Exemple #1
def test_bigarray_indexing_pageedge():
    shape = (10, PS-1)
    data  = arange(mul(shape), dtype=uint32).view(uint8)    # NOTE 4 times bigger than uint8

    f  = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
    fh = f.fileh_open()

    A  = BigArray(shape, uint8, fh)                     # bigarray with test data and shape
    A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape)               # ndarray  ----//----

    # AA[key] -> assert array_equal(A[key], A_[key])
    AA = DoubleCheck(A, A_)

    AA[1]           # tail of page0 - page1
    AA[1:2]         # ---- // ----
    AA[1:2:-1]      # []
    AA[1:0]         # []
    AA[1:0:-1]      # tail of page0 - page1

    shape = (10, PS+1)
    f  = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
    fh = f.fileh_open()

    A  = BigArray(shape, uint8, fh)
    A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape)

    AA = DoubleCheck(A, A_)

    AA[0]           # page0 - head of page1
    AA[0:1]         # ---- // ----
    AA[0:1:-1]      # []
    AA[1:0]         # []
    AA[1:0:-1]      # page0 - head of page1
Exemple #2
    def _init0(self, shape, dtype_, order):
        self._dtype = dtype(dtype_)
        self._shape = shape
        self._order = order
        # TODO +offset ?
        # TODO +strides ?

        # order -> stride_in_items(i)
        ordering = {"C": lambda i: mul(shape[i + 1 :]), "F": lambda i: mul(shape[:i])}
        Si = ordering.get(order)
        if Si is None:
            raise NotImplementedError("Order %s not supported" % order)

        # shape, dtype -> ._stridev
        # TODO take dtype.alignment into account ?
        self._stridev = tuple(Si(i) * self._dtype.itemsize for i in range(len(shape)))
Exemple #3
def test_mul():
    assert mul([1]) == 1
    assert mul([1], 5) == 5
    assert mul([0], 5) == 0
    assert mul([1,2,3,4,5]) == 120
    assert mul([1,2,3,4,5,6]) == 720

    # check it does not overflow
    assert mul([1<<30, 1<<30, 1<<30]) == 1<<90
Exemple #4
def test_bigarray_indexing_Nd():
    # shape of tested array - all primes, total size for uint32 ~ 7 2M pages
    # XXX even less dimensions (to speed up tests)?
    shape = tuple(reversed( (17,23,101,103) ))

    # test data - all items are unique - so we can check array by content
    # NOTE +PS so that BigFile_Data has no problem loading last blk
    #      (else data slice will be smaller than buf)
    data  = arange(mul(shape) + PS, dtype=uint32)

    f  = BigFile_Data_RO(data, PS)
    fh = f.fileh_open()

    for order in ('C', 'F'):
        A  = BigArray(shape, uint32, fh, order=order)       # bigarray with test data and shape
        A_ = data[:mul(shape)].reshape(shape, order=order)  # ndarray  ----//----

        # AA[key] -> A[key], A_[key]
        AA = DoubleGet(A, A_)

        # now just go over combinations of various slice at each dimension, and see
        # whether slicing result is the same ndarray would do.
        for idx in idx_to_test(shape):
            a, a_ = AA[idx]
            assert array_equal(a, a_)

        # any part of index out of range
        # - element access  -> raises IndexError
        # - slice access    -> empty
        for idxpos in range(len(shape)):
            idx  = [0]*len(shape)
            # idx -> tuple(idx)
            # ( list would mean advanced indexing - not what we want )
            idxt = lambda : tuple(idx)

            # valid access element access
            idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos] - 1     # 0, 0, 0,  Ni-1, 0 ,0, 0
            a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
            assert array_equal(a, a_)

            # out-of-range element access
            idx[idxpos] = shape[idxpos]         # 0, 0, 0,  Ni  , 0 ,0, 0
            raises(IndexError, 'A [idxt()]')
            raises(IndexError, 'A_[idxt()]')

            # out-of-range slice access
            idx[idxpos] = slice(shape[idxpos],  # 0, 0, 0,  Ni:Ni+1  , 0 ,0, 0
            a, a_ = AA[idxt()]
            assert array_equal(a, a_)
            assert a .size == 0
            assert a_.size == 0

        # TODO ... -> expanded (0,1,2,negative), rejected if many
        # TODO newaxis
        # TODO nidx < len(shape)
        # TODO empty slice in major row, empty slice in secondary row
Exemple #5
 def size(self):
     return mul(self._shape)