def endDraw(self, style, tflist): # fill should be painted first, then the stroke, and then the marker symbols fill = self.getStyleAttr('fill', style) stroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke', style) fillRule = self.getStyleAttr('fill-rule', style) # fill attrs brush = None rop = None if fill is not None and fill != 'none': contextFill = self.getStyleAttr('fill') if contextFill != fill: brush = wingdi.CreateSolidBrush(fill) brush = self.dc.SelectObject(brush) try: if stroke and stroke != 'none': # keep path for stroke dcid = self.dc.SaveDC() if fillRule == 'nonzero': self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.WINDING) else: self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.ALTERNATE) self.dc.FillPath() self.dc.RestoreDC(dcid) else: if fillRule == 'nonzero': self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.WINDING) else: self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.ALTERNATE) self.dc.FillPath() except wingdi.error, arg: print arg, style, tflist if brush: wingdi.DeleteObject(self.dc.SelectObject(brush))
def _paintOnDC(self, dc): # clip self to ancestors and dc, in device coordinates ltrb = self.getClipDR(dc) if ltrb is None or ltrb[0] == ltrb[2] or ltrb[1] == ltrb[3]: return # clip self to parent, device coordinates xywh_dst = self.getDR() if self._active_displist: entry = self._active_displist._list[0] bgcolor = None if entry[0] == 'clear' and entry[1]: bgcolor = entry[1] elif not self._transparent: bgcolor = self._bgcolor if bgcolor: x, y, w, h = xywh_dst rgb = winstruct.RGB(self._bgcolor) dc.FillSolidRect((x, y, x + w, y + h), rgb) self._active_displist._render(dc, ltrb, xywh_dst, start=1) if self._showing: brush = wingdi.CreateSolidBrush((255, 0, 0)) dc.FrameRect(ltrb, brush) wingdi.DeleteObject(brush) elif self._transparent == 0 and self._bgcolor: x, y, w, h = xywh_dst rgb = winstruct.RGB(self._bgcolor) dc.FillSolidRect((x, y, x + w, y + h), rgb)
def tkOnEndContext(self): # restore dc to its previous state before deleting objects self.dc.RestoreDC( if wingdi.DeleteObject( if wingdi.DeleteObject( if wingdi.DeleteObject( # restore previous tk self.restoreTk() # establish tk transform self.dc.SetWorldTransform(self.ctm.getElements())
def _paintOnSurf(self, surf, wnd_dc=None, xywh_clip=None): if wnd_dc is None: wnd_dc = wingdi.GetDesktopDC() release_wnd_dc = 1 else: release_wnd_dc = 0 dc = wnd_dc.CreateCompatibleDC() oldsurf = dc.SelectObject(surf) ws, hs = surf.GetSize() xywh_dst = 0, 0, ws, hs if xywh_clip is None: ltrb = 0, 0, ws, hs else: ltrb = self.ltrb(xywh_clip) if self._active_displist: entry = self._active_displist._list[0] bgcolor = None if entry[0] == 'clear' and entry[1]: bgcolor = entry[1] elif not self._transparent: bgcolor = self._bgcolor if bgcolor: x, y, w, h = xywh_dst rgb = winstruct.RGB(self._bgcolor) dc.FillSolidRect((x, y, x + w, y + h), rgb) self._active_displist._render(dc, ltrb, xywh_dst, start=1) if self._showing: brush = wingdi.CreateSolidBrush((255, 0, 0)) dc.FrameRect(ltrb, brush) wingdi.DeleteObject(brush) elif self._transparent == 0 and self._bgcolor: x, y, w, h = xywh_dst rgb = winstruct.RGB(self._bgcolor) dc.FillSolidRect((x, y, x + w, y + h), rgb) dc.SelectObject(oldsurf) dc.DeleteDC() if release_wnd_dc: wnd_dc.DeleteDC()
def close(self): if self._hfont and Sdk: wingdi.DeleteObject(self._hfont) self._hfont = 0
def __del__(self): if self._hfont: wingdi.DeleteObject(self._hfont)
def drawText(self, text, pos, style, tflist, a=0): if tflist: tm = self.ctm.copy() tm.applyTfList(tflist) self.dc.SetWorldTransform(tm.getElements()) font = None fontFamily = self.getStyleAttr('font-family', style) fontSize = self.getStyleAttr('font-size', style) if fontFamily is not None: contextFontFamily = self.getStyleAttr('font-family') contextFontSize = self.getStyleAttr('font-size') if contextFontFamily != fontFamily or contextFontSize != fontSize: fontSizeObj = self.getStyleAttrObj('font-size', style) dsize = fontSize # fontSizeObj.getDeviceValue(self.ctm, 'h') font = wingdi.CreateFontIndirect({ 'name': fontFamily, 'height': dsize, 'outprecision': win32con.OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS }) self.dc.SelectObject(font) fill = self.getStyleAttr('fill', style) stroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke', style) # whats the default? if fill is None and stroke is None: # text will be invisible # make it visible as black fill = 0, 0, 0 oldcolor = self.dc.SetTextColor(fill) self.dc.TextOut(pos, text) self.dc.SetTextColor(oldcolor) elif fill is not None: oldcolor = self.dc.SetTextColor(fill) self.dc.TextOut(pos, text) self.dc.SetTextColor(oldcolor) pen = None strokeWidth = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-width', style) if stroke: # create path self.dc.BeginPath() self.dc.TextOut(pos, text) self.dc.EndPath() # stroke path contextStroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke') contextStrokeWidth = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-width') if contextStroke != stroke or contextStrokeWidth != strokeWidth: pen = wingdi.ExtCreatePen(strokeWidth, stroke) pen = self.dc.SelectObject(pen) self.dc.StrokePath() if pen: wingdi.DeleteObject(self.dc.SelectObject(pen)) if font: wingdi.DeleteObject(self.dc.SelectObject(font)) if tflist: self.dc.SetWorldTransform(self.ctm.getElements())
