Exemple #1
    def iter_transactions(self):
        for row in self.doc.xpath('//tr/th[@headers='
                                  '"postedHeader transactionDateHeader"]/..'):
            tdate = row.xpath('th[@headers="postedHeader '
            pdate = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            desc = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            ref = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            amount = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '

            tdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m/%d/%y')
            pdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m/%d/%y')

            desc = clean_label(desc)

            ref = re.match('.*<REFERENCE ([^>]+)>.*', ref).group(1)

            if amount.startswith('+'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = tdate
            trans.rdate = pdate
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
    def iter_transactions(self):
        for row in self.doc.xpath('//tr/th[@headers='
                                  '"postedHeader dateHeader"]/..'):
            date = row.xpath('th[@headers="postedHeader '
            desc = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            deposit = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            withdraw = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '

            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%y')

            desc = clean_label(desc)

            deposit = deposit.strip()
            deposit = AmTr.decimal_amount(deposit or '0')
            withdraw = withdraw.strip()
            withdraw = AmTr.decimal_amount(withdraw or '0')

            amount = deposit - withdraw

            trans = Transaction(u'')
            trans.date = date
            trans.rdate = date
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #3
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(self.doc.xpath(
     balance = self.amount(u'Balance')
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//li[text()="Available to Spend"]')[0].text_content()\
         .replace(u'Available to Spend', u'').replace(u'Limit', u'').strip()
     paymin = self.amount(u'Payment Due')
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//li[@class="noPaymentDue"]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         paydate = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=999)
         rawtext = self.doc.xpath(
             u'//li[contains(text(),"Due Date")]')[0].text_content()
         datetext = re.match('.*(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d).*', rawtext).group(1)
         paydate = datetime.strptime(datetext, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     if paydate is not None:
         a.paydate = paydate
     return a
    def iter_transactions(self):
        for row in self.doc.xpath('//tr/th[@headers='
                                  '"postedHeader transactionDateHeader"]/..'):
            tdate = row.xpath('th[@headers="postedHeader '
            pdate = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            desc = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            ref = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            amount = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '

            tdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m/%d/%y')
            pdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m/%d/%y')

            desc = clean_label(desc)

            ref = re.match('.*<REFERENCE ([^>]+)>.*', ref).group(1)

            if amount.startswith('+'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = tdate
            trans.rdate = pdate
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #5
    def unsorted_trans(self):
        for jnl in self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']['accountActivity'] \
            tdate = jnl['columns'][0]['activityColumn'][0]
            label = jnl['columns'][1]['activityColumn'][0]
            amount = jnl['columns'][3]['activityColumn'][0]
            xdescs = dict((x['label'], x['value'][0])
                          for x in jnl['extendedDescriptions'])
            pdate = xdescs['Posted Date :']
            ref = xdescs.get('Reference Number:') or ''

            if amount.startswith('(') and amount.endswith(')'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:-1])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
            label = clean_label(label)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            trans.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = label
            trans.label = label
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #6
 def account(self):
     id_ = self.doc.xpath(
         '"credit card account ending in")]/text()')[0].strip()[-4:]
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//span[text()="Current Balance"]/../span[2]/text()')[0].strip()
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Credit limit")]'
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//strong[text()="Minimum Payment Due"]/../../span[2]/text()'
     a = Account()
     a.id = id_
     a.label = u'ACCOUNT ENDING IN %s' % id_
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     #TODO: Add paydate.
     #Oleg: I don't have an account with scheduled payment.
     #      Need to wait for a while...
     return a
Exemple #7
    def unsorted_trans(self):
        for jnl in self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']['accountActivity'] \
            tdate = jnl['columns'][0]['activityColumn'][0]
            label = jnl['columns'][1]['activityColumn'][0]
            amount = jnl['columns'][3]['activityColumn'][0]
            xdescs = dict((x['label'], x['value'][0])
                          for x in jnl['extendedDescriptions'])
            pdate = xdescs[u'Posted Date :']
            ref = xdescs.get(u'Reference Number:') or u''

