Exemple #1
    def default(self, disp_msg=False):
        # All package update
        apt_packages = []
        packages = []
        self.msg = []
        pargs = self.app.pargs
        if not (pargs.web or pargs.nginx or pargs.php or pargs.php72
                or pargs.php73 or pargs.php74 or pargs.mysql
                or pargs.ngxblocker or pargs.all or pargs.netdata
                or pargs.wpcli or pargs.composer or pargs.phpmyadmin
                or pargs.adminer or pargs.dashboard or pargs.mysqltuner
                or pargs.redis or pargs.fail2ban or pargs.security):
            pargs.web = True
            pargs.admin = True
            pargs.security = True

        if pargs.php:
            pargs.php72 = True

        if pargs.all:
            pargs.web = True
            pargs.admin = True
            pargs.security = True
            pargs.redis = True

        if pargs.web:
            pargs.nginx = True
            pargs.php72 = True
            pargs.php73 = True
            pargs.php74 = True
            pargs.mysql = True
            pargs.wpcli = True

        if pargs.admin:
            pargs.netdata = True
            pargs.composer = True
            pargs.dashboard = True
            pargs.phpmyadmin = True
            pargs.wpcli = True
            pargs.adminer = True
            pargs.mysqltuner = True

        if pargs.security:
            pargs.ngxblocker = True
            pargs.fail2ban = True

        # nginx
        if pargs.nginx:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx-custom'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVar.wo_nginx
                if os.path.isfile('/usr/sbin/nginx'):
                    Log.info(self, "Updating Nginx templates")
                    post_pref(self, WOVar.wo_nginx, [])
                    Log.info(self, "Nginx Stable is not already installed")

        # php 7.2
        if pargs.php72:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.2-fpm'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVar.wo_php72 + \

        # php 7.3
        if pargs.php73:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.3-fpm'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVar.wo_php73 + \

        # php 7.4
        if pargs.php74:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.4-fpm'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVar.wo_php74 + \

        # mysql
        if pargs.mysql:
            if WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, 'mysqladmin ping'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + ['mariadb-server']

        # redis
        if pargs.redis:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'redis-server'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + ['redis-server']

        # fail2ban
        if pargs.fail2ban:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'fail2ban'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + ['fail2ban']

        # wp-cli
        if pargs.wpcli:
            if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/wp'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    "/usr/local/bin/wp", "WP-CLI"
                Log.info(self, "WPCLI is not installed with WordOps")

        # netdata
        if pargs.netdata:
            # detect static binaries install
            if os.path.isdir('/opt/netdata'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    '/var/lib/wo/tmp/kickstart.sh', 'Netdata'
            # detect install from source
            elif os.path.isdir('/etc/netdata'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    '/var/lib/wo/tmp/kickstart.sh', 'Netdata'
                Log.info(self, 'Netdata is not installed')

        # wordops dashboard
        if pargs.dashboard:
            if (os.path.isfile('/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.php')
                    or os.path.isfile('/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.html')):
                packages = packages + [[
                    "/var/lib/wo/tmp/wo-dashboard.tar.gz", "WordOps Dashboard"
                Log.info(self, 'WordOps dashboard is not installed')

        # phpmyadmin
        if pargs.phpmyadmin:
            if os.path.isdir('/var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    "/var/lib/wo/tmp/pma.tar.gz", "PHPMyAdmin"
                Log.info(self, "phpMyAdmin isn't installed")

        # adminer
        if pargs.adminer:
            if os.path.isfile("{0}22222/htdocs/db/"
                Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for Adminer ")
                packages = packages + [
                            WOVar.wo_adminer), "{0}22222/"
                        "pepa-linha/adminer.css", "{0}22222/"
                            WOVar.wo_webroot), "Adminer theme"
                Log.debug(self, "Adminer isn't installed")
                Log.info(self, "Adminer isn't installed")

        # composer
        if pargs.composer:
            if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/composer'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    "/var/lib/wo/tmp/composer-install", "Composer"
                Log.info(self, "Composer isn't installed")

        # mysqltuner
        if pargs.mysqltuner:
            if WOAptGet.is_exec(self, 'mysqltuner'):
                Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable " "for MySQLTuner ")
                packages = packages + [[
                    "/master/mysqltuner.pl", "/usr/bin/mysqltuner",

        # ngxblocker
        if pargs.ngxblocker:
            if os.path.exists('/usr/local/sbin/install-ngxblocker'):
                packages = packages + [[
                    '/usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker', 'ngxblocker'

        if ((not (apt_packages)) and (not (packages))):
            if (apt_packages):
                if not ("php7.2-fpm" in apt_packages or "php7.3-fpm"
                        in apt_packages or "php7.4-fpm" in apt_packages
                        or "redis-server" in apt_packages or "nginx-custom"
                        in apt_packages or "mariadb-server" in apt_packages):
                        self, "Your sites may be down for few seconds if "
                        "you are upgrading Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB or Redis")
                # Check prompt
                if not (pargs.no_prompt or pargs.force):
                    start_upgrade = input("Do you want to continue:[y/N]")
                    if start_upgrade != "Y" and start_upgrade != "y":
                        Log.error(self, "Not starting package update")
                Log.wait(self, "Updating APT cache")
                # apt-get update
                Log.valide(self, "Updating APT cache")

                # additional pre_pref
                if "nginx-custom" in apt_packages:
                    pre_pref(self, WOVar.wo_nginx)
                if "php7.2-fpm" in apt_packages:
                    WOAptGet.remove(self, ['php7.2-fpm'],
                if "php7.3-fpm" in apt_packages:
                    WOAptGet.remove(self, ['php7.3-fpm'],
                if "php7.4-fpm" in apt_packages:
                    WOAptGet.remove(self, ['php7.4-fpm'],
                # check if nginx upgrade is blocked
                if os.path.isfile('/etc/apt/preferences.d/nginx-block'):
                    post_pref(self, WOVar.wo_nginx, [], True)
                # upgrade packages
                WOAptGet.install(self, apt_packages)
                Log.wait(self, "Configuring APT Packages")
                post_pref(self, apt_packages, [], True)
                if "mariadb-server" in apt_packages:
                    WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, 'mysql_upgrade')
                Log.valide(self, "Configuring APT Packages")
                # Post Actions after package updates

            if (packages):
                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'WP-CLI', packages):
                    WOFileUtils.rm(self, '/usr/local/bin/wp')

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'Netdata', packages):
                    WOFileUtils.rm(self, '/var/lib/wo/tmp/kickstart.sh')

