Exemple #1
    def list_addons(server, translatable_only):
        """Get a list of addons on the server.

        server              The url of the addon server eg
        translatable_only   If True only returns translatable addons.
        returns             A dictionary with the addon as key and the translatable
                            status as value.

        logging.debug("list addons server = '%s' translatable_only = %s",
                      server, translatable_only)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server, quiet_libwml)
        data = wml.list_campaigns()

        # Item [0] hardcoded seems to work
        campaigns = data.data[0]
        result = {}
        for c in campaigns.get_all("campaign"):
            translatable = c.get_text_val("translate")
            if (translatable == "yes" or translatable == "on"
                    or translatable == "true" or translatable == "1"):
                result[c.get_text_val("name")] = True
                # when the campaign isn't marked for translation skip it
                if (translatable_only):
                    result[c.get_text_val("name")] = False

        return result
Exemple #2
    def get_timestamp(server, addon):
        """Get the timestamp of a campaign on the server.

        server              The url of the addon server eg
        addon               The name of the addon.
        returns             The timestamp of the campaign, -1 if not on the server.

        logging.debug("get_timestamp server = '%s' addon = %s",
            server, addon)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server, quiet_libwml)
        data = wml.list_campaigns(addon)

        # Item [0] hardcoded seems to work
        campaigns = data.data[0]
        result = {}
        for c in campaigns.get_all("campaign"):
            if(c.get_text_val("name") != addon):

            return int(c.get_text_val("timestamp"))

        return -1
Exemple #3
    def download(server, addon, temp_dir, wescamp_dir, password, stamp=None):

            "download addon from wescamp server = '%s' addon = '%s' " +
            "temp_dir = '%s' wescamp_dir = '%s' password is not shown", server,
            addon, temp_dir, wescamp_dir)

        # update the wescamp checkout for the translation,
        addon_obj = libgithub.GitHub(wescamp,

        # The result of the update can be ignored, no changes when updating
        # doesn't mean no changes to the translations.

        # test whether the checkout has a translations dir, if not we can stop
        if (os.path.isdir(wescamp + "/" + addon + "/" + addon +
                          "/translations") == False):

                "Wescamp has no translations directory so we can stop.")
            if (stamp == None):
                return True

        # Export the entire addon data dir.
        source = os.path.join(wescamp, addon, addon)
        dest = os.path.join(temp_dir, addon)
        shutil.copytree(source, dest)

        # If it is the old format with the addon.cfg copy that as well.
        wescamp_cfg = wescamp + "/" + addon + "/" + addon + ".cfg"
        temp_cfg = temp_dir + "/" + addon + ".cfg"
        if (os.path.isfile(wescamp_cfg)):
            logging.debug("Found old format config file")
            shutil.copy(wescamp_cfg, temp_cfg)

        # We don't test for changes, just upload the stuff.
        # NOTE wml.put_campaign tests whether the addon.cfg exists so
        # send it unconditionally.
        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server, quiet_libwml)
        ignore = {}
        stuff = {}
        stuff["passphrase"] = password
        if (stamp == None):
            wml.put_campaign(addon, temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/_main.cfg",
                             temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/", ignore, stuff)

            logging.info("New version of addon '%s' downloaded.", addon)
            if (stamp == get_timestamp(server, addon)):
                wml.put_campaign(addon, temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/_main.cfg",
                                 temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/", ignore, stuff)
                logging.info("New version of addon '%s' downloaded.", addon)
                return True
                return False
    def extract(server, addon, path):
        logging.debug("extract addon server = '%s' addon = '%s' path = '%s'",
            server, addon, path)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server)
        data = wml.get_campaign(addon)
        wml.unpackdir(data, path)
    def download(server, addon, temp_dir, svn_dir, password, stamp = None):

        logging.debug("download addon from wescamp server = '%s' addon = '%s' "
            + "temp_dir = '%s' svn_dir = '%s' password is not shown", 
            server, addon, temp_dir, svn_dir)

        # update the wescamp checkout for the translation, 
        svn = libsvn.SVN(wescamp + "/" + addon)

        # The result of the update can be ignored, no changes when updating
        # doesn't mean no changes to the translations.

        # test whether the svn has a translations dir, if not we can stop
        if(os.path.isdir(wescamp + "/" 
            + addon + "/" + addon + "/translations") == False):

            logging.info("Wescamp has no translations directory so we can stop.")
            if(stamp == None):
                return True

        # Export the entire addon data dir.
        svn_addon = libsvn.SVN(wescamp + "/" + addon + "/" + addon)
        svn_addon.export(temp_dir + "/" + addon)

        # If it is the old format with the addon.cfg copy that as well.
        svn_cfg = wescamp + "/" + addon + "/" + addon + ".cfg"
        temp_cfg = temp_dir + "/" + addon + ".cfg"
            logging.debug("Found old format config file")
            shutil.copy(svn_cfg, temp_cfg)

        # We don't test for changes, just upload the stuff.
        # NOTE wml.put_campaign tests whether the addon.cfg exists so
        # send it unconditionally.
        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server)
        if(stamp == None):
            wml.put_campaign("", addon, "", password, "", "", "",  
                temp_dir + "/" + addon + ".cfg", temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/")
            logging.info("New version of addon '%s' downloaded.", addon)
            if(stamp == get_timestamp(server, addon)):
                wml.put_campaign("", addon, "", password, "", "", "",  
                    temp_dir + "/" + addon + ".cfg", temp_dir + "/" + addon + "/")
                logging.info("New version of addon '%s' downloaded.", addon)
                return True
                return False
Exemple #6
    def extract(server, addon, path):
        """Download an addon from the server.

        server              The url of the addon server eg
        addon               The name of the addon.
        path                Directory to unpack the campaign in.
        returns             Nothing.

        logging.debug("extract addon server = '%s' addon = '%s' path = '%s'",
                      server, addon, path)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server, quiet_libwml)
        data = wml.get_campaign(addon)
        wml.unpackdir(data, path)
Exemple #7
    def get_timestamp(server, addon):

        logging.debug("get_timestamp server = '%s' addon = %s", server, addon)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server)
        data = wml.list_campaigns()

        # Item [0] hardcoded seems to work
        campaigns = data.data[0]
        result = {}
        for c in campaigns.get_all("campaign"):
            if (c.get_text_val("name") != addon):

            return int(c.get_text_val("timestamp"))

        return -1
    def list(server, translatable_only):
        logging.debug("list addons server = '%s' translatable_only = %s",
            server, translatable_only)

        wml = libwml.CampaignClient(server)
        data = wml.list_campaigns()

        # Item [0] hardcoded seems to work
        campaigns = data.data[0]
        result = {}
        for c in campaigns.get_all("campaign"):
            translatable = c.get_text_val("translate")
            if(translatable == "yes" or translatable == "on" or translatable == "true" or translatable == "1"):
                result[c.get_text_val("name")] = True
                # when the campaign isn't marked for translation skip it
                    result[c.get_text_val("name")] = False

        return result