def parse_bool(string):
    boolean = False

    if string == 'True' or string == 'true' or string == '1':
        boolean = True
    elif string == 'False' or string == 'false' or string =='0':
        boolean = False
        syntax_error('Boolean expected (True/true/1 or False/false/0)', string)

    return boolean
def parse_usepackage(usepackage):
    @param usepackage (str)
        the unparsed usepackage string in the form [options]{name}
    @return (tuple)
        (name(str), options(str))

    p = re.compile(r'^\s*(\[.*\])?\s*\{(.*)\}\s*$')
    m = p.match(usepackage)
    g = m.groups()
    if len(g)<2 or len(g)>2:
        syntax_error('usepackage specifications have to be of the form [%s]{%s}', usepackage)
    elif g[1]==None and g[1].strip()!='':
        syntax_error('usepackage specifications have to be of the form [%s]{%s}', usepackage)
        options = g[0]
        name = g[1].strip()
        return (name, options)
def parse_autotemplate(autotemplatebuffer):
    @param autotemplatebuffer (list)
        a list of lines found in the autotemplate section
    @return (list)
        a list of tuples of the form (string, string) with \command.parameters pairs

    for line in autotemplatebuffer:
        if len(line.lstrip())==0: #ignore empty lines
        if len(line.lstrip())>0 and line.lstrip().startswith('%'): #ignore lines starting with % as comments

        tokens = line.split('=', 1)
        if len(tokens)<2:
            syntax_error('lines in the autotemplate section have to be of the form key=value', line)

        result.append((tokens[0], tokens[1]))

    return result