Exemple #1
 def keyEvent(self, key):
     if key == pygame.K_a:
         # print("a is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateYMatrix(-pi / 16))[:-1]
     if key == pygame.K_d:
         # print("d is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateYMatrix(pi / 16))[:-1]
     if key == pygame.K_w:
         # print("w is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateXMatrix(pi / 16))[:-1]
     if key == pygame.K_s:
         # print("s is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateXMatrix(-pi / 16))[:-1]
     if key == pygame.K_q:
         # print("q is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateZMatrix(pi / 16))[:-1]
     if key == pygame.K_e:
         # print("e is pressed")
         temp = self.light_vector
         temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
         self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateZMatrix(-pi / 16))[:-1]
    def rotateAll(self, axis, theta):
        """ Rotates all wireframe objects in simulation. """

        global correction_matrix
        # Create rotation matrix, and update global correction matrix.
        if axis == 'X':
            rotateMatrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(theta)
            correction_matrix = np.dot(wf.rotateXMatrix(-theta),

        elif axis == 'Y':
            rotateMatrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(theta)
            correction_matrix = np.dot(wf.rotateYMatrix(-theta),

        elif axis == 'Z':
            rotateMatrix = wf.rotateZMatrix(theta)
            correction_matrix = np.dot(wf.rotateZMatrix(-theta),

        for wireframe in [self.hat.base, self.hat.bill, self.hat.lightSensors]:
            center = hat.base.findCenter()
            wireframe.nodes = wireframe.nodes - center 
            wireframe.nodes = wireframe.nodes + center 
Exemple #3
    def keyEvent(self, key):
        homogeneous_light_vector = np.array([*self.light_vector, 0])
        #Your code here
        if key == pygame.K_w:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

        if key == pygame.K_s:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

        if key == pygame.K_a:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

        if key == pygame.K_d:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

        if key == pygame.K_q:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

        if key == pygame.K_e:
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(homogeneous_light_vector,

Exemple #4
    def keyEvent(self, key):

        #Your code here
        if key == pygame.K_a:
            print("a is pressed")

            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateYMatrix(
                math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(
        if key == pygame.K_d:
            print("d is pressed")
            #self.light_vector = wf.rotateYMatrix(-math.pi/20) * self.light_vector
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateYMatrix(
                -math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(
        if key == pygame.K_w:
            print("w is pressed")
            #self.light_vector = wf.rotateXMatrix(math.pi/20) * self.light_vector
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateXMatrix(
                -math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(
        if key == pygame.K_s:
            print("s is pressed")
            #self.light_vector = wf.rotateXMatrix(-math.pi/20) * self.light_vector
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateXMatrix(
                math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(
        if key == pygame.K_q:
            print("q is pressed")
            #self.light_vector = wf.rotateZMatrix(math.pi/20) * self.light_vector
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateZMatrix(
                -math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(
        if key == pygame.K_e:
            print("e is pressed")
            #self.light_vector = wf.rotateZMatrix(-math.pi/20) * self.light_vector
            self.light_vector = np.matmul(wf.rotateZMatrix(
                math.pi / 20), (np.append(self.light_vector, [1], axis=0)))
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector[0:3]
            self.light_vector = self.light_vector / np.sqrt(

def make_wf_hat(hat, pv, nodes_per_hemi = 100):
    """ Makes wireframe hat consisting of base, bill and light sensors.

    global correction_matrix
    scale = 50
    # Make untransformed base, bill and lightSensor wireframes.
    base = wf.Wireframe()
    bill = wf.Wireframe()
    lightSensors = wf.Wireframe()

    hat_center = hat.position
    bill_center = 1 * hat_center
    ls_center = 1 * hat_center
    ls_center[1] += scale

    bill_center[0] += hat.billOffset * scale * np.cos(hat.theta)
    bill_center[2] += hat.billOffset * scale * np.sin(hat.theta)

    bill_radius = hat.billDiam / 2 * scale
    base_radius = hat.diam / 2 * scale

    lightSensors.make_circle(ls_center, base_radius, len(hat.lightSensors))
    bill.make_dense_circle(bill_center, bill_radius, nodes_per_hemi)

    bill.edges[:] = [x for x in bill.edges if (np.linalg.norm(bill.nodes[x[0]][0:3]
     - hat_center) > base_radius and np.linalg.norm(bill.nodes[x[1]][0:3]
     - hat_center) > base_radius)]

    base.make_sphere(hat_center, base_radius, nodes_per_hemi, 1 * np.pi, 20, 11)

    # Transform wireframes to viewing angle. 
    center = np.hstack((hat_center, 1))
    base.nodes = base.nodes - center
    bill.nodes = bill.nodes - center
    lightSensors.nodes = lightSensors.nodes - center

    rotateXMatrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(pv.viewing_angle)
    rotateYMatrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(pv.viewing_angle)

    rotateMatrix = np.dot(rotateYMatrix, rotateXMatrix)
    rotateMatrix = 1 * rotateXMatrix

    # Update correction matrix.
    correction_matrix = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(rotateMatrix), correction_matrix)

    bill.nodes = np.dot(bill.nodes, rotateMatrix)
    base.nodes = np.dot(base.nodes, rotateMatrix)
    lightSensors.nodes = np.dot(lightSensors.nodes, rotateMatrix)

    bill.nodes = bill.nodes + center
    base.nodes = base.nodes + center
    lightSensors.nodes = lightSensors.nodes + center

    return wf.WireframeHat(base, bill, lightSensors)
Exemple #6
    def keyEvent(self, key):
        global Xdisp
        #Your code here
        if key == pygame.K_w:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateXMatrix(math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_s:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateXMatrix(-math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_a:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateYMatrix(-math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_d:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateYMatrix(math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_q:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateZMatrix(math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_e:
            temp = self.light_vector
            temp = np.insert(temp, 3, 1)
            self.light_vector = np.dot(temp, wf.rotateZMatrix(-math.pi/16))[:-1]
        if key == pygame.K_p:
            Xdisp += .01
            if Xdisp > .7:
                Xdisp -= 1
        if key == pygame.K_l:
            Xdisp -= .01
            if Xdisp < 0:
                Xdisp += 1

