def runpgm(self,pgm,duration,waitForCompletion=True,volume=10,hotlidmode="TRACKING",hotlidtemp=1): if self.ptcrunning: logging.error("Attempt to start a progam on PTC when it is already running") if len(pgm)>8: logging.error("PTC program name (%s) too long (max is 8 char)"%pgm) # move to thermocycler worklist.flushQueue() self.lihahome() cmt="run %s"%pgm worklist.comment(cmt) #print "*",cmt worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ OPEN") self.moveplate(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE,"PTC") worklist.vector("Hotel 1 Lid",decklayout.HOTELPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector("PTC200lid",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) worklist.romahome() worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ CLOSE") # pgm="PAUSE30" # For debugging assert hotlidmode=="TRACKING" or hotlidmode=="CONSTANT" assert (hotlidmode=="TRACKING" and hotlidtemp>=0 and hotlidtemp<=45) or (hotlidmode=="CONSTANT" and hotlidtemp>30) worklist.pyrun('PTC\\ %s CALC %s,%d %d'%(pgm,hotlidmode,hotlidtemp,volume)) self.pgmStartTime=clock.pipetting self.pgmEndTime=duration*60+clock.pipetting self.ptcrunning=True Sample.addallhistory("{%s}"%pgm,addToEmpty=False, if waitForCompletion: self.waitpgm()
def dispose(self, volume, src, mix=False, getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): 'Dispose of a given volume by aspirating and not dispensing (will go to waste during next wash)' if self.ptcrunning and src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() if volume>self.MAXVOLUME: reuseTip=False # Since we need to wash to get rid of it print "Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul "%(volume,self.MAXVOLUME), if reuseTip: print "with tip reuse" else: print "without tip reuse" self.dispose(self.MAXVOLUME,src,mix,getDITI,dropDITI) self.dispose(volume-self.MAXVOLUME,src,False,getDITI,dropDITI) return cmt="Remove and dispose of %.1f ul from %s"%(volume, ditivolume=volume+src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix and not src.isMixed(): cmt=cmt+" with src mix" ditivolume=max(ditivolume,src.volume) if self.useDiTis: tipMask=4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,ditivolume) else: tipMask=self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix and not src.isMixed(): src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask,volume) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,decklayout.WASTE)
def multitransfer(self, volumes, src, dests,mix=(True,False),getDITI=True,dropDITI=True,ignoreContents=False,extraFrac=0.05): 'Multi pipette from src to multiple dest. mix is (src,dest) mixing -- only mix src if needed though' #print "multitransfer(",volumes,",",src,",",dests,",",mix,",",getDITI,",",dropDITI,")" if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or len([1 for d in dests if d.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE])>0): self.waitpgm() if isinstance(volumes,(int,long,float)): # Same volume for each dest volumes=[volumes for i in range(len(dests))] assert len(volumes)==len(dests) # if len([d.volume for d in dests if d.conc!=None])==0: if len([dests[i].volume for i in range(0,len(dests)) if dests[i].conc != None and volumes[i]>0.01])==0: maxval=0 else: maxval=max([dests[i].volume for i in range(0,len(dests)) if dests[i].conc != None and volumes[i]>0.01]) # maxval=max([d.volume for d in dests if d.conc != None]) #print "volumes=",[d.volume for d in dests],", conc=",[str(d.conc) for d in dests],", maxval=",maxval if not mix[1] and len(volumes)>1 and ( maxval<.01 or ignoreContents): if sum(volumes)*(1+extraFrac)>self.MAXVOLUME: #print "sum(volumes)=%.1f, MAXVOL=%.1f"%(sum(volumes),self.MAXVOLUME) for i in range(1,len(volumes)): if sum(volumes[0:i+1])*(1+extraFrac)>self.MAXVOLUME: destvol=max([d.volume for d in dests[0:i]]) reuseTip=destvol<=0 # print "Splitting multi with total volume of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul after %d dispenses "%(sum(volumes),self.MAXVOLUME,i), # if reuseTip: # print "with tip reuse" # else: # print "without tip reuse" self.multitransfer(volumes[0:i],src,dests[0:i],mix,getDITI,not reuseTip,extraFrac=extraFrac) self.multitransfer(volumes[i:],src,dests[i:],(False,mix[1]),not reuseTip,dropDITI,extraFrac=extraFrac) return if self.useDiTis: tipMask=4 if getDITI: ditivol=sum(volumes)*(1+extraFrac)+src.inliquidLC.multicond+src.inliquidLC.multiexcess worklist.getDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,min(self.MAXVOLUME,ditivol),True,True) else: tipMask=self.cleantip() cmt="Multi-add %s to samples %s"%(,",".join("%s[%.1f]"%(dests[i].name,volumes[i]) for i in range(len(dests)))) #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): if src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate==decklayout.DILPLATE: self.shakeSamples([src]) else: src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask,sum(volumes)*(1+extraFrac),True) # Aspirate extra for i in range(len(dests)): if volumes[i]>0.01: dests[i].dispense(tipMask,volumes[i],src) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,decklayout.WASTE) else: for i in range(len(dests)): if volumes[i]>0.01: self.transfer(volumes[i],src,dests[i],(mix[0] and i==0,mix[1]),getDITI,dropDITI)