            if amount.startswith(u'(') and amount.endswith(u')'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:-1])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
            label = clean_label(label)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            trans.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = label
            trans.label = label
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #8
    def iter_transactions(self):
        for row in self.doc.xpath('//tr/th[@headers='
                                  '"postedHeader dateHeader"]/..'):
            date = row.xpath('th[@headers="postedHeader '
            desc = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader descriptionHeader"]'
            deposit = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '
            withdraw = row.xpath('td[@headers="postedHeader '

            date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%y')

            desc = clean_label(desc)

            deposit = deposit.strip()
            deposit = AmTr.decimal_amount(deposit or '0')
            withdraw = withdraw.strip()
            withdraw = AmTr.decimal_amount(withdraw or '0')

            amount = deposit - withdraw

            trans = Transaction(u'')
            trans.date = date
            trans.rdate = date
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #9
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(
     balance = self.amount(u'Balance')
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(
         u'//li[text()="Available to Spend"]')[0].text_content()\
         .replace(u'Available to Spend', u'').replace(u'Limit', u'').strip()
     paymin = self.amount(u'Payment Due')
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//li[@class="noPaymentDue"]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         paydate = datetime.now() + timedelta(days=999)
         rawtext = self.doc.xpath(
             u'//li[contains(text(),"Due Date")]')[0].text_content()
         datetext = re.match('.*(\d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d).*', rawtext).group(1)
         paydate = datetime.strptime(datetext, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     if paydate is not None:
         a.paydate = paydate
     return a
Exemple #10
 def amount(self, shmt, name):
     for root in shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                            u'//td[text()="Item(s) Subtotal: "]/../..'):
         for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td[text()="%s"]' % name):
             return AmTr.decimal_amount(
         for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td/b[text()="%s"]' % name):
             return AmTr.decimal_amount(
     return Decimal(0)
Exemple #11
 def amount(self, shmt, name):
     for root in shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                            u'//td[text()="Item(s) Subtotal: "]/../..'):
         for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td[text()="%s"]' % name):
             return AmTr.decimal_amount(
         for node in root.xpath(u'tr/td/b[text()="%s"]' % name):
             return AmTr.decimal_amount(
     return Decimal(0)
Exemple #12
 def shipping(self):
     if self.doc.xpath('//tr[@id="shipping_fee_row"]'
         amount = '0'
         amount = self.doc.xpath('//span[@id="shipping_fee"]/text()')[0]
     return AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
Exemple #13
 def shipping(self):
     if self.doc.xpath('//tr[@id="shipping_fee_row"]'
         amount = '0'
         amount = self.doc.xpath('//span[@id="shipping_fee"]/text()')[0]
     return AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
Exemple #14
    def read_indent_amount(self,
                           range_skip=(0, 0),
                           range_plus=(0, 0),
                           range_minus=(0, 0)):
        startPos = pos

        # Read layout-amount pairs.
        amounts = []
        while True:
            prevPos = pos
            pos, layout = self.read_layout_tm(pos)
            pos, amount = self.read_amount(pos)
            if layout is None or amount is None:
                pos = prevPos
                amounts.append((layout, amount))

        if not amounts:
            return startPos, None
            # Infer amount type by its indentation in the layout.
            amount_total = AmTr.decimal_amount('0')
            for (_, _, _, _, indent, _), amount in amounts:
                within = lambda xmin_xmax: xmin_xmax[0] <= indent <= xmin_xmax[
                if within(range_skip):
                elif within(range_plus):
                    amount_total += amount
                elif within(range_minus):
                    amount_total -= amount
            return pos, amount_total
Exemple #15
    def read_indent_amount(self, pos, range_skip=(0,0), range_plus=(0,0),
        startPos = pos

        # Read layout-amount pairs.
        amounts = []
        while True:
            prevPos = pos
            pos, layout = self.read_layout_tm(pos)
            pos, amount = self.read_amount(pos)
            if layout is None or amount is None:
                pos = prevPos
                amounts.append((layout, amount))

