Exemple #1
def test_build_for_uri(uri):
    """'uri' args are returned in the query dict in a "match" clause.

    This is what happens when you open the sidebar on a page and it loads
    all the annotations of that page.

    uri.expand.side_effect = lambda x: [x]
    uri.normalize.side_effect = lambda x: x

    q1 = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://example.com/"}))
    q2 = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://whitehouse.gov/"}))

    assert q1["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "uri": "http://example.com/"
    assert q2["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "uri": "http://whitehouse.gov/"
Exemple #2
def test_build_query_for_uri(models):
    """'uri' args are returned in the query dict in a "match" clause.

    This is what happens when you open the sidebar on a page and it loads
    all the annotations of that page.

    models.Document.get_by_uri.return_value = None

    query1 = search.build_query(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://example.com/"}))
    query2 = search.build_query(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://whitehouse.gov/"}))

    assert query1["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "uri": "http://example.com/"
    assert query2["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "uri": "http://whitehouse.gov/"
Exemple #3
def test_build_with_invalid_offset():
    """Invalid 'offset' params should be ignored."""
    for invalid_offset in ("foo", '', '   ', "-23", "32.7"):
        q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
            {"offset": invalid_offset}))

        assert q["from"] == 0
Exemple #4
def test_build_returns_nipsa_filter(nipsa_filter):
    """_build() returns a nipsa-filtered query."""
    nipsa_filter.return_value = "foobar!"

    q = query.build(multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] == {"and": ["foobar!"]}
Exemple #5
def test_build_with_invalid_limit():
    """Invalid 'limit' params should be ignored."""
    for invalid_limit in ("foo", '', '   ', "-23", "32.7"):
        q = query.build(
            request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"limit": invalid_limit}))

        assert q["size"] == 20  # (20 is the default value.)
Exemple #6
def test_build_sort_is_by_updated():
    """Sort defaults to "updated"."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    sort = q["sort"]
    assert len(sort) == 1
    assert sort[0].keys() == ["updated"]
Exemple #7
def test_build_query_with_custom_order():
    """'order' params are returned in the query dict if given."""
    query = search.build_query(
        request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"order": "asc"}))

    sort = query["sort"]
    assert sort[0]["updated"]["order"] == "asc"
Exemple #8
def test_build_with_custom_sort():
    """Custom sorts are returned in the query dict."""
    q = query.build(
        request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"sort": "title"}))

    sort = q["sort"]
    assert sort == [{'title': {'ignore_unmapped': True, 'order': 'desc'}}]
Exemple #9
def test_build_with_evil_arguments():
    params = multidict.NestedMultiDict({
        "offset": "3foo",
        "limit": '\' drop table annotations'

    q = query.build(request_params=params)

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {'match_all': {}}
Exemple #10
def test_build_query_with_evil_arguments():
    params = multidict.NestedMultiDict({
        "offset": "3foo",
        "limit": '\' drop table annotations'

    query = search.build_query(request_params=params)

    assert query["query"] == {'bool': {'must': [{'match_all': {}}]}}
Exemple #11
def test_build_for_tag():
    """'tags' params are returned in the query dict in "match" clauses."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"tags": "foo"}))

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "tags": "foo"
Exemple #12
def test_build_for_user():
    """'user' params returned in the query dict in "match" clauses."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"user": "******"}))

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "user": "******"
Exemple #13
def test_build_with_single_quote_param():
    """'quote' params are returned in the query dict in "match" clauses."""
    q = query.build(
        request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"quote": "foobar"}))

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "quote": "foobar"
Exemple #14
def test_search_with_user_object(search_raw):
    """If search() gets a user arg it passes it to search_raw().

    Note: This test is testing the function's user param. You can also
    pass one or more user arguments in the request.params, those are
    tested elsewhere.

    user = mock.MagicMock()

    search.search(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(), user=user)

    first_call = search_raw.call_args_list[0]
    assert first_call[1]["user"] == user
Exemple #15
def test_build_query_with_single_text_param():
    """'text' params are returned in the query dict in "match" clauses."""
    query = search.build_query(
        request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"text": "foobar"}))

    assert query["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "match": {
                    "text": "foobar"
Exemple #16
    def params(self):
        """Override params property of webob.request.BaseRequest.
        Added an 'encoded_params' attribute in case of PY2 to avoid
        encoding values in next subsequent calls to the params property.
        if six.PY2:
            encoded_params = getattr(self, 'encoded_params', None)
            if encoded_params is None:
                params = super(Request, self).params
                params_dict = multidict.MultiDict()
                for key, value in params.items():
                    params_dict.add(key, encodeutils.safe_encode(value))

                setattr(self, 'encoded_params',
            return self.encoded_params
        return super(Request, self).params
Exemple #17
def test_build_with_arbitrary_params():
    """You can pass any ?foo=bar param to the search API.