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'ngxblocker', packages):
                    WOFileUtils.rm(self, '/usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker')

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'WordOps Dashboard', packages):
                    if os.path.isfile('/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.php'):
                        WOFileUtils.rm(self, '/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.php')
                    if os.path.isfile('/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.html'):

                Log.debug(self, "Downloading following: {0}".format(packages))
                WODownload.download(self, packages)

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'WP-CLI', packages):
                    WOFileUtils.chmod(self, "/usr/local/bin/wp", 0o775)

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'ngxblocker', packages):
                    if os.path.exists('/etc/nginx/conf.d/variables-hash.conf'):
                            self, '/etc/nginx/conf.d/variables-hash.conf')
                        self, '/usr/local/sbin/update-ngxblocker -nq')

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'MySQLTuner', packages):
                    WOFileUtils.chmod(self, "/usr/bin/mysqltuner", 0o775)
                    if os.path.exists('/usr/local/bin/mysqltuner'):
                        WOFileUtils.rm(self, '/usr/local/bin/mysqltuner')

                # Netdata
                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'Netdata', packages):
                    WOService.stop_service(self, 'netdata')
                    Log.wait(self, "Upgrading Netdata")
                    # detect static binaries install
                                         "bash /var/lib/wo/tmp/kickstart.sh "
                                         "--dont-wait --no-updates",
                    Log.valide(self, "Upgrading Netdata")

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'WordOps Dashboard', packages):
                    post_pref(self, [], [[
                        "WordOps Dashboard"

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'Composer', packages):
                    Log.wait(self, "Upgrading Composer")
                    if WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, '/usr/bin/php -v'):
                            self, "php -q /var/lib/wo"
                            "/tmp/composer-install "
                    WOFileUtils.chmod(self, "/usr/local/bin/composer", 0o775)
                    Log.valide(self, "Upgrading Composer    ")

                if WOAptGet.is_selected(self, 'PHPMyAdmin', packages):
                    Log.wait(self, "Upgrading phpMyAdmin")
                    WOExtract.extract(self, '/var/lib/wo/tmp/pma.tar.gz',
                    Log.valide(self, "Upgrading phpMyAdmin")
                if os.path.exists('{0}22222/htdocs'.format(WOVar.wo_webroot)):

            Log.info(self, "Successfully updated packages")
Exemple #2
    def install(self, packages=[], apt_packages=[], disp_msg=True):
        """Start installation of packages"""
        self.msg = []
        empty_packages = []
        wo_webroot = "/var/www/"
        pargs = self.app.pargs

            # Default action for stack installation
            if ((not pargs.web) and (not pargs.admin) and
                (not pargs.nginx) and (not pargs.php) and
                (not pargs.mysql) and (not pargs.wpcli) and
                (not pargs.phpmyadmin) and (not pargs.composer) and
                (not pargs.netdata) and (not pargs.dashboard) and
                (not pargs.fail2ban) and (not pargs.security) and
                (not pargs.mysqlclient) and (not pargs.mysqltuner) and
                (not pargs.adminer) and (not pargs.utils) and
                (not pargs.redis) and (not pargs.proftpd) and
                (not pargs.extplorer) and (not pargs.clamav) and
                (not pargs.phpredisadmin) and (not pargs.sendmail) and
                    (not pargs.php73)):
                pargs.web = True
                pargs.admin = True
                pargs.fail2ban = True

            if pargs.all:
                pargs.web = True
                pargs.admin = True
                pargs.php73 = True
                pargs.redis = True
                pargs.proftpd = True
                pargs.security = True

            if pargs.web:
                pargs.nginx = True
                pargs.php = True
                pargs.mysql = True
                pargs.wpcli = True
                pargs.sendmail = True

            if pargs.admin:
                pargs.web = True
                pargs.adminer = True
                pargs.phpmyadmin = True
                pargs.composer = True
                pargs.utils = True
                pargs.netdata = True
                pargs.dashboard = True
                pargs.phpredisadmin = True
                pargs.extplorer = True

            if pargs.security:
                pargs.fail2ban = True
                pargs.clamav = True

            # Nginx
            if pargs.nginx:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for Nginx")

                if not (WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx-custom')):
                    if not (WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx-plus') or
                            WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx')):
                        apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_nginx
                        if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx-plus'):
                            Log.info(self, "NGINX PLUS Detected ...")
                            apt = ["nginx-plus"] + WOVariables.wo_nginx
                            self.post_pref(apt, empty_packages)
                        elif WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx'):
                            Log.info(self, "WordOps detected an already "
                                     "installed nginx package."
                                     "It may or may not have "
                                     "required modules.\n")
                            apt = ["nginx"] + WOVariables.wo_nginx
                            self.post_pref(apt, empty_packages)
                    Log.debug(self, "Nginx Stable already installed")

            # Redis
            if pargs.redis:
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'redis-server'):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_redis

                    Log.info(self, "Redis already installed")

            # PHP 7.2
            if pargs.php:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for PHP 7.2")
                if not (WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.2-fpm')):
                    apt_packages = (apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php +
                    Log.debug(self, "PHP 7.2 already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "PHP 7.2 already installed")

            # PHP 7.3
            if pargs.php73:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for PHP 7.3")
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.3-fpm'):
                    apt_packages = (apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php +
                                    WOVariables.wo_php73 +
                    Log.debug(self, "PHP 7.3 already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "PHP 7.3 already installed")

            # MariaDB 10.3
            if pargs.mysql:
                pargs.mysqltuner = True
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for MySQL")
                if not WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysqladmin ping"):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_mysql
                    Log.debug(self, "MySQL already installed and alive")
                    Log.info(self, "MySQL already installed and alive")

            # mysqlclient
            if pargs.mysqlclient:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable "
                          "for MySQL Client")
                if not WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysqladmin ping"):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_mysql_client
                    Log.debug(self, "MySQL already installed and alive")
                    Log.info(self, "MySQL already installed and alive")

            # WP-CLI
            if pargs.wpcli:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for WP-CLI")
                if ((not os.path.isfile("/usr/local/bin/wp")) and
                        (not os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/wp"))):
                    packages = packages + [["https://github.com/wp-cli/wp-cli/"
                    Log.debug(self, "WP-CLI is already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "WP-CLI is already installed")

            # fail2ban
            if pargs.fail2ban:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for Fail2ban")
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'fail2ban'):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_fail2ban
                    Log.debug(self, "Fail2ban already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "Fail2ban already installed")