        if not amounts:
            return startPos, None
            # Infer amount type by its indentation in the layout.
            amount_total = AmTr.decimal_amount('0')
            for (_, _, _, _, indent, _), amount in amounts:
                within = lambda xmin_xmax: xmin_xmax[0] <= indent <= xmin_xmax[1]
                if within(range_skip):
                elif within(range_plus):
                    amount_total += amount
                elif within(range_minus):
                    amount_total -= amount
            return pos, amount_total
Exemple #16
 def amount(self, *names):
     return Decimal(
             AmTr.decimal_amount(amount.strip()) for n in names
             for amount in self.doc.xpath(
                 '(//span[contains(text(),"%s:")]/../..//span)[2]/text()' %
Exemple #17
    def items(self):
        for shmt in self.shipments():
            root = shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                              u'//b[text()="Items Ordered"]')[0]
            for item in root.xpath('../../../tr')[1:]:
                count = url = label = None
                for div in item.xpath('*//div'):
                    m = re.match(u'^\s*(\d+)\s*of:(.*)$', div.text,
                                 re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL)
                    if not m:
                    count = Decimal(m.group(1).strip())
                    label = unicode(m.group(2).strip())
                    if label:
                        url = u''
                        a = div.xpath('*//a[contains(@href,"/gp/product")]')[0]
                        url = unicode(a.attrib['href'])
                        label = unicode(a.text.strip())
                price1 = item.xpath('*//div')[-1].text.strip()
                price = count * AmTr.decimal_amount(price1)

                itm = Item()
                itm.label = label
                itm.url = url
                itm.price = price
                yield itm
Exemple #18
 def items(self):
     for item in self.doc.xpath('//div[contains(@class,"a-box shipment")]'
         url = (item.xpath(u'*//a[contains(@href,"/gp/product")]/@href') +
         label = u''.join(
         price = u''.join(
             for x in item.xpath('*//span[contains(text(),"$")]/text()')[:1]
             if x.strip().startswith('$'))
         price = AmTr.decimal_amount(price)
         multi = re.match(u'([0-9]+) of (.*)', label)
         if multi:
             amount, label = multi.groups()
             price *= Decimal(amount)
         if url:
             url = unicode(self.browser.BASEURL) + \
                 re.match(u'(/gp/product/.*)/ref=.*', url).group(1)
         if label:
             itm = Item()
             itm.label = label
             itm.url = url
             itm.price = price
             yield itm
Exemple #19
    def items(self):
        for shmt in self.shipments():
            root = shmt.xpath(u'../../../../../../../..'
                              u'//b[text()="Items Ordered"]')[0]
            for item in root.xpath('../../../tr')[1:]:
                count = url = label = None
                for div in item.xpath('*//div'):
                    m = re.match(u'^\s*(\d+)\s*of:(.*)$', div.text,
                                 re.MULTILINE + re.DOTALL)
                    if not m:
                    count = Decimal(m.group(1).strip())
                    label = unicode(m.group(2).strip())
                    if label:
                        url = u''
                        a = div.xpath('*//a[contains(@href,"/gp/product")]')[0]
                        url = unicode(a.attrib['href'])
                        label = unicode(a.text.strip())
                price1 = item.xpath('*//div')[-1].text.strip()
                price = count * AmTr.decimal_amount(price1)

                itm = Item()
                itm.label = label
                itm.url = url
                itm.price = price
                yield itm
Exemple #20
 def discount(self):
     TAGS = [
         'coupon_discount_amount', 'promo_discount_amount', 'total_rewards',
     return -sum(
         AmTr.decimal_amount(x[1:][:-1]) for tag in TAGS
         for x in self.doc.xpath('//span[@id="%s"]/text()' % tag))
Exemple #21
 def payment_part(self, which):
     # The numbers notation on VS is super wierd.
     # Sometimes negative amounts are represented by <em> element.
     for node in self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@class="payment-summary"]'
                           '//td[contains(text(),"%s")]/../td[2]' % which):
         strv = node.text_content().strip()
         v = Decimal(0) if strv == u'FREE' else AmTr.decimal_amount(strv)
         return -v if node.xpath('em') and v > 0 else v
     return Decimal(0)
    def iter_history_recent(self, account):
        if account.id != self._account_id():
            raise AccountNotFound()
        for span in self.find('span.cM-maximizeButton'):
        for tr in self.find('tr.payments,tr.purchase'):
            trdata = lambda n: tr.find_element_by_css_selector(
                        'td.cT-bodyTableColumn%i span.cT-line1' % n).text
            treid = tr.get_attribute('id').replace('rowID', 'rowIDExt')
            tredata = {}
            for tre in self.find('tr#%s' % treid):
                labels = [x.text for x in tre.find_elements_by_css_selector(
                values = [x.text for x in tre.find_elements_by_css_selector(
                tredata = dict(zip(labels, values))

