Exemple #1
def get_screen_position_and_size(window_handles):
    """Return screen position; X, Y and size; width, height.

    window_handles: list of handles to open window figures
      (Note: only needed the first time)

    X : coordinate of the left side of the screen.
    Y : coordinate of the top of the screen.
    width : screen horizontal size
    height : screen vertical size

    # pylint: disable=global-statement
    global _SCREENSIZE
    if _SCREENSIZE is None:
        window_handle = window_handles[0]
        pos = get_window_position_and_size(window_handle)
        _show_windows((window_handle,), win32con.SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED)
        _SCREENSIZE = get_window_position_and_size(window_handle)
        MoveWindow(window_handle, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], pos[3], 1)
    return _SCREENSIZE
Exemple #2
        def move(gui, win, ctrl, x, y, cx, cy):
            spare_height = cy - ctrl.fixed_height
            for section in ctrl.fields:
                if not isinstance(section, (Section, Field)):
                    field_height = section.height
                    if not field_height:
                        field_height = spare_height // ctrl.var_heights
                        spare_height += 1  # Distribute division rounding
                    move = gui.controls[type(section)].move
                    move(gui, win, section, 0, y, cx, field_height)
                    y += field_height

                group_top = y
                y += win.label_height
                for field in section.fields:
                    if isinstance(field, Field):
                        target = field.field
                        target = field

                    if target.height:
                        field_height = max(win.label_height, target.height)
                        label_y = y + (field_height - win.label_height) // 2
                        field_height = spare_height // ctrl.var_heights
                        spare_height += 1  # Distribute rounding from division
                        label_y = y

                    if isinstance(field, Field):
                        label_width = round(80 * win.x_unit)
                        MoveWindow(field.label, 0, label_y, label_width,
                                   win.label_height, 1)
                        label_width = 0

                    target_width = cx - label_width
                    move = gui.controls[type(target)].move
                    move(gui, win, target, label_width, y, target_width,

                    y += field_height

                y += round(4 * win.y_unit)
                group_height = y - group_top
                MoveWindow(section.hwnd, 0, group_top, cx, group_height, 1)
Exemple #3
def restore_window_positions(c_db, store_db):
    _db = dict()
    for k, v in c_db.items():
        if k in store_db:
            _l, _t, _r, _b, _ = store_db[k]
                MoveWindow(k, _l, _t, _r, _b, True)
            except pywintypes.error:
                # intercept and ignore 'access denied' errors
Exemple #4
def stack(*figure_numbers, **kwds):
    """Stack figure windows.

    figure_numbers : list of integers or string
        specifying which figures to stack (default 'all').
    kwds : dict with the following keys
        figs_per_stack :
            number of figures per stack (default depends on screenheight)

       STACK stacks all open figure windows on top of eachother
       with maximum overlap. STACK(FIGS) can be used to specify which
       figures that should be stacked. Figures are not sorted when specified.

     >>> import pylab as p
     >>> import wafo.fig as fig
     >>> for ix in range(7):
     ...     f = p.figure(ix)
     >>> fig.stack()                # stack all open figures
     >>> fig.stack(range(1,4), 5, 7)  # stack figure 1,2,3,5 and 7
     >>> fig.close()

     See also
      fig.cycle, fig.keep, fig.maximize, fig.restore,
             fig.pile, fig.tile

    wnds = find_figure_handles(*figure_numbers)
    numfigs = len(wnds)
    if numfigs > 0:
        screenpos = get_screen_position_and_size(wnds)
        y_step = 25
        x_step = border = 5

        figs_per_stack = kwds.get(
            int(numpy.fix(0.7 * (screenpos[3] - border) / y_step)))

        for iy in range(numfigs):
            pos = get_window_position_and_size(wnds[iy])
            # print('[x, y, w, h] = ', pos)
            ix = iy % figs_per_stack
            ypos = int(screenpos[1] + ix * y_step + border)
            xpos = int(screenpos[0] + ix * x_step + border)
            MoveWindow(wnds[iy], xpos, ypos, pos[2], pos[3], 1)
Exemple #5
def main():
    print("Inside main")
    for hwnd, text, cls in enum_windows():
        if IsWindowEnabled(hwnd) and IsWindowVisible(hwnd) and text:
            if not inside_desktop(hwnd):
                left, top, right, bottom = GetWindowPlacement(hwnd)[4]
                width = right - left
                height = bottom - top
                (x, y) = GetWindowRect(GetDesktopWindow())[:2]
                    MoveWindow(hwnd, x, y, width, height, 1)
                    print ("moved '%s'" % text)
                    # Ignore windows we can't move.
                    print("Can't move")
Exemple #6
def set_size(*figure_numbers, **kwds):
    """Set size for figure windows.

    figure_numbers : list of integers or string
        specifying which figures to pile (default 'all').
    kwds : dict with the following keys
        width  :
        height :

    Set size sets the size of all open figure windows. SET_SIZE(FIGS)
    can be used to specify which figures that should be resized.
    Figures are not sorted when specified.

