class DominionsScreen(Frame): def setup(self, **context) -> 'DominionsScreen': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.dominion = None return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: self.modal = None self.title = 'Dominions' Button(self, content='\U00002795 Create', command=self.on_create).grid(0, 0) Spacer(self).grid(0, 1).weight(col=2) self.header = Listbox(self, data=['ID', 'Name'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox( self, command=self.on_body, ).grid(3).span(col=3).weight(9) async def load(self) -> None: dominions = (await {"meta": { "model": "dominion", "domain": [] }}))['data'] self.body.setup(data=dominions, fields=['id', 'name'], limit=10).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: self.dominion = getattr(, 'item', None) if self.dominion: self.modal = DominionDetailsModal(self, injector=self.injector, dominion=self.dominion, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={ 'height': 0.67, 'width': 0.67 }).launch() async def on_create(self, event: Event) -> None: dominion = {'name': ''} self.modal = DominionDetailsModal(self, injector=self.injector, dominion=dominion, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={ 'height': 0.67, 'width': 0.67 }).launch() async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None await self.load() self.render()
class CredentialsModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'CredentialsModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.management_manager = self.injector['ManagementManager'] self.user = context['user'] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() frame = Frame(self, title='Credentials').title_style( Color.WARNING()).weight(4, 2) Listbox(frame, data=['ID', 'Type', 'Client', 'Value'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox(frame).grid(3).span(col=3).weight(9) async def load(self) -> None: credentials = (await{ "meta": { "model": "credential", "domain": [('user_id', '=', self.user['id'])] } }))['data'] self.body.setup(data=credentials, fields=[ 'id', 'type', 'client', 'value'], limit=10).connect()
class TenantsModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'TenantsModal': self.tenant_supplier = context['injector']['TenantInformer'] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.header = Listbox(self, data=['ID', 'Name'], orientation='horizontal') self.body = Listbox(self, command=self.on_body).grid(1).weight(4) async def load(self) -> None: tenants = (await self.tenant_supplier.search_tenants( {"meta": { "domain": [] }}))['data'] self.body.setup(data=tenants, fields=['id', 'name']).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: item = await self.done(item)
class DominionsModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'DominionsModal': self.authark_informer = context['injector']['StandardInformer'] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.header = Listbox(self, data=['ID', 'Name'], orientation='horizontal') self.body = Listbox(self, command=self.on_body).grid(1).weight(4) async def load(self) -> None: dominions = (await{ "meta": { "model": "dominion", "domain": [] } }))['data'] self.body.setup(data=dominions, fields=['id', 'name']).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: item = await self.done(item)
class RoleSelectionModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'RoleSelectionModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: Listbox(self, data=['ID', 'Name', 'Dominion'], orientation='horizontal').grid(0) self.body = Listbox(self, command=self.on_body).grid(1).weight(9) async def load(self) -> None: roles = (await{ "meta": { "model": "role", "domain": [] } }))['data'] dominions_map = { dominion['id']: dominion for dominion in (await{ "meta": { "model": "dominion", "domain": [('id', 'in', [ role['dominion_id'] for role in roles])] } }))['data']} for role in roles: role['dominion_name'] = dominions_map[role['dominion_id']]['name'] self.body.setup(data=roles, fields=['id', 'name', 'dominion_name']).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: role = getattr(, 'item', None) if role: await self.done({'result': 'roles', 'role': role})
class RestrictionsModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'RestrictionsModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.security_manager = self.injector['SecurityManager'] self.policy = context['policy'] self.restriction = None return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.modal = None frame = Frame( self, title=f'Restrictions for resource: {self.policy["resource"]}' ).title_style(Color.WARNING()).weight(4, 2) Button(frame, content='\U00002795 Create', command=self.on_create).grid(0, 0) Button(frame, content='\U00002716 Cancel', command=self.on_cancel).style(Color.WARNING()).grid(0, 1) Listbox(frame, data=['Sequence', 'Name', 'Target', 'Domain'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox(frame, command=self.on_body ).grid(3).span(col=3).weight(9) async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None await self.load() self.render() async def load(self) -> None: roles = (await{ "meta": { "model": "restriction", "domain": [('policy_id', '=', self.policy['id'])] } }))['data'] self.body.setup(data=roles, fields=[ 'sequence', 'name', 'target', 'domain'], limit=10).