def __init__(self): print('Hello and welcome to Webull Algo Trader.') print('Only Paper trading is supported at the moment due to experimental results.') print('Please login to begin and type the command \'trade\'') print('To see all other commands type the command \'command\'') self.wb = paper_webull() self.attempt_login(1) self.await_command()
def __init__(self, creds, model_file, symbols=None, use_mfa=False): if use_mfa: self.mfa_code = input('Enter MFA Code : ') else: self.mfa_code = None self.wb = paper_webull() # self.model_res = load_model(model_file) self.model_tf = tf.keras.models.load_model('../cs229-master/first_model/', compile=True) self.login_info = self.login_webull(creds) self.symbols = {} for order in self.wb.get_account()['positions']: self.symbols[order['ticker']['symbol']] = {"entered_trade": {'time': order['time'], 'price': order['ticker']['price']}, 'hist': pd.DataFrame()} if symbols is None: self.update_symbols() self.run_update_symbols = True else: self.run_update_symbols = False ='T')[0] self.s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep) self.s.enter(1, 1,
def login_webull(email, token_file="token.txt"): #login to Webull wb = paper_webull() try: f = open(token_file, "r") login_info = json.load(f) except: print("First time login.") login_info = None #If first time save login as token if not login_info: wb.get_mfa(email) #mobile number should be okay as well. code = input('Enter MFA Code : ') login_info = wb.login('*****@*****.**', 'my password', 'My Device', code) f = open(token_file, "w") f.write(json.dumps(login_info)) f.close() else: wb.refresh_login() login_info = wb.login('*****@*****.**', 'my password') return wb
nasdaq_list = yf.tickers_nasdaq() # sp500_list = yf.tickers_sp500() now = # CREDENTIALS while True: ap = argparse.ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument( "-a", "--acc", required=True, help="input type of account e.i. --acc paper or --acc real") args = vars(ap.parse_args()) if args['acc'] == 'paper': from webull import paper_webull wb = paper_webull() result = wb.login('*****@*****.**', 'Svelty+9', device_name='', mfa='195001') if result: print("Logged Into Paper Account") else: print("get mfa Data") break elif args['acc'] == 'cash': from webull import webull wb = webull() fh = open('webull_credentials.json', 'r') credential_data = json.load(fh) fh.close()
def login_webull(creds): wb = paper_webull() wb.login(creds['email'], creds['password']) return wb