Exemple #1
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        trs = self.document.getroot().cssselect('table.torrent_info_tbl tr')

        # magnet
        download = trs[2].cssselect('td a')[0]
        if download.attrib['href'].startswith('magnet:'):
            magnet = unicode(download.attrib['href'])

            query = urlparse(magnet).query  # xt=urn:btih:<...>&dn=<...>
            btih = parse_qs(query)['xt'][0]  # urn:btih:<...>
            ih = btih.split(':')[-1]

        name = unicode(trs[3].cssselect('td')[1].text)

        value, unit = trs[5].cssselect('td')[1].text.split()

        valueago, valueunit, _ = trs[6].cssselect('td')[1].text.split()
        delta = timedelta(**{valueunit: float(valueago)})
        date = datetime.now() - delta

        files = [unicode(tr.cssselect('td')[1].text) for tr in trs[15:]]
        torrent = Torrent(ih, name)
        torrent.url = unicode(self.url)
        torrent.size = get_bytes_size(float(value), unit)
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.seeders = NotAvailable
        torrent.leechers = NotAvailable
        torrent.description = NotAvailable
        torrent.files = files
        torrent.filename = NotAvailable
        torrent.date = date

        return torrent
Exemple #2
 def iter_torrents(self):
     for div in self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),'div.list_tor'):
         name = NotAvailable
         size = NotAvailable
         seeders = NotAvailable
         leechers = NotAvailable
         right_div = self.parser.select(div,'div.list_tor_right',1)
             seeders = int(self.parser.select(right_div,'b.green',1).text)
         except ValueError:
             seeders = 0
             leechers = int(self.parser.select(right_div,'b.red',1).text)
         except ValueError:
             leechers = 0
         sizep = self.parser.select(right_div,'p')[0]
         sizespan = self.parser.select(sizep,'span')[0]
         nsize = float(sizespan.text_content().split(':')[1].split()[0])
         usize = sizespan.text_content().split()[-1].upper()
         size = get_bytes_size(nsize,usize)
         a = self.parser.select(div,'a.list_tor_title',1)
         href = a.attrib.get('href','')
         name = unicode(a.text_content())
         id = unicode(href.strip('/').split('.html')[0])
         torrent = Torrent(id,name)
         torrent.url = NotLoaded
         torrent.filename = id
         torrent.magnet = NotLoaded
         torrent.size = size
         torrent.seeders = seeders
         torrent.leechers = leechers
         torrent.description = NotLoaded
         torrent.files = NotLoaded
         yield torrent
Exemple #3
    def iter_torrents(self):
        for tr in self.document.getiterator('tr'):
            if tr.attrib.get('class', '') == 'odd' or tr.attrib.get(
                    'class', '') == ' even':
                magnet = NotAvailable
                url = NotAvailable
                if not 'id' in tr.attrib:
                title = tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren(
                if not title:
                    title = u''
                    title = unicode(title)
                for red in tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren(
                    title += red.text_content()
                idt = tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren()[1].attrib.get('href', '').replace('/', '') \
                    .replace('.html', '')

                # look for url
                for a in self.parser.select(tr, 'div.iaconbox a'):
                    href = a.attrib.get('href', '')
                    if href.startswith('magnet'):
                        magnet = unicode(href)
                    elif href.startswith('http'):
                        url = unicode(href)
                    elif href.startswith('//'):
                        url = u'https:%s' % href

                size = tr.getchildren()[1].text
                u = tr.getchildren()[1].getchildren()[0].text
                size = size = size.replace(',', '.')
                size = float(size)
                seed = tr.getchildren()[4].text
                leech = tr.getchildren()[5].text

                torrent = Torrent(idt, title)
                torrent.url = url
                torrent.magnet = magnet
                torrent.description = NotLoaded
                torrent.files = NotLoaded
                torrent.filename = unicode(
                    parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query).get('title', [None])[0])
                torrent.size = get_bytes_size(size, u)
                torrent.seeders = int(seed)
                torrent.leechers = int(leech)
                yield torrent
Exemple #4
    def get_torrent(self):
        seed = 0
        leech = 0
        description = NotAvailable
        url = NotAvailable
        magnet = NotAvailable
        title = NotAvailable
        id = unicode(self.browser.geturl().split('.html')[0].split('/')[-1])

