Exemple #1
    def generateRepostMap(self, url, level=2, max=100):
        self.weibocrawler = weiboCrawler.weiboCrawler()
        self.visualizationutil = visualizationUtil.visualizationUtil()

        repost = self.weibocrawler.getRepost(url, level, max)

        # print repost
        urlparts = url.split("/")
        postname = "post_%s_%s" % (urlparts[3], urlparts[4])

        # Write dot file
        out = "./out/" + postname
        self.visualizationutil.generateDotFile(repost, out)
Exemple #2
    def generateRepostMap(self, url, level=2, max=100):
        self.weibocrawler = weiboCrawler.weiboCrawler()
        self.visualizationutil = visualizationUtil.visualizationUtil()

        repost = self.weibocrawler.getRepost(url, level, max)

        # print repost
        urlparts = url.split('/')
        postname = 'post_%s_%s' % (urlparts[3], urlparts[4])

        # Write dot file
        out = './out/' + postname
        self.visualizationutil.generateDotFile(repost, out)
Exemple #3
def wordlist():
	"""Shows a users wordlist or if no user is logged in it will
	redirect to login.  
	if not g.user:
		return redirect(url_for('login'))
	# if 'dict' is not in session, if 'wbtoken' is not in session....
	session['dict']='TOEFL'	#for temp test purpose, need to delete and work on choosedict.
	mydict = json.load(open(dictFile))
	words=wb.weiboCrawler(access_token = session['wbtoken'],expires_in = session['wbtokenexpire'], dict=session['dict'], wordnum=session['wordnum'])	
	return render_template('wordlist.html', wordlist={x:mydict[x] for x in words})
Exemple #4
 def getPostIdFromUrl(self, url):
     self.crawler = weiboCrawler.weiboCrawler()
     return self.crawler.getIdFromUrl(url)
Exemple #5
 def getPostIdFromUrl(self, url):
     self.crawler = weiboCrawler.weiboCrawler()
     return self.crawler.getIdFromUrl(url)