Exemple #1
	def get_queryset(self):
		#get current user
		user = User(self.request.session['user'])

		# get max allowed jobs
		max_allowed = user.get_max_jobs()

		# get jobs
		jobs_cursor = user.get_scheduled_jobs(find_all=True)

		active_jobs = []
		inactive_jobs = []
		ar = None  # reference to array to add jobs to
		for job in jobs_cursor:
			#get total urls
			job['total_urls'] = len(job['urls'])

			#take just last 3 urls
			job['first_urls'] = job['urls'][:3]

			#create id
			job['id'] = str(job['_id'])

			#split on active/inactive
			if job['is_active']:
				ar = active_jobs
				ar = inactive_jobs


		return (max_allowed, active_jobs, inactive_jobs)
	def create_user(self, data, ):
		if 'email' in data:
			alias = data.get('name','')
			email = data.get('email','')

			if 'plan_name' in data:
				plan_name = data['plan_name']

			u = User.create_user(alias=alias, email=email)
			u = {'error': 'Email has not been supplied'}

		msg = self.tpl
		if 'error' in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			u = User.get_user(profile_id=u['profile_id'])

			msg['status'] = 'ok'
			msg['payload'] = {'name': u['alias']}

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
Exemple #3
	def get_queryset(self):
		#get date from which search
		d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
		d = d - datetime.timedelta(days=1)

		#get current user
		user = User(self.request.session['user'])

		#get task ids from db
		ids_cur = user.get_task_ids(d)

		#get total results
		self.total_results = ids_cur.count()

		itms = []
		null = None  #to make sure that eval('null') do not fire error
		for id in ids_cur.limit(self.n):
			tsk = celery_app.backend.get_task_meta(id['_id'])

			res = tsk['result']
			if tsk['status'].lower() == u'failure':
				res = u'{0} error: {1}'.format(res['exc_type'], res['exc_message'])
				tsk['err'] = res
					res = res['url'] if res else u''
					tsk['url'] = res
				except KeyError:
					tsk['err'] = json.dumps(res)

			tsk["status_class"] = u"status_" + tsk["status"].lower().replace(u' ', u'_')

		return itms
Exemple #4
	def query(self):
		u = self.get_user( CustomAppSettings.get_vissbl_user_id() )

		# Get stats	
		stats = User(u).get_user_stats_object()
		data = stats.get_top_results()

		# Get reference to the last date of ranks
		last_date = data[-1] if len(data) > 0 else {'value':{'ranks':[]}}
		return {"data": data, "last_date_ranks": last_date['value']['ranks'][:30]}
Exemple #5
	def _create_new_user(self, form):
		#cl = CustomAppSettings.get_mongo()
		#db = cl.webscr_profiles

		##get plan
		#plan = db.plans.find_one({'name': 'basic'})

		##get db index
		#db_ind = db.counters.find_and_modify(
		#	query={'_id': 'dbindex'},
		#	update={'$inc': {'seq': 1}},
		#	upsert=True,
		#	new=True
		#db_ind = int(db_ind)

		##get alias
		#alias = self.request.POST.get('alias')

		##get new secret key
		#secret_key = CustomAppSettings.get_new_secret_key()

		## get new api key
		#api_key = CustomAppSettings.get_new_api_key()

		##try to write
		#d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
		#	'alias': alias,
		#	'secret_key': secret_key,
		#	'api_key': api_key,
		#	'db_ind': db_ind,
		#	'role': 'user',
		#	'is_active': 0,
		#	'created': d,
		#	'actdeact': d,
		#	'plan': {'id': plan['_id'], 'date': d},
		#	'plans_history': [],
		#	'contacts': {'email': '', 'cell': ''},
		#	'points': 100,
		##create index on urls
		#db = cl['webscr_' + str(db_ind)]
		#db.urls.ensure_index('date_scraped', 1)
		#db.task_meta.ensure_index('date_done', 1)


		User.create_user(alias=self.request.POST.get('alias'), plan='basic')

		return super(AdminConsoleView, self).form_valid(form)
	def execute_scheduled_jobs(self, ):
		from webscraper.entities import User
		users = User.get_users_with_schedules()
		for usr in users:
	def check_email(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
		email = params['email']

		res = User.is_email_occupied(email)

		msg = self.tpl
		msg['payload']['email_occupied'] = res
		msg['status'] = 'ok'

