def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        from webservice_tools.response_util import ResponseObject
        response = ResponseObject()
            request = [a for a in args if hasattr(a, 'user')][0]
        except IndexError:
            return response.send(errors="Login required method called without request object", status=500)
        if request.user.is_authenticated():
            return fn(*args, **kwargs)

        return response.send(errors='401 -- Unauthorized', status=401)
def changePass(request):
    response = ResponseObject()
    oldPass = request.POST.get('oldPassword')
    newPass1 = request.POST.get('newPassword1')
    newPass2 = request.POST.get('newPassword2')
    if not newPass1 == newPass2 and request.user.check_password(oldPass):
        response.addErrors("Your old password was not entered correctly or your new passwords don't match. Please try again")
        return response.send()
    return response.send()
 def read(self, request, response=None):
     Geocode  an address or reverse geocode a lat/lng pair
     API Handler: GET /services/geo
     GET Params:
         @address [string] the address you'd like to geocode
         @lat [latitude] the latitude you'd like to reverse geocode, required if address is not supplied
         @lng [longitude] the longitude you'd like to reverse geocode, required if address is not supplied
     if not response:
         response = ResponseObject()
     address = request.GET.get('address')
     lat = request.GET.get('lat')
     lng = request.GET.get('lng')
     if address:
         get_coords = strToBool(request.GET.get('get_coords', 'True'))
         if hasattr(settings, 'GOOGLE_API_KEY'):
             geo_code = GeoCode(address)
             #just use the api key in the utils module
             geo_code = GeoCode(address)
         if get_coords:
                 return response.send(errors='Invalid Address')
             result = geo_code.getResponse()
             if int(result['Status']['code']) == 200:
                 return response.send(errors="Invalid Address")
     elif (lat and lng):
         address = ReverseGeoCode(latlng='%s,%s' % (lat, lng)).getAddress()
         return response.send(errors="Please provide a lat/lng pair or address")
     return response.send()
def generic_exception_handler(request, exception):
    from webservice_tools.response_util import ResponseObject
    from django.db import transaction

    response = ResponseObject()
    _, _, tb = sys.exc_info()
    # we just want the last frame, (the one the exception was thrown from)
    lastframe = get_traceback_frames(tb)[-1]
    location = "%s in %s, line: %s" % (lastframe["filename"], lastframe["function"], lastframe["lineno"])
    response.addErrors([exception.message, location])
    logger = logging.getLogger("webservice")
    logger.debug([exception.message, location])
    if transaction.is_dirty():
    return HttpResponse(simplejson.dumps(response.send()._container), status=500)
    def read(self, request, network, response=None):
        This is the entrypoint for social network's callbacks

        if not response:
            response = ResponseObject()

            network = SocialNetwork.objects.get(name=network)
        except SocialNetwork.DoesNotExist:
            return response.send(errors='Invalid network', status=404)

        #Use the name of the network to call the helper function
        if request.session.get('last_url'):
            getattr(self,, network, response)
            return HttpResponseRedirect(request.session.get('last_url'))
        return getattr(self,, network, response)
    def inner(*args, **kwargs):
        from webservice_tools.response_util import ResponseObject
        response = ResponseObject()
            request = [a for a in args if hasattr(a, 'user')][0]
        except IndexError:
            return response.send(errors="Data delete decorated function called without request object", status=400)

        if request.method == 'DELETE':
            request.DELETE = {}
        if request.raw_post_data:
            request.DELETE = QueryDict(request.raw_post_data)
            t_args = [a for a in args]
            t_args[t_args.index(request)] = request
            return fn(*t_args, **kwargs)
        if not request.DELETE and request.GET:
            request.DELETE = request.GET
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    def create(self, request, network, response=None):
        Attempts to gain permission to a user's data with a social network, if successful, will
        return a redirect to the network's servers, there the user will be prompted to login if
        necessary, and allow or deny us access. network = {facebook|twitter|linkedin|latitude|gowalla|foursquare}
        API handler: POST /social/register/{network}
        if request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER') and not 'social/test' in request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER'):
            request.session['last_url'] = request.META['HTTP_REFERER']
        if not response:
            response = ResponseObject()

            network = SocialNetwork.objects.get(name=network)
        except SocialNetwork.DoesNotExist:
            return response.send(errors='Invalid network', status=404)

        #return the results of the helper function that has the name of the network referenced
        return getattr(self,, network, response)