            ref = tredata.get(u'Reference Number:', u'')
            tdate = trdata(1)
            pdate = tredata.get(u'Posted Date :', tdate)
            desc = clean_label(trdata(2))
            amount = trdata(4)

            tdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            pdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m-%d-%Y')

            if amount.startswith(u'(') and amount.endswith(u')'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:-1])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = tdate
            trans.rdate = pdate
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans

Exemple #23
    def iter_history_recent(self, account):
        if account.id != self._account_id():
            raise AccountNotFound()
        for span in self.find('span.cM-maximizeButton'):
        for tr in self.find('tr.payments,tr.purchase'):
            trdata = lambda n: tr.find_element_by_css_selector(
                        'td.cT-bodyTableColumn%i span.cT-line1' % n).text
            treid = tr.get_attribute('id').replace('rowID', 'rowIDExt')
            tredata = {}
            for tre in self.find('tr#%s' % treid):
                labels = [x.text for x in tre.find_elements_by_css_selector(
                values = [x.text for x in tre.find_elements_by_css_selector(
                tredata = dict(zip(labels, values))

            ref = tredata.get(u'Reference Number:', u'')
            tdate = trdata(1)
            pdate = tredata.get(u'Posted Date :', tdate)
            desc = clean_label(trdata(2))
            amount = trdata(4)

            tdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m-%d-%Y')
            pdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m-%d-%Y')

            if amount.startswith(u'(') and amount.endswith(u')'):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:-1])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = tdate
            trans.rdate = pdate
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = desc
            trans.label = desc
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans

Exemple #24
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']
     details = detact['accountDetails']
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', detact['accountName'])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details['accountBalances']:
         label, value = bal['label'], (bal['value'] or ['0'])[0]
         if label == u'Current Balance:':
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u'Total Revolving Credit Line:':
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u'Minimum Payment Due'):
             d = re.match(r'.*(..-..-....):$', label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, '%m-%d-%Y')
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Exemple #25
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc['accountDetailsAndActivity']
     details = detact['accountDetails']
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r'<[^>]+>', '', detact['accountName'])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details['accountBalances']:
         label, value = bal['label'], (bal['value'] or ['0'])[0]
         if label == u'Current Balance:':
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u'Total Revolving Credit Line:':
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u'Minimum Payment Due'):
             d = re.match(r'.*(..-..-....):$', label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, '%m-%d-%Y')
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Exemple #26
 def payment_part(self, which):
     # The numbers notation on VS is super wierd.
     # Sometimes negative amounts are represented by <em> element.
     for node in self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@class="payment-summary"]'
                                '//td[contains(text(),"%s")]/../td[2]' %
         strv = node.text_content().strip()
         v = Decimal(0) if strv == u'FREE' else AmTr.decimal_amount(strv)
         return -v if node.xpath('em') and v > 0 else v
     return Decimal(0)
Exemple #27
 def account(self):
     detact = self.doc["accountDetailsAndActivity"]
     details = detact["accountDetails"]
     account = Account()
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     account.label = re.sub(r"<[^>]+>", "", detact["accountName"])
     account.id = account.label[-4:]
     for bal in details["accountBalances"]:
         label, value = bal["label"], (bal["value"] or ["0"])[0]
         if label == u"Current Balance:":
             account.currency = Account.get_currency(value)
             account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label == u"Total Revolving Credit Line:":
             account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
         elif label.startswith(u"Minimum Payment Due"):
             d = re.match(r".*(..-..-....):$", label).group(1)
             account.paydate = datetime.strptime(d, "%m-%d-%Y")
             account.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(value)
     return account
Exemple #28
    def parse(self):
        emonths = [
            'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July',
            'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'
        date_format, time_format, months = self.guess_format()
        for row in self.document.xpath(
            if len(row.xpath('.//td')) < 5:

            amount = row.xpath(
            if re.search('\d', amount):
                currency = Account.get_currency(amount)
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            idtext = row.xpath('.//td[@class="detailsNoPrint"]//span[@class="accessAid"]')[0] \
                .text_content().replace(u'\xa0', u' ').strip().rpartition(' ')[-1]
            trans = Transaction(idtext)
            trans.amount = amount
            trans._currency = currency

            datetext = row.xpath(
            for i in range(0, 12):
                datetext = datetext.replace(months[i], emonths[i])
            date = dateutil.parser.parse(datetext)
            trans.date = date
            trans.rdate = date

            trans.label = to_unicode(
            info = to_unicode(
            trans.raw = info + u' ' + trans.label

            if u'Authorization' in info or u'Autorisation' in info or \
               u'Order' in info:

            if u'Credit Card' in trans.label or u'Carte bancaire' in trans.label:
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD
            elif info.startswith(u'Payment') or info.startswith(u'Paiement'):
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_ORDER
            elif u'Currency Conversion' in info or u'Conversion de devise' in info:
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN

            yield trans
Exemple #29
 def iter_accounts(self):
     bal = self.wait('div.cT-valueItem span.cT-balanceIndicator1')[0].text
     account = Account()
     account.id = self._account_id()
     account.label = self._account_link().text
     account.currency = Account.get_currency(bal)
     account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(bal)
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     yield account
 def iter_accounts(self):
     bal = self.wait('div.cT-valueItem span.cT-balanceIndicator1')[0].text
     account = Account()
     account.id = self._account_id()
     account.label = self._account_link().text
     account.currency = Account.get_currency(bal)
     account.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(bal)
     account.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     yield account
Exemple #31
 def items(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@class="order-items"]/tr'):
         label = tr.xpath('*//h1')[0].text_content().strip()
         price = AmTr.decimal_amount(re.match(r'^\s*([^\s]+)(\s+.*)?',
         url = 'http:' + tr.xpath('*//img/@src')[0]
         item = Item()
         item.label = unicode(label)
         item.url = unicode(url)
         item.price = price
         yield item
Exemple #32
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(u''.join(self.doc.xpath(
         u'//text()[contains(.,"Account ending in")]')).split())
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[contains(text(),'
         '"Total Credit Limit")]/../td[2]')[0].text_content()
     paydate = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[contains(text(),'
         '"Payment Due Date")]/../td[2]')[0].text_content()
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paydate = datetime.strptime(paydate, '%m/%d/%Y')
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     return a
Exemple #33
 def account(self):
     id_ = self.doc.xpath(u'//strong[contains(text(),'
         '"credit card account ending in")]/text()')[0].strip()[-4:]
     balance = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[@class="description" and text()="Current Balance"]/../span[@class="total"]/text()')[0].strip()
     cardlimit = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Credit limit")]'
     paymin = self.doc.xpath(u'//section[@id=" account_summary"]'
         '//strong[text()="Minimum Payment Due"]/../../span[2]/text()'
     a = Account()
     a.id = id_
     a.label = u'ACCOUNT ENDING IN %s' % id_
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     a.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)
     a.paymin = AmTr.decimal_amount(paymin)
     #TODO: Add paydate.
     #Oleg: I don't have an account with scheduled payment.
     #      Need to wait for a while...
     return a
Exemple #34
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(u''.join(self.doc.xpath(
         u'//text()[contains(.,"Account ending in")]')).split())
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     return a
Exemple #35
 def payments(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@class="payment-summary"]'
                     '//th[text()="Payment Summary"]/../../../tbody/tr'):
         method = tr.xpath('td[1]/text()')[0]
         amnode = tr.xpath('td[2]')[0]
         amsign = -1 if amnode.xpath('em') else 1
         amount = amnode.text_content().strip()
         pmt = Payment()
         pmt.date = self.order_date()
         pmt.method = unicode(method)
         pmt.amount = amsign * AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         if pmt.method not in [u'Funds to be applied on backorder']:
             yield pmt
Exemple #36
 def account(self):
     label = u' '.join(u''.join(
             u'//text()[contains(.,"Account ending in")]')).split())
     balance = self.doc.xpath(
     a = Account()
     a.id = label[-4:]
     a.label = label
     a.currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
     a.balance = -AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
     a.type = Account.TYPE_CARD
     return a
Exemple #37
 def iter_transactions(self):
     for li in self.doc.xpath('//section[@class="transactions"]//div/li'):
         date = li.xpath('p[@data-type="date"]//text()')[0].strip()
         label = li.xpath('p[@data-type="description"]//text()')[0].strip()
         amount = li.xpath('p[@data-type="amount"]//text()')[0].strip()
         t = Transaction()
         t.date = datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.rdate = datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         t.raw = unicode(label)
         t.label = unicode(label)
         t.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         yield t
Exemple #38
 def payments(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath(
             '//th[text()="Payment Summary"]/../../../tbody/tr'):
         method = tr.xpath('td[1]/text()')[0]
         amnode = tr.xpath('td[2]')[0]
         amsign = -1 if amnode.xpath('em') else 1
         amount = amnode.text_content().strip()
         pmt = Payment()
         pmt.date = self.order_date()
         pmt.method = unicode(method)
         pmt.amount = amsign * AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         yield pmt
Exemple #39
 def items(self):
     for span in self.doc.xpath('//div[@class="shipmentItems1"]'
         url = span.xpath('span[@class="itemLink"]/a/@href')[0]
         label = span.xpath('span[@class="itemLink"]/a/text()')[0]
         qty = span.xpath('span[@class="itemQuantity"]/text()')[0]
         price = span.xpath('span[@class="itemPrice"]/text()')[0]
         price = Decimal(qty)*AmTr.decimal_amount(price)
         item = Item()
         item.url = unicode(url)
         item.label = cleanup(label)
         item.price = price
         yield item
Exemple #40
 def iter_transactions(self):
     for li in self.doc.xpath('//section[@class="transactions"]//div/li'):
         date = li.xpath('p[@data-type="date"]//text()')[0].strip()
         label = li.xpath('p[@data-type="description"]//text()')[0].strip()
         amount = li.xpath('p[@data-type="amount"]//text()')[0].strip()
         t = Transaction()
         t.date = datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.rdate = datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         t.raw = unicode(label)
         t.label = unicode(label)
         t.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         yield t
Exemple #41
 def items(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath('//tbody[@class="order-items"]/tr'):
         label = tr.xpath('*//h1')[0].text_content().strip()
         price = AmTr.decimal_amount(
         url = 'http:' + tr.xpath('*//img/@src')[0]
         item = Item()
         item.label = unicode(label)
         item.url = unicode(url)
         item.price = price
         yield item
Exemple #42
 def iter_transactions(self):
     for ntrans in reversed(self.doc.xpath('//TRANSACTION')):
         desc = u' '.join(ntrans.xpath(
         tdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('TRANSACTIONDATE/text()'))
         pdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('POSTDATE/text()'))
         t = Transaction()
         t.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate or tdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         t.raw = desc
         t.label = desc
         t.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(ntrans.xpath('AMOUNT/text()')[0])
         yield t
Exemple #43
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()
        paydate, paymin = self.account_paydatemin()
        cardlimit = self.account_cardlimit()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        if paydate is not None:
            account.paydate = paydate
        if paymin is not None:
            account.paymin = paymin
        if cardlimit is not None:
            account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)