    Arbitrary parameters that aren't handled specially are simply passed to
    Elasticsearch as match clauses. This way search queries can match against
    any fields in the Elasticsearch object.

    params = multidict.NestedMultiDict({"foo.bar": "arbitrary"})

    q = query.build(request_params=params)

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        'bool': {
            'must': [{
                'match': {
                    'foo.bar': 'arbitrary'
Exemple #18
def test_build_query_for_uri_with_multiple_representations(models):
    """It should search for any URI returned by the Document class.

    If models.Document.get_by_uri() returns multiple documents for the URI then
    build_query() should return a query that finds annotations that match one
    or more of these documents' URIs.

    doc = mock.MagicMock()
    doc.uris.return_value = [
        "http://example.com/", "http://example2.com/", "http://example3.com/"
    models.Document.get_by_uri.return_value = doc

    query = search.build_query(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://example.com/"}))

    assert query["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "bool": {
                    "should": [{
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example.com/"
                    }, {
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example2.com/"
                    }, {
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example3.com/"
Exemple #19
def test_build_for_uri_with_multiple_representations(uri):
    """It should expand the search to all URIs.

    If h.api.uri.expand returns multiple documents for the URI then
    build() should return a query that finds annotations that match one
    or more of these documents' URIs.

    results = [
        "http://example.com/", "http://example2.com/", "http://example3.com/"
    uri.expand.side_effect = lambda x: results
    uri.normalize.side_effect = lambda x: x

    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict(
        {"uri": "http://example.com/"}))

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [{
                "bool": {
                    "should": [{
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example.com/"
                    }, {
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example2.com/"
                    }, {
                        "match": {
                            "uri": "http://example3.com/"
Exemple #20
def test_build_for_uri_normalized(uri):
    Uses a term filter against target.source_normalized to filter for URI.

    When querying for a URI with search_normalized_uris set to true, build
    should use a term filter against the normalized version of the target
    source field.

    It should expand the input URI before searching, and normalize the results
    of the expansion.
    uri.expand.side_effect = lambda x: [
    uri.normalize.side_effect = lambda x: x[:-1]  # Strip the trailing slash

    params = multidict.NestedMultiDict({"uri": "http://example.com/"})

    q = query.build(request_params=params, search_normalized_uris=True)


    expected_filter = {
        "or": [
                "term": {
                    "target.source_normalized": "http://giraffes.com"
                "term": {
                    "target.source_normalized": "https://elephants.com"
    assert expected_filter in q["query"]["filtered"]["filter"]["and"]
Exemple #21
def test_build_with_combined_user_and_tag_query():
    """A 'user' and a 'param' at the same time are handled correctly."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({
        "user": "******",
        "tags": "foo"

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {
        "bool": {
            "must": [
                    "match": {
                        "user": "******"
                    "match": {
                        "tags": "foo"
Exemple #22
def test_build_limit_defaults_to_20():
    """If no limit is given "size": 20 is used in the query by default."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    assert q["size"] == 20
Exemple #23
def test_build_sort_includes_ignore_unmapped():
    """'ignore_unmapped': True is used in the sort clause."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    sort = q["sort"]
    assert sort[0]["updated"]["ignore_unmapped"] == True
Exemple #24
def test_build_offset_defaults_to_0():
    """If no offset is given then "from": 0 is used in the query by default."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    assert q["from"] == 0
Exemple #25
def test_build_defaults_to_match_all():
    """If no query params are given a "match_all": {} query is returned."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict())

    assert q["query"]["filtered"]["query"] == {"match_all": {}}
Exemple #26
def test_build_limit_strings_are_converted_to_ints():
    """String values for limit should be converted to ints."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"limit": "17"}))

    assert q["size"] == 17
Exemple #27
def test_build_does_pass_userid_to_nipsa_filter(nipsa_filter):
    query.build(multidict.NestedMultiDict(), userid="fred")
    assert nipsa_filter.call_args[1]["userid"] == "fred"
Exemple #28
def test_build_does_not_pass_userid_to_nipsa_filter(nipsa_filter):
    assert nipsa_filter.call_args[1]["userid"] is None
Exemple #29
def test_build_offset_string_is_converted_to_int():
    """'offset' arguments should be converted from strings to ints."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"offset": "23"}))

    assert q["from"] == 23
Exemple #30
def test_build_custom_limits_are_passed_in():
    """If a limit is given it's returned in the query dict as "size"."""
    q = query.build(request_params=multidict.NestedMultiDict({"limit": 7}))

    assert q["size"] == 7