class SVGWinGraphics(svggraphics.SVGGraphics): # # platform toolkit interface # # called to intialize platform toolkit before rendering def tkStartup(self, params): hdc = params self.dc = wingdi.CreateDCFromHandle(hdc) # context vars = Tk() self.saveidorg = = self.dc.SaveDC() self._tkstack = [] self.dc.SetGraphicsMode(win32con.GM_ADVANCED) self.dc.SetBkMode(win32con.TRANSPARENT) self.dc.SetTextAlign(win32con.TA_BASELINE) # called to dispose platform toolkit objects after rendering def tkShutdown(self): self.dc.SetGraphicsMode(win32con.GM_COMPATIBLE) self.dc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_TEXT) self.dc.RestoreDC( self.dc.Detach() # we start rendering def tkOnBeginRendering(self): self.dc.SetMapMode(win32con.MM_ISOTROPIC) vcx, vcy = self.dc.GetViewportExtEx() if vcy < 0: vcy = -vcy self.dc.SetWindowExtEx((vcx, vcy)) self.dc.SetViewportExtEx((vcx, vcy)) self.dc.SetViewportOrgEx((0, 0)) # we finished rendering def tkOnEndRendering(self): pass def delRegion(self, rgn): rgn.DeleteObject() def inside(self, rgn, pt): return rgn.PtInRegion(pt) # new graphics context # self state reflects this new context def tkOnBeginContext(self): # push current tkctx self.saveTk() # save dc and hold its id for restore = self.dc.SaveDC() # establish tk pen stroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke') strokeWidth = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-width') if stroke is not None and stroke != 'none': = wingdi.ExtCreatePen(strokeWidth, stroke) self.dc.SelectObject( # establish tk brush fill = self.getStyleAttr('fill') if fill is not None and fill != 'none': = wingdi.CreateSolidBrush(fill) self.dc.SelectObject( # establish tk font fontFamily = self.getStyleAttr('font-family') fontSize = self.getStyleAttr('font-size') if fontFamily is not None: = wingdi.CreateFontIndirect({ 'name': fontFamily, 'height': fontSize, 'outprecision': win32con.OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS, }) self.dc.SelectObject( # establish tk transform self.dc.SetWorldTransform(self.ctm.getElements()) # end of context # self state reflects the restored context def tkOnEndContext(self): # restore dc to its previous state before deleting objects self.dc.RestoreDC( if wingdi.DeleteObject( if wingdi.DeleteObject( if wingdi.DeleteObject( # restore previous tk self.restoreTk() # establish tk transform self.dc.SetWorldTransform(self.ctm.getElements()) # init toolkit objects for 'other' def tkInitInstance(self, other): other.dc = self.dc = other._tkstack = self._tkstack def tkClipBox(self, clipbox): if clipbox is not None: tmprev = svgtypes.TM(self.dc.GetWorldTransform()) self.dc.SetWorldTransform(self.ctm.getElements()) x, y, w, h = clipbox ltrb = x, y, x + w, y + h tm = svgtypes.TM(self.dc.GetWorldTransform()) ltrb = tm.URtoDR(ltrb) self.dc.SetWorldTransform([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]) rgn = wingdi.CreateRectRgn(ltrb) self.dc.SelectClipRgn(rgn) rgn.DeleteObject() self.dc.SetWorldTransform(tmprev.getElements()) # # platform line art interface # def beginDraw(self, style, tflist): if tflist: tm = self.ctm.copy() tm.applyTfList(tflist) self.dc.SetWorldTransform(tm.getElements()) def endDraw(self, style, tflist): # fill should be painted first, then the stroke, and then the marker symbols fill = self.getStyleAttr('fill', style) stroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke', style) fillRule = self.getStyleAttr('fill-rule', style) # fill attrs brush = None rop = None if fill is not None and fill != 'none': contextFill = self.getStyleAttr('fill') if contextFill != fill: brush = wingdi.CreateSolidBrush(fill) brush = self.dc.SelectObject(brush) try: if stroke and stroke != 'none': # keep path for stroke dcid = self.dc.SaveDC() if fillRule == 'nonzero': self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.WINDING) else: self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.ALTERNATE) self.dc.FillPath() self.dc.RestoreDC(dcid) else: if fillRule == 'nonzero': self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.WINDING) else: self.dc.SetPolyFillMode(win32con.ALTERNATE) self.dc.FillPath() except wingdi.error, arg: print arg, style, tflist if brush: wingdi.DeleteObject(self.dc.SelectObject(brush)) # stroke attrs pen = None strokeWidth = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-width', style) if stroke is not None and stroke != 'none': contextStroke = self.getStyleAttr('stroke') contextStrokeWidth = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-width') strokeMiterlimit = self.getStyleAttr('stroke-miterlimit', style) if strokeMiterlimit: oldStrokeMiterlimit = self.dc.SetMiterLimit(strokeMiterlimit) if contextStroke != stroke or contextStrokeWidth != strokeWidth: pen = wingdi.ExtCreatePen(strokeWidth, stroke) pen = self.dc.SelectObject(pen) try: self.dc.StrokePath() except wingdi.error, arg: print arg, style, tflist if pen: wingdi.DeleteObject(self.dc.SelectObject(pen)) if strokeMiterlimit: self.dc.SetMiterLimit(oldStrokeMiterlimit)