Exemple #1
def LoadResource(hModule, type_, name, language):
    with pywin32error():
        hrsrc = _kernel32._FindResourceEx(hModule, type_, name, language)
        size = _kernel32._SizeofResource(hModule, hrsrc)
        hglob = _kernel32._LoadResource(hModule, hrsrc)
        pointer = _kernel32._LockResource(hglob)
    return _common._PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(pointer, size)
def CredWrite(Credential, Flags=CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB):
    """ Creates or updates a stored credential.

    Credential : dict
        Parameters to be passed to win32 API CredWrite/
    Flags : int
        Always pass CRED_PRESERVE_CREDENTIAL_BLOB (i.e. 0).

    credentials : dict
        A dictionary containing the following:

            - Type: the type of credential (see MSDN)
            - TargetName: the target to use (string)
            - Persist: see MSDN
            - UserName: the retrieved username
            - CredentialBlob: the password (as a *string*, not an encoded
              binary stream - this function takes care of the encoding).
            - Comment: a string

    c_creds = _advapi32.CREDENTIAL.fromdict(Credential, Flags)
    c_pcreds = _advapi32.PCREDENTIAL(c_creds)
    with pywin32error():
        _advapi32._CredWrite(c_pcreds, 0)
Exemple #3
def EnumResourceLanguages(hModule, type_, name):
    resource_languages = []

    def callback(hModule, type_name, res_name, language_id, param):
        return True

    with pywin32error():
            hModule, type_, name, _kernel32.ENUMRESLANGPROC(callback), 0)
    return resource_languages
Exemple #4
def EnumResourceNames(hModule, type_):
    resource_names = []

    def callback(hModule, type_, type_name, param):
        return True

    with pywin32error():
            hModule, type_, _kernel32.ENUMRESNAMEPROC(callback), 0)
    return resource_names
Exemple #5
def EnumResourceTypes(hModule):
    resource_types = []

    def callback(hModule, type_, param):
        return True

    with pywin32error():
            hModule, _kernel32.ENUMRESTYPEPROC(callback), 0)
    return resource_types
def CredWrite(credential, flag):
    Mimic pywin32 win32cred.CredWrite.

    credential: dict
        Dict of parameters to be passed to win32 API CredWrite
    flag: int

    credentials: dict
        A dictionary containing the following:

            - Type: the type of credential (see MSDN)
            - TargetName: the target to use (string)
            - Persist: see MSDN
            - UserName: the retrieved username
            - CredentialBlob: the password (as a *string*, not an encoded
              binary stream - this function takes care of the encoding).
            - Comment: a string

    unsupported = set(credential.keys()) - _advapi32.SUPPORTED_CREDKEYS
    if len(unsupported):
        raise ValueError("Unsupported keys: {0}".format(unsupported))
    if flag != 0:
        raise ValueError("flag != 0 not yet supported")

    c_creds = _advapi32.CREDENTIAL()
    c_pcreds = ctypes.pointer(c_creds)

    ctypes.memset(c_pcreds, flag, ctypes.sizeof(c_creds))

    for key in _advapi32.SUPPORTED_CREDKEYS:
        if key in credential:
            if key != 'CredentialBlob':
                setattr(c_creds, key, credential[key])
                blob = _make_blob(credential['CredentialBlob'])
                blob_data = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(blob)
                # Create_unicode_buffer adds a NULL at the end of the string
                # we do not want that.
                c_creds.CredentialBlobSize = \
                    ctypes.sizeof(blob_data) - ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_wchar)
                c_creds.CredentialBlob = ctypes.cast(
                    blob_data, _common.LPBYTE)
    with pywin32error():
        _advapi32._CredWrite(c_pcreds, 0)
def CredDelete(TargetName, Type):
    Remove the given target name from the stored credentials.

    Mimic pywin32 win32cred.CreadDelete.

    TargetName: str-like
        The target name to fetch from the keyring.
    if not Type == CRED_TYPE_GENERIC:
        raise ValueError("Type != CRED_TYPE_GENERIC not yet supported.")
    with pywin32error():
        _advapi32._CredDelete(TargetName, Type, 0)
def CredDelete(TargetName, Type, Flags=0):
    """ Remove the given target name from the stored credentials.

    TargetName : unicode
        The target name to fetch from the keyring.
    Type : int
        One of the CRED_TYPE_* constants.
    Flags : int
        Reserved, always use 0.

    if not Type == CRED_TYPE_GENERIC:
        raise ValueError("Type != CRED_TYPE_GENERIC not yet supported.")
    with pywin32error():
        _advapi32._CredDelete(TargetName, Type, 0)
def CredRead(TargetName, Type):
    Mimic pywin32 win32cred.CreadRead.

    TargetName: str-like
        The target name to fetch from the keyring.

    credentials: dict
        A dictionary containing the following:

            - UserName: the retrieved username
            - CredentialBlob: the password (as an utf-16 encoded 'string')

        None if the target name was not found.
    if not Type == CRED_TYPE_GENERIC:
        raise ValueError("Type != CRED_TYPE_GENERIC not yet supported")

    flag = 0
    c_pcreds = _advapi32.PCREDENTIAL()

    with pywin32error():
        _advapi32._CredRead(TargetName, Type, flag, ctypes.byref(c_pcreds))
        c_creds = c_pcreds.contents
        credential = {}
        for key in _advapi32.SUPPORTED_CREDKEYS:
            if key != 'CredentialBlob':
                credential[key] = getattr(c_creds, key)
                blob = _common._PyBytes_FromStringAndSize(
                    c_creds.CredentialBlob, c_creds.CredentialBlobSize)
                credential['CredentialBlob'] = blob
        return credential
def CredRead(TargetName, Type, Flags=0):
    """ Retrieves a stored credential.

    TargetName : unicode
        The target name to fetch from the keyring.
    Type : int
        One of the CRED_TYPE_* constants.
    Flags : int
        Reserved, always use 0.

    credentials : dict
        A dictionary containing the following:

            - UserName: the retrieved username
            - CredentialBlob: the password (as an utf-16 encoded 'string')

        ``None`` if the target name was not found.

    if Type != CRED_TYPE_GENERIC:
        raise ValueError("Type != CRED_TYPE_GENERIC not yet supported")

    flag = 0
    with pywin32error():
        if _backend == 'cffi':
            ppcreds = _advapi32.PPCREDENTIAL()
            _advapi32._CredRead(TargetName, Type, flag, ppcreds)
            pcreds = _common.dereference(ppcreds)
            pcreds = _advapi32.PCREDENTIAL()
                TargetName, Type, flag, _common.byreference(pcreds))
        return _advapi32.credential2dict(_common.dereference(pcreds))
Exemple #11
def FreeLibrary(hModule):
    with pywin32error():
        return _kernel32._FreeLibrary(hModule)
Exemple #12
def LoadLibraryEx(FileName, handle, flags):
    if not handle == 0:
        raise ValueError("handle != 0 not supported")
    with pywin32error():
        return _kernel32._LoadLibraryEx(FileName, 0, flags)