            # ClamAV
            if pargs.clamav:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for ClamAV")
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'clamav'):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_clamav
                    Log.debug(self, "ClamAV already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "ClamAV already installed")

            # sendmail
            if pargs.sendmail:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for Sendmail")
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'sendmail'):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + ["sendmail"]
                    Log.debug(self, "Sendmail already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "Sendmail already installed")

            # proftpd
            if pargs.proftpd:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for ProFTPd")
                if not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'proftpd-basic'):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + ["proftpd-basic"]
                    Log.debug(self, "ProFTPd already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "ProFTPd already installed")

            # PHPMYADMIN
            if pargs.phpmyadmin:
                pargs.composer = True
                if not os.path.isdir('/var/www/22222/htdocs/db/pma'):
                    Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable "
                              "for phpMyAdmin ")
                    packages = packages + [["https://github.com/phpmyadmin/"
                    Log.debug(self, "phpMyAdmin already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "phpMyAdmin already installed")

                    # PHPREDISADMIN
            if pargs.phpredisadmin:
                pargs.composer = True
                if not os.path.isdir('/var/www/22222/htdocs/'
                        self, "Setting packages variable for phpRedisAdmin")
                    packages = packages + [["https://github.com/"
                    Log.debug(self, "phpRedisAdmin already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "phpRedisAdmin already installed")

            # Composer
            if pargs.composer:
                if ((not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.2-fpm')) and
                        (not WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.3-fpm'))):
                    pargs.php = True
                if not os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/composer'):
                    Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for Composer ")
                    packages = packages + [["https://getcomposer.org/"
                    Log.debug(self, "Composer already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "Composer already installed")

            # ADMINER
            if pargs.adminer:
                if not os.path.isfile("{0}22222/htdocs/db/"
                    Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for Adminer ")
                    packages = packages + [["https://github.com/vrana/adminer/"
                                            "Adminer theme"]]
                    Log.debug(self, "Adminer already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "Adminer already installed")

            # mysqltuner
            if pargs.mysqltuner:
                if not os.path.isfile("/usr/bin/mysqltuner"):
                    Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable "
                              "for MySQLTuner ")
                    packages = packages + [["https://raw."
                    Log.debug(self, "MySQLtuner already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "MySQLtuner already installed")

            # Netdata
            if pargs.netdata:
                if (not os.path.isdir('/opt/netdata') and not
                        self, "Setting packages variable for Netdata")
                    if WOVariables.wo_distro == 'raspbian':
                        packages = packages + [['https://my-netdata.io/'
                        packages = packages + [['https://my-netdata.io/'
                    Log.debug(self, "Netdata already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "Netdata already installed")

            # WordOps Dashboard
            if pargs.dashboard:
                if not os.path.isfile('/var/www/22222/htdocs/index.php'):
                              "Setting packages variable for WO-Dashboard")
                    packages = \
                        packages + [["https://github.com/WordOps"
                                     "WordOps Dashboard"]]
                    Log.debug(self, "WordOps dashboard already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "WordOps dashboard already installed")

            # eXtplorer
            if pargs.extplorer:
                if not os.path.isdir('/var/www/22222/htdocs/files'):
                    Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for eXtplorer")
                    packages = packages + \
                    Log.debug(self, "eXtplorer is already installed")
                    Log.info(self, "eXtplorer is already installed")

            # UTILS
            if pargs.utils:
                Log.debug(self, "Setting packages variable for utils")
                packages = packages + [["https://raw.githubusercontent.com"

        except Exception as e:
            Log.debug(self, "{0}".format(e))

        if (apt_packages) or (packages):
            if (apt_packages):
                Log.debug(self, "Calling pre_pref")
                pre_pref(self, apt_packages)
                # meminfo = (os.popen('/bin/cat /proc/meminfo '
                #                    '| grep MemTotal').read()).split(":")
                # memsplit = re.split(" kB", meminfo[1])
                # wo_mem = int(memsplit[0])
                # if (wo_mem < 4000000):
                #    WOSwap.add(self)
                Log.wait(self, "Updating apt-cache          ")
                Log.valide(self, "Updating apt-cache          ")
                Log.wait(self, "Installing APT packages     ")
                WOAptGet.install(self, apt_packages)
                Log.valide(self, "Installing APT packages     ")
                Log.wait(self, "Configuring APT packages    ")
                post_pref(self, apt_packages, [])
                Log.valide(self, "Configuring APT packages    ")
            if (packages):
                Log.debug(self, "Downloading following: {0}".format(packages))
                WODownload.download(self, packages)
                Log.debug(self, "Calling post_pref")
                post_pref(self, [], packages)

            if disp_msg:
                if (self.msg):
                    for msg in self.msg:
                        Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg)
                Log.info(self, "Successfully installed packages")
                return self.msg
Exemple #3
    def purge(self):
        """Start purging of packages"""
        apt_packages = []
        packages = []
        pargs = self.app.pargs
        # Default action for stack purge
        if ((not pargs.web) and (not pargs.admin) and
            (not pargs.nginx) and (not pargs.php) and
            (not pargs.mysql) and (not pargs.wpcli) and
            (not pargs.phpmyadmin) and (not pargs.composer) and
                (not pargs.netdata) and (not pargs.dashboard) and
                (not pargs.fail2ban) and (not pargs.security) and
                (not pargs.mysqlclient) and (not pargs.mysqltuner) and
                (not pargs.adminer) and (not pargs.utils) and
                (not pargs.redis) and (not pargs.proftpd) and
                (not pargs.extplorer) and (not pargs.clamav) and
                (not pargs.phpredisadmin) and (not pargs.sendmail) and
                (not pargs.php73)):
            pargs.web = True
            pargs.admin = True
            pargs.security = True

        if pargs.all:
            pargs.web = True
            pargs.admin = True
            pargs.php73 = True
            pargs.fail2ban = True
            pargs.proftpd = True
            pargs.utils = True
            pargs.redis = True
            packages = packages + ['/var/www/22222/htdocs']

        if pargs.web:
            pargs.nginx = True
            pargs.php = True
            pargs.mysql = True
            pargs.wpcli = True
            pargs.sendmail = True

        if pargs.admin:
            pargs.utils = True
            pargs.composer = True
            pargs.netdata = True
            pargs.mysqltuner = True

        if pargs.security:
            pargs.fail2ban = True
            pargs.clamav = True