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: self.restriction = getattr(, 'item', None) if self.restriction: self.modal = RestrictionDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, restriction=self.restriction, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.85, 'width': 0.90}).launch() async def on_create(self, event: Event) -> None: restriction = { 'id': '', 'policy_id': self.policy['id'], 'sequence': 0, 'name': '', 'target': self.policy['resource'], 'domain': ''} self.modal = RestrictionDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, restriction=restriction, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.85, 'width': 0.90}).launch() async def on_cancel(self, event: Event) -> None: await self.done({'result': 'cancelled'})
class PoliciesModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'PoliciesModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.security_manager = self.injector['SecurityManager'] self.role = context['role'] self.policy = None return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.modal = None frame = Frame( self, title=f'Policies for role: {self.role["name"]}').title_style( Color.DANGER()).weight(4, 2) Button(frame, content='\U00002795 Create', command=self.on_create).grid(0, 0) Button(frame, content='\U00002716 Cancel', command=self.on_cancel).style(Color.WARNING()).grid(0, 1) Listbox(frame, data=['Resource', 'Privilege', 'Active'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox(frame, command=self.on_body).grid(3).span(col=3).weight(9) async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None if event.details['result'] == 'restrictions': self.modal = RestrictionsModal( self, injector=self.injector, policy=self.policy, proportion={ 'height': 0.90, 'width': 0.95 }, done_command=self.on_modal_done).launch() else: await self.load() self.render() async def load(self) -> None: roles = (await{ "meta": { "model": "policy", "domain": [('role_id', '=', self.role['id'])] } }))['data'] self.body.setup(data=roles, fields=['resource', 'privilege', 'active'], limit=10).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: self.policy = getattr(, 'item', None) if self.policy: self.modal = PolicyDetailsModal(self, injector=self.injector, policy=self.policy, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={ 'height': 0.85, 'width': 0.90 }).launch() async def on_create(self, event: Event) -> None: policy = { 'id': '', 'resource': '', 'active': False, 'privilege': '', 'role_id': self.role['id'] } self.modal = PolicyDetailsModal(self, injector=self.injector, policy=policy, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={ 'height': 0.85, 'width': 0.90 }).launch() async def on_cancel(self, event: Event) -> None: await self.done({'result': 'cancelled'})
class RolesScreen(Frame): def setup(self, **context) -> 'RolesScreen': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.management_manager = self.injector['ManagementManager'] self.dominion: Dict = {} self.role = None return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.modal = None self.title = 'Roles' Button(self, content='\U00002795 Create', command=self.on_create).grid(0, 0) Button(self, content='Dominion', command=self.on_dominion).style(Color.SUCCESS()).grid(0, 1) self.dominion_label = Label( self, content=f'{self.dominion.get("name")}').grid(0, 2) Listbox(self, data=['Name', 'Description'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox( self, command=self.on_body).grid(2).span(col=3).weight(9) async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None if event.details['result'] == 'policies': self.modal = PoliciesModal( self, injector=self.injector, role=self.role, proportion={'height': 0.90, 'width': 0.95}, done_command=self.on_modal_done).launch() elif event.details['result'] == 'users': self.modal = UsersSelectionModal( self, injector=self.injector, role=self.role, proportion={'height': 0.95, 'width': 0.95}, done_command=self.on_modal_done).launch() else: await self.load() self.render() async def load(self) -> None: self.dominion = self.dominion or next(iter( (await{ "meta": { "model": "dominion", "domain": [] } }))['data']), {'id': 'None'}) roles = (await{ "meta": { "model": "role", "domain": [('dominion_id', '=', self.dominion.get('id'))] } }))['data'] self.body.setup( data=roles, fields=['name', 'description'], limit=20).connect() self.dominion_label.setup( content=f'{self.dominion.get("name")}').render() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: self.role = getattr(, 'item', None) if self.role: self.modal = RoleDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, role=self.role, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.67, 