def create(self, path):
        Creates a new Registry key.

        @type  path: str
        @param path: Registry key path.

        @rtype:  L{RegistryKey}
        @return: The newly created Registry key.
        path = self._sanitize_path(path)
        hive, subpath = self._parse_path(path)
        handle = win32.RegCreateKey(hive, subpath)
        return RegistryKey(path, handle)
 def __setitem__(self, path, value):
     do_copy = isinstance(value, RegistryKey)
     if not do_copy and not isinstance(value, str)    \
                    and not isinstance(value, compat.unicode):
         if isinstance(value, object):
             t = value.__class__.__name__
             t = type(value)
         raise TypeError("Expected string or RegistryKey, got %s" % t)
     hive, subpath = self._parse_path(path)
     with win32.RegCreateKey(hive, subpath) as handle:
         if do_copy:
             win32.RegCopyTree(value.handle, None, handle)
             win32.RegSetValueEx(handle, None, value)