        # NGINX
        if pargs.nginx:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'nginx-custom'):
                Log.debug(self, "Purge apt_packages variable of Nginx")
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_nginx

        # PHP
        if pargs.php:
            Log.debug(self, "Purge apt_packages variable PHP")
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.2-fpm'):
                if not (WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.3-fpm')):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php + \
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php

        # PHP 7.3
        if pargs.php73:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing apt_packages variable of PHP 7.3")
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.3-fpm'):
                if not (WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'php7.2-fpm')):
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php73 + \
                    apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_php73

        # REDIS
        if pargs.redis:
            Log.debug(self, "Remove apt_packages variable of Redis")
            apt_packages = apt_packages + ["redis-server"]

        # MariaDB
        if pargs.mysql:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing apt_packages variable of MySQL")
            apt_packages = apt_packages + ['mariadb-server', 'mysql-common',
            packages = packages + ['/etc/mysql', '/var/lib/mysql']

        # mysqlclient
        if pargs.mysqlclient:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing apt_packages variable "
                      "for MySQL Client")
            if WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "mysqladmin ping"):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_mysql_client

        # fail2ban
        if pargs.fail2ban:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'fail2ban'):
                Log.debug(self, "Remove apt_packages variable of Fail2ban")
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_fail2ban

        # ClamAV
        if pargs.clamav:
            Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for ClamAV")
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'clamav'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + WOVariables.wo_clamav

        # sendmail
        if pargs.sendmail:
            Log.debug(self, "Setting apt_packages variable for Sendmail")
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'sendmail'):
                apt_packages = apt_packages + ["sendmail"]

        # proftpd
        if pargs.proftpd:
            if WOAptGet.is_installed(self, 'proftpd-basic'):
                Log.debug(self, "Purge apt_packages variable for ProFTPd")
                apt_packages = apt_packages + ["proftpd-basic"]

        # WP-CLI
        if pargs.wpcli:
            Log.debug(self, "Purge package variable WPCLI")
            if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/wp'):
                packages = packages + ['/usr/local/bin/wp']

        # PHPMYADMIN
        if pargs.phpmyadmin:
            packages = packages + ['{0}22222/htdocs/db/pma'.
            Log.debug(self, "Purge package variable phpMyAdmin")

        # Composer
        if pargs.composer:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing package variable of Composer ")
            if os.path.isfile('/usr/local/bin/composer'):
                packages = packages + ['/usr/local/bin/composer']

        if pargs.mysqltuner:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing packages for MySQLTuner ")
            packages = packages + ['/usr/bin/mysqltuner']

        if pargs.phpredisadmin:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing package variable of phpRedisAdmin ")
            if os.path.isdir('{0}22222/htdocs/cache/redis'
                packages = packages + ['{0}22222/htdocs/'
        # Adminer
        if pargs.adminer:
            Log.debug(self, "Purge  package variable Adminer")
            packages = packages + ['{0}22222/htdocs/db/adminer'
        # utils
        if pargs.utils:
            Log.debug(self, "Purge package variable utils")
            packages = packages + ['{0}22222/htdocs/php/webgrind/'

        if pargs.netdata:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing Netdata")
            if os.path.isfile('/opt/netdata/usr/'
                packages = packages + ['/var/lib/wo/tmp/kickstart.sh']

        if pargs.dashboard:
            Log.debug(self, "Removing Wo-Dashboard")
            packages = packages + ['{0}22222/htdocs/assets/'

        if (packages) or (apt_packages):
            if (not pargs.force):
                start_purge = input('Are you sure you to want to'
                                    ' purge stacks from this server ?'
                                    '\nPackage configuration and data '
                                    'will not remain'
                                    ' on this server after this operation.\n'
                                    'Purge stacks [y/N]')
                if start_purge != "Y" and start_purge != "y":
                    Log.error(self, "Not starting stack purge")

            if (set(["nginx-custom"]).issubset(set(apt_packages))):
                WOService.stop_service(self, 'nginx')

            if (set(["fail2ban"]).issubset(set(apt_packages))):
                WOService.stop_service(self, 'fail2ban')

            if (set(["mariadb-server"]).issubset(set(apt_packages))):
                WOService.stop_service(self, 'mysql')

            # Netdata uninstaller
            if (set(['/var/lib/wo/tmp/'
                if WOVariables.wo_distro == 'Raspbian':
                    WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "bash /usr/"
                                         "uninstaller.sh -y -f",
                                         errormsg='', log=False)
                    WOShellExec.cmd_exec(self, "bash /opt/netdata/usr/"
                                         "uninstaller.sh -y -f")

            if (apt_packages):
                Log.wait(self, "Purging APT Packages        ")
                WOAptGet.remove(self, apt_packages, purge=True)
                Log.valide(self, "Purging APT Packages        ")

            if (packages):
                Log.wait(self, "Purging Packages            ")
                WOFileUtils.remove(self, packages)
                Log.valide(self, "Purging Packages            ")
            Log.info(self, "Successfully purged packages")
Exemple #4
    def doupdatesite(self, pargs):
        pargs = self.app.pargs
        letsencrypt = False
        php73 = False
        php74 = False
        php72 = False

        data = dict()
            stype, cache = detSitePar(vars(pargs))
        except RuntimeError as e:
            Log.debug(self, str(e))
            Log.error(self, "Please provide valid options combination for"
                      " site update")

        if stype is None and pargs.proxy:
            stype, cache = 'proxy', ''
            proxyinfo = pargs.proxy[0].strip()
            if not proxyinfo:
                Log.error(self, "Please provide proxy server host information")
            proxyinfo = proxyinfo.split(':')
            host = proxyinfo[0].strip()
            port = '80' if len(proxyinfo) < 2 else proxyinfo[1].strip()
        elif stype is None and not (pargs.proxy or pargs.letsencrypt):
            stype, cache = 'html', 'basic'
        elif stype and pargs.proxy:
            Log.error(self, "--proxy can not be used with other site types")

        if not pargs.site_name:
                while not pargs.site_name:
                    pargs.site_name = (input('Enter site name : ').strip())
            except IOError:
                Log.error(self, 'Unable to input site name, Please try again!')

