Exemple #1
def test_label_conditions():
    formula = Ite(a, Ite(b, v1, v2), v3)
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    labelled_formula, subs = w.label_conditions(formula)
    assert len(subs) == 2
    assert len(get_free_variables(labelled_formula)) == len(
Exemple #2
def test_find_conditions_with_subs():
    formula = Ite(a, Ite(LT(x, v1), v2, v3), Ite(b, v1, v2))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    subs = w._find_conditions(formula, {
        a: Symbol("cond_0"),
        y: Symbol("cond_1")
    assert len(subs) == 4
Exemple #3
def test_evaluate_weight():
    formula = Ite(a, v1, v2)
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    value = w._evaluate_weight(w.weights, [True])
    assert value == v1

    value = w._evaluate_weight(w.weights, [False])
    assert value == v2
Exemple #4
def test_evaluate_weight_multiplication():
    formula = Ite(a, v1, Times(v2, Ite(b, v1, v3)))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    value = w._evaluate_weight(w.weights, [True, True])
    assert value == v1

    value = w._evaluate_weight(w.weights, [False, True])
    assert value == Times(v2, v1)

    value = w._evaluate_weight(w.weights, [False, False])
    assert value == Times(v2, v3)
Exemple #5
def test_weight_from_assignment():
    formula = Ite(a, v1, Times(v2, Ite(LE(x, v1), v1, v3)))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    weight = Weights(formula, variables)
    var = list(variables.variables.keys())
    assignment = {var[0]: True, var[1]: True}
    result, _ = weight.weight_from_assignment(assignment)
    assert result == v1

    assignment = {var[0]: False, var[1]: True}
    result, _ = weight.weight_from_assignment(assignment)
    assert result == Times(v2, v1)

    assignment = {var[0]: False, var[1]: False}
    result, _ = weight.weight_from_assignment(assignment)
    assert result == Times(v2, v3)
Exemple #6
 def computeMI_batch(self, phis, **options):
     """Calculates the MI on a batch of queries.
         phis (list(FNode)): The list of all the queries on which to calculate the MI.
             - domA: set of pysmt vars encoding the Boolean integration domain (optional)
             - domX: set of pysmt vars encoding the real integration domain (optional)
             - mode: The mode to use when calculating MI.
         list(real): The list containing the result of each computation.
         list(int): The list containing the number of integrations for each computation that have been computed.
     # save the old weight
     old_weights = self.weights
     old_variables = self.variables
     # calculate wmi with constant weight
     new_variables = WMIVariables()
     new_weights = Weights(Real(1), new_variables)
     self.weights = new_weights
     self.variables = new_variables
     volumes, integrations = self.computeWMI_batch(phis, **options)
     # restore old weight
     self.weights = old_weights
     self.variables = old_variables
     return volumes, integrations
Exemple #7
 def computeMI(self, phi, **options):
     """Calculates the MI on a single query.
         phi (FNode): The query on which to calculate the MI.
             - domA: set of pysmt vars encoding the Boolean integration domain (optional)
             - domX: set of pysmt vars encoding the real integration domain (optional)
             - mode: The mode to use when calculating MI.
         real: The result of the computation.
         int: The number of integrations that have been computed.
     # save old weight
     old_weights = self.weights
     old_variables = self.variables
     # calculate wmi with constant weight
     new_variables = WMIVariables()
     new_weights = Weights(Real(1), new_variables)
     self.weights = new_weights
     self.variables = new_variables
     volume, n_integrations = self.computeWMI(phi, **options)
     # restore old weight
     self.weights = old_weights
     self.variables = old_variables
     return volume, n_integrations
Exemple #8
def test_init():
    formula = Ite(GE(x, v1), v1, Times(v2, Ite(b, v1, v3)))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    weight = Weights(formula, variables)
    assert len(get_free_variables(weight.weights)) == len(
    assert len(weight.labels) == 2
    assert len(get_free_variables(weight.labelling)) == 2 * 2
    assert weight.n_conditions == 2
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, chi, weight=Real(1), **options):
        """Default constructor.

            chi (FNode): The support of the problem.
            weight (FNode, optional): The weight of the problem (default: 1).
                - n_threads: The number of threads to use when computing WMI.
        self.variables = WMIVariables()
        self.weights = Weights(weight, self.variables)
        self.chi = And(chi, self.weights.labelling)
        n_threads = options.get("n_threads")
        self.integrator = Latte_Integrator(n_threads = n_threads)
Exemple #10
def test_find_conditions_count_no_conditions():
    formula = Times(v1, Plus(v2, v3))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    subs = w._find_conditions(formula, {})
    assert len(subs) == 0
Exemple #11
def test_find_conditions_count():
    formula = Ite(a, Ite(LT(x, v1), v2, v3), Ite(b, v1, v2))
    variables = WMIVariables()
    w = Weights(formula, variables)
    subs = w._find_conditions(formula, {})
    assert len(subs) == 3
Exemple #12
def test_init_not_correct_weight_function():
    formula = GE(x, v1)
    variables = WMIVariables()
    with pytest.raises(WMIParsingException):
        weight = Weights(formula, variables)