): wuid = req.POST['id'] update = WorkbookUpdateEntry.get_by_id(wuid) if not update: raise exc.HTTPGone() update.note = req.POST['value'] meta.Session.commit() return {'value': update.note}
def code2exception(code, detail): """Transforms a code + detail into a WebOb exception""" if code == 400: return exc.HTTPBadRequest(detail) if code == 401: return exc.HTTPUnauthorized(detail) if code == 402: return exc.HTTPPaymentRequired(detail) if code == 403: return exc.HTTPForbidden(detail) if code == 404: return exc.HTTPNotFound(detail) if code == 405: return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(detail) if code == 406: return exc.HTTPNotAcceptable(detail) if code == 407: return exc.HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired(detail) if code == 408: return exc.HTTPRequestTimeout(detail) if code == 409: return exc.HTTPConflict(detail) if code == 410: return exc.HTTPGone(detail) if code == 411: return exc.HTTPLengthRequired(detail) if code == 412: return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(detail) if code == 413: return exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(detail) if code == 414: return exc.HTTPRequestURITooLong(detail) if code == 415: return exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(detail) if code == 416: return exc.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(detail) if code == 417: return exc.HTTPExpectationFailed(detail) if code == 500: return exc.HTTPInternalServerError(detail) if code == 501: return exc.HTTPNotImplemented(detail) if code == 502: return exc.HTTPBadGateway(detail) if code == 503: return exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(detail) if code == 504: return exc.HTTPGatewayTimeout(detail) if code == 505: return exc.HTTPVersionNotSupported(detail) raise NotImplementedError(code)
def update(self, req, id, body): """Configure cloudpipe parameters for the project.""" raise exc.HTTPGone()
def index(self, req): """List running cloudpipe instances.""" raise exc.HTTPGone()
def info(self, req): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def create(self, req, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def _disassociate_host_and_project(self, req, id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def show(self, req, id): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def index(self, req): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def _associate_host(self, req, id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def _disassociate_project_only(self, req, id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def sync_instances(self, req, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def capacities(self, req, id=None): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def index(self, req, server_id): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def _reset_network(self, req, id, body): """(Removed) Permit admins to reset networking on a server.""" raise exc.HTTPGone()
def create(self, req, server_id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def update(self, req, id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def show(self, req, server_id, id): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def unreserve(self, req, id, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def delete(self, req, server_id, id): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def delete(self, req, id): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def create(self, req, body): """Create a new cloudpipe instance, if none exists. Parameters: {cloudpipe: {'project_id': ''}} """ raise exc.HTTPGone()
def add(self, req, body): raise exc.HTTPGone()
def detail(self, req): raise exc.HTTPGone()