def __init__(self): 'Create a new experiment with given sample locations for water and WASTE; totalTime is expected run time in seconds, if known' worklist.comment("Generated %s" % ( worklist.userprompt( "The following reagent tubes should be present: %s" % Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.REAGENTPLATE)) worklist.userprompt( "The following eppendorf tubes should be present: %s" % Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.EPPENDORFS))'*****@*****.**', subject='Run started (Generate: %s)' % ('*****@*****.**', subject='Tecan error', onerror=1) self.cleanTips = 0 # self.sanitize() # Not needed, TRP does it, also first use of tips will do this self.useDiTis = False self.ptcrunning = False self.overrideSanitize = False self.pgmStartTime = None self.pgmEndTime = None # Access PTC and RIC early to be sure they are working worklist.pyrun("PTC\\") # worklist.periodicWash(15,4) worklist.userprompt( "Verify that PTC thermocycler lid pressure is set to '2'.") self.idlePgms = [] self.timerStartTime = [None] * 8
def __init__(self): 'Create a new experiment with given sample locations for water and WASTE; totalTime is expected run time in seconds, if known' self.checksum=md5sum(sys.argv[0]) self.checksum=self.checksum[-4:] pyTecan=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.gitlabel=strip(subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe","--always"],cwd=pyTecan)) worklist.comment("Generated %s (%s-%s pyTecan-%s)"%(,sys.argv[0],self.checksum,self.gitlabel)) worklist.userprompt("The following reagent tubes should be present: %s"%Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.REAGENTPLATE)) worklist.userprompt("The following eppendorf tubes should be present: %s"%Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.EPPENDORFS))'*****@*****.**',subject='Run started (Generate: %s) expected runtime %.0f minutes'%(,clock.totalTime/60.0 if clock.totalTime is not None else 0.0 ) )'*****@*****.**',subject='Tecan error',onerror=1) self.cleanTips=0 # self.sanitize() # Not needed, TRP does it, also first use of tips will do this self.useDiTis=False self.ptcrunning=False self.overrideSanitize=False self.pgmStartTime=None self.pgmEndTime=None # Access PTC and RIC early to be sure they are working worklist.pyrun("PTC\\") # worklist.periodicWash(15,4) worklist.userprompt("Verify that PTC thermocycler lid pressure is set to '2'.") self.idlePgms=[] self.timerStartTime=[None]*8
def waitpgm(self, sanitize=True): if not self.ptcrunning: return #print "* Wait for PTC to finish" if sanitize: self.sanitize() # Sanitize tips before waiting for this to be done worklist.comment("Wait for PTC") while self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting > 120: # Run any idle programs oldElapsed=clock.pipetting for ip in self.idlePgms: if self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting > 120: #print "Executing idle program with %.0f seconds"%(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting) ip(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting-120) if oldElapsed==clock.pipetting: # Nothing was done break worklist.flushQueue() # Just in case clock.pipandthermotime+=(clock.pipetting-self.pgmStartTime) clock.thermotime+=(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting) clock.pipetting=self.pgmStartTime #print "Waiting for PTC with %.0f seconds expected to remain"%(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting) self.lihahome() worklist.pyrun('PTC\\') worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ OPEN") # worklist.pyrun('PTC\\ %s CALC ON'%"COOLDOWN") # worklist.pyrun('PTC\\') worklist.vector("PTC200lid",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector("Hotel 1 Lid",decklayout.HOTELPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE,True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN,True) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2Pos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE,True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN,True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2Pos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE,True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN,True) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.DONOTMOVE) self.ptcrunning=False self.moveplate(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE,"Home") # Mark all samples on plate as unmixed (due to condensation) Sample.notMixed( # Verify plate is in place worklist.vector(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE.vectorName,decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE,worklist.SAFETOEND,False,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE.vectorName,decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE,worklist.ENDTOSAFE,False,worklist.OPEN,worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.romahome() #worklist.userprompt("Plate should be back on deck. Press return to continue") # Wash tips again to remove any drips that may have formed while waiting for PTC worklist.wash(15,1,5,True)