Exemple #7
 def rotate(self, axis, amount):
     (x, y, z) = self.findCentre()
     translation_matrix1 = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z)
     translation_matrix2 = wf.translationMatrix(x, y, z)
     if axis == 'x':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(amount)
     elif axis == 'y':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(amount)
     elif axis == 'z':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateZMatrix(amount)
     rotation_matrix = np.dot(np.dot(translation_matrix1, rotation_matrix), translation_matrix2)
 def rotate(self, axis, amount):
     (x, y, z) = self.findCentre()
     translation_matrix1 = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z)
     translation_matrix2 = wf.translationMatrix(x, y, z)
     if axis == 'x':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(amount)
     elif axis == 'y':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(amount)
     elif axis == 'z':
         rotation_matrix = wf.rotateZMatrix(amount)
     rotation_matrix = np.dot(np.dot(translation_matrix1, rotation_matrix), translation_matrix2)
Exemple #9
def testRotate():
    """ Example of how to rotate a wireframe.
        Creates a cuboid and rotates about its centre by pi/2 radians. """
    cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100,100,10), (20,30,40))
    # Find rotation matrix
    (x,y,z) = cuboid.findCentre()    
    translation_matrix = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z)
    rotation_matrix = np.dot(translation_matrix, wf.rotateXMatrix(math.pi/2))
    rotation_matrix = np.dot(rotation_matrix, -translation_matrix)
    print "\n> Rotate cuboid around its centre and the x-axis"
Exemple #10
def testRotate():
    """ Example of how to rotate a wireframe.
        Creates a cuboid and rotates about its centre by pi/2 radians. """

    cuboid = shape.Cuboid((100, 100, 10), (20, 30, 40))

    # Find rotation matrix
    (x, y, z) = cuboid.findCentre()
    translation_matrix = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z)
    rotation_matrix = np.dot(translation_matrix, wf.rotateXMatrix(math.pi / 2))
    rotation_matrix = np.dot(rotation_matrix, -translation_matrix)

    print "\n> Rotate cuboid around its centre and the x-axis"
    def rotate(self, axis, amount):
        """Rotate the "camera" by rotating all other wireframes"""
        (x, y, z) = self.findCenter()
        translation_matrix1 = wf.translationMatrix(-x, -y, -z)
        translation_matrix2 = wf.translationMatrix(x, y, z)

        axis = axis.lower()

        if axis == 'x':
            rotation_matrix = wf.rotateXMatrix(amount)
        elif axis == 'y':
            rotation_matrix = wf.rotateYMatrix(amount)
        elif axis == 'z':
            rotation_matrix = wf.rotateZMatrix(amount)
            raise Exception("Invalid rotation axis. Valid axes are x, y, and z.")

        rotation_matrix = np.dot(np.dot(translation_matrix1, rotation_matrix), translation_matrix2)
Exemple #12
    pygame.K_LEFT:   (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dx=-MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_RIGHT:  (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dx= MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_UP:     (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dy=-MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_DOWN:   (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dy= MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_EQUALS: (lambda x: x.scale(1.25)),
    pygame.K_MINUS:  (lambda x: x.scale(0.8)),
    pygame.K_q:      (lambda x: x.rotate('x', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_w:      (lambda x: x.rotate('x',-ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_a:      (lambda x: x.rotate('y', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_s:      (lambda x: x.rotate('y',-ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_z:      (lambda x: x.rotate('z', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_x:      (lambda x: x.rotate('z',-ROTATION_AMOUNT))

light_movement = {
    pygame.K_q:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateXMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_w:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateXMatrix( ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_a:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateYMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_s:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateYMatrix( ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_z:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateZMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_x:      (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateZMatrix( ROTATION_AMOUNT)))

class WireframeViewer(wf.WireframeGroup):
    """ A group of wireframes which can be displayed on a Pygame screen """
    def __init__(self, width, height, name="Wireframe Viewer"):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height
        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
    (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dy=-MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    (lambda x: x.transform(wf.translationMatrix(dy=MOVEMENT_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_EQUALS: (lambda x: x.scale(1.25)),
    pygame.K_MINUS: (lambda x: x.scale(0.8)),
    pygame.K_q: (lambda x: x.rotate('x', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_w: (lambda x: x.rotate('x', -ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_a: (lambda x: x.rotate('y', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_s: (lambda x: x.rotate('y', -ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_z: (lambda x: x.rotate('z', ROTATION_AMOUNT)),
    pygame.K_x: (lambda x: x.rotate('z', -ROTATION_AMOUNT))

light_movement = {
    pygame.K_q: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateXMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_w: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateXMatrix(ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_a: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateYMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_s: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateYMatrix(ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_z: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateZMatrix(-ROTATION_AMOUNT))),
    pygame.K_x: (lambda x: x.transform(wf.rotateZMatrix(ROTATION_AMOUNT)))

class WireframeViewer(wf.WireframeGroup):
    """ A group of wireframes which can be displayed on a Pygame screen """
    def __init__(self, width, height, name="Wireframe Viewer"):
        self.width = width
        self.height = height

        self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))