        pargs.site_name = pargs.site_name.strip()
        wo_domain = WODomain.validate(self, pargs.site_name)
        wo_www_domain = "www.{0}".format(wo_domain)
        (wo_domain_type, wo_root_domain) = WODomain.getlevel(
            self, wo_domain)
        wo_site_webroot = WOVar.wo_webroot + wo_domain
        check_site = getSiteInfo(self, wo_domain)

        if check_site is None:
            Log.error(self, " Site {0} does not exist.".format(wo_domain))
            oldsitetype = check_site.site_type
            oldcachetype = check_site.cache_type
            check_ssl = check_site.is_ssl
            check_php_version = check_site.php_version

            old_php72 = bool(check_php_version == "7.2")
            old_php73 = bool(check_php_version == "7.3")
            old_php74 = bool(check_php_version == "7.4")

        if ((pargs.password or pargs.hsts or
             pargs.ngxblocker or pargs.letsencrypt == 'renew') and not (
            pargs.html or pargs.php or pargs.php72 or pargs.php73 or
            pargs.php74 or
            pargs.mysql or pargs.wp or pargs.wpfc or pargs.wpsc or
            pargs.wprocket or pargs.wpce or
                pargs.wpsubdir or pargs.wpsubdomain)):

            # update wordpress password
            if (pargs.password):
                    updatewpuserpassword(self, wo_domain, wo_site_webroot)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, "\nPassword Unchanged.")
                return 0

            # setup hsts
            if (pargs.hsts):
                if pargs.hsts == "on":
                    SSL.setuphsts(self, wo_domain, enable=True)
                elif pargs.hsts == "off":
                    SSL.setuphsts(self, wo_domain, enable=False)
                    # Service Nginx Reload
                if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                        self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                        "check issues with `nginx -t` command")

            # setup ngxblocker
            if (pargs.ngxblocker):
                if pargs.ngxblocker == "on":
                    if os.path.isdir('/etc/nginx/bots.d'):
                            setupngxblocker(self, wo_domain)
                        except SiteError as e:
                            Log.debug(self, str(e))
                            Log.info(self, "\nngxblocker not enabled.")
                        Log.error(self, 'ngxblocker stack is not installed')
                elif pargs.ngxblocker == "off":
                        setupngxblocker(self, wo_domain, False)
                    except SiteError as e:
                        Log.debug(self, str(e))
                        Log.info(self, "\nngxblocker not enabled.")

                # Service Nginx Reload
                if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                    Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                              "check issues with `nginx -t` command")

            # letsencryot rebew
            if (pargs.letsencrypt == 'renew'):
                if WOAcme.cert_check(self, wo_domain):
                    if not pargs.force:
                        if (SSL.getexpirationdays(self, wo_domain) > 30):
                                self, "Your cert will expire in more "
                                "than 30 days ( " +
                                str(SSL.getexpirationdays(self, wo_domain)) +
                                " days).\nAdd \'--force\' to force to renew")
                    Log.wait(self, "Renewing SSL certificate")
                    if WOAcme.renew(self, wo_domain):
                        Log.valide(self, "Renewing SSL certificate")
                    Log.error(self, "Certificate doesn't exist")
                return 0

        if (((stype == 'php' and
              oldsitetype not in ['html', 'proxy', 'php', 'php72',
                                  'php73', 'php74']) or
             (stype == 'mysql' and oldsitetype not in [
                 'html', 'php', 'php72', 'php73', 'php74', 'proxy']) or
             (stype == 'wp' and oldsitetype not in [
                 'html', 'php', 'php72', 'php73', 'php74', 'mysql',
                 'proxy', 'wp']) or
             (stype == 'wpsubdir' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdomain']) or
             (stype == 'wpsubdomain' and oldsitetype in ['wpsubdir']) or
             (stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype)) and
                not (pargs.php72 or pargs.php73 or pargs.php74)):
            Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "can not update {0} {1} to {2} {3}".
                     format(oldsitetype, oldcachetype, stype, cache))
            return 1

        if stype == 'proxy':
            data['site_name'] = wo_domain
            data['www_domain'] = wo_www_domain
            data['proxy'] = True
            data['host'] = host
            data['port'] = port
            data['webroot'] = wo_site_webroot
            data['currsitetype'] = oldsitetype
            data['currcachetype'] = oldcachetype

        if stype == 'php':
            data = dict(
                site_name=wo_domain, www_domain=wo_www_domain,
                static=False, basic=True, wp=False, wpfc=False,
                php72=False, php73=False, php74=False,
                wpsc=False, wpredis=False, wprocket=False, wpce=False,
                multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=wo_site_webroot,
                currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype)

        elif stype in ['mysql', 'wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
            data = dict(
                site_name=wo_domain, www_domain=wo_www_domain,
                static=False, basic=True, wp=False, wpfc=False,
                wpsc=False, wpredis=False, wprocket=False, wpce=False,
                multisite=False, wpsubdir=False, webroot=wo_site_webroot,
                wo_db_name='', wo_db_user='', wo_db_pass='',
                currsitetype=oldsitetype, currcachetype=oldcachetype)

        if stype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
            data['wp'] = True
            data['basic'] = False
            data[cache] = True
            if stype in ['wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
                data['multisite'] = True
                if stype == 'wpsubdir':
                    data['wpsubdir'] = True

        if ((pargs.php72 or pargs.php73 or
             pargs.php74) and (not data)):
                self, "pargs php72, or php73, or php74 enabled")
            data = dict(
            stype = oldsitetype
            cache = oldcachetype
            if oldsitetype == 'html' or oldsitetype == 'proxy':
                data['static'] = False
                data['wp'] = False
                data['multisite'] = False
                data['wpsubdir'] = False
            elif (oldsitetype == 'php' or oldsitetype == 'mysql' or
                  oldsitetype == 'php73'or oldsitetype == 'php74'):
                data['static'] = False
                data['wp'] = False
                data['multisite'] = False
                data['wpsubdir'] = False
            elif oldsitetype == 'wp':
                data['static'] = False
                data['wp'] = True
                data['multisite'] = False
                data['wpsubdir'] = False
            elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdir':
                data['static'] = False
                data['wp'] = True
                data['multisite'] = True
                data['wpsubdir'] = True
            elif oldsitetype == 'wpsubdomain':
                data['static'] = False
                data['wp'] = True
                data['multisite'] = True
                data['wpsubdir'] = False