def mix(self, src, nmix=4): if self.ptcrunning and src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() cmt = "Mix %s" % ( tipMask = self.cleantip() worklist.comment(cmt) src.lastMixed = None # Force a mix src.mix(tipMask, False, nmix=nmix)
def mix(self, src, nmix=4): if self.ptcrunning and src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() cmt="Mix %s"%( tipMask=self.cleantip() worklist.comment(cmt) src.lastMixed=None # Force a mix src.mix(tipMask,False,nmix=nmix)
def transfer(self, volume, src, dest, mix=(True, False), getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or dest.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE) > 0: self.waitpgm() if volume > self.MAXVOLUME: destvol = dest.volume reuseTip = destvol <= 0 print "Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul " % ( volume, self.MAXVOLUME), if reuseTip: print "with tip reuse" else: print "without tip reuse" self.transfer(self.MAXVOLUME, src, dest, mix, getDITI, False) self.transfer(volume - self.MAXVOLUME, src, dest, (mix[0] and not reuseTip, mix[1]), False, dropDITI) return cmt = "Add %.1f ul of %s to %s" % (volume,, ditivolume = volume + src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): cmt = cmt + " with src mix" ditivolume = max(ditivolume, src.volume) if mix[1] and dest.volume > 0 and not src.isMixed(): cmt = cmt + " with dest mix" ditivolume = max(ditivolume, volume + dest.volume) # print "Mix volume=%.1f ul"%(ditivolume) if self.useDiTis: tipMask = 4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, ditivolume) else: tipMask = self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): if src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate == decklayout.DILPLATE: self.shakeSamples([src]) else: src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask, volume) dest.dispense(tipMask, volume, src) if mix[1]: dest.mix(tipMask, True) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, decklayout.WASTE)
def stage(self,stagename,reagents,sources,samples,volume,finalx=1.0,destMix=True,dilutant=None): # Add water to sample wells as needed (multi) # Pipette reagents into sample wells (multi) # Pipette sources into sample wells # Concs are in x (>=1) # Sample.printallsamples("Before "+stagename) # print "\nStage: ", stagename, "reagents=",[str(r) for r in reagents], ",sources=",[str(s) for s in sources],",samples=",[str(s) for s in samples],str(volume) if len(samples)==0: logging.notice("No samples") return if dilutant is None: dilutant=decklayout.WATER worklist.comment("Stage: "+stagename) if not isinstance(volume,list): volume=[volume for i in range(len(samples))] for i in range(len(volume)): assert volume[i]>0 volume[i]=float(volume[i]) reagentvols=[1.0/x.conc.dilutionneeded()*finalx for x in reagents] if len(sources)>0: sourcevols=[volume[i]*1.0/sources[i].conc.dilutionneeded()*finalx for i in range(len(sources))] while len(sourcevols)<len(samples): sourcevols.append(0) watervols=[volume[i]*(1-sum(reagentvols))-samples[i].volume-sourcevols[i] for i in range(len(samples))] else: watervols=[volume[i]*(1-sum(reagentvols))-samples[i].volume for i in range(len(samples))] if min(watervols)<-0.01: msg="Error: Ingredients add up to more than desired volume by %.1f ul"%(-min(watervols)) for s in samples: if s.volume>0: msg=msg+" Note: %s already contains %.1f ul\n"%(,s.volume) logging.error(msg) watervols2=[w if w<=2 else 0 for w in watervols] # Move later since volume is low watervols=[w if w>2 else 0 for w in watervols] # Only move>=2 at beginning if any([w>0.01 for w in watervols]): self.multitransfer(watervols,dilutant,samples,(False,destMix and (len(reagents)+len(sources)==0))) for i in range(len(reagents)): self.multitransfer([reagentvols[i]*v for v in volume],reagents[i],samples,(True,destMix and (len(sources)==0 and i==len(reagents)-1))) if any([w>0.01 for w in watervols2]): self.multitransfer(watervols2,dilutant,samples,(False,destMix and (len(reagents)+len(sources)==0))) if len(sources)>0: assert len(sources)<=len(samples) for i in range(len(sources)): self.transfer(sourcevols[i],sources[i],samples[i],(True,destMix))
