def createDict(self):
        if self._details_dict:
            return self._details_dict

        self._details_dict = {}

        # There should be one mooring setup loaded from the fixtures
        mor_1 = Factory.MorFactory()

        self._details_dict['mor_1'] = mor_1

        return self._details_dict
    def setUp(self):
        super().setUp() = Factory.MorFactory.get_valid_data()

        obj = Factory.MorFactory()

        self.test_url = reverse_lazy('whalesdb:update_mor', args=(, ))

        # Since this is intended to be used as a pop-out form, the html file should start with an underscore
        self.test_expected_template = 'shared_models/shared_entry_form.html'

        self.expected_view = views.MorUpdate

        self.expected_form = forms.MorForm

        self.expected_success_url = reverse_lazy("whalesdb:list_mor")