     >>> import pylab as p
     >>> import fig
     >>> for ix in range(7):
     ...     f = p.figure(ix)
     >>> fig.set_size(7, width=150, height=100)
     >>> fig.set_size(range(1,4), 5,width=250, height=170)
     >>> fig.close()

     See also
     fig.cycle, fig.keep, fig.maximize, fig.restore,
             fig.stack, fig.tile

    handles = find_figure_handles(*figure_numbers)
    numfigs = len(handles)
    if numfigs > 0:
        screen_width, screen_height = _get_screen_size(handles)
        width = kwds.get('width', int(screen_width / 2.5))
        height = kwds.get('height', int(screen_height / 2))
        new_pos = kwds.get('position', None)
        pos = new_pos
        for handle in handles:
            if not new_pos:
                pos = get_window_position_and_size(handle)
            MoveWindow(handle, pos[0], pos[1], width, height, 1)
Exemple #7
def pile(*figure_numbers, **kwds):
    """Pile figure windows.

    figure_numbers : list of integers or string
        specifying which figures to pile (default 'all').
    kwds : dict with the following keys
        position :
        width  :
        height :

       PILE piles all open figure windows on top of eachother
       with complete overlap. PILE(FIGS) can be used to specify which
       figures that should be piled. Figures are not sorted when specified.

     >>> import pylab as p
     >>> import wafo.fig as fig
     >>> for ix in range(7):
     ...     f = p.figure(ix)
     >>> fig.pile()                # pile all open figures
     >>> fig.pile(range(1,4), 5, 7)  # pile figure 1,2,3,5 and 7
     >>> fig.close()

     See also
     fig.cycle, fig.keep, fig.maximize, fig.restore,
             fig.stack, fig.tile

    wnds = find_figure_handles(*figure_numbers)
    numfigs = len(wnds)
    if numfigs > 0:
        screen_width, screen_height = _get_screen_size(wnds)
        pos = kwds.get(
            'position', (int(screen_width / 5), int(screen_height / 4)))
        width = kwds.get('width', int(screen_width / 2.5))
        height = kwds.get('height', int(screen_height / 2))

        for wnd in wnds:
            MoveWindow(wnd, pos[0], pos[1], width, height, 1)
Exemple #8
 def resize_and_keybinds(self):
     return values:
         2 = exit
         5 = skip
         0 = nothing
     if (GetWindowText(GetForegroundWindow()) == 'VLC (Direct3D11 output)'):
         if not self.winsize:
             MoveWindow(GetForegroundWindow(), 150, 30, 1600, 1000, True)
             self.winsize = True
         if keyboard.is_pressed('space'):
             if self.toggle:
                 self.toggle = False
                 self.toggle = True
         if keyboard.is_pressed('ctrl+d'):
             self.player.set_time(self.player.get_time() + 60000)
         elif keyboard.is_pressed('d'):
             self.player.set_time(self.player.get_time() + 15000)
         if keyboard.is_pressed('ctrl+a'):
             self.player.set_time(self.player.get_time() - 60000)
         elif keyboard.is_pressed('a'):
             self.player.set_time(self.player.get_time() - 15000)
         if keyboard.is_pressed('shift+f'):
             self.fullscreen = not self.fullscreen
         if keyboard.is_pressed('y'):
             return 5
         if keyboard.is_pressed('esc'):
             return 2
         return 0
         return 0
Exemple #9
def move_window(targ_proc, x, y, relative=False):
    from win32gui import MoveWindow, GetWindowRect

    if isinstance(targ_proc, int) or (isinstance(targ_proc, str)
                                      and targ_proc.isdigit()):
        hwnd = get_hwnds_for_pid(int(targ_proc))[0]
        hwnd = get_main_handle(targ_proc)

    rect = GetWindowRect(hwnd)

    width = rect[2] - rect[0]
    height = rect[3] - rect[1]

    if relative:
        x += rect[0]
        y += rect[1]

    MoveWindow(hwnd, x, y, width, height, True)
Exemple #10
    def new_window(self, win, parent=None, *, title=None, contents):
        template = (title, (0, 0, 0, 0), WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW)
        handlers = {
            WM_INITDIALOG: partial(self.on_init_dialog, win),
            WM_DESTROY: partial(self.on_destroy, win),
            WM_CLOSE: partial(self.on_close, win),
            WM_SIZE: partial(self.on_size, win),
            WM_COMMAND: partial(self.on_command, win),
            WM_NOTIFY: partial(self.on_notify, win),
        win.contents = contents

        win.commands = dict()
        win.id = 1024

        if parent:
            parent = parent.hwnd

        win.init_exc = None  # Tunnel exceptions raised during WM_INITDIALOG
            CreateDialogIndirect(None, (template, ), parent, handlers)
            if win.init_exc:
                raise win.init_exc
            del win.init_exc