        return account
Exemple #44
 def transactions(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath(
             u'//div[contains(b,"Credit Card transactions")]'
         label, date = tr.xpath('td[1]/text()')[0].strip().split(u'\xa0')
         amount = tr.xpath('td[2]/text()')[0].strip()
         date = datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d, %Y:')
         method = label.replace(u'ending in ', u'')[:-1].upper()
         amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         pmt = Payment()
         pmt.date = date
         pmt.method = method
         pmt.amount = amount
         yield pmt
Exemple #45
 def iter_recent(self):
     records = json.loads(self.doc.xpath(
     recent = [x for x in records if x['PDF_LOC'] is None]
     for rec in sorted(recent, ActivityPage.cmp_records, reverse=True):
         desc = u' '.join(rec['TRANS_DESC'].split())
         trans = Transaction((rec['REF_NUM'] or u'').strip())
         trans.date = ActivityPage.parse_date(rec['TRANS_DATE'])
         trans.rdate = ActivityPage.parse_date(rec['POST_DATE'])
         trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         trans.raw = desc
         trans.label = desc
         trans.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(rec['TRANS_AMOUNT'])
         yield trans
Exemple #46
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        return account
Exemple #47
 def iter_transactions(self):
     for ntrans in reversed(self.doc.xpath('//TRANSACTION')):
         desc = u' '.join(
         tdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('TRANSACTIONDATE/text()'))
         pdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('POSTDATE/text()'))
         t = Transaction()
         t.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate or tdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         t.raw = desc
         t.label = desc
         t.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(ntrans.xpath('AMOUNT/text()')[0])
         yield t
Exemple #48
 def transactions(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath(
             u'//div[contains(b,"Credit Card transactions")]'
         label, date = tr.xpath('td[1]/text()')[0].strip().split(u'\xa0')
         amount = tr.xpath('td[2]/text()')[0].strip()
         date = datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d, %Y:')
         method = label.replace(u'ending in ', u'')[:-1].upper()
         amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         pmt = Payment()
         pmt.date = date
         pmt.method = method
         pmt.amount = amount
         yield pmt
Exemple #49
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()
        paydate, paymin = self.account_paydatemin()
        cardlimit = self.account_cardlimit()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        if paydate is not None:
            account.paydate = paydate
        if paymin is not None:
            account.paymin = paymin
        if cardlimit is not None:
            account.cardlimit = AmTr.decimal_amount(cardlimit)