            if oldcachetype == 'basic':
                data['basic'] = True
                data['wpfc'] = False
                data['wpsc'] = False
                data['wpredis'] = False
                data['wprocket'] = False
                data['wpce'] = False
            elif oldcachetype == 'wpfc':
                data['basic'] = False
                data['wpfc'] = True
                data['wpsc'] = False
                data['wpredis'] = False
                data['wprocket'] = False
                data['wpce'] = False
            elif oldcachetype == 'wpsc':
                data['basic'] = False
                data['wpfc'] = False
                data['wpsc'] = True
                data['wpredis'] = False
                data['wprocket'] = False
                data['wpce'] = False
            elif oldcachetype == 'wpredis':
                data['basic'] = False
                data['wpfc'] = False
                data['wpsc'] = False
                data['wpredis'] = True
                data['wprocket'] = False
                data['wpce'] = False
            elif oldcachetype == 'wprocket':
                data['basic'] = False
                data['wpfc'] = False
                data['wpsc'] = False
                data['wpredis'] = False
                data['wprocket'] = True
                data['wpce'] = False
            elif oldcachetype == 'wpce':
                data['basic'] = False
                data['wpfc'] = False
                data['wpsc'] = False
                data['wpredis'] = False
                data['wprocket'] = False
                data['wpce'] = True

        if pargs.php72:
            Log.debug(self, "pargs.php72 detected")
            data['php72'] = True
            php72 = True
        elif pargs.php73:
            Log.debug(self, "pargs.php73 detected")
            data['php73'] = True
            php73 = True
        elif pargs.php74:
            Log.debug(self, "pargs.php74 detected")
            data['php74'] = True
            php74 = True

        if pargs.php72:
            if php72 is old_php72:
                Log.info(self, "PHP 7.2 is already enabled for given "
                pargs.php72 = False

        if pargs.php73:
            if php73 is old_php73:
                Log.info(self, "PHP 7.3 is already enabled for given "
                pargs.php73 = False

        if pargs.php74:
            if php74 is old_php74:
                Log.info(self, "PHP 7.4 is already enabled for given "
                pargs.php74 = False

        if (data and (not pargs.php73) and
                (not pargs.php74) and (not pargs.php72)):
            data['php72'] = bool(old_php72 is True)
            Log.debug(self, "data php72 = {0}".format(data['php72']))
            php72 = bool(old_php72 is True)
            data['php73'] = bool(old_php73 is True)
            Log.debug(self, "data php73 = {0}".format(data['php73']))
            php73 = bool(old_php73 is True)
            data['php74'] = bool(old_php74 is True)
            Log.debug(self, "data php74 = {0}".format(data['php74']))
            php74 = bool(old_php74 is True)

        if pargs.letsencrypt:
            acme_domains = []
            acmedata = dict(acme_domains, dns=False, acme_dns='dns_cf',
                            dnsalias=False, acme_alias='', keylength='')
            acmedata['keylength'] = self.app.config.get('letsencrypt',
            if pargs.letsencrypt == 'on':
                data['letsencrypt'] = True
                letsencrypt = True
                acme_subdomain = bool(wo_domain_type == 'subdomain')
                acme_wildcard = False
            elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'subdomain':
                data['letsencrypt'] = True
                letsencrypt = True
                acme_subdomain = True
                acme_wildcard = False
            elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'wildcard':
                data['letsencrypt'] = True
                letsencrypt = True
                acme_wildcard = True
                acme_subdomain = False
                acmedata['dns'] = True
            elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'off':
                data['letsencrypt'] = False
                letsencrypt = False
                acme_subdomain = False
                acme_wildcard = False
            elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'clean':
                data['letsencrypt'] = False
                letsencrypt = False
                acme_subdomain = False
                acme_wildcard = False
            elif pargs.letsencrypt == 'purge':
                data['letsencrypt'] = False
                letsencrypt = False
                acme_subdomain = False
                acme_wildcard = False
                data['letsencrypt'] = False
                letsencrypt = False
                acme_subdomain = False
                acme_wildcard = False

            if not (acme_subdomain is True):
                if letsencrypt is check_ssl:
                    if letsencrypt is False:
                        Log.error(self, "SSL is not configured for given "
                    elif letsencrypt is True:
                        Log.error(self, "SSL is already configured for given "
                    pargs.letsencrypt = False

        if pargs.all and pargs.letsencrypt == "off":
            if letsencrypt is check_ssl:
                if letsencrypt is False:
                    Log.error(self, "HTTPS is not configured for given "
                              "site", False)
                    return 0

        if pargs.wpredis and data['currcachetype'] != 'wpredis':
            data['wpredis'] = True
            data['basic'] = False
            cache = 'wpredis'

        if pargs.wprocket and data['currcachetype'] != 'wprocket':
            data['wprocket'] = True
            data['basic'] = False
            cache = 'wprocket'

        if pargs.wpce and data['currcachetype'] != 'wpce':
            data['wpce'] = True
            data['basic'] = False
            cache = 'wpce'

        if ((php73 is old_php73) and (php72 is old_php72) and
            (php74 is old_php74) and (stype == oldsitetype and
                                      cache == oldcachetype)):
            Log.debug(self, "Nothing to update")
            return 1

        if php73 is True:
            data['wo_php'] = 'php73'
            check_php_version = '7.3'
        elif php74 is True:
            data['wo_php'] = 'php74'
            check_php_version = '7.4'
        elif php72 is True:
            data['wo_php'] = 'php72'
            check_php_version = '7.2'
            data['wo_php'] = 'php73'
            check_php_version = '7.3'

        if pargs.hsts:
            data['hsts'] = bool(pargs.hsts == "on")

        if pargs.ngxblocker:
            ngxblocker = bool(pargs.ngxblocker == 'on')

        if not data:
            Log.error(self, "Cannot update {0}, Invalid Options"

        wo_auth = site_package_check(self, stype)
        data['wo_db_name'] = check_site.db_name
        data['wo_db_user'] = check_site.db_user
        data['wo_db_pass'] = check_site.db_password
        data['wo_db_host'] = check_site.db_host

        if not (pargs.letsencrypt or pargs.hsts or pargs.ngxblocker):
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.error(self, "NGINX configuration check failed.")

                sitebackup(self, data)
            except Exception as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

