Exemple #1
    def iter_investment(self, account):
        for row, elem_repartition, elem_pocket, elem_diff in self.iter_invest_rows(account=account):
            inv = Investment()
            inv._account = account
            inv._el_pocket = elem_pocket
            inv.label = CleanText('.//td[1]')(row)
            inv.valuation = MyDecimal('.//td[2]')(row)

            # On all Cmes children the row shows percentages and the popup shows absolute values in currency.
            # On Cmes it is mirrored, the popup contains the percentage.
            is_mirrored = '%' in row.text_content()

            if not is_mirrored:
                inv.diff = MyDecimal('.//td[3]')(row)
                if elem_diff is not None:
                    inv.diff_ratio = Eval(lambda x: x / 100,
                                          MyDecimal(Regexp(CleanText('.'), r'([+-]?[\d\s]+[\d,]+)\s*%')))(elem_diff)
                inv.diff = MyDecimal('.')(elem_diff)
                if elem_diff is not None:
                    inv.diff_ratio = Eval(lambda x: x / 100,
                                          MyDecimal(Regexp(CleanText('.//td[3]'), r'([+-]?[\d\s]+[\d,]+)\s*%')))(row)

            if account.balance != 0:
                inv.portfolio_share = inv.valuation / account.balance
            yield inv
Exemple #2
    def iter_investments(self, account):
        for row, elem_repartition, elem_pocket, elem_diff in self.iter_invest_rows(
            inv = Investment()
            inv._account = account
            inv._el_pocket = elem_pocket
            inv.label = CleanText('.//td[1]')(row)
            _url = Link('.//td[1]/a', default=None)(row)
            if _url:
                inv._url = self.absurl(_url)
                # If _url is None, self.absurl returns the BASEURL, so we need to set the value manually.
                inv._url = None
            inv.valuation = MyDecimal('.//td[2]')(row)

            # On all Cmes children the row shows percentages and the popup shows absolute values in currency.
            # On Cmes it is mirrored, the popup contains the percentage.
            is_mirrored = '%' in row.text_content()

            if not is_mirrored:
                inv.diff = MyDecimal('.//td[3]')(row)
                if elem_diff is not None:
                    inv.diff_ratio = Eval(
                        lambda x: x / 100,
                inv.diff = MyDecimal('.')(elem_diff)
                if elem_diff is not None:
                    inv.diff_ratio = Eval(
                        lambda x: x / 100,
            yield inv
    def get_investments(self, account):
        for line in self.doc.xpath('//table[@id="tableau_support"]/tbody/tr'):
            cols = line.findall('td')

            inv = Investment()
            inv.id = re.search('cdReferentiel=(.*)', cols[self.COL_LABEL].find('a').attrib['href']).group(1)

            inv.label = CleanText(None).filter(cols[self.COL_LABEL])
            inv.quantity = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_QUANTITY], True)
            inv.unitprice = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_UNITPRICE], True)
            inv.unitvalue = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_UNITVALUE], True)
            inv.vdate = Date(CleanText(cols[self.COL_DATE], default=NotAvailable), dayfirst=True, default=NotAvailable)(self.doc)
            inv.valuation = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_VALUATION], True)
            inv.diff = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_PERF], True)
            diff_percent = self.parse_decimal(cols[self.COL_PERF_PERCENT], True)
            inv.diff_ratio = diff_percent / 100 if diff_percent else NotAvailable
            code = re.match('^[A-Z]+[0-9]+(.*)$', inv.id).group(1)
            if is_isin_valid(code):
                inv.code = CleanText().filter(code)
                inv.code_type = Investment.CODE_TYPE_ISIN
                inv.code = inv.code_type = NotAvailable
            yield inv