Exemple #1
	def __Validate(self, filters):
		if isinstance(filters, Filters):
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected modules usage: %s"%"Validate takes a Filters object as its argument")

		if not filters.IsValid():
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"filters should be a dictionary")

		''' /parent, /ancestors, /siblings, /common/ don't support any filters'''
		if self._parent and filters.keys():
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/parent doesn't support filters")

		if self._ancestors and filters.keys():
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/ancestors doesn't support filters")

		if self._siblings and filters.keys():
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/siblings doesn't support filters")

		if self._common and filters.keys():
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid1/common/woeid2 doesn't support filters")

		'''/belongtos and /descendants and /children support .type filter'''
		if self._belongtos and (filters.HasAnd() or filters.HasDegree() or filters.HasQ() or filters.HasWoeid()):
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/belongtos supports .type filter only")

		if self._descendants and (filters.HasAnd() or filters.HasDegree() or filters.HasQ() or filters.HasWoeid()):
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/descendants supports .type filter only")

		if self._children and (filters.HasWoeid() or filters.HasQ() or filters.HasAnd()):
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/children supports .degree or .type filters only")

		'''/neighbors support .degree filter'''
		if self._neighbors and (filters.HasWoeid() or filters.HasType() or filters.HasQ() or filters.HasAnd()):
			raise WoeidError("Unexpected API usage: %s"%"woeid/neighbors supports .degree filter only")
Exemple #2
 def Select(self, select):
         if str(select).lower() == 'short' or str(select).lower() == 'long':
             self.__select = str(select)
             raise WoeidError("select can be either 'short' or 'long'")
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for select")
Exemple #3
	def __init__(self,
		if code == 400:
			raise WoeidError("The appid parameter was invalid or not specified. or the q filter was missing or incorrectly specified for this resource.")

		if code == 404:
			raise WoeidError("The URI has no match in the display map")

		if code ==406:
			raise WoeidError("The requested representation is not available for this resource")
Exemple #4
	def EncodeParameters(parameters):
		"""Return a string in key=value&key=value form. Values of None are not included in the output string.

			parameters (``OrderedDict``):
				dictionary of query parameters to be converted into a string for encoding and sending to Twitter.

			A URL-encoded string in "key=value&key=value" form
		if parameters is None:
			return None
		if not isinstance(parameters, OrderedDict):
			raise WoeidError("`parameters` must be a dict.")
			return urlencode(OrderedDict((k, v) for k, v in parameters.items() if v is not None))
Exemple #5
 def ClientId(self, client_id):
         self.__clientid = str(client_id)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for appid")
Exemple #6
 def BaseUrl(self, url):
         self.__base_url = str(url)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for url")
Exemple #7
 def Start(self, start):
         self.__start = int(start)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect an integer type for start")
Exemple #8
 def Count(self, count):
         self.__count = int(count)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect an integer type for count")
Exemple #9
 def Lang(self, lang):
         self.__lang = str(lang)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect a stirng type for lang")
Exemple #10
 def Format(self, format):
         self.__format = str(format)
     except ValueError:
         raise WoeidError("Expect a string type for format")
Exemple #11
	def __str__(self):
		qstr = ''
		woeidstr = ''
		typestr = ''
		degreestr = ''
		andstr = ''
		# work on .q filter
		if self.HasQ():
			if isinstance(self._filters['q'], string_types):
				qstr = quote(self._filters['q'].encode('utf-8'))
			elif isinstance(self._filters['q'], tuple):
				stra = self._filters['q'][0].encode('utf-8')
				strb = self._filters['q'][1].encode('utf-8')
				# Second item will be a focus value
				# Focus can be either an ISO-3166-1 country code or a WOEID.
				qstr += quote(stra + ',' + strb)
				raise WoeidError("Unexpected usage of function! query filter is %s" % self._filters['q'])
			qstr = '.q(%s)'%qstr

		# work on .woeid filter
		if self.HasWoeid():
			if isinstance(self._filters['woeid'], list) and len(self._filters[
			'woeid']) > 1:
				for item in self._filters['woeid']:
					if (isinstance(item, string_types) and item.isdigit()) or isinstance(item, int):
						woeidstr += quote(item) + ','
				# tick out the last comma
				woeidstr = woeidstr[:-1]
			elif isinstance(self._filters['woeid'], list) and len(
					self._filters['woeid']) == 1:
				woeidstr = '/' + quote(self._filters['woeid'][0])
				raise WoeidError("Unexpected usage of function! query filter is %s"%self._filters['woeid'])
			#.woeid can be omitted if there is only one item
			if ',' in woeidstr:
				woeidstr = '.woeid(%s)'%woeidstr

		# work on .type filter
		if 'type' in self._filters:
			tpitem = self._filters['type']
			if isinstance(tpitem, list):
				for item in tpitem:
					if (isinstance(item, string_types) and item.isdigit()) or isinstance(item, int):
						typestr += quote(str(item)) + ','
				typestr = typestr[:-1]
				typestr = '.type(%s)'%typestr
			elif (type(tpitem) is str and tpitem.isdigit()) or isinstance(tpitem, int):
				typestr = '.type(%s)'%quote(str(tpitem))

		# work on .degree filter
		if 'degree' in self._filters:
			degree = str(self._filters['degree'])
			degreestr = '.degree(%s)'%degree

		# work on .and filter
		if 'and' in self._filters:
			conda = ''
			condb = ''
			if self.HasQ() and qstr:
				conda = qstr
			if self.HasWoeid() and woeidstr:
				conda = woeidstr

			if typestr:
				condb = typestr
			if degreestr:
				condb = degreestr

			if conda and condb:
				andstr = '$and(%s,%s)'%(conda,condb)

		if andstr:
			return andstr

		query_or_woeid_str = qstr if qstr else woeidstr

		return query_or_woeid_str + typestr + degreestr