def construct_tabs(self, config): baseconf = Configuration.config() tabs = [] ## Sort by label, but default (key="") always goes first configs = configuration_registry.copy() default = [("", configs.pop(""))] configs = default + sorted(configs.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) for (related, (label, model, formclass)) in configs: instance = None form = None selected = False if related == config: if related: try: instance = getattr(baseconf, related).get() except model.DoesNotExist: pass else: instance = baseconf form=formclass(instance=instance) selected = True tabs.append(dict(label=label, related=related, form=form, selected=selected)) return tabs
def construct_tabs(self, config): baseconf = Configuration.config() tabs = [] ## Sort by label, but default (key="") always goes first configs = configuration_registry.copy() default = configs.pop("") for section in [default] + sorted(configs.values(), key=operator.attrgetter("label")): instance = None form = None selected = False if == config: if and section.model: try: instance = getattr(baseconf, except section.model.DoesNotExist: pass else: instance = baseconf if section.form: form=section.form(instance=instance) selected = True tabs.append(dict(label=section.label,, form=form, selected=selected)) return tabs
def configuration(request): """ make sure the 'config' context variable is always present since it contains information about the current theme """ def is_logout_url(): return request.path == reverse("userena_signout") return dict(config=Configuration.config(), settings=settings, root=Node.root(), is_logout_url=is_logout_url)
def get_instance(self, config): instance = Configuration.config() klass = configuration_registry.get(config) if klass.model and config: try: instance = getattr(instance, config).get() except klass.model.DoesNotExist: instance = klass.model(main=instance) return instance
def test_import(self, client): """ test import of main and sub config """ xml = """<site base="" version="1"><node id="1" tree_path=""><children /></node><config set=""><item name="id">1</item><item name="title">Test Site</item><item name="description">Test Description</item><item name="theme">default</item><item name="analytics" /><item name="head" /><item name="sender" /><item name="sendermail" /><item name="mailto" /></config><config set="testconf"><item name="value">conftest</item></config></site>""" root = Node.root() importer = Importer(root) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) res = c = Configuration.config() assert c.title == "Test Site" assert c.description == "Test Description" assert c.testconf.all()[0].value == "conftest"
def contact_handler(handler, request, action): handler.context['form'] = ContactForm() if handler.context['form'] = form = ContactForm(request.POST) if form.is_valid(): sender = form.cleaned_data.get('sender', '') title = handler.instance.content().title message = form.cleaned_data.get('message', '') receiver = Configuration.config().mailto ip = get_client_ip(request) if not receiver: try: receiver = settings.ADMINS[0][1] except IndexError: error("No suitable receiver for contactform found", data=dict(sender=sender, title=title, message=message)) return handler.redirect(handler.instance.path or '/', error="Unfortunately, something went wrong") body = """\ Message from %(sender)s @ %(ip)s == %(message)s """ % dict(sender=sender, ip=ip, message=message) try: send_mail('Feedback from %s on "%s"' % (sender, title), body, sender, [receiver], fail_silently=False ) except (SMTPException, Exception): exception("failed to send form", data=dict(sender=sender, title=title, message=message)) return handler.redirect(handler.instance.path or '/', error="Unfortunately, something went wrong") ### Handle smtp issues! fail_silently=False return handler.redirect(handler.instance.path or '/', success="Your feedback has been sent") return render_to_response("wheelcms_simplecontact/contact.html", handler.context)
def process(self, config=""): instance = Configuration.config() (label, model, formclass) = configuration_registry.get(config) if config: try: instance = getattr(instance, config).get() except model.DoesNotExist: instance = model(main=instance) self.context['form'] = form = \ formclass(self.request.POST, instance=instance) if form.is_valid(): ## include hash, open tab return self.redirect(reverse('wheel_config'), config=config, success="Changes saved") self.context['tabs'] = self.construct_tabs(config) return self.template("wheelcms_axle/configuration.html")
def test_export(self, client): """ Test export of main and sub config """ c = Configuration.config() c.title = "Test Site" c.description = "Test Description" t = ConfigurationTest(main=c, value="conftest") root = Node.root() exporter = Exporter() xml, files = assert xml main = find_attribute(xml, "config", "set", "") testconf = find_attribute(xml, "config", "set", "testconf") assert main assert testconf assert find_attribute(main, "item", "name", "title").text == "Test Site" assert find_attribute(testconf, "item", "name", "value").text == "conftest"
def handle_comment_post(handler, request, action): """ Action to create a comment on any Spoke """ form = CommentForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): ## since we're redirecting, use sessions to temporarily store ## the comment data request.session['comment_post'] = request.POST return handler.redirect(handler.instance.get_absolute_url(), error=ugettext("Please fix your errors"), hash="commentform") name = request.POST.get('name') body = request.POST.get('body') captcha = request.POST.get('body') ## if someone tries really really hard... id = "%s-%s" % ("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"), random.randint(0,1000)) title = _("Comment by %(owner)s on %(date)s") % \ dict(owner=name, n = handler.instance.add(id) lang = get_active_language() c = Comment(title=title, name=name, body=body, node=n, state="pending", language=lang).save() if 'posted_comments' not in request.session: request.session['posted_comments'] = [] request.session['posted_comments'].append(c.node.path) request.session.modified = True baseconf = BaseConfiguration.config() try: notify = baseconf.comments.get().notify_address.strip() except Configuration.DoesNotExist: notify = "" sender = baseconf.sendermail.strip() if notify and sender: content = handler.instance.content() domain = Site.objects.get_current().domain content_url = "http://%s%s" % (domain, content.get_absolute_url()) comment_url = "http://%s%s" % (domain, n.get_absolute_url()) send_mail('New comment on "%s"' % content.title, """A new comment has been posted on "%(title)s" %(content_url)s Name: %(name)s Content: %(body)s View/edit/delete comment: %(comment_url)sedit#collapseadvanced""" % dict(title=content.title, content_url=content_url, comment_url=comment_url, name=name, body=body), sender, [notify], fail_silently=True) ## log details (ip, etc) in description, or add extra fields ## send notification, if enabled ## optionally 'recognize' the user and show the comment only to him/her ## allow approval/rejection of comment through view? return handler.redirect(handler.instance.get_absolute_url(), info="Your comment is being processed")
def theme_css(self): theme = Configuration.config().themeinfo() return ",".join(theme.css_resources())