'width': 0.80}).launch() async def on_dominion(self, event: Event) -> None: self.modal = DominionsModal( self, injector=self.injector, done_command=self.on_dominion_switch, proportion={'height': 0.60, 'width': 0.80} ).launch() async def on_dominion_switch(self, event: Event) -> None: self.dominion = event.details self.connect() async def on_create(self, event: Event) -> None: role = {'id': '', 'name': '', 'dominion_id': self.dominion.get('id'), 'description': ''} self.modal = RoleDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, role=role, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.70, 'width': 0.70}).launch() async def on_cancel(self, event: Event) -> None: await self.done({'result': 'cancelled'})
class UsersSelectionModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'RoleDetailsModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.management_manager = self.injector['ManagementManager'] self.role = context['role'] self.focused: Dict = {} self.available_domain: List = [] self.chosen_domain: List = [] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.modal = None available_frame = Frame(self, title='Available').weight( 5, 4).grid(0, 0) self.available_search = Entry( available_frame, command=self.on_available_search).listen( 'keydown', self.on_available_search, True).weight( col=2).grid(0, 0) self.available_total = Label( available_frame, content='Total: 0').grid(0, 1) self.available = Listbox( available_frame, command=self.on_select).weight( 9).span(col=2).grid(1) switchers = Frame(self).title_style( Color.SUCCESS()).style(border=[]).weight(5).grid(0, 1) Button(switchers, content='\U000025B6', command=self.on_choose).style( Color.SUCCESS(), border=[], template='{}').grid(0) Button(switchers, content='\U000025C0', command=self.on_clear).style( Color.SUCCESS(), border=[], template='{}').grid(1) Button(switchers, content='\U000023E9', command=self.on_choose_all).style( Color.SUCCESS(), border=[], template='{}').grid(2) Button(switchers, content='\U000023EA', command=self.on_clear_all).style( Color.SUCCESS(), border=[], template='{}').grid(3) chosen_frame = Frame(self, title='Chosen').weight( 5, 4).grid(0, 2) self.chosen_search = Entry(chosen_frame).listen( 'keydown', self.on_chosen_search, True).weight(col=2).grid(0, 0) self.chosen_total = Label( chosen_frame, content='Total: 0').grid(0, 1) self.chosen = Listbox( chosen_frame, command=self.on_select).weight( 9).span(col=2).grid(1) actions = Frame( self, title='Actions').title_style( Color.WARNING()).grid(1).span(col=3) Label(actions, content=f'Role: {self.role["name"]}').grid(0, 2) Spacer(actions).grid(0, 3).weight(col=1) Button(actions, content='Save', command=self.on_save ).style(Color.SUCCESS()).grid(0, 4) Button(actions, content='Cancel', command=self.on_cancel ).style(Color.WARNING()).grid(0, 5) async def on_select(self, event: Event) -> None: item = getattr(, 'item', None) self.focused = item if isinstance(item, dict) else {} async def on_available_search(self, event: Event) -> None: if event.key == '\n': event.stop = True text = self.available_search.text.strip() self.available.offset = 0 self.available_domain = [] if not text else [ '|', ('name', 'ilike', f'%{text}%'), ('email', 'ilike', f'%{text}%')] await self.load() self.available_search.focus() async def on_chosen_search(self, event: Event) -> None: if event.key == '\n': event.stop = True text = self.chosen_search.text.strip() self.chosen.offset = 0 self.chosen_domain = [] if not text else [ '|', ('name', 'ilike', f'%{text}%'), ('email', 'ilike', f'%{text}%')] await self.load() self.chosen_search.focus() async def load(self) -> None: current_user_ids = [ranking['user_id'] for ranking in (await{ "meta": { "model": "ranking", "domain": [ ('role_id', '=', self.role['id'])] } }))['data'] ] available_users = (await{ "meta": { "model": "user", "domain": [ '!', ('id', 'in', current_user_ids)] + self.available_domain } }))['data'] chosen_users = (await{ "meta": { "model": "user", "domain": [ ('id', 'in', current_user_ids)] + self.chosen_domain } }))['data'] self.available.setup(data=available_users, fields=['username', 'email'], limit=20).connect() self.chosen.setup(data=chosen_users, fields=['username', 'email'], limit=20).connect() self._update_totals() async def on_choose(self, event: Event) -> None: self._switch(self.focused, self.available, self.chosen) self._update_totals() async def on_choose_all(self, event: Event) -> None: = list( + = [] self.chosen.connect() self.available.connect() self._update_totals() async def on_clear(self, event: Event) -> None: self._switch(self.focused, self.chosen, self.available) self._update_totals() async def on_clear_all(self, event: Event) -> None: = list( + = [] self.available.connect() self.chosen.connect() self._update_totals() def _update_totals(self) -> None: self.available_total.setup( content=f'Total: {len(}').render() self.chosen_total.setup( content=f'Total: {len(}').render() def _switch(self, item: Optional[Dict[str, Any]], source: Listbox, target: Listbox) -> None: if item and item in source.connect() if item and item not in, item) target.connect() async def on_save(self, event: Event) -> None: removing_ranking_ids = [ ranking['id'] for ranking in (await{ "meta": { "model": "ranking", "domain": [('role_id', '=', self.role['id']), ('user_id', 'in', [user['id'] for user in])] } }))['data'] ] await self.management_manager.deassign_role(removing_ranking_ids) adding_rankings = [{'role_id': self.role['id'], 'user_id': user['id']} for user in] await self.management_manager.assign_role({ "meta": {}, "data": adding_rankings }) await self.done({'result': 'saved'}) async def on_cancel(self, event: Event) -> None: await self.done({'result': 'cancelled'})
class UsersScreen(Frame): def setup(self, **context) -> 'UsersScreen': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.user = None self.domain: List[Any] = [] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: self.modal = None self.title = 'Users' Button(self, content='\U00002795 Create', command=self.on_create).grid(0, 0) Label(self, content='\U0001F50D Search:').grid(0, 1) = Entry(self).grid(0, 2).style( border=[0]).weight(col=3) self.header = Listbox( self, data=['ID', 'Name', 'Email'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox( self, command=self.on_body).grid(3).span(col=3).weight(9)'keydown', self.on_search, True) async def load(self) -> None: users = (await{ "meta": { "model": "user", "domain": self.domain } }))['data'] self.body.setup( data=users, fields=['id', 'name', 'email'], limit=20).connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: self.user = getattr(, 'item', None) if self.user: self.modal = UserDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, user=self.user, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.90, 'width': 0.90}).launch() async def on_search(self, event: Event) -> None: if event.key == '\n': event.stop = True self.body.offset = 0 text = self.domain = [] if not text else [ '|', ('name', 'ilike', f'%{text}%'), ('email', 'ilike', f'%{text}%')] await self.load() async def on_create(self, event: Event) -> None: user = {'name': '', 'username': '', 'email': '', 'attributes': {}} self.modal = UserDetailsModal( self, injector=self.injector, user=user, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.90, 'width': 0.90}).launch() async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None if event.details['result'] == 'roles': self.modal = RankingsModal( self, injector=self.injector, user=self.user, done_command=self.on_modal_done).launch() elif event.details['result'] == 'credentials': self.modal = CredentialsModal( self, injector=self.injector, user=self.user, done_command=self.on_modal_done).launch() else: await self.load() self.render() self.body.focus()
class RankingsModal(Modal): def setup(self, **context) -> 'RankingsModal': self.injector = context['injector'] self.authark_informer = self.injector['StandardInformer'] self.management_manager = self.injector['ManagementManager'] self.user = context['user'] return super().setup(**context) and self def build(self) -> None: super().build() self.modal = None frame = Frame(self, title='Rankings').title_style( Color.WARNING()).weight(4, 2) Button(frame, content='\U00002795 Assign', command=self.on_assign).grid(0, 0) Label(frame, content='"Middle click" to Delete').grid(0, 1) self.header = Listbox( frame, data=['ID', 'Role', 'Dominion'], orientation='horizontal').grid(1).span(col=3) self.body = Listbox(frame, command=self.on_body).grid( 3).span(col=3).weight(9) async def load(self) -> None: rankings = [] for ranking, [role] in (await self.authark_informer.join({ "meta": { "model": "ranking", "domain": [('user_id', '=', self.user['id'])], "join": "role", "link": "ranking" } }))['data']: [dominion] = (await{ "meta": { "model": "dominion", "domain": [('id', '=', role['dominion_id'])] } }))['data'] ranking['role_name'] = role['name'] ranking['dominion_name'] = dominion['name'] rankings.append(ranking) self.body.setup(data=rankings, fields=[ 'id', 'role_name', 'dominion_name'], limit=10).connect() async def on_modal_done(self, event: Event) -> None: self.remove(self.modal) self.modal = None if event.details['result'] == 'roles': await self.assign_role(event.details['role']) else: await self.load() self.render() async def on_assign(self, event: Event) -> None: self.modal = RoleSelectionModal( self, injector=self.injector, done_command=self.on_modal_done, proportion={'height': 0.70, 'width': 0.70}).launch() async def assign_role(self, role_dict: Dict[str, str]) -> None: ranking_dict = {'user_id': self.user['id'], 'role_id': role_dict['id']} await self.management_manager.assign_role([ranking_dict]) self.connect() async def on_body(self, event: Event) -> None: ranking = getattr(, 'item', None) if ranking and event.button == 2: event.stop = True await self.management_manager.deassign_role([ranking['id']]) self.connect()