def ReadChar(fd):
    # read a single character back from the serial line
    qtydata = wiringpi.serialDataAvail(fd)"Amount of data: %s bytes" % qtydata)
    response = 0
    if qtydata > 0:
        logging.debug("Reading data back %d" % qtydata)
        response = wiringpi.serialGetchar(fd)
    return response
def ReadInt(fd):
    # read a single character back from the serial line
    qtydata = wiringpi2.serialDataAvail(fd)
    # print ("Amount of data: %s bytes" % qtydata)    # Added for debug purposes
    response = 0
    if qtydata > 0:
        # print ("Reading data back %d" % qtydata)   #Added for Debug purposes
        response = wiringpi2.serialGetchar(fd)
    return response
def ReadText(fd):
    # read the data back from the serial line and return it as a string to the calling function
    qtydata = wiringpi2.serialDataAvail(fd)
    # print ("Amount of data: %d bytes" % qtydata)   # Added for debug purposes
    response = ""
    while qtydata > 0:
        # while there is data to be read, read it back
        # print ("Reading data back %d" % qtydata)   #Added for Debug purposes
        response = response + chr(wiringpi2.serialGetchar(fd))
        qtydata = qtydata - 1   
    return response
Exemple #4
 def read(self, buffer_len):
     """ read buffer_len size bytes from opened port.
         If there is no data available then the calling thread will be hang-up until data is available.
         If no data longer than 10 seconds, throw "read timeout exception".
     buffer = BytesIO()
     while len(buffer.getvalue()) < buffer_len:
         char = wiringpi.serialGetchar(self.serial_fd)
         if char == -1:
             raise "read timeout!"
         buffer.write(char.to_bytes(1, byteorder='big'))
     return buffer.getvalue()
Exemple #5
def read_serial():
    while running:
            if wpi.serialDataAvail(fd) != -1 :
                ch = wpi.serialGetchar(fd)
                if ch== -1 :
                ch = chr(ch)
                if ch == '\r':
                    ch = '\n'
                print(ch, end='')
def ReadData(fd):
    # read the data back from the serial line and return it as a string to the calling function
    qtydata = wiringpi.serialDataAvail(fd)"Amount of data: %d bytes" % qtydata)
    response = []
    while qtydata > 0:
        # while there is data to be read, read it back
        logging.debug("Reading data back byte:%d" % qtydata)
        # This used to have hex to convert the data to a hex string
        qtydata = qtydata - 1"Data Packet received: %s" % response)
    logging.debug("Size of data packet received %d" % len(response))
    return response
Exemple #7
 def read_char(fd):
     # Reads chars from the serial device until the parity is correct.
     # Returns the first valid char received.
     while True:
         # read next byte
         b = serialGetchar(fd)
         if b >= 0:
             # check even parity
             p = True
             m = 0x80
             while m:
                 if (m & b):
                     p = not p
                 m = m >> 1
             if p:
                 return chr(b & 0x7f)
Exemple #8
def _serial(send=None):
    serial = wiringpi.serialOpen('/dev/ttyAMA0', 9600)
    if send != None:
        wiringpi.serialPuts(serial, send)
        wiringpi.serialPutchar(serial, 3)
        char = ""
        asciinum = -1
        while (True):
            asciinum = wiringpi.serialGetchar(serial)
            if asciinum != -1 and asciinum != 3:
                char += chr(asciinum)
            elif asciinum == 3:
        return char
Exemple #9
def read_ATR(serial):
    wiringpi.pinMode(TX, INPUT)
    wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(TX, PUD_UP)
    first = wiringpi.millis()

    data_str = ''
    while (wiringpi.millis() - first) < 100:
        if wiringpi.serialDataAvail(serial) > 0:
            first = wiringpi.millis()
            data = wiringpi.serialGetchar(serial)
            if (data < 16):
                data *= 16
            data_str += ('{:02x}'.format(data)) + ' '

    wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(TX, PUD_OFF)
    wiringpi.pinModeAlt(TX, 4)

    data_str = data_str.lstrip('00')
    return data_str
Exemple #10
def read_response(serial, ser, length):
    wiringpi.pinMode(TX, INPUT)
    wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(TX, PUD_UP)

    first = wiringpi.millis()

    ## Save all the data from RX excluding bounced data
    data_list = []
    num_ser = wiringpi.serialDataAvail(serial)
    while (wiringpi.millis() - first) < 100:
        if wiringpi.serialDataAvail(serial) > 0:
            first = wiringpi.millis()
            data = wiringpi.serialGetchar(serial)
            if (wiringpi.serialDataAvail(serial) < (num_ser - length)):

    wiringpi.pullUpDnControl(TX, PUD_OFF)
    wiringpi.pinModeAlt(TX, 4)
    return data_list
#!/usr/bin/env python
import wiringpi as wpi
import time

serial = wpi.serialOpen('/dev/ttyS0', 115200)

while True:
    input_str = raw_input('Serial Input> ')
    wpi.serialPuts(serial, input_str)

    output_str = 'Serial Output> '
    while wpi.serialDataAvail(serial):
        output_str += chr(wpi.serialGetchar(serial))
    print output_str

 def read(self):
     while wiringpi.serialDataAvail(self.serial) > 0:
         value = (wiringpi.serialGetchar(self.serial))
         if value > 0:
             print("{}".format(chr(value)), end='', flush=True)
Exemple #13
serial_tty = "/dev/ttyS0"
serial_speed = 9600

serial = pi.serialOpen(serial_tty, serial_speed)

def dm_to_deg(data):
    deg = int(float(data) / 100)
    min = float(data) - deg * 100
    return (round(deg + min / 60.0, 6))

while (True):
    gps_line = ''
    while (True):
        buf = chr(pi.serialGetchar(serial))
        if (buf == '\r'):
        elif (buf != '\n'):
            gps_line = gps_line + buf
    gps_data = gps_line.split(",")
    if (gps_data[0] == '$GPRMC'):
        lat = gps_data[3]
        long = gps_data[5]

        if (lat != "" and long != ""):
            lat_deg = dm_to_deg(lat)
            long_deg = dm_to_deg(long)
            print("Latitude:", lat_deg, "  Longitude:", long_deg)
            print("Cannot catch satellite.")