Exemple #1
    def get(self, url, params=None, headers=None, extra_environ=None,
            status=None, expect_errors=False, xhr=False):
        Do a GET request given the url path.

        :param params:
            A query string, or a dictionary that will be encoded
            into a query string.  You may also include a URL query
            string on the ``url``.
        :param headers:
            Extra headers to send.
        :type headers:
        :param extra_environ:
            Environmental variables that should be added to the request.
        :type extra_environ:
        :param status:
            The HTTP status code you expect in response (if not 200 or 3xx).
            You can also use a wildcard, like ``'3*'`` or ``'*'``.
        :type status:
            integer or string
        :param expect_errors:
            If this is False, then if anything is written to
            environ ``wsgi.errors`` it will be an error.
            If it is True, then non-200/3xx responses are also okay.
        :type expect_errors:
        :param xhr:
            If this is true, then marks response as ajax. The same as
            headers={'X-REQUESTED-WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest', }
        :type xhr:

        :returns: :class:`webtest.TestResponse` instance.

        environ = self._make_environ(extra_environ)
        url = str(url)
        url = self._remove_fragment(url)
        if params:
            if not isinstance(params, string_types):
                params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
            if str('?') in url:
                url += str('&')
                url += str('?')
            url += params
        if str('?') in url:
            url, environ['QUERY_STRING'] = url.split(str('?'), 1)
            environ['QUERY_STRING'] = str('')
        req = self.RequestClass.blank(url, environ)
        if xhr:
            headers = self._add_xhr_header(headers)
        if headers:
        return self.do_request(req, status=status,
Exemple #2
    def get(self, url, params=None, headers=None, extra_environ=None,
            status=None, expect_errors=False, xhr=False):
        Do a GET request given the url path.

        :param params:
            A query string, or a dictionary that will be encoded
            into a query string.  You may also include a URL query
            string on the ``url``.
        :param headers:
            Extra headers to send.
        :type headers:
        :param extra_environ:
            Environmental variables that should be added to the request.
        :type extra_environ:
        :param status:
            The HTTP status code you expect in response (if not 200 or 3xx).
            You can also use a wildcard, like ``'3*'`` or ``'*'``.
        :type status:
            integer or string
        :param expect_errors:
            If this is False, then if anything is written to
            environ ``wsgi.errors`` it will be an error.
            If it is True, then non-200/3xx responses are also okay.
        :type expect_errors:
        :param xhr:
            If this is true, then marks response as ajax. The same as
            headers={'X-REQUESTED-WITH': 'XMLHttpRequest', }
        :type xhr:

        :returns: :class:`webtest.TestResponse` instance.

        environ = self._make_environ(extra_environ)
        url = str(url)
        url = self._remove_fragment(url)
        if params:
            if not isinstance(params, string_types):
                params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
            if str('?') in url:
                url += str('&')
                url += str('?')
            url += params
        if str('?') in url:
            url, environ['QUERY_STRING'] = url.split(str('?'), 1)
            environ['QUERY_STRING'] = str('')
        req = self.RequestClass.blank(url, environ)
        if xhr:
            headers = self._add_xhr_header(headers)
        if headers:
        return self.do_request(req, status=status,
Exemple #3
def build_params(url, params):
    if not isinstance(params, str):
        params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
    if '?' in url:
        url += '&'
        url += '?'
    url += params
    return url
Exemple #4
def build_params(url, params):
    if not isinstance(params, six.string_types):
        params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
    if str('?') in url:
        url += str('&')
        url += str('?')
    url += params
    return url
Exemple #5
    def get(self, url, params=None, headers=None, extra_environ=None,
            status=None, expect_errors=False):
        Get the given url (well, actually a path like

            A query string, or a dictionary that will be encoded
            into a query string.  You may also include a query
            string on the ``url``.

            A dictionary of extra headers to send.

            A dictionary of environmental variables that should
            be added to the request.

            The integer status code you expect (if not 200 or 3xx).
            If you expect a 404 response, for instance, you must give
            ``status=404`` or it will be an error.  You can also give
            a wildcard, like ``'3*'`` or ``'*'``.

            If this is not true, then if anything is written to
            ``wsgi.errors`` it will be an error.  If it is true, then
            non-200/3xx responses are also okay.

        Returns a :class:`webtest.TestResponse` object.
        environ = self._make_environ(extra_environ)
        # Hide from py.test:
        __tracebackhide__ = True # NOQA
        url = str(url)
        url = self._remove_fragment(url)
        if params:
            if not isinstance(params, string_types):
                params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
            if str('?') in url:
                url += str('&')
                url += str('?')
            url += params
        if str('?') in url:
            url, environ['QUERY_STRING'] = url.split(str('?'), 1)
            environ['QUERY_STRING'] = str('')
        req = self.RequestClass.blank(url, environ)
        if headers:
        return self.do_request(req, status=status,
Exemple #6
def encode_params(params, content_type):
    if params is NoDefault:
        return ''
    if isinstance(params, dict) or hasattr(params, 'items'):
        params = list(params.items())
    if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
        if content_type:
            content_type = content_type.lower()
            if 'charset=' in content_type:
                charset = content_type.split('charset=')[1]
                charset = charset.strip('; ').lower()
                encoded_params = []
                for k, v in params:
                    if isinstance(v, str):
                        v = v.encode(charset)
                    encoded_params.append((k, v))
                params = encoded_params
        params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
    return params
Exemple #7
def encode_params(params, content_type):
    if params is NoDefault:
        return ''
    if isinstance(params, dict) or hasattr(params, 'items'):
        params = list(params.items())
    if isinstance(params, (list, tuple)):
        if content_type:
            content_type = content_type.lower()
            if 'charset=' in content_type:
                charset = content_type.split('charset=')[1]
                charset = charset.strip('; ').lower()
                encoded_params = []
                for k, v in params:
                    if isinstance(v, six.text_type):
                        v = v.encode(charset)
                    encoded_params.append((k, v))
                params = encoded_params
        params = urlencode(params, doseq=True)
    return params