def upload_attachment(self, request): """ Upload an attachment and add it to the notice. Raises a HTTP 405 (Metho not Allowed) for non-admins if the notice has already been accepted. Raises a HTTP 415 (Unsupported Media Type) if the file format is not supported. """ if self.state == 'accepted' or self.state == 'published': if not request.is_secret(self): raise exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed() request.assert_valid_csrf_token() attachment = GazetteNoticeFile(id=random_token()) = request.params['file'].filename attachment.reference = as_fileintent(request.params['file'].file, request.params['file'].filename) if attachment.reference.content_type != 'application/pdf': raise exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType() self.files.append(attachment) self.add_change(request, _("Attachment added.")) request.message(_("Attachment added."), 'success') return redirect(, 'attachments'))
def code2exception(code, detail): """Transforms a code + detail into a WebOb exception""" if code == 400: return exc.HTTPBadRequest(detail) if code == 401: return exc.HTTPUnauthorized(detail) if code == 402: return exc.HTTPPaymentRequired(detail) if code == 403: return exc.HTTPForbidden(detail) if code == 404: return exc.HTTPNotFound(detail) if code == 405: return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(detail) if code == 406: return exc.HTTPNotAcceptable(detail) if code == 407: return exc.HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired(detail) if code == 408: return exc.HTTPRequestTimeout(detail) if code == 409: return exc.HTTPConflict(detail) if code == 410: return exc.HTTPGone(detail) if code == 411: return exc.HTTPLengthRequired(detail) if code == 412: return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(detail) if code == 413: return exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(detail) if code == 414: return exc.HTTPRequestURITooLong(detail) if code == 415: return exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(detail) if code == 416: return exc.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(detail) if code == 417: return exc.HTTPExpectationFailed(detail) if code == 500: return exc.HTTPInternalServerError(detail) if code == 501: return exc.HTTPNotImplemented(detail) if code == 502: return exc.HTTPBadGateway(detail) if code == 503: return exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(detail) if code == 504: return exc.HTTPGatewayTimeout(detail) if code == 505: return exc.HTTPVersionNotSupported(detail) raise NotImplementedError(code)
def _llsd__get(self): '''Get, set, or delete the LLSD value stored in this object.''' try: return self._llsd except AttributeError: if not self.body: raise AttributeError('No llsd attribute has been set') else: mtype = mime_type(self.content_type) try: parser = llsd_parsers[mtype] except KeyError: raise exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType( 'Content type %s not supported' % mtype).exception try: self._llsd = parser(self.body) except (llsd.LLSDParseError, JsonDecodeError, TypeError), err: raise exc.HTTPBadRequest( 'Could not parse body: %r' % err.args).exception return self._llsd