def __init__(self, z=0.3, m200=1e13, c200=5., mstar=1e11, reff=5., ra=0., dec=0., sources=None, \ cosmo=wl_cosmology.default_cosmo): self.z = z self.cosmo = cosmo self.m200 = m200 # halo mass in M_Sun units self.mstar = mstar # stellar mass in M_Sun units self.rhocrit = wl_cosmology.rhoc(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.r200 = (self.m200*3./200./(4.*pi)/self.rhocrit)**(1/3.) #r200 in Mpc self.c200 = c200 = self.r200/self.c200 self.reff = reff # effective radius in kpc self.angD = wl_cosmology.Dang(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.Mpc2deg = np.rad2deg(1./self.angD) self.rs_ang =*self.Mpc2deg self.reff_ang = self.reff*self.Mpc2deg/1000. self.S_s = self.m200/(np.log(1. + self.c200) - self.c200/(1. + self.c200))/(4.*pi***2) self.S_bulge = self.mstar/self.reff**2*1e6 self.sources = sources if ra is not None: self.ra = ra if dec is not None: self.dec = dec
def __init__(self, z=0.3, m200=1e13, c200=5., gammadm=1., mstar=1e11, reff=5., ra=0., dec=0., sources=None, \ cosmo=wl_cosmology.default_cosmo): self.z = z self.cosmo = cosmo self.m200 = m200 # halo mass in M_Sun units self.mstar = mstar # central point mass in M_Sun units self.rhocrit = wl_cosmology.rhoc(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.r200 = (self.m200 * 3. / 200. / (4. * pi) / self.rhocrit)**( 1 / 3.) #r200 in Mpc self.c200 = c200 = self.r200 / self.c200 self.reff = reff # effective radius in kpc self.gammadm = gammadm self.angD = wl_cosmology.Dang(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.Mpc2deg = np.rad2deg(1. / self.angD) self.rs_ang = * self.Mpc2deg self.reff_ang = self.reff * self.Mpc2deg / 1000. self.halo_norm = self.m200 / gnfw.fast_M3d(self.r200,, self.gammadm) self.S_bulge = self.mstar / self.reff**2 * 1e6 self.sources = sources if ra is not None: self.ra = ra if dec is not None: self.dec = dec
def __init__(self, z=0.3, m200=1e13, c200=5., mstar=1e11, reff=5., nser=4., nu=0., ra=0., dec=0., sources=None, \ cosmo=wl_cosmology.default_cosmo): import adcontr self.z = z self.cosmo = cosmo self.m200 = m200 # halo mass in M_Sun units self.mstar = mstar # stellar mass in M_Sun units self.fbar = self.mstar / (self.mstar + self.m200) self.rhocrit = wl_cosmology.rhoc(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.r200 = (self.m200 * 3. / 200. / (4. * pi) / self.rhocrit)**( 1 / 3.) #r200 in Mpc self.c200 = c200 = self.r200 / self.c200 self.reff = reff # effective radius in kpc self.nser = nser # Sersic index = nu # adiabatic contraction efficiency parameter self.angD = wl_cosmology.Dang(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.Mpc2deg = np.rad2deg(1. / self.angD) self.rs_ang = * self.Mpc2deg self.reff_ang = self.reff * self.Mpc2deg / 1000. self.S_h = self.m200 /**2 self.S_bulge = self.mstar / self.reff**2 * 1e6 self.sources = sources if ra is not None: self.ra = ra if dec is not None: self.dec = dec
def __init__(self, z=0.3, m200=1e13, c200=5., mstar=1e11, ra=0., dec=0., sources=None, \ cosmo=wl_cosmology.default_cosmo): self.z = z self.cosmo = cosmo self.m200 = m200 # halo mass in M_Sun units self.mstar = mstar # central point mass in M_Sun units self.rhocrit = wl_cosmology.rhoc(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.r200 = (self.m200*3./200./(4.*pi)/self.rhocrit)**(1/3.) #r200 in Mpc self.c200 = c200 = self.r200/self.c200 self.angD = wl_cosmology.Dang(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.Mpc2deg = np.rad2deg(1./self.angD) self.rs_ang =*self.Mpc2deg self.S_s = self.m200/(np.log(1. + self.c200) - self.c200/(1. + self.c200))/(4.*pi***2) self.sources = sources if ra is not None: self.ra = ra if dec is not None: self.dec = dec