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
Exemple #8
	def get_user(self, profile_id='', secret_key=''):
		if profile_id == '' and secret_key == '':
			if not self.u:
				session_usr = self.request.session['user']
				self.u = User(session_usr)
			self.u = User.get_user(profile_id=profile_id, secret_key=secret_key)

		return self.u
	def maintain(self):
		from webscraper.entities import User
		users = User.get_active_users()
		#mongodb can have this limit on IN case
		MAX_IN_LIMIT = 4000000
		#count total deletes
		tot = 0
		#get celery_db connection
		cl = CustomAppSettings.get_mongo()
		celery_db = cl.celery_db
		# remove old search results from each db
		for user in users:
			#get old task ids
			old_task_ids = user.get_old_task_ids()[:MAX_IN_LIMIT]
			count = len(old_task_ids)
			tot += count
			db = user.get_user_db()
			#remove old userdb.task_meta
			db.task_meta.remove({'_id': {'$in': old_task_ids}})
			#remove old userdb.urls
			db.urls.remove({'task_id':{'$in': old_task_ids}})
			#remove old celerydb.task_meta
			celery_db.task_meta.remove({'_id':{'$in': old_task_ids}})
			#write user profile statistics on removed
			db = user.get_user_profiles_db()
			col = db.cleaning_stats
			d = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
			doc = {'user': user.get_user_id(), 'date_done': d, 'total_removed': count}
		return {'total': tot}
	def get_user_plan(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
		uid = params['userid']
		msg = self.tpl

		u = User.get_user(profile_id=uid)
		if 'error'in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		mongo_user = u
		plan = User(u).get_user_plan()

		msg['status'] = 'ok'
		msg['payload']['user'] = mongo_user
		msg['payload']['plan'] = plan

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
	def get_user_and_plan(self, access_data, *args, **kwargs):
		access_token = access_data.get('access_token', '')

		msg = self.tpl

		if not access_token:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = 'Empty access token'
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/me?access_token={access_token}&fields=id,email,gender,link,locale,name,timezone,updated_time,verified'
		url = url.format(access_token=access_token)
			response = urllib2.urlopen(url)
		except urllib2.HTTPError:
			fb_user={'error': {'message': 'Wrong api token'}}
		except urllib2.URLError as e:
			fb_user = {'error':{'message': 'Could not connect to Facebook'}}
			# All is fine
			res = response.read()
			fb_user = json.loads(res)

		if 'error' in fb_user:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = fb_user['error']['message']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		u = User.get_user(facebook_user=fb_user)
		if 'error' in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		mongo_user = u
		plan = User(mongo_user).get_user_plan()

		msg['status'] = 'ok'
		msg['payload']['user'] = mongo_user
		msg['payload']['plan'] = plan

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
	def get_user_plan(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
		secret_key = params.get('secret_key','')
		u = User.get_user(secret_key = secret_key)
		msg = self.tpl


		if 'error' in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		mongo_user = u
		plan = User(u).get_user_plan()

		msg['status'] = 'ok'
		msg['payload']['user'] = mongo_user
		msg['payload']['plan'] = plan

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
	def update_user(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
		uid = params['profile_id']
		msg = self.tpl

		u = User.get_user(profile_id=uid)

		if 'error' in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		res = User(u).delete()

		if res:
			msg['status'] = 'ok'
			msg['payload']['message'] = "user deleted successfully"
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = 'unable to delete the user'

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
	def update_user(self, params, *args, **kwargs):
		uid = params['userid']
		data = kwargs['data']
		msg = self.tpl
		u = User.get_user(profile_id=uid)
		if 'error' in u:
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = u['error']
			return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )

		res = User(u).update_info(data=data)

		if 'error' not in res:
			msg['status'] = 'ok'
			msg['payload']['user'] = u
			msg['status'] = 'error'
			msg['errormessage'] = res['error']

		return HttpResponse( bsondumps(msg), content_type='application/json' )
Exemple #15
	def query(self, tld):
		u = self.get_user( CustomAppSettings.get_vissbl_user_id() )
		stats = User(u).get_user_stats_object()
		res = stats.get_ranks_for_tld(tld)
		return res