        div = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),'div#middle_content',1)
        title = u'%s'%self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),'div#middle_content > h1',1).text
        slblock_values = self.parser.select(div,'div.sl_block b')
        if len(slblock_values) >= 2:
            seed = slblock_values[0].text
            leech = slblock_values[1].text
        href_t = self.parser.select(div,'a.down',1).attrib.get('href','')
        url = u'http://%s%s'%(self.browser.DOMAIN,href_t)
        magnet = unicode(self.parser.select(div,'a.magnet',1).attrib.get('href',''))

        divtabs = self.parser.select(div,'div#tabs',1)
        files_div = self.parser.select(divtabs,'div.body > div.doubleblock > div.leftblock')
        files = []
        if len(files_div) > 0:
            size_text = self.parser.select(files_div,'h5',1).text
            for b in self.parser.select(files_div,'b'):
                div = b.getparent()
            size_text = self.parser.select(divtabs,'h5',1).text_content()
        size_text = size_text.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].strip()
        size = float(size_text.split(',')[1].strip(string.letters))
        u = size_text.split(',')[1].strip().translate(None,string.digits).strip('.').strip().upper()
        div_desc = self.parser.select(divtabs,'div#descriptionContent')
        if len(div_desc) > 0:
            description = unicode(div_desc[0].text_content())

        torrent = Torrent(id, title)
        torrent.url = url
        torrent.filename = id
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.size = get_bytes_size(size, u)
        torrent.seeders = int(seed)
        torrent.leechers = int(leech)
        torrent.description = description
        torrent.files = files
        return torrent
Exemple #5
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        url = NotAvailable
        magnet = NotAvailable
        for div in self.document.getiterator('div'):
            if div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'title':
                title = unicode(unescape(div.text.strip()))
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'download':
                for link in self.parser.select(div, 'a'):
                    href = link.attrib.get('href', '')
                    # https fails on the download server, so strip it
                    if href.startswith('https://'):
                        href = href.replace('https://', 'http://', 1)
                    if href.startswith('magnet:'):
                        magnet = unicode(href)
                    elif len(href):
                        url = unicode(href)
            elif div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'details':
                size = float(div.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[5].text.split(
                if len(div.getchildren()) > 1 \
                and div.getchildren()[1].attrib.get('class', '') == 'col2':
                    child_to_explore = div.getchildren()[1]
                    child_to_explore = div.getchildren()[0]
                prev_child_txt = "none"
                seed = "-1"
                leech = "-1"
                for ch in child_to_explore.getchildren():
                    if prev_child_txt == "Seeders:":
                        seed = ch.text
                    if prev_child_txt == "Leechers:":
                        leech = ch.text
                    prev_child_txt = ch.text
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'nfo':
                description = unicode(
        torrent = Torrent(id, title)
        torrent.url = url or NotAvailable
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.size = size
        torrent.seeders = int(seed)
        torrent.leechers = int(leech)
        torrent.description = description
        torrent.files = NotAvailable

        return torrent
Exemple #6
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        url = NotAvailable
        magnet = NotAvailable
        for div in self.document.getiterator('div'):
            if div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'title':
                title = unicode(unescape(div.text.strip()))
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'download':
                for link in self.parser.select(div, 'a'):
                    href = link.attrib.get('href', '')
                    # https fails on the download server, so strip it
                    if href.startswith('https://'):
                        href = href.replace('https://', 'http://', 1)
                    if href.startswith('magnet:'):
                        magnet = unicode(href)
                    elif len(href):
                        url = unicode(href)
            elif div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'details':
                size = float(div.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[5].text.split('(')[1].split('Bytes')[0])
                if len(div.getchildren()) > 1 \
                and div.getchildren()[1].attrib.get('class', '') == 'col2':
                    child_to_explore = div.getchildren()[1]
                    child_to_explore = div.getchildren()[0]
                prev_child_txt = "none"
                seed = "-1"
                leech = "-1"
                for ch in child_to_explore.getchildren():
                    if prev_child_txt == "Seeders:":
                        seed = ch.text
                    if prev_child_txt == "Leechers:":
                        leech = ch.text
                    prev_child_txt = ch.text
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'nfo':
                description = unicode(div.getchildren()[0].text_content().strip())
        torrent = Torrent(id, title)
        torrent.url = url or NotAvailable
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.size = size
        torrent.seeders = int(seed)
        torrent.leechers = int(leech)
        torrent.description = description
        torrent.files = NotAvailable

