Exemple #1
def test_local_proxies_with_callables():
    """Use a callable with a local proxy"""
    foo = 42
    ls = LocalProxy(lambda: foo)
    assert ls == 42
    foo = [23]
    assert ls == [23, 42]
    assert foo == [23, 42]
Exemple #2
def test_local_proxies_with_callables():
    """Use a callable with a local proxy"""
    foo = 42
    ls = LocalProxy(lambda: foo)
    assert ls == 42
    foo = [23]
    assert ls == [23, 42]
    assert foo == [23, 42]
Exemple #3
def test_local_proxy():
    """Tests some proxy operations"""
    foo = []
    ls = LocalProxy(lambda: foo)
    ls[1:] = [1, 2, 3]
    assert foo == [42, 1, 2, 3]
    assert repr(foo) == repr(ls)
    assert foo[0] == 42
    foo += [1]
    assert list(foo) == [42, 1, 2, 3, 1]
Exemple #4
def test_local_proxy():
    """Tests some proxy operations"""
    foo = []
    ls = LocalProxy(lambda: foo)
    ls[1:] = [1, 2, 3]
    assert foo == [42, 1, 2, 3]
    assert repr(foo) == repr(ls)
    assert foo[0] == 42
    foo += [1]
    assert list(foo) == [42, 1, 2, 3, 1]
def match_stats(timespan):
    Return all match victories/losses that match timespan.

    Return all matches that match timespan. Then checks the match's victory conditions in checkModeVictory.

        timespan(tuple): Three-part tuple. First part is "monthly" or "all".
        Second part is a datetime with month and year as the starting month.

        array: Array of MatchTypeVictory.

    db = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.db.session)
    q = models.Match.query
    timespan_criteria = None
    count_query = db.query(models.Match.modes_string,
    if timespan[0] != "all":
        query_start = timespan[1]
        query_end = add_months(query_start, 1)
        print(query_start, query_end)
        timespan_criteria = and_(
            models.Match.start_datetime is not None,
            models.Match.start_datetime.between(query_start, query_end))
        q = q.filter(timespan_criteria)
        count_query = count_query.filter(timespan_criteria)

    # completion-agnostic playrate first

    counts = count_query.group_by(models.Match.modes_string).all()
    formattedCounts = [list(a) for a in (zip(*counts))]

    q = q.filter(~models.Match.modes_string.contains('|'),
    q = q.all()

    matches = []

    for match in q:
        if match.is_mixed():
        victory = checkModeVictory(match)
        if victory is None:
        s = True if match.mastermode == "secret" else False
        t = match.modes_string
        m = MatchTypeVictory(victory, s, t)
    return matches, formattedCounts
Exemple #6
    def _run_rpc(self):
        #logger.info("Starting RPC server (agent mode)")
        logger.info("Starting Crediator agent.. (agent mode)")

        if 'PSDASH_REGISTER_TO' in self.app.config:

        service = self.get_local_node().get_service()
        self.server = zerorpc.Server(service)
            'tcp://%s:%s' %
            (self.app.config.get('PSDASH_BIND_HOST', self.DEFAULT_BIND_HOST),
             self.app.config.get('PSDASH_PORT', self.DEFAULT_PORT)))
        logger.info("This is spartan...")

        current_node = LocalProxy(self.get_local_node)
        current_service = LocalProxy(service)
        #        <<Here for watchdog code>>

        # #         class MyHandler(FileSystemEventHandler):
        # #             def on_modified(self, event):
        # #         print(f'event type: {event.event_type}  path : {event.src_path}')
        #         event_handler = FileSystemEventHandler()
        #         def on_modified(self, event):
        #             print "hello"
        #             self.process(event)
        #         def on_created(self, event):
        #             self.process(event)
        #         observer = Observer()
        #         observer.schedule(event_handler, path='/opt/stack', recursive=False)
        #         observer.start()
        #         try:
        #             while True:
        #                 time.sleep(1)
        #         except KeyboardInterrupt:
        #             observer.stop()
        #         observer.join()

