Exemple #1
        def extractVidDistribution(self, site):
            """ Extracts parts of video frames from vid file as distributions for sampling pick locations. 
                Normalized video intensities serve as weights in the distribution.

            # Go through picks
            for pick in self.picks_full[site]:

                # Print picks info
                print('PICK frame', pick.frame)
                print('GC: Cx, Cy', pick.cx_gc, pick.cy_gc)

                # Get coordinates of the max. longitudinal uncertanty
                phase_max = pick.phase + self.phase_direction[
                    site] * self.longitudinal_std[site]
                x, y, z = greatCircle(phase_max, pick.theta0, pick.phi0)
                theta_max, phi_max = cartesianToPolar(x, y, z)

                # Get the image position of the max. longitudinal uncertanty
                cx_max, cy_max = coordinatesSkyToImage(
                    theta_max, phi_max, self.met.exact_plates[site],
                    self.met.scale_plates[site], pick.hx, pick.hy)

                # Calculate the angle of the vector made by the original GC pick and the max. long. pick
                angle = np.arctan2(pick.cy_gc - cy_max, pick.cx_gc, cx_max)

                print('Angle:', np.degrees(angle))

                # Extract the desired frame
                img = self.vids[site].frames[pick.frame].img_data

                ##### TEMP!!
Exemple #2
    def determinePhaseProgression(self):
        """ Determines if the meteor progresses through time with the rising GC phase or not. """

        # Do this for both sites
        for site in self.met.sites:

            # Take the first and the last pick
            fp = self.picks_full[site][0]
            lp = self.picks_full[site][-1]

            # Calculate the angle between picks
            dist = vectorAngle(np.r_[fp.x_gc, fp.y_gc, fp.z_gc],
                               np.r_[lp.x_gc, lp.y_gc, lp.z_gc])

            # Take a small step in phase forward from the first pick
            sp = greatCircle(fp.phase + np.radians(0.5), fp.theta0, fp.phi0)

            # Check if the the rising phase is approaching the last pick or not
            if vectorAngle(np.r_[sp], np.r_[lp.x_gc, lp.y_gc, lp.z_gc]) < dist:

                # If the distance to the last pick is smaller with the positive phase step, set phase as +
                self.phase_direction[site] = 1


                # Set phase progression as negative
                self.phase_direction[site] = -1
Exemple #3
    def _pointDist(x):
        """ Calculates the Cartesian distance from a point defined in polar coordinates, and a point on
            a great circle. """

        # Convert the pick to Cartesian coordinates
        point = polarToCartesian(phi, theta)

        # Get the point on the great circle
        circle = greatCircle(x, theta0, phi0)

        # Return the distance from the pick to the great circle
        return np.sqrt((point[0] - circle[0])**2 + (point[1] - circle[1])**2 +
                       (point[2] - circle[2])**2)
Exemple #4
    def calcProjection(self):
        """ Calculates the projection of the pick to the great circle. """

        # Find the phase angle of the closes point on great circle to the original point
        self.phase = greatCirclePhase(self.theta, self.phi, self.theta0,

        # Calculate the projected point
        self.x_gc, self.y_gc, self.z_gc = greatCircle(self.phase, self.theta0,

        # Convert the point to polar coordinates
        self.theta_gc, self.phi_gc = cartesianToPolar(self.x_gc, self.y_gc,
Exemple #5
    def samplePicks(self, n):
        """ Sample picks from distributions defined by the transverse and longitudinal uncertainties. """

        # Determine the directon of phase progression of the meteor through time

        # Draw n number of trajectories
        for i in range(n):

            # Init a new trajectory on each drawing
            traj = TrajPoints()

            # Draw picks for all sites
            for site in self.met.sites:

                # Init the trajectory picks for this site
                traj.picks[site] = []

                # Go through all picks in this site
                for pick in self.picks_full[site]:

                    # Make a new pick copy
                    new_pick = copy.deepcopy(pick)

                    # Generate a transverse pick uncertanty
                    trans_dev = np.random.normal(0, self.transverse_std[site])

                    # Generate a longitudinal uncertanty (only take the front half of the Gaussian)
                    longi_dev = np.abs(
                        np.random.normal(0, self.longitudinal_std[site]))

                    # Draw a pick from the great circle with the drawn offset
                    draw_x, draw_y, draw_z = greatCircle(
                        new_pick.phase +
                        self.phase_direction[site] * longi_dev,
                        new_pick.theta0 + trans_dev, new_pick.phi0)

                    # Set the drawn coordinates to the pick
                    new_pick.draw_x, new_pick.draw_y, new_pick.draw_z = draw_x, draw_y, draw_z

                    # Calculate the polar coordinates of the drawn pick
                    new_pick.theta_draw, new_pick.phi_draw = cartesianToPolar(
                        draw_x, draw_y, draw_z)

                    # Add pick to the trajectory

            # Add the drawn trajectory to the list of trajectories
Exemple #6
def greatCircleToImage(phase, theta0, phi0, exact, scale, hx_centre,
    """ Take a point on the great circle, and return its coordinates on an image. """

    # Get the great circle position in Cartesian coordinates
    x, y, z = greatCircle(phase, theta0, phi0)

    # Convert the GC cartesian coordinates to polar
    theta, phi = cartesianToPolar(x, y, z)

    # Get the image position of a point on the GC
    cx, cy = coordinatesSkyToImage(theta, phi, exact, scale, hx_centre,

    return cx, cy
Exemple #7
    def fitGreatCircle(self):
        """ Fits a great circle to the picks. """

