def correct_words(classified_words, actual_words, dictionary_word_list, names_word_list, mode='single'):
    corrected_words = classified_words[:]
    for word_index in xrange(len(corrected_words)):
        current_word = corrected_words[word_index]
        lowercase_word = corrected_words[word_index].lower()

        # Don't carry out correction for valid single letters
        valid_single_letters = 'ai'

        if not lowercase_word in valid_single_letters:
            # Preserve capitalisation of first letter of each word
            capitalised = current_word[0].isupper()

            if not dictionary_word_list.word_match(lowercase_word) and not names_word_list.word_match(lowercase_word):
                name_word = names_word_list.correct_word(lowercase_word, isCapitalised=capitalised, mode=mode)
                dictionary_word = dictionary_word_list.correct_word(lowercase_word, isCapitalised=capitalised, mode=mode)

                # Skip loop if no valid corrections were found
                if name_word is None and dictionary_word is None:
                # If no name words were found, use the dictionary word
                elif name_word is None and dictionary_word is not None:
                    current_word = dictionary_word
                # If no dictionary words were found, use the name word
                elif name_word is not None and dictionary_word is None:
                    current_word = name_word
                # See if word is closer to a name or a dictionary word and correct it to the closer one
                elif WordList.word_difference(current_word, name_word) < dictionary_word_list.word_difference(current_word, dictionary_word):
                    current_word = name_word
                    current_word = dictionary_word

        corrected_words[word_index] = current_word

    return corrected_words