        # print "This is service info=>", service.get_sysinfo()

Exemple #7
    def __init__(self, *args, **kws):
        super(CustomFlask,self).__init__(*args, **kws)
        self.app = self
        from flask.globals import _request_ctx_stack
        self.ssl_required_endpoints = set()

        from werkzeug import LocalStack, LocalProxy
        def get_current_user():
            from myojin.auth import UserModelBase
            return UserModelBase.current_user()
        self.current_user = LocalProxy(get_current_user)
        def check_request():
            app = self
            if not app.config.get('SSL_REQUIRED_REDIRECT'):
            from flask import request, jsonify, session
            from flask import Module, abort, redirect
            environ = request.environ
            if not app.is_ssl_request() and request.endpoint in app.ssl_required_endpoints:
                server_name = (
                    app.config.get('SSL_HOST', None) or app.config['SERVER_NAME'] or environ.get('HTTP_HOST') or environ.get('SERVER_NAME')

                query_string = environ.get('QUERY_STRING', '')
                query_splitter = "?" if query_string else ""
                path_info = request.environ['PATH_INFO']
                return redirect("https://%s%s%s%s" % (server_name, path_info, query_splitter, query_string))
Exemple #8
 def renderable(self):
     """the macro held but not called"""
         return self.get_template_attribute(self.mwhere, self.mname)
     except RuntimeError:
         return LocalProxy(
             lambda: self.get_template_attribute(self.mwhere, self.mname))
Exemple #9
    def schemas(self):
        from werkzeug import LocalProxy

        def get_schemas():
            if not getattr(self, '_schemas', None):
                    from .schemas import Schemas
                    self._schemas = Schemas(self._sqlalchemy_metadata)
                except ImportError:
                        'cannot import Schemas, perhaps sqlalchemy is not up to date'
            return self._schemas

        return LocalProxy(get_schemas)
Exemple #10
    def schemas(self):
        object: An object with attributes corresponding to the names of the schemas
            in this database.
        from werkzeug import LocalProxy

        def get_schemas():
            if not getattr(self, '_schemas', None):
                assert getattr(
                    self, '_sqlalchemy_metadata', None
                ) is not None, (
                    "`{class_name}` instances do not provide the required sqlalchemy metadata "
                    "for schema exploration.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
                self._schemas = Schemas(self._sqlalchemy_metadata)
            return self._schemas

        return LocalProxy(get_schemas)
Exemple #11
    def schemas(self):
        This object has as attributes the schemas on the current catalog. These
        schema objects in turn have the tables as SQLAlchemy `Table` objects.
        This allows tab completion and exploration of Databases.
        from werkzeug import LocalProxy

        def get_schemas():
            if not getattr(self, '_schemas', None):
                assert getattr(
                    self, '_sqlalchemy_metadata', None
                ) is not None, (
                    "`{class_name}` instances do not provide the required sqlalchemy metadata "
                    "for schema exploration.".format(self.__class__.__name__))
                self._schemas = Schemas(self._sqlalchemy_metadata)
            return self._schemas

        return LocalProxy(get_schemas)
Exemple #12
        def decorator(f):
            def allower(*args, **kwargs):
                if self.fulfill(requirements):
                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
                    raise throws
            return allower
        return decorator

    def identity_loader(self, f):
        "Provides an identity loader for the instance"
        self._identity_loader = f
        return f

    def fulfill(self, requirements, identity=None):
        "Runs each requirement until one is not fulfilled"
        identity = identity or self._identity_loader()
        return all(r(identity, request) for r in requirements)

def __get_allows():
    "Internal helper"
        return current_app.extensions['allows']
    except (AttributeError, KeyError):
        raise RuntimeError("Flask-Allows not configured against current app")

_allows = LocalProxy(__get_allows, name="flask-allows")
Exemple #13
        user = User(name=name, email=email, date_joined=now)

        if (not password):
            password = generate_password()

        if (not email_verified):
            user.is_email_activated = True


        return user

def authenticate(email=None, password=None):
    user = User.objects(email=email).first()
    if user:
        if password and user.check_password(password):
            return user
    return None

from werkzeug import import_string, LocalProxy
from flask import current_app

User = LocalProxy(lambda: import_string(
Exemple #14
import httpagentparser
import os
import json
import datetime
from werkzeug import LocalStack, LocalProxy
def get_current_user():
    from ..models import User
    return User.current_user()
#global current_user
current_user = LocalProxy(get_current_user)
from .app import app as current_app
current_app.current_user = current_user
def normalize(text):
    from unicodedata import normalize as n
    return n("NFKC", text)
def init():
    global allow_ip_address
    allow_ip_address = None

    global maintenance_data
    path = current_app.config.get('MAINTENANCE_FILE_PATH')
    maintenance_data = None
    if path and os.path.exists(path):
        with open(path) as f:
            data = json.loads(f.read())
            data['mainte_date'] = \
                datetime.datetime.strptime(data['year'] + data['month'] + data['day'] + data['hour'] + data['minute'], '%Y%m%d%H%M')
            maintenance_data = data
Exemple #15