        return torrent
Exemple #7
    def iter_torrents(self):
        for tr in self.document.getiterator('tr'):
            if tr.attrib.get('class', '') == 'odd' or tr.attrib.get('class', '') == ' even':
                magnet = NotAvailable
                url = NotAvailable
                if not 'id' in tr.attrib:
                title = tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren()[1].text
                if not title:
                    title = u''
                    title = unicode(title)
                for red in tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren()[1].getchildren():
                    title += red.text_content()
                idt = tr.getchildren()[0].getchildren()[1].getchildren()[1].attrib.get('href', '').replace('/', '') \
                    .replace('.html', '')

                # look for url
                for a in self.parser.select(tr, 'div.iaconbox a'):
                    href = a.attrib.get('href', '')
                    if href.startswith('magnet'):
                        magnet = unicode(href)
                    elif href.startswith('http'):
                        url = unicode(href)
                    elif href.startswith('//'):
                        url = u'https:%s' % href

                size = tr.getchildren()[1].text
                u = tr.getchildren()[1].getchildren()[0].text
                size = size = size.replace(',', '.')
                size = float(size)
                seed = tr.getchildren()[4].text
                leech = tr.getchildren()[5].text

                torrent = Torrent(idt, title)
                torrent.url = url
                torrent.magnet = magnet
                torrent.description = NotLoaded
                torrent.files = NotLoaded
                torrent.filename = unicode(parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query).get('title', [None])[0])
                torrent.size = get_bytes_size(size, u)
                torrent.seeders = int(seed)
                torrent.leechers = int(leech)
                yield torrent
Exemple #8
    def iter_torrents(self):
            table = self.document.getroot().cssselect('table.torrent_name_tbl')
        except BrokenPageError:
        for i in range(0, len(table), 2):
            # Title
            title = table[i].cssselect('td.torrent_name a')[0]
            name = unicode(title.text)
            url = unicode(title.attrib['href'])

            # Other elems
            elems = table[i + 1].cssselect('td')

            magnet = unicode(elems[0].cssselect('a')[0].attrib['href'])

            query = urlparse(magnet).query  # xt=urn:btih:<...>&dn=<...>
            btih = parse_qs(query)['xt'][0]  # urn:btih:<...>
            ih = btih.split(':')[-1]

            value, unit = elems[2].cssselect('span.attr_val')[0].text.split()

            valueago, valueunit, _ = elems[5].cssselect(
            delta = timedelta(**{valueunit: float(valueago)})
            date = datetime.now() - delta

            url = unicode('https://btdigg.org/search?info_hash=%s' % ih)

            torrent = Torrent(ih, name)
            torrent.url = url
            torrent.size = get_bytes_size(float(value), unit)
            torrent.magnet = magnet
            torrent.seeders = NotAvailable
            torrent.leechers = NotAvailable
            torrent.description = NotAvailable
            torrent.files = NotAvailable
            torrent.date = date
            yield torrent
Exemple #9
    def iter_torrents(self):
            table = self.document.getroot().cssselect('table.torrent_name_tbl')
        except BrokenPageError:
        for i in range(0, len(table), 2):
            # Title
            title = table[i].cssselect('td.torrent_name a')[0]
            name = unicode(title.text)
            url = unicode(title.attrib['href'])