            # setup NGINX configuration, and webroot
                setupdomain(self, data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details:"
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        if 'proxy' in data.keys() and data['proxy']:
            updateSiteInfo(self, wo_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
            Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site"
                     " http://{0}".format(wo_domain))
            return 0

        if pargs.letsencrypt:
            if data['letsencrypt'] is True:
                # DNS API configuration
                if pargs.dns:
                    Log.debug(self, "DNS validation enabled")
                    acmedata['dns'] = True
                    if not pargs.dns == 'dns_cf':
                        Log.debug(self, "DNS API : {0}".format(pargs.dns))
                        acmedata['acme_dns'] = pargs.dns
                if pargs.dnsalias:
                    Log.debug(self, "DNS Alias enabled")
                    acmedata['dnsalias'] = True
                    acmedata['acme_alias'] = pargs.dnsalias
                # Set list of domains to secure
                if acme_subdomain is True:
                    Log.info(self, "Certificate type : subdomain")
                    acme_domains = acme_domains + [
                elif acme_wildcard is True:
                    Log.info(self, "Certificate type : wildcard")
                    acme_domains = acme_domains + [
                    Log.info(self, "Certificate type : domain")
                    acme_domains = acme_domains + [

                if WOAcme.cert_check(self, wo_domain):
                    if SSL.archivedcertificatehandle(
                            self, wo_domain, acme_domains):
                        letsencrypt = True
                    if acme_subdomain:
                        Log.debug(self, "checkWildcardExist on *.{0}"
                        if SSL.checkwildcardexist(self, wo_root_domain):
                                self, "Using existing Wildcard SSL "
                                "certificate from {0} to secure {1}"
                                .format(wo_root_domain, wo_domain))
                                self, "symlink wildcard "
                                "cert between {0} & {1}"
                                .format(wo_domain, wo_root_domain))
                            # copy the cert from the root domain
                            copyWildcardCert(self, wo_domain,
                            # check DNS records before issuing cert
                            if not acmedata['dns'] is True:
                                if not pargs.force:
                                    if not WOAcme.check_dns(self,
                                            "Aborting SSL certificate "
                                self, "Setup Cert with acme.sh for {0}"
                            if WOAcme.setupletsencrypt(
                                    self, acme_domains, acmedata):
                                WOAcme.deploycert(self, wo_domain)
                                    self, "Unable to issue certificate")
                        # check DNS records before issuing cert
                        if not acmedata['dns'] is True:
                            if not pargs.force:
                                if not WOAcme.check_dns(self,
                                        "Aborting SSL "
                                        "certificate issuance")
                        if WOAcme.setupletsencrypt(
                                self, acme_domains, acmedata):
                            WOAcme.deploycert(self, wo_domain)
                            Log.error(self, "Unable to issue certificate")

                        self, wo_domain, acme_domains, redirect=True)
                    SSL.siteurlhttps(self, wo_domain)

                if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                    Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                              "check issues with `nginx -t` command")
                Log.info(self, "Congratulations! Successfully "
                         "Configured SSL on https://{0}".format(wo_domain))
                letsencrypt = True
                if (SSL.getexpirationdays(self, wo_domain) > 0):
                    Log.info(self, "Your cert will expire within " +
                             str(SSL.getexpirationdays(self, wo_domain)) +
                             " days.")
                        self, "Your cert already EXPIRED ! "
                        ".PLEASE renew soon . ")

            elif data['letsencrypt'] is False:
                if pargs.letsencrypt == "off":
                    if os.path.islink("{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf"
                    elif os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf"
                        Log.info(self, 'Setting Nginx configuration')
                        WOFileUtils.mvfile(self, "{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf"
                            self, wo_domain, acmedata, redirect=False)
                        if os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/hsts.conf"
                            WOFileUtils.mvfile(self, "{0}/conf/nginx/hsts.conf"
                        # find all broken symlinks
                        sympath = "/var/www"
                        WOFileUtils.findBrokenSymlink(self, sympath)

                elif (pargs.letsencrypt == "clean" or
                      pargs.letsencrypt == "purge"):
                    WOAcme.removeconf(self, wo_domain)
                    # find all broken symlinks
                    sympath = "/var/www"
                    WOFileUtils.findBrokenSymlink(self, sympath)
                if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                    Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                              "check issues with `nginx -t` command")
                    # Log.info(self,"Removing Cron Job set for cert
                    # auto-renewal") WOCron.remove_cron(self,'wo site
                    # update {0} --le=renew --min_expiry_limit 30
                    # 2> \/dev\/null'.format(wo_domain))
                Log.info(self, "Successfully Disabled SSl for Site "
                         " http://{0}".format(wo_domain))
                letsencrypt = False

            # Add nginx conf folder into GIT
            WOGit.add(self, ["{0}/conf/nginx".format(wo_site_webroot)],
                      msg="Adding letsencrypts config of site: {0}"
            updateSiteInfo(self, wo_domain, ssl=letsencrypt)
            return 0

        if pargs.hsts:
            if data['hsts'] is True:
                if os.path.isfile(("{0}/conf/nginx/ssl.conf")
                    if not os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/hsts.conf"
                        SSL.setuphsts(self, wo_domain)
                        Log.error(self, "HSTS is already configured for given "
                    if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                        Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                                  "check issues with `nginx -t` command")
                    Log.error(self, "HTTPS is not configured for given "

            elif data['hsts'] is False:
                if os.path.isfile(("{0}/conf/nginx/hsts.conf")
                    WOFileUtils.mvfile(self, "{0}/conf/nginx/hsts.conf"
                    if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                        Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                                  "check issues with `nginx -t` command")
                    Log.error(self, "HSTS is not configured for given "
        if pargs.ngxblocker:
            if ngxblocker is True:
                setupngxblocker(self, wo_domain)
            elif ngxblocker is False:
                if os.path.isfile("{0}/conf/nginx/ngxblocker.conf"
            # Service Nginx Reload
            if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                          "check issues with `nginx -t` command")

        if stype == oldsitetype and cache == oldcachetype:

            # Service Nginx Reload
            if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
                Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                          "check issues with `nginx -t` command")

            updateSiteInfo(self, wo_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,

            Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site"
                     " http://{0}".format(wo_domain))
            return 0

