Exemple #1
def invoke_run_travel_model(config, year):

    tm_config = config['travel_model_configuration']
    scenario = tm_config['travel_model_scenario'] 
        travel_model_year = travel_model_year_mapping[year]
    except KeyError:
        logger.log_warning("no travel model year mapping for %d." % year)
        travel_model_year = year

    # put the travel model input data in place
    data_exchange_dir = mtc_common.tm_get_data_exchange_dir(config, year)
    cache_directory = config['cache_directory']
    mtc_dir = os.path.join(cache_directory, "mtc_data")
    for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(mtc_dir, '*' + str(year) + '*')):
        logger.log_status("Copying over travel model input " + f + " to " + data_exchange_dir)
        shutil.copy(f, data_exchange_dir)

    my_location = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
    script_filepath = os.path.join(my_location, "run_travel_model.py")
    cmd = "%s %s -s %s -y %s -n" % (sys.executable, script_filepath, scenario, travel_model_year)

    # form the desired output dir for the travel model data.  Make it look
    # like the urbansim run cache for easy association.  Note that we
    # explicitly use the forward slash instead of os.sep and friends
    # because the travel model is managed via ssh on a cygwin machine, not
    # run on the local machine.
    outdir = "runs/" + config['cache_directory'].split(os.sep)[-1]
    outdir = outdir + "/%d_%s" % (year, scenario)
    cmd = cmd + " -o " + outdir

    logger.log_status("Launching %s" % cmd)
    if os.system(cmd) != 0:
        raise TravelModelError

    # Run the emfac report

    # TODO: the travel model server should come from the configuration.  But
    # for this we must migrate the configuration from mtc_config.py to the
    # top-level xml.  So for now we just hard-code it :-/ Same for
    # travel_model_home.
    tm_server = "*****@*****.**"
    travel_model_home = "/cygdrive/e/mtc_travel_model/"
    server_model = winssh.winssh(tm_server, "OPUS_MTC_SERVER_PASSWD")
    (rc, emfac_windir) = server_model.cmd("cygpath -w " + outdir)
    if rc != 0:
        logger.log_error("Failed to find windows path for emfac dir " + outdir)
    emfac_windir = emfac_windir.replace('\r', '').replace('\n','')
    logger.log_status("Attempting to generate EMFAC report...")
    cmd = 'cd ' + travel_model_home + 'model_support_files/EMFAC_Files'
    cmd = "cmd /c 'RunEmfac.bat " + emfac_windir + " " + str(year) + "' | tee emfac.log"
    (rc, out) = server_model.cmd(cmd, supress_output=False, pipe_position=0)
    if rc != 0:
        logger.log_warning("WARNING: Failed to prepare emfac report")
Exemple #2
                      "(relative to travel_model_home)")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    config = mtc_config.MTCConfig()

    if options.scenario == None:
        print "ERROR: Please specify a scenario with -s"

    if options.year == None:
        print "ERROR: Please specify a scenario year with -y"

    # Set up the server.
    print "Setting up proper directory structure..."
    server_admin = winssh.winssh(config.server_admin, "OPUS_MTC_SERVER_ADMIN_PASSWD")
    modeldir = options.year + "_" + options.scenario
    abs_modeldir = config.travel_model_home + modeldir
    if server_admin.cmd("test -e " + abs_modeldir)[0] != 0:
        print "ERROR: Model directory " + abs_modeldir + " does not appear to exist"
    server_admin.cmd("subst /D M:")
    (rc, windows_travel_model_home) = server_admin.cmd("cygpath -w " + config.travel_model_home)
    windows_travel_model_home = "'" + windows_travel_model_home.replace('\r\n','')[:-1] + "'"
    server_admin.cmd_or_fail("subst M: " + windows_travel_model_home)
    server_admin.cmd('rm /cygdrive/m/commpath')
    server_admin.cmd_or_fail('cmd /c "mklink /D M:\\\\commpath M:\\\\' + modeldir + '"')
    server = winssh.winssh(config.server, "OPUS_MTC_SERVER_PASSWD")

    # Clean house before proceeding
    print "Killing old processes..."