            # Other elems
            elems = table[i+1].cssselect('td')

            magnet = unicode(elems[0].cssselect('a')[0].attrib['href'])

            query = urlparse(magnet).query # xt=urn:btih:<...>&dn=<...>
            btih = parse_qs(query)['xt'][0] # urn:btih:<...>
            ih = btih.split(':')[-1]

            value, unit = elems[2].cssselect('span.attr_val')[0].text.split()

            valueago, valueunit, _ = elems[5].cssselect('span.attr_val')[0].text.split()
            delta = timedelta(**{valueunit: float(valueago)})
            date = datetime.now() - delta

            url = unicode('https://btdigg.org/search?info_hash=%s' % ih)

            torrent = Torrent(ih, name)
            torrent.url = url
            torrent.size = get_bytes_size(float(value), unit)
            torrent.magnet = magnet
            torrent.seeders = NotAvailable
            torrent.leechers = NotAvailable
            torrent.description = NotAvailable
            torrent.files = NotAvailable
            torrent.date = date
            yield torrent
Exemple #10
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        trs = self.document.getroot().cssselect('table.torrent_info_tbl tr')

        # magnet
        download = trs[2].cssselect('td a')[0]
        if download.attrib['href'].startswith('magnet:'):
            magnet = unicode(download.attrib['href'])

            query = urlparse(magnet).query # xt=urn:btih:<...>&dn=<...>
            btih = parse_qs(query)['xt'][0] # urn:btih:<...>
            ih = btih.split(':')[-1]

        name = unicode(trs[3].cssselect('td')[1].text)

        value, unit  = trs[5].cssselect('td')[1].text.split()

        valueago, valueunit, _ = trs[6].cssselect('td')[1].text.split()
        delta = timedelta(**{valueunit: float(valueago)})
        date = datetime.now() - delta

        files = []
        for tr in trs[15:]:

        torrent = Torrent(ih, name)
        torrent.url = unicode(self.url)
        torrent.size = get_bytes_size(float(value), unit)
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.seeders = NotAvailable
        torrent.leechers = NotAvailable
        torrent.description = NotAvailable
        torrent.files = files
        torrent.filename = NotAvailable
        torrent.date = date

        return torrent
Exemple #11
    def iter_torrents(self):
            table = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                       'table#searchResult', 1)
        except BrokenPageError:
        first = True
        for tr in table.getiterator('tr'):
            if first:
                first = False
            if tr.get('class', '') != "header":
                td = tr.getchildren()[1]
                div = td.getchildren()[0]
                link = div.find('a').attrib['href']
                title = unicode(unescape(div.find('a').text))
                idt = link.split('/')[2]

                a = td.getchildren()[1]
                url = unicode(a.attrib['href'])

                size = td.find('font').text.split(',')[1].strip()
                u = size.split(' ')[1].split(u'\xa0')[1].replace('i', '')
                size = size.split(' ')[1].split(u'\xa0')[0]

                seed = tr.getchildren()[2].text
                leech = tr.getchildren()[3].text

                torrent = Torrent(idt, title)
                torrent.url = url
                torrent.size = self.unit(float(size), u)
                torrent.seeders = int(seed)
                torrent.leechers = int(leech)
                torrent.description = NotLoaded
                torrent.files = NotLoaded
                torrent.magnet = NotLoaded
                yield torrent
Exemple #12
    def iter_torrents(self):
            table = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(), 'table#searchResult', 1)
        except BrokenPageError:
        first = True
        for tr in table.getiterator('tr'):
            if first:
                first = False
            if tr.get('class', '') != "header":
                td = tr.getchildren()[1]
                div = td.getchildren()[0]
                link = div.find('a').attrib['href']
                title = unicode(unescape(div.find('a').text))
                idt = link.split('/')[2]

                a = td.getchildren()[1]
                url = unicode(a.attrib['href'])

                size = td.find('font').text.split(',')[1].strip()
                u = size.split(' ')[1].split(u'\xa0')[1].replace('i', '')
                size = size.split(' ')[1].split(u'\xa0')[0]