def moveplate(self,plate,dest="Home",returnHome=True): if self.ptcrunning and plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() # move to given destination (one of "Home","Magnet","Shaker","PTC" ) if plate!=decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE and plate!=decklayout.DILPLATE: print "Only able to move %s or %s plates, not %s"%(,, assert False if plate.curloc==dest: #print "Plate %s is already at %s"%(,dest) return #print "Move plate %s from %s to %s"%(,plate.curloc,dest) worklist.flushQueue() self.lihahome() cmt="moveplate %s %s"%(,dest) worklist.comment(cmt) if plate.curloc=="Home": worklist.vector(plate.vectorName,plate,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc=="Magnet": worklist.vector("Magplate",decklayout.MAGPLATELOC,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc=="Shaker": worklist.vector("Shaker",decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc=="PTC": worklist.vector("PTC200",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.CLOSE) else: print "Plate %s is in unknown location: %s"%(,plate.curloc) assert False if dest=="Home": plate.movetoloc(dest) worklist.vector(plate.vectorName,plate,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) elif dest=="Magnet": plate.movetoloc(dest,decklayout.MAGPLATELOC) worklist.vector("Magplate",decklayout.MAGPLATELOC,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) elif dest=="Shaker": plate.movetoloc(dest,decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC) worklist.vector("Shaker",decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) elif dest=="PTC": plate.movetoloc(dest,decklayout.PTCPOS) worklist.vector("PTC200",decklayout.PTCPOS,worklist.SAFETOEND,True,worklist.DONOTMOVE,worklist.OPEN) else: print "Attempt to move plate %s to unknown location: %s"%(,dest) assert False Sample.addallhistory("{->%s}"%dest, if returnHome: worklist.romahome()
def transfer(self, volume, src, dest, mix=(True,False), getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or dest.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE)>0: self.waitpgm() if volume>self.MAXVOLUME: destvol=dest.volume reuseTip=destvol<=0 print "Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul "%(volume,self.MAXVOLUME), if reuseTip: print "with tip reuse" else: print "without tip reuse" self.transfer(self.MAXVOLUME,src,dest,mix,getDITI,False) self.transfer(volume-self.MAXVOLUME,src,dest,(mix[0] and not reuseTip,mix[1]),False,dropDITI) return cmt="Add %.1f ul of %s to %s"%(volume,, ditivolume=volume+src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): cmt=cmt+" with src mix" ditivolume=max(ditivolume,src.volume) if mix[1] and dest.volume>0 and not src.isMixed(): cmt=cmt+" with dest mix" ditivolume=max(ditivolume,volume+dest.volume) # print "Mix volume=%.1f ul"%(ditivolume) if self.useDiTis: tipMask=4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,ditivolume) else: tipMask=self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): if src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate==decklayout.DILPLATE: self.shakeSamples([src]) else: src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask,volume) dest.dispense(tipMask,volume,src) if mix[1]: dest.mix(tipMask,True) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,decklayout.WASTE)
def runpgm(self, pgm, duration, waitForCompletion=True, volume=10, hotlidmode="TRACKING", hotlidtemp=1): if self.ptcrunning: logging.error( "Attempt to start a progam on PTC when it is already running") if len(pgm) > 8: logging.error("PTC program name (%s) too long (max is 8 char)" % pgm) # move to thermocycler worklist.flushQueue() self.lihahome() cmt = "run %s" % pgm worklist.comment(cmt) #print "*",cmt worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ OPEN") self.moveplate(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE, "PTC") worklist.vector("Hotel 1 Lid", decklayout.HOTELPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector("PTC200lid", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) worklist.romahome() worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ CLOSE") # pgm="PAUSE30" # For debugging assert hotlidmode == "TRACKING" or hotlidmode == "CONSTANT" assert (hotlidmode == "TRACKING" and hotlidtemp >= 0 and hotlidtemp <= 45) or (hotlidmode == "CONSTANT" and hotlidtemp > 30) worklist.pyrun('PTC\\ %s CALC %s,%d %d' % (pgm, hotlidmode, hotlidtemp, volume)) self.pgmStartTime = clock.pipetting self.pgmEndTime = duration * 60 + clock.pipetting self.ptcrunning = True Sample.addallhistory("{%s}" % pgm, addToEmpty=False,, type="ptc") if waitForCompletion: self.waitpgm()