Flask Application Extension Instantiation.
# Third Party Libs
from flask.ext.via import Via
from werkzeug import LocalProxy

# First Party Libs
from fm.config import ConfigProxy
from fm.db.nosql import Redis
from fm.db.sqla import FMSQLAlchemy
from fm.tasks import Celery

# Celery
celery = Celery()

# Flask-Via for Routing Modules
via = Via()

# Redis -  Stores application state
redis = Redis()

# Easier config access
config = LocalProxy(lambda: ConfigProxy())

# SQLAlchemy
db = FMSQLAlchemy()
Exemple #16
# Context Locals
# -------------
# Use these context locals with caution and only where
# you don't have access to the current request/application
# object at all.  If there are easy ways of *not* using
# context locals, you should not use them.

_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
local = Local()
local_manager = LocalManager(local)

# Proxy definitions of commonly used objects.
ctx = local('ctx')
request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'request'))

class LocalProperty(object):
    """Class/Instance property that returns something from the local stack.

    Note that if some value is not present in the current thread local
    it does *not* raise an `RuntimeError` but returns `None`.
    def __init__(self, name):
        self.__name__ = name

    def __get__(self, obj, type=None):
            object = _lookup_object(self.__name__)
        except RuntimeError:
Exemple #17


_cfg_prefix = distutils.sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix")

@deprecated('Use a more specific variable from invenio/base/config.py instead',
def _cfg_prefix_for_proxy():
    return _cfg_prefix

CFG_PREFIX = LocalProxy(_cfg_prefix_for_proxy)
CFG_DATADIR = join(_cfg_prefix, 'var', 'data')
CFG_BATCHUPLOADER_DAEMON_DIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "batchupload")
    or _cfg_prefix + '/' + CFG_BATCHUPLOADER_DAEMON_DIR
CFG_BINDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "bin")
CFG_ETCDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "etc")
CFG_CACHEDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "cache")
CFG_LOGDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "log")
CFG_RUNDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "run")
CFG_TMPDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "tmp")
CFG_WEBDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "www")
CFG_PYLIBDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "lib", "python")
CFG_LOCALEDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "share", "locale")
CFG_TMPSHAREDDIR = join(_cfg_prefix, "var", "tmp-shared")
Exemple #18
        'test': {
            'name': 'Test User',
            'id': '1337-0',
            'uid': 'test',
            'password': '******',
            'address': "Keller, Wundtstr. 5",
            'mail': '*****@*****.**',
            'mac': 'aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff',
            'ip': '',
            'hostname': 'My_Server',
            'hostalias': 'leethax0r',

config = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['sample_users'])

# noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
class User(BaseUser):
    datasource = 'sample'

    def __init__(self, uid):
        super(User, self).__init__(uid)
        self.config = config
        self.name = config[uid]['name']
        self.old_mail = config[uid]['mail']
        self._ip = ""

    def __repr__(self):
        return "{}.{}({})".format(
Exemple #19
        return reductor(RadiusLogEntry(*e) for e in self.wait_for_task(task))

    def wait_for_task(self, task):
        self.logger.info("Waiting for task: %s", task)
            return task.apply_async().wait(timeout=self.timeout)
        except CeleryTimeoutError as e:
            raise HadesTimeout("The Hades lookup task has timed out") from e
        except OSError as e:
            # In newer versions of celery, this is encapsuled by
            # `kombu.exc.OperationalError`. It is thrown when e.g. the
            # broker is down
            if "timeout" in str(e).lower():
                raise HadesTimeout(
                    "The Hades lookup task has timed out") from e
                raise HadesOperationalError(
                    "OSError when fetching hades logs") from e

def _get_extension():
        return current_app.extensions['hades_logs']
    except KeyError:
        raise HadesConfigError(
            "No HadesLogs instance registered to current Flask app")

hades_logs = LocalProxy(_get_extension)
Exemple #20
from __future__ import with_statement

from flask import (Blueprint, send_from_directory, render_template,
                   _app_ctx_stack, abort, url_for, current_app)

from jinja2 import contextfunction
from jinja2.loaders import TemplateNotFound

from werkzeug import LocalProxy

from .theme import Theme, ThemeTemplateLoader
from .theme_manager import ThemeManager

_containable = lambda i: i if hasattr(i, '__contains__') else tuple(i)

_fleem = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['fleem_manager'])

def get_theme(ident):
    Gets the theme with the given identifier from the current app's
    theme manager.