        return account
Exemple #50
    def unsorted_trans(self):
        for jnl in self.doc["accountDetailsAndActivity"]["accountActivity"]["postedTransactionJournals"]:
            tdate = jnl["columns"][0]["activityColumn"][0]
            label = jnl["columns"][1]["activityColumn"][0]
            amount = jnl["columns"][3]["activityColumn"][0]
            xdescs = dict((x["label"], x["value"][0]) for x in jnl["extendedDescriptions"])
            pdate = xdescs[u"Posted Date :"]
            ref = xdescs.get(u"Reference Number:") or u""

            if amount.startswith(u"(") and amount.endswith(u")"):
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount[1:-1])
                amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
            label = clean_label(label)

            trans = Transaction(ref)
            trans.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, "%m-%d-%Y")
            trans.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate, "%m-%d-%Y")
            trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
            trans.raw = label
            trans.label = label
            trans.amount = amount
            yield trans
Exemple #51
    def get_account(self):
        name = self.account_name()
        balance = self.account_balance()
        currency = Account.get_currency(balance)
        id_ = self.account_id()
        type_ = self.account_type()

        account = Account()
        account.id = id_
        account.label = name
        account.currency = currency
        account.balance = AmTr.decimal_amount(balance)
        account.type = type_
        return account
Exemple #52
 def account_paydatemin(self):
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//p[contains(text(),'
                       '"payment due date is not yet scheduled")]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         return datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=999), \
         date = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Minimum Payment")]'
         date = re.match(u'.*(../../..).*', date).group(1)
         date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%y')
         amount = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[@headers="minimumPaymentDue"]'
         return date, AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
Exemple #53
 def iter_recent(self):
     records = json.loads(
     recent = [x for x in records if x['PDF_LOC'] is None]
     for rec in sorted(recent, ActivityPage.cmp_records, reverse=True):
         desc = u' '.join(rec['TRANS_DESC'].split())
         trans = Transaction((rec['REF_NUM'] or u'').strip())
         trans.date = ActivityPage.parse_date(rec['TRANS_DATE'])
         trans.rdate = ActivityPage.parse_date(rec['POST_DATE'])
         trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         trans.raw = desc
         trans.label = desc
         trans.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(rec['TRANS_AMOUNT'])
         yield trans
Exemple #54
 def account_paydatemin(self):
     if self.doc.xpath(u'//p[contains(text(),'
                       '"payment due date is not yet scheduled")]'):
         # If payment date is not scheduled yet, set it somewhere in a
         # distant future, so that we always have a valid date.
         return datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=999), \
         date = self.doc.xpath(u'//span[contains(text(),"Minimum Payment")]'
         date = re.match(u'.*(../../..).*', date).group(1)
         date = datetime.datetime.strptime(date, '%m/%d/%y')
         amount = self.doc.xpath(u'//td[@headers="minimumPaymentDue"]'
         return date, AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
Exemple #55
    def parse(self):
        emonths = ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April',
                   'May', 'June', 'July', 'August',
                   'September', 'October', 'November', 'December']
        date_format, time_format, months = self.guess_format()
        for row in self.document.xpath('//table[@id="transactionTable"]/tbody/tr'):
            if len(row.xpath('.//td')) < 5:

            amount = row.xpath('.//td[@headers="gross"]')[-1].text_content().strip()
            if re.search('\d', amount):
                currency = Account.get_currency(amount)
                amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)

            idtext = row.xpath('.//td[@class="detailsNoPrint"]//span[@class="accessAid"]')[0] \
                .text_content().replace(u'\xa0', u' ').strip().rpartition(' ')[-1]
            trans = Transaction(idtext)
            trans.amount = amount
            trans._currency = currency

            datetext = row.xpath('.//td[@class="dateInfo"]')[0].text_content().strip()
            for i in range(0, 12):
                datetext = datetext.replace(months[i], emonths[i])
            date = dateutil.parser.parse(datetext)
            trans.date = date
            trans.rdate = date

            trans.label = to_unicode(row.xpath('.//td[@class="emailInfo"]')[0].text_content().strip())
            info = to_unicode(row.xpath('.//td[@class="paymentTypeInfo"]')[0].text_content().strip())
            trans.raw = info + u' ' + trans.label

            if u'Authorization' in info or u'Autorisation' in info or \
               u'Order' in info:

            if u'Credit Card' in trans.label or u'Carte bancaire' in trans.label:
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_CARD
            elif info.startswith(u'Payment') or info.startswith(u'Paiement'):
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_ORDER
            elif u'Currency Conversion' in info or u'Conversion de devise' in info:
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_BANK
                trans.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN

            yield trans
Exemple #56
 def items(self):
     for tr in self.doc.xpath('//table[contains(@class,"items_table")]'
         label = tr.xpath('*//div[@class="item_desc"]//span/text()')[0]
         url = tr.xpath('*//div[@class="item_img"]//@src')[0]
         onclk = tr.xpath('*//div[@class="item_img"]//@onclick')
         if onclk:
             url = re.match(r'window.open\(\'([^\']*)\'.*', onclk[0]).group(1)
         if url.startswith('/'):
             url = self.browser.BASEURL + url
         price = tr.xpath('td[@class="items_price"]/span/text()')[0]
         qty = tr.xpath('td[@class="items_qty"]//span/text()')[0]
         price = AmTr.decimal_amount(price) * Decimal(qty)
         item = Item()
         item.label = unicode(label)
         item.url = unicode(url)
         item.price = price
         yield item
Exemple #57
 def transactions(self):
     for row in self.doc.xpath('//span[contains(text(),"Transactions")]'
         text = row.text_content().strip().replace('\n', ' ')
         if u'Items shipped:' not in text:
         date, method, amount = re.match(
             '.* '     '([A-z]+ [0-9]+, [0-9]+)'
             '[ -]+'   '([A-z][^:]+)'
             ': +'     '([^ ]+)', text).groups()
         date = datetime.strptime(date, '%B %d, %Y')
         method = method.replace(u'ending in ', u'').upper()
         amount = AmTr.decimal_amount(amount)
         pmt = Payment()
         pmt.date = date
         pmt.method = method
         pmt.amount = amount
         yield pmt
Exemple #58
 def iter_transactions(self):
     for ntrans in reversed(self.doc.xpath('//TRANSACTION')):
         desc = u' '.join(ntrans.xpath(
         tdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('TRANSACTIONDATE/text()'))
         pdate = u''.join(ntrans.xpath('POSTDATE/text()'))
         # Skip transactions which are not posted,
         # because they are not accounted for in balance calculation.
         if not pdate:
         t = Transaction()
         t.date = datetime.strptime(tdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.rdate = datetime.strptime(pdate, '%m/%d/%Y')
         t.type = Transaction.TYPE_UNKNOWN
         t.raw = desc
         t.label = desc
         t.amount = -AmTr.decimal_amount(ntrans.xpath('AMOUNT/text()')[0])
         yield t