                seed = tr.getchildren()[2].text
                leech = tr.getchildren()[3].text

                torrent = Torrent(idt, title)
                torrent.url = url
                torrent.size = self.unit(float(size), u)
                torrent.seeders = int(seed)
                torrent.leechers = int(leech)
                torrent.description = NotLoaded
                torrent.files = NotLoaded
                torrent.magnet = NotLoaded
                yield torrent
Exemple #13
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        seed = 0
        leech = 0
        description = NotAvailable
        url = NotAvailable
        magnet = NotAvailable
        title = NotAvailable
        for div in self.document.getiterator('div'):
            if div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'desc':
                    description = unicode(div.text_content().strip())
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    description = 'Description with invalid UTF-8.'
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'seedBlock':
                if div.getchildren()[1].text is not None:
                    seed = int(div.getchildren()[1].text)
                    seed = 0
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'leechBlock':
                if div.getchildren()[1].text is not None:
                    leech = int(div.getchildren()[1].text)
                    leech = 0

        title = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                   'h1.torrentName span', 1)
        title = unicode(title.text)

        for a in self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                    'div.downloadButtonGroup a'):
            href = a.attrib.get('href', '')
            if href.startswith('magnet'):
                magnet = unicode(href)
            elif href.startswith('//'):
                url = u'https:%s' % href
            elif href.startswith('http'):
                url = unicode(href)

        size = 0
        u = ''
        for span in self.document.getiterator('span'):
            # sometimes there are others span, this is not so sure but the size of the children list
            # is enough to know if this is the right span
            if (span.attrib.get('class', '') == 'folder'
                or span.attrib.get('class', '') == 'folderopen') \
                    and len(span.getchildren()) > 2:
                size = span.getchildren()[1].tail
                u = span.getchildren()[2].text
                size = float(size.split(': ')[1].replace(',', '.'))

        files = []
        for td in self.document.getiterator('td'):
            if td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'torFileName':

        torrent = Torrent(id, title)
        torrent.url = url
        if torrent.url:
            torrent.filename = parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query).get(
                'title', [None])[0]
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.size = get_bytes_size(size, u)
        torrent.seeders = int(seed)
        torrent.leechers = int(leech)
        if description == '':
            description = NotAvailable
        torrent.description = description
        torrent.files = files
        return torrent
Exemple #14
    def get_torrent(self, id):
        seed = 0
        leech = 0
        description = NotAvailable
        url = NotAvailable
        magnet = NotAvailable
        title = NotAvailable
        for div in self.document.getiterator('div'):
            if div.attrib.get('id', '') == 'desc':
                    description = unicode(div.text_content().strip())
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    description = 'Description with invalid UTF-8.'
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'seedBlock':
                if div.getchildren()[1].text is not None:
                    seed = int(div.getchildren()[1].text)
                    seed = 0
            elif div.attrib.get('class', '') == 'leechBlock':
                if div.getchildren()[1].text is not None:
                    leech = int(div.getchildren()[1].text)
                    leech = 0

        title = self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                   'h1.torrentName span', 1)
        title = unicode(title.text)

        for a in self.parser.select(self.document.getroot(),
                                    'div.downloadButtonGroup a'):
            href = a.attrib.get('href', '')
            if href.startswith('magnet'):
                magnet = unicode(href)
            elif href.startswith('//'):
                url = u'https:%s' % href
            elif href.startswith('http'):
                url = unicode(href)

        size = 0
        u = ''
        for span in self.document.getiterator('span'):
            # sometimes there are others span, this is not so sure but the size of the children list
            # is enough to know if this is the right span
            if (span.attrib.get('class', '') == 'folder'
                or span.attrib.get('class', '') == 'folderopen') \
                    and len(span.getchildren()) > 2:
                size = span.getchildren()[1].tail
                u = span.getchildren()[2].text
                size = float(size.split(': ')[1].replace(',', '.'))

        files = []
        for td in self.document.getiterator('td'):
            if td.attrib.get('class', '') == 'torFileName':

        torrent = Torrent(id, title)
        torrent.url = url
        if torrent.url:
            torrent.filename = parse_qs(urlsplit(url).query).get('title', [None])[0]
        torrent.magnet = magnet
        torrent.size = get_bytes_size(size, u)
        torrent.seeders = int(seed)
        torrent.leechers = int(leech)
        if description == '':
            description = NotAvailable
        torrent.description = description
        torrent.files = files
        return torrent