def __init__(self, z=0.3, m200=1e13, c200=5., alpha=1., mstar=1e11, ra=0., dec=0., sources=None, \ cosmo=wl_cosmology.default_cosmo): self.z = z self.cosmo = cosmo self.m200 = m200 # halo mass in M_Sun units self.mstar = mstar # central point mass in M_Sun units self.rhocrit = wl_cosmology.rhoc(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.r200 = (self.m200*3./200./(4.*pi)/self.rhocrit)**(1/3.) #r200 in Mpc self.c200 = c200 self.r2 = self.r200/self.c200 self.alpha = alpha self.angD = wl_cosmology.Dang(self.z, cosmo=self.cosmo) self.Mpc2deg = np.rad2deg(1./self.angD) self.r2_ang = self.r2*self.Mpc2deg self.halo_norm = self.m200/einasto.M3d(self.r200, self.r2, self.alpha) self.sources = sources if ra is not None: self.ra = ra if dec is not None: self.dec = dec
zs_here = float(line[2]) zs.append(zs_here) tein_here = float(line[3]) tein_obs.append(tein_here) tein_err.append(0.1 * tein_here) lmchab_obs.append(float(line[6])) lmchab_err.append(float(line[7])) dd = wl_cosmology.Dang(zd) ds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs_here) dds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs_here, zd) arcsec2kpc = np.deg2rad(1. / 3600.) * dd * 1000. rhoc.append(wl_cosmology.rhoc(zd)) rein_phys_here = tein_here * arcsec2kpc rein_phys.append(rein_phys_here) s_cr = c**2 / (4. * np.pi * G) * ds / dds / dd / Mpc / M_Sun * kpc**2 mein_here = np.pi * rein_phys_here**2 * s_cr reff1 = float(line[4]) nser1 = float(line[5]) # defines the stellar profile ein_frac.append(sersic.M2d(tein_here, nser1, reff1)) # draws a sample of values of lmchab, to be used for importance sampling and MC integration
def bulge_M2d(R): return sersic.M2d(R, nser, reff * arcsec2kpc) def bulge_Sigma(R): return sersic.Sigma(R, nser, reff * arcsec2kpc) lmchab_obs = float(line[6]) lmchab_err = float(line[7]) dd = wl_cosmology.Dang(zd) ds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs) dds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs, zd) rhoc = wl_cosmology.rhoc( zd) # critical density of the Universe in M_Sun/Mpc**3 s_cr = c**2 / ( 4. * np.pi * G ) * ds / dds / dd / Mpc / M_Sun * kpc**2 # critical surface mass density in M_Sun/kpc**2 arcsec2kpc = arcsec2rad * dd * 1000. rein_phys = rein * arcsec2kpc # Einstein radius in kpc nm200 = 30 nmstar = 30 nc200 = 5 # defines the grid lmstar_min = lmchab_obs - 0.5 lmstar_max = lmchab_obs + 0.5
def radius_NFW(M200, redshift=0.): # R200 radius in kpc mean_density = 200. * wl_cosmology.rhoc(redshift, cosmo=default_cosmo) return (3. / 4. / np.pi * M200 / mean_density)**(1. / 3.) * 1000.
lmsps_piv = 11.5 # pivot point of stellar mass-halo mass and stellar mass-size relation lmsps_err = 0.15 # uncertainty on logM* from stellar population synthesis zd = 0.2 # lens redshift zs = 1. # source redshift c200 = 5. # halo concentration kpc = Mpc/1000. arcsec2rad = np.deg2rad(1./3600.) dd = wl_cosmology.Dang(zd) ds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs) dds = wl_cosmology.Dang(zs, zd) rhoc = wl_cosmology.rhoc(zd) # critical density of the Universe at z=zd. Halo masses are defined as M200 wrt rhoc. arcsec2kpc = arcsec2rad * dd * 1000. # source distribution parameters sigma_eps = 0.25 # intrinsic scatter in shape distribution nbkg = 25. # source number density (in arcmin^-2) Rmin_Mpc = 0.03 # minimum radius for shape measurements (in Mpc) Rmax_Mpc = 0.3 # maximum radius for shape measurements (in Mpc) Rmin_deg = np.rad2deg(Rmin_Mpc/dd) Rmax_deg = np.rad2deg(Rmax_Mpc/dd) nsource_avg = nbkg * np.pi * (Rmax_deg**2 - Rmin_deg**2) * 3600. # average number of sources per lens Rfrac_min = gnfw.R_grid[0] # lower bound of R in gNFW profile grids, in units of r_s