    :param ident: The theme identifier.
    return _fleem.themes[ident]

def get_themes_list():
    Returns a list of all the themes in the current app's theme manager sorted
    If the timezone is associated with a country that uses only a single
    timezone, just the localized country name is returned:

    .. code-block:: python

       >>> tz = timezone('Europe/Berlin')
       >>> get_timezone_name(tz, locale='de_DE')

    :param dt_or_tzinfo:
        The ``datetime`` or ``tzinfo`` object that determines
        the timezone; if None, the current date and time in UTC is assumed.
    :param locale:
        A locale code. If not set, uses the currently loaded locale.
        The localized timezone name using location format.
    locale = locale or get_locale()
    return dates.get_timezone_name(dt_or_tzinfo, locale=locale)

# Common alias to gettext.
_ = gettext

# Current translations.
translations = LocalProxy(lambda: get_translations())

# Old names.
get_tzinfo = get_timezone
Exemple #22
    :copyright: (c) 2011 Local Projects, all rights reserved
    :license: Affero GNU GPL v3, see LEGAL/LICENSE for more details.
import mongoengine
from flask import current_app
from werkzeug import LocalProxy

database = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.database)

def connect_database(db,
    """Connect to MongoDB
    username = None if username == 'None' else username
    password = None if password == 'None' else password


def init(app):
    """Initialize the database connection
Exemple #23
"""Multimedia IIIF Image API."""

from io import BytesIO

from flask import current_app, jsonify, redirect, request, send_file, url_for
from flask_restful import Resource
from flask_restful.utils import cors
from werkzeug import LocalProxy
from werkzeug.utils import secure_filename

from .api import IIIFImageAPIWrapper
from .decorators import api_decorator, error_handler
from .signals import iiif_after_info_request, iiif_after_process_request, \
    iiif_before_info_request, iiif_before_process_request

current_iiif = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['iiif'])

class IIIFImageBase(Resource):
    """IIIF Image Base."""
    def get(self, version, uuid):
        """Get IIIF Image Base.

        .. note::

            It will redirect to ``iiifimageinfo`` endpoint with status code
        return redirect(url_for('iiifimageinfo', version=version, uuid=uuid),
Exemple #24
import re
from operator import attrgetter
from types import FunctionType
from functools import partial
from collections import OrderedDict
from werkzeug import LocalProxy
from flask import Blueprint, g, _request_ctx_stack, current_app

fs = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.extensions['flarf'].filters)

class FlarfFilter(object):
    A class used to instance a filter result on application request

    :param filter_tag:          The name of the filter
    :param filter_precedence:   If you need to order your filters in some way,
                                set this as an integer, defaults to 100.
                                Filters will be ordered from smallest number to
    :param filter_params:       A list of paramaters used by the filter on request.
                                May be either string or function:
                                   - a function that takes request as an argument
                                   - a string 'request_x', indicating x is to be
                                     returned from request, e.g. 'request_path'
                                     to have the filter get request.path
                                   - a string 'get_var' referencing a method on
                                     the filter where 'var' is the variable you'd
                                     like the filter to capture e.g. 'get_var'
                                     will do self.get_var(request) to set self.var
                                   - a string for a var found in request.values,
Exemple #25
        current context for the duration of the `with` block.

        Example usage::

            with app.request_context(environ):

        :params environ: a WSGI environment
        return _RequestContext(self, environ)

    def test_request_context(self, *args, **kwargs):
        """Creates a WSGI environment from the given values (see
        :func:`werkzeug.create_environ` for more information, this
        function accepts the same arguments).
        return self.request_context(create_environ(*args, **kwargs))

    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):
        """Shortcut for :attr:`wsgi_app`"""
        return self.wsgi_app(environ, start_response)

# context locals
_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
# 看起来同一时间只处理一个请求,
current_app = LocalProxy(lambda: _request_ctx_stack.top.app)
request = LocalProxy(lambda: _request_ctx_stack.top.request)
session = LocalProxy(lambda: _request_ctx_stack.top.session)
g = LocalProxy(lambda: _request_ctx_stack.top.g)
Exemple #26
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Defines all the global objects that are proxies to the current
    active context.

