def index(): if 'uid' in session and 'access_token' in session: client = WeiboClient(session['access_token']) result = client.get(suffix="statuses/public_timeline.json", params={"count":5}) user = client.get(suffix="users/show.json", params={'uid': session['uid']}) if len(result.get('statuses'))>0 : data = tv.statuses_to_data(result.get('statuses')) #return 'Logged in as %s \n %s' % (escape(session['uid']), result) return render_template('index-o.html', data=data, user=user) else: return render_template('index-o.html', user=user) # return redirect(CAclient.authorize_url) return render_template('index-o.html')
def get_tweets(access_token): begin_time = time.time() client = WeiboClient(access_token) request = client.get(suffix="statuses/public_timeline.json") jsonData = json.dumps(request, sort_keys=True, indent=2) #json输出格式化 print(request, "\n\n\n", jsonData) print("获取微博内容花费时间:", time.time() - begin_time)
def rate(): #this parse and visulize the weibo object # login protect if not 'access_token' in session: return redirect(CAclient.authorize_url) # construct client, fetch home_timeline uid = session['uid'] user = User(uid, session['access_token']) since_id, count = user.last_read() client = WeiboClient(session['access_token']) result = client.get('statuses/home_timeline.json', params={"since_id": since_id, "count":100}) # construct uid if needed s = result.get('statuses') if len(s) > 0: newcount = len(s) newsince_id = s[0].get('id') user.update_read(newsince_id, newcount) # use preconfigured default app logger cards = tv.statuses_to_data(result.get('statuses'))['cards'] else: cards = [] return render_template('rate.html', cards = cards, uid = uid, count = count)
# {'access_token': u'2.0053aLTGSNOMYCc0217260bahxd6uC', 'expires': 1693066525, 'expires_in': 1693066525, 'uid': u'5928072116'} access_token = r.get("access_token") # print(access_token) # 2.0053aLTGSNOMYCc0217260bahxd6uC expires_in = r.expires_in # print(expires_in) # 1693066525 ## 4、为以后的API请求设置token from weibopy import WeiboClient client = WeiboClient(access_token) ## 5、获取当前登录用户及其所关注(授权)用户的最新微博 statuses/home_timeline # result = client.get(suffix="statuses/home_timeline.json") statuses = result.get("statuses") # print(statuses[0]) length = len(statuses) print(length) # 输出了部分信息 for i in range(0, length): print(u'昵称:' + statuses[i]['user']['screen_name']) print(u'简介:' + statuses[i]['user']['description']) print(u'位置:' + statuses[i]['user']['location']) print(u'微博:' + statuses[i]['text']) ## 6、获取最新的提到登录用户的微博列表,即@我的微博 statuses/mentions # result = client.get(suffix="statuses/mentions.json") statuses = result.get("statuses")
class WeiboRequestTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """ """ def setUp(self): """ :return: """ self.token = "1qaz3edc" self.client = WeiboClient(self.token) def test_weibo_request(self): """ :return: """ body = """ {"next_cursor": 4098746105417334, "hasvisible": false, "uve_blank": -1, "statuses": ["4098748692646689", "4098748689403910", "4098748688918202", "4098747640117551", "4098747434341769", "4098747430814353", "4098747430145399", "4098747052681634", "4098746357066702", "4098746322855226", "4098746297959121", "4098746251989195", "4098746226771596", "4098746205413046", "4098746180805829", "4098746175979920", "4098746172045575", "4098746172045403", "4098746160243131", "4098746139219122"], "ad": [], "advertises": [], "interval": 0, "previous_cursor": 0, "total_number": 1322} """ httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertDictEqual( self.client.get("statuses/friends_timeline/ids.json"), json.loads(body)) def test_weibo_post(self): """ :return: """ body = """ { "attitudes_count": 0, "biz_feature": 0, "comments_count": 0, "created_at": "Thu Apr 20 23:18:30 +0800 2017", "darwin_tags": [], "favorited": false, "geo": null, "gif_ids": null, "hasActionTypeCard": 0, "hot_weibo_tags": [], "id": 4098749565013950, "idstr": "4098749565013950", "in_reply_to_screen_name": "", "in_reply_to_status_id": "", "in_reply_to_user_id": "", "isLongText": false, "is_show_bulletin": 2, "mid": "4098749565013950", "mlevel": 0, "pic_urls": [], "positive_recom_flag": 0, "reposts_count": 0, "source": "<a href='' rel='nofollow'>app</a>", "source_allowclick": 0, "source_type": 1, "text": "haha", "textLength": 4, "text_tag_tips": [], "truncated": false, "user": { "allow_all_act_msg": false, "allow_all_comment": true, "avatar_hd": "", "avatar_large": "", "bi_followers_count": 9, "block_app": 0, "block_word": 0, "city": "2", "class": 1, "created_at": "Tue Dec 07 21:44:06 +0800 2010", "credit_score": 80, "description": "", "domain": "nooper", "favourites_count": 3, "follow_me": false, "followers_count": 48, "following": false, "friends_count": 140, "gender": "m", "geo_enabled": true, "id": 1885772381, "idstr": "1885772381", "insecurity": { "sexual_content": false }, "lang": "zh-cn", "online_status": 0, "pagefriends_count": 0, "profile_image_url": "", "profile_url": "nooper", "province": "11", "ptype": 0, "remark": "", "screen_name": "nooper", "star": 0, "statuses_count": 168, "urank": 13, "url": "", "user_ability": 0, "verified": false, "verified_reason": "", "verified_reason_url": "", "verified_source": "", "verified_source_url": "", "verified_trade": "", "verified_type": -1, "weihao": "" }, "userType": 590081, "visible": { "list_id": 0, "type": 0 } } """ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.POST, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertDictEqual("statuses/update.json"), json.loads(body)) def test_weibo_api_error(self): """ :return: """ body = """ { "request": "/statuses/home_timeline.json", "error_code": "20502", "error": "Need you follow uid." } """ httpretty.register_uri( httpretty.GET, "", body=body, status=200, content_type='text/json') self.assertRaises(WeiboAPIError, self.client.get, "statuses/home_timeline.json")