        (left, top, _, _) = GetWindowRect(win.hwnd)
        width = round(80 * win.x_unit) + round(160 * win.x_unit)
        height = round(250 * win.y_unit)
        width += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSIZEFRAME) * 2
        height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSIZEFRAME) * 2
        height += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION)
        MoveWindow(win.hwnd, left, top, width, height, 0)

        ShowWindow(win.hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL)
Exemple #11
def tile(*figure_numbers, **kwds):
    """Tile figure windows.

    figure_numbers : list of integers or string
        specifying which figures to tile (default 'all').
    kwds : dict with key pairs
        specifying how many pairs of figures that are tiled at a time

       TILE places all open figure windows around on the screen with no
       overlap. TILE(FIGS) can be used to specify which figures that
       should be tiled. Figures are not sorted when specified.

     >>> import pylab as p
     >>> import wafo.fig as fig
     >>> for ix in range(7):
     ...     f = p.figure(ix)
     >>> fig.tile()             # tile all open figures
     >>> fig.tile( range(1,4), 5, 7)    # tile figure 1,2,3,5 and 7
     >>> fig.tile(range(1,11), pairs=2) # tile figure 1 to 10 two at a time
     >>> fig.tile(range(1,11), pairs=3) # tile figure 1 to 10 three at a time
     >>> fig.close()

     See also
     fig.cycle, fig.keep, fig.maximize, fig.minimize
     fig.restore, fig.pile, fig.stack

    wnds = find_figure_handles(*figure_numbers)

    nfigs = len(wnds)
    # Number of windows.

    if nfigs > 0:
        nfigspertile = kwds.get('pairs', nfigs)

        ceil = numpy.ceil
        sqrt = numpy.sqrt
        maximum = numpy.maximum

        nlayers = int(ceil(nfigs / nfigspertile))

        # Number of figures horisontally.
        nh = maximum(int(ceil(sqrt(nfigspertile))), 2)
        # Number of figures vertically.
        nv = maximum(int(ceil(nfigspertile / nh)), 2)

        screenpos = get_screen_position_and_size(wnds)
        screen_width, screen_heigth = screenpos[2:4]

        hspc = 10            # Horisontal space.
        topspc = 20            # Space above top figure.
        medspc = 10            # Space between figures.
        botspc = 20            # Space below bottom figure.

        figwid = (screen_width - (nh + 1) * hspc) / nh
        fighgt = (screen_heigth - (topspc + botspc) - (nv - 1) * medspc) / nv

        figwid = int(numpy.round(figwid))
        fighgt = int(numpy.round(fighgt))

        idx = 0
        for unused_ix in range(nlayers):
            for row in range(nv):
                figtop = int(screenpos[1] + topspc + row * (fighgt + medspc))
                for col in range(nh):
                    if (row) * nh + col < nfigspertile:
                        if idx < nfigs:
                            figlft = int(
                                screenpos[0] + (col + 1) * hspc + col * figwid)
                            fighnd = wnds[idx]
                            MoveWindow(fighnd, figlft, figtop, figwid, fighgt,
                            # Set position.
                        idx += 1
Exemple #12
 def move(gui, win, ctrl, left, top, width, height):
     MoveWindow(ctrl.hwnd, left, top, width, height, 1)
Exemple #13
 def move(gui, win, ctrl, left, top, width, height):
     left += (width - ctrl.width) // 2
     top += (height - ctrl.height) // 2
     MoveWindow(ctrl.hwnd, left, top, ctrl.width, ctrl.height, 1)
Exemple #14
from win32gui import FindWindow, GetWindowRect, MoveWindow

windowNameOne = "1.txt - Notepad"
windowNameTwo = "2.txt - Notepad"

while True:
    windowHandleOne = FindWindow(None, windowNameOne)
    windowRectOne = GetWindowRect(windowHandleOne)  
    rectOne = windowRectOne
    x1 = rectOne[2] #- rect[0]
    y1 = rectOne[3] #- rect[1]

    #windowHandleTwo = FindWindow(None, windowNameTwo)
    #windowTwo = GetWindowRect(windowHandleTwo)  
    #rectTwo = windowTwo
    #x2 = rectTwo[2] #- rect[0]
    #y2 = rectTwo[3] #- rect[1]
    hwnd = FindWindow(None, windowNameTwo)
    MoveWindow(hwnd, x1, y1, 720, 720, True)


Exemple #15
 def resize_client(self, w, h):
     cx1, cy1, cx2, cy2 = GetClientRect(self.hwnd)
     wx1, wy1, wx2, wy2 = GetWindowRect(self.hwnd)
     dx = (wx2 - wx1) - cx2
     dy = (wy2 - wy1) - cy2
     MoveWindow(self.hwnd, wx1, wy1, w+dx, h+dy, True)
Exemple #16
 def move_to(self, x, y):
     MoveWindow(self.hwnd, x, y, self.width, self.height, True)