    :copyright: (c) 2010 by Armin Ronacher.
    :license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.

from functools import partial
from werkzeug import LocalStack, LocalProxy

def _lookup_object(name):
    top = _request_ctx_stack.top
    if top is None:
        raise RuntimeError('working outside of request context')
    return getattr(top, name)

# context locals
_request_ctx_stack = LocalStack()
current_app = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'app'))
request = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'request'))
session = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'session'))
g = LocalProxy(partial(_lookup_object, 'g'))
Exemple #27
import re
from flask import current_app, Blueprint, _app_ctx_stack
from werkzeug import LocalProxy, MultiDict, CombinedMultiDict
from .compat import with_metaclass
from collections import defaultdict
import weakref

_flacro_jinja = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.jinja_env)
_glo = LocalProxy(lambda: current_app.jinja_env.globals)

ATTR_BLACKLIST = re.compile("mwhere|mname|mattr|macros|^_")

class FlacroForMeta(type):
    def __new__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        new_class = super(FlacroForMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, dct)
        if not hasattr(cls, '_instances'):
            new_class._instances = defaultdict(weakref.WeakSet)
        if not hasattr(cls, '_manager'):
            cls._manager = {}
        cls._manager[new_class.__name__] = new_class
        return new_class

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct):
        if not hasattr(cls, '_registry'):
            cls._registry = {}
            cls._registry[name] = cls._instances
        super(FlacroForMeta, cls).__init__(name, bases, dct)

Exemple #28
from functools import wraps

# Third Party Libs
from flask import g, has_request_context, request
from itsdangerous import URLSafeTimedSerializer
from werkzeug import LocalProxy

# First Party Libs
from fm.ext import config, redis
from fm.http import Unauthorized
from fm.models.user import User

SESSION_KEY = 'fm:api:session:{0}'
USER_SESSION_KEY = 'fm:api:user:session:{0}'

current_user = LocalProxy(lambda: user_from_session())

def session_only_required(function):
    """ Decorator which requires that the view is accessable only to users
    with a valid session.
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        user = user_from_session()
        if user is None:
            return Unauthorized()
        return function(*args, **kwargs)

    return wrapper
Exemple #29
 def ctx_prc(macro):
     return LocalProxy(lambda: getattr(macro, 'render', None))
Exemple #30
    def _dsres_list(self, name, offset=None, limit=None):
        query = querybuilder.select_paged(name, offset=offset, limit=limit)
        with self.db, self.db.cursor() as cur:
            for row in cur.fetchall():
                yield self._row_to_obj(row)

    def _dsres_from_row(self, row):
        obj = row['configuration']
        obj['_id'] = row['id']
        obj['_ctime'] = row['ctime']
        obj['_mtime'] = row['mtime']
        return obj

    def _dsres_delete(self, name, obj_id):
        query = querybuilder.delete(name)
        with self.db, self.db.cursor() as cur:
            cur.execute(query, dict(id=obj_id))

def get_current_datacat():
    """Get the "current" instance of the datacat app"""

    datacat = getattr(g, '_datacat', None)
    if datacat is None:
        datacat = g._datacat = DatacatCore(current_app.config)
    return datacat

datacat_core = LocalProxy(get_current_datacat)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

    Serveral utilities used by LodgeIt.

    :copyright: 2008 by Christopher Grebs.
    :license: BSD
from werkzeug import Local, LocalManager, LocalProxy

#: context locals
ctx = Local()
_local_manager = LocalManager(ctx)

#: local objects
request = LocalProxy(ctx, 'request')
application = LocalProxy(ctx, 'application')
Exemple #32
from invenio.base.globals import cfg
from invenio.base.i18n import _
from invenio.ext.sqlalchemy import db
from invenio.modules.accounts.models import User
from invenio.modules.collections.models import Collection
from invenio.modules.records.models import Record as Bibrec
from invenio.modules.search.views.search import response_formated_records

from werkzeug import LocalProxy

from .forms import AttachTagForm, CreateTagForm, DetachTagForm, EditTagForm, \
    TagAnnotationForm, validate_tag_exists, validate_user_owns_tag, validators
from .models import WtgTAG, WtgTAGRecord, wash_tag

# Uset settings
user_settings = LocalProxy(lambda: current_user['settings'].get(

blueprint = Blueprint('webtag',

default_breadcrumb_root(blueprint, '.webaccount.tags')

@blueprint.route('/', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@blueprint.route('/display', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
@blueprint.route('/display/cloud', methods=['GET', 'POST'])