from weibopy import WeiboOauth2, WeiboClient import webbrowser client_key = '216******' client_secret = '544a3********************' redirect_url = '' auth = WeiboOauth2(client_key, client_secret, redirect_url) webbrowser.open_new(auth.authorize_url) code = input('输入 code: ') token = auth.auth_access(code) print(token) client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json', params={'id': 4318237070487349, 'count': 200, 'page': 1}) print(result)
auth = WeiboOauth2(client_key, client_secret, redirect_url) # 获取认证 code webbrowser.open_new(auth.authorize_url) code = input('输入 code:') # 使用 code 获取 token token = auth.auth_access(code) # token 是刚刚获得的 token,可以一直使用 client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) comment_text_list = [] # 保存所有评论正文 # 共获取 10 页 * 每页最多 200 条评论 for i in range(1, 11): result = client.get('comments/show.json', params={ 'id': 4448468472919660, 'count': 200, }) comments = result['comments'] if not len(comments): break for comment in comments: text = re.sub('回复.*?:', '', str(comment['text'])) comment_text_list.append(text) print(text) print('已抓取评论 {} 条'.format(len(comment_text_list))) time.sleep(1)
import webbrowser client_key = '262607354' # 你的 app key client_secret = '5345921237fa4ebe8d555a471f5a8da1' # 你的 app secret redirect_url = '' auth = WeiboOauth2(client_key, client_secret, redirect_url) # 获取认证 code webbrowser.open_new(auth.authorize_url) # 在打开的浏览器中完成操作 # 最终会跳转到一个显示 「微博 OAuth2.0」字样的页面 # 从这个页面的 URL 中复制 code= 后的字符串 # URL 类似这样 code = input('输入 code:') # 使用 code 获取 token token = auth.auth_access(code) print(token) # token 是刚刚获得的 token,可以一直使用 client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) # suffix 指定 API 的名称,parmas 是参数,在文档中有详细描述 result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json', params={'id': 4416407817336332, 'count': 200, 'page': 10}) print(result)
auth = WeiboOauth2(client_key, client_secret, redirect_url) code = input('the code is\n') token = auth.auth_access(code) client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) #获取的内容处理:1.删去回复 #2.按地域划分内容 province_list = defaultdict(list) comment_text_list = [] for i in range(1, 40): try: result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json', params={ 'id': 4401542310862649, 'count': 200, 'page': 1 }) comments = result['comments'] if not len(comments): break for comment in comments: text = re.sub('回复.*?:', '', str(comment['text'])) province = comment['user']['province'] province_list[province].append(text) comment_text_list.append(text) with open('./tep1.txt', 'a+', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(text + '\n') print('已抓取评论 {} 条'.format(len(comment_text_list))) time.sleep(1) except:
redirect_url = '' auth = WeiboOauth2(client_key,client_secret,redirect_url) webbrowser.open_new(auth.authorize_url) code = input('输入:') token = auth.auth_access(code) print(token) client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) '''result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json',params={'id':4322140368509204,'count':200,'page':1})''' province_list = defaultdict(list) comment_text_list = [] for i in range (1,5): result = client.get(suffix='comment/show.json',params={'id':4322140368509204,'count':200,'page':i}) comments = result['comments'] if not len(comments): break for comment in comments: text = re.sub('回复.*?:', '', str(comment['text'])) province_list[province].append(text) comment_text_list.append(text) print('已抓取评论{}条'.format(len(comment_text_list))) time.sleep(1)
from weibopy import WeiboOauth2, WeiboClient from collections import defaultdict import time, re client = WeiboClient("2.00smBtiFZt3nrCbd3c406d87mTFJMB") # suffix 指定 API 的名称,parmas 是参数,在文档中有详细描述 province_list = defaultdict(list) # 保存按省划分的评论正文 comment_text_list = [] # 保存所有评论正文 provinces = {} results = client.get(suffix='common/get_province.json', params={'country': '001'}) for prov in results: for code, name in prov.items(): provinces[code] = name print(provinces) # 获取「自杀式单身」评论列表 # 共获取 10 页 * 每页最多 200 条评论 for i in range(1, 11): result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json', params={ 'id': 4322140368509204, 'count': 200, 'page': i }) comments = result['comments'] if not len(comments):
client = WeiboClient(token['access_token']) print(client) #表头定义 name = ['user_name', 'created_at', 'attitudes_count', 'comments'] #评论内容预处理 comment_text_list = [] #评论内容 user_name = [] #用户ID created_at = [] #评论时间 attitudes_count = [] #点赞数量 for i in range(1, 50): result = client.get(suffix='comments/show.json', params={ 'id': 4573338503217812, 'count': 100, 'page': i }) comments = result['comments'] if not len(comments): break for comment in comments: # print(comment) text = re.sub('回复.*?:', '', str(comment['text'])) comment_text_list.append(text) print(text) username = comment['user']['screen_name'] user_name.append(username) print(username) createdat = comment['created_at'] created_at.append(createdat)