        # Go though all sites
        for site in self.met.sites:

            # Extract frames
            frames = np.array(met.picks[site])[:, 0]

            # Extract mirror positions on each frame
            hx_data, hy_data = np.hsplit(
                np.array(met.picks[site])[:, 22:24], 2)

            # Extract original centroids
            cx_data, cy_data = np.hsplit(np.array(met.picks[site])[:, 2:4], 2)

            # Extract UNIX time
            ts_data, tu_data = np.hsplit(
                np.array(met.picks[site])[:, 11:13], 2)
            time_data = ts_data + tu_data / 1000000

            # Init theta, phi arrays
            theta = np.zeros_like(cx_data)
            phi = np.zeros_like(cx_data)

            # Calculate (theta, phi) from image coordinates
            for i in range(len(cx_data)):
                theta[i], phi[i] = coordinatesImageToSky(
                    cx_data[i], cy_data[i], met.exact_plates[site],
                    met.scale_plates[site], hx_data[i], hy_data[i])

            # Convert (theta, phi) to Cartesian coordinates
            x, y, z = polarToCartesian(phi, theta)

            # Add (0, 0, 0) to the data (as the great circel should go through the origin)
            x = np.append(x, 0)
            y = np.append(y, 0)
            z = np.append(z, 0)

            # Regular grid covering the domain of the data
            X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.1),
                               np.arange(-1.0, 1.0, 0.1))

            # Fit the great circle
            C, theta0, phi0 = fitGreatCircle(x, y, z)

            # Store great circle parameters
            self.theta0[site], self.phi0[site] = theta0, phi0

            print('GC params:', theta0, phi0)

            # evaluate it on grid
            Z = C[0] * X + C[1] * Y + C[2]

            # plot points and fitted surface
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.gca(projection='3d')

            # Plot the original points
            ax.scatter(x, y, z)

            # Plot the best fit plane
            ax.plot_surface(X, Y, Z, rstride=1, cstride=1, alpha=0.2)

            # Plot fitted great circle
            t_array = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.01)
            ax.scatter(*greatCircle(t_array, theta0, phi0), c='b', s=5)

            # Plot the zero of the great circle
            ax.scatter(*greatCircle(0, theta0, phi0), c='r', s=100)

            # Define plane normal
            N = greatCircle(np.pi / 2.0, theta0 + np.pi / 2.0, phi0)

            # Store as great circle normal
            self.N[site] = N

            # Plot the plane normal
            ax.scatter(*N, c='g', s=100)

            print('Normal', N)

            # Calculate STDDEV of angle deviations from picks to the plane
            sin_s = 0
            cos_s = 0

            for pick in np.c_[x, y, z][:-1]:

                dev_angle = vectorAngle(pick, N) - np.pi / 2
                # print np.degrees(dev_angle)*3600

                sin_s += np.sin(dev_angle)
                cos_s += np.cos(dev_angle)

            sin_s = sin_s / len(met.picks[site])
            cos_s = cos_s / len(met.picks[site])

            stddev = np.sqrt(-np.log(sin_s**2 + cos_s**2))

            print('GC stddev in arcsec: ', np.degrees(stddev) * 3600)

            # Store as stddev in transverse direction
            self.transverse_std[site] = stddev

            ### TO DO:
            ### DETERMINE LONGITUDINAL UNCERTANTY (20 arcsecs TEMP value)
            self.longitudinal_std[site] = np.radians(20 / 3600.0)


            # Init a list of picks for this site
            self.picks_full[site] = []

            # Generate a list of pick object
            for fr, cx, cy, hx, hy, theta_pick, phi_pick, unix_time in zip(
                    frames, cx_data, cy_data, hx_data, hy_data, theta, phi,

                # Init a new pick
                pick = PickInfo(theta_pick, phi_pick)

                # Set the pick frame
                pick.frame = int(fr)

                # Set pick UNIX time
                pick.unix_time = unix_time

                # Set original pick centroids
                pick.cx = cx
                pick.cy = cy

                # Set mirror position of frame centre
                pick.hx = hx
                pick.hy = hy

                # Set the great circle parameters of the pick
                pick.theta0 = self.theta0[site]
                pick.phi0 = self.phi0[site]

                # Calculate the pick projection to the great circle

                # Calculate image position of the great circle pick
                pick.cx_gc, pick.cy_gc = coordinatesSkyToImage(
                    pick.theta_gc, pick.phi_gc, self.met.exact_plates[site],
                    self.met.scale_plates[site], pick.hx, pick.hy)

                # Add the pick to the list of all picks

            # Plot the projections of original points to the fitted great circle
            for pick in self.picks_full[site]:

                print(pick.theta, pick.phi, pick.phase)
                ax.scatter(pick.x_gc, pick.y_gc, pick.z_gc, c='yellow')

            # ### Plot the projection of the first point on the great circle

            # # Get the phase of the great circle for the fist point
            # phase0 = greatCirclePhase(theta[0], phi[0], theta0, phi0)

            # print 'Phase:', phase0

            # ax.scatter(*greatCircle(phase0, theta0, phi0), c='yellow', s=200)
            # ###

            plt.xlim([-1, 1])
            plt.ylim([-1, 1])
            ax.set_zlim(-1, 1)


            # plt.show()

            plt.plot(theta, phi)
            gc_theta, gc_phi = cartesianToPolar(
                *greatCircle(t_array, theta0, phi0))
            plt.plot(gc_theta, gc_phi, color='r')

            # plt.show()