        # if data['wo_db_name'] and not data['wp']:
        if 'wo_db_name' in data.keys() and not data['wp']:
                data = setupdatabase(self, data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details:"
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1
                wodbconfig = open("{0}/wo-config.php".format(wo_site_webroot),
                                  encoding='utf-8', mode='w')
                wodbconfig.write("<?php \ndefine('DB_NAME', '{0}');"
                                 "\ndefine('DB_USER', '{1}'); "
                                 "\ndefine('DB_PASSWORD', '{2}');"
                                 "\ndefine('DB_HOST', '{3}');\n?>"
            except IOError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.debug(self, "creating wo-config.php failed.")
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed. "
                         "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        # Setup WordPress if old sites are html/php/mysql sites
        if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'proxy', 'php', 'php72',
                                          'mysql', 'php73', 'php74']:
                wo_wp_creds = setupwordpress(self, data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        # Uninstall unnecessary plugins
        if oldsitetype in ['wp', 'wpsubdir', 'wpsubdomain']:
            # Setup WordPress Network if update option is multisite
            # and oldsite is WordPress single site
            if data['multisite'] and oldsitetype == 'wp':
                    setupwordpressnetwork(self, data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed. "
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

            if ((oldcachetype in ['wpsc', 'basic', 'wpredis', 'wprocket',
                                  'wpce'] and
                 (data['wpfc'])) or (oldsitetype == 'wp' and
                                     data['multisite'] and data['wpfc'])):
                    plugin_data_object = {
                        "log_level": "INFO",
                        "log_filesize": 5,
                        "enable_purge": 1,
                        "enable_map": "0",
                        "enable_log": 0,
                        "enable_stamp": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_edit": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_del": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_edit": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_del": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_new_comment": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_deleted_comment": 0,
                        "purge_page_on_mod": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_new_comment": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_deleted_comment": 1,
                        "cache_method": "enable_fastcgi",
                        "purge_method": "get_request",
                        "redis_hostname": "",
                                          "redis_port": "6379",
                                          "redis_prefix": "nginx-cache:"}
                    plugin_data = json.dumps(plugin_data_object)
                    setupwp_plugin(self, 'nginx-helper',
                                   plugin_data, data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper "
                             "settings failed. "
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

            elif ((oldcachetype in ['wpsc', 'basic', 'wpfc',
                                    'wprocket', 'wpce'] and
                   (data['wpredis'])) or (oldsitetype == 'wp' and
                                          data['multisite'] and
                    plugin_data_object = {
                        "log_level": "INFO",
                        "log_filesize": 5,
                        "enable_purge": 1,
                        "enable_map": "0",
                        "enable_log": 0,
                        "enable_stamp": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_edit": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_del": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_edit": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_del": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_new_comment": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_deleted_comment": 0,
                        "purge_page_on_mod": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_new_comment": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_deleted_comment": 1,
                        "cache_method": "enable_redis",
                        "purge_method": "get_request",
                        "redis_hostname": "",
                                          "redis_port": "6379",
                                          "redis_prefix": "nginx-cache:"}
                    plugin_data = json.dumps(plugin_data_object)
                    setupwp_plugin(self, 'nginx-helper',
                                   plugin_data, data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper "
                             "settings failed. "
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1
                    # disable nginx-helper
                    plugin_data_object = {
                        "log_level": "INFO",
                        "log_filesize": 5,
                        "enable_purge": 0,
                        "enable_map": 0,
                        "enable_log": 0,
                        "enable_stamp": 0,
                        "purge_homepage_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_edit": 1,
                        "purge_homepage_on_del": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_new": 1,
                        "purge_archive_on_edit": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_del": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_new_comment": 0,
                        "purge_archive_on_deleted_comment": 0,
                        "purge_page_on_mod": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_new_comment": 1,
                        "purge_page_on_deleted_comment": 1,
                        "cache_method": "enable_redis",
                        "purge_method": "get_request",
                        "redis_hostname": "",
                                          "redis_port": "6379",
                                          "redis_prefix": "nginx-cache:"}
                    plugin_data = json.dumps(plugin_data_object)
                        self, 'nginx-helper',
                        'rt_wp_nginx_helper_options', plugin_data, data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update nginx-helper "
                             "settings failed. "
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

            if ((oldcachetype in ['wpsc', 'basic',
                                  'wpfc', 'wprocket', 'wpredis'] and
                 (data['wpce'])) or (oldsitetype == 'wp' and
                                     data['multisite'] and
                    installwp_plugin(self, 'cache-enabler', data)
                    # setup cache-enabler
                    plugin_data_object = {
                        "expires": 24,
                        "new_post": 1,
                        "new_comment": 0,
                        "webp": 0,
                        "clear_on_upgrade": 1,
                        "compress": 0,
                        "excl_ids": "",
                        "excl_regexp": "",
                        "excl_cookies": "",
                        "incl_attributes": "",
                        "minify_html": 1}
                    plugin_data = json.dumps(plugin_data_object)
                    setupwp_plugin(self, 'cache-enabler',
                                   'cache-enabler', plugin_data, data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update cache-enabler "
                             "settings failed. "
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

            if oldcachetype == 'wpsc' and not data['wpsc']:
                    uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

            if oldcachetype == 'wpredis' and not data['wpredis']:
                    uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'redis-cache', data)
                except SiteError as e:
                    Log.debug(self, str(e))
                    Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                             "Check the log for details:"
                             " `tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` "
                             "and please try again")
                    return 1

        if oldcachetype != 'wpsc' and data['wpsc']:
                installwp_plugin(self, 'wp-super-cache', data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        if oldcachetype == 'wprocket' and not data['wprocket']:
                uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'wp-rocket', data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        if oldcachetype == 'wpce' and not data['wpce']:
                uninstallwp_plugin(self, 'cache-enabler', data)
            except SiteError as e:
                Log.debug(self, str(e))
                Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                         "Check the log for details: "
                         "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
                return 1

        # Service Nginx Reload
        if not WOService.reload_service(self, 'nginx'):
            Log.error(self, "service nginx reload failed. "
                      "check issues with `nginx -t` command")

        WOGit.add(self, ["/etc/nginx"],
                  msg="{0} updated with {1} {2}"
                  .format(wo_www_domain, stype, cache))
        # Setup Permissions for webroot
            setwebrootpermissions(self, data['webroot'])
        except SiteError as e:
            Log.debug(self, str(e))
            Log.info(self, Log.FAIL + "Update site failed."
                     "Check the log for details: "
                     "`tail /var/log/wo/wordops.log` and please try again")
            return 1

        if wo_auth and len(wo_auth):
            for msg in wo_auth:
                Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + msg)

        display_cache_settings(self, data)
        if data['wp'] and oldsitetype in ['html', 'php', 'mysql']:
            Log.info(self, "\n\n" + Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin user :"******" {0}".format(wo_wp_creds['wp_user']))
            Log.info(self, Log.ENDC + "WordPress admin password : {0}"
                     .format(wo_wp_creds['wp_pass']) + "\n\n")
        if oldsitetype in ['html', 'php'] and stype != 'php':
            updateSiteInfo(self, wo_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
            updateSiteInfo(self, wo_domain, stype=stype, cache=cache,
        Log.info(self, "Successfully updated site"
                 " http://{0}".format(wo_domain))
        return 0