def __init__(self): 'Create a new experiment with given sample locations for water and WASTE; totalTime is expected run time in seconds, if known' worklist.comment("Generated %s"%( worklist.userprompt("The following reagent tubes should be present: %s"%Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.REAGENTPLATE)) worklist.userprompt("The following eppendorf tubes should be present: %s"%Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.EPPENDORFS))'*****@*****.**',subject='Run started (Generate: %s)'%('*****@*****.**',subject='Tecan error',onerror=1) self.cleanTips=0 # self.sanitize() # Not needed, TRP does it, also first use of tips will do this self.useDiTis=False self.ptcrunning=False self.overrideSanitize=False self.pgmStartTime=None self.pgmEndTime=None # Access PTC and RIC early to be sure they are working worklist.pyrun("PTC\\") # worklist.periodicWash(15,4) worklist.userprompt("Verify that PTC thermocycler lid pressure is set to '2'.") self.idlePgms=[] self.timerStartTime=[None]*8
def __init__(self): 'Create a new experiment with given sample locations for water and WASTE; totalTime is expected run time in seconds, if known' self.checksum = md5sum(sys.argv[0]) self.checksum = self.checksum[-4:] pyTecan = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) self.gitlabel = strip( subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--always"], cwd=pyTecan)) worklist.comment("Generated %s (%s-%s pyTecan-%s)" % (, sys.argv[0], self.checksum, self.gitlabel)) worklist.userprompt( "The following reagent tubes should be present: %s" % Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.REAGENTPLATE)) worklist.userprompt( "The following eppendorf tubes should be present: %s" % Sample.getAllLocOnPlate(decklayout.EPPENDORFS)) dest='*****@*****.**', subject='Run started (Generate: %s) expected runtime %.0f minutes' % (, clock.totalTime / 60.0 if clock.totalTime is not None else 0.0))'*****@*****.**', subject='Tecan error', onerror=1) self.cleanTips = 0 # self.sanitize() # Not needed, TRP does it, also first use of tips will do this self.useDiTis = False self.ptcrunning = False self.overrideSanitize = False self.pgmStartTime = None self.pgmEndTime = None # Access PTC and RIC early to be sure they are working worklist.pyrun("PTC\\") # worklist.periodicWash(15,4) worklist.userprompt( "Verify that PTC thermocycler lid pressure is set to '2'.") self.idlePgms = [] self.timerStartTime = [None] * 8
def dispose(self, volume, src, mix=False, getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): 'Dispose of a given volume by aspirating and not dispensing (will go to waste during next wash)' if self.ptcrunning and src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() if volume > self.MAXVOLUME: reuseTip = False # Since we need to wash to get rid of it msg = "Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul " % ( volume, self.MAXVOLUME), if reuseTip: msg += "with tip reuse" else: msg += "without tip reuse" logging.notice(msg) self.dispose(self.MAXVOLUME, src, mix, getDITI, dropDITI) self.dispose(volume - self.MAXVOLUME, src, False, getDITI, dropDITI) return cmt = "Remove and dispose of %.1f ul from %s" % (volume, ditivolume = volume + src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix and not src.isMixed(): cmt = cmt + " with src mix" ditivolume = max(ditivolume, src.volume) if self.useDiTis: tipMask = 4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, ditivolume) else: tipMask = self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix and not src.isMixed(): src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask, volume) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, decklayout.WASTE)
def transfer(self, volume, src, dest, mix=(True,False), getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or dest.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE)>0: self.waitpgm() if volume>self.MAXVOLUME: destvol=dest.volume reuseTip=destvol<=0 msg="Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul "%(volume,self.MAXVOLUME) if reuseTip: msg+= "with tip reuse" else: msg+= "without tip reuse" logging.notice(msg) self.transfer(self.MAXVOLUME,src,dest,mix,getDITI,False) self.transfer(volume-self.MAXVOLUME,src,dest,(mix[0] and not reuseTip,mix[1]),False,dropDITI) return cmt="Add %.1f ul of %s to %s"%(volume,, ditivolume=volume+src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): cmt=cmt+" with src mix" ditivolume=max(ditivolume,src.volume) if mix[1] and dest.volume>0 and not src.isMixed(): cmt=cmt+" with dest mix" ditivolume=max(ditivolume,volume+dest.volume) # print "Mix volume=%.1f ul"%(ditivolume) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed() and (src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate==decklayout.DILPLATE): worklist.comment("shaking for src mix of " self.shakeSamples([src]) # Need to do this before allocating a tip since washing during this will modify the tip clean states if self.useDiTis: tipMask=4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,ditivolume) else: tipMask=self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and (not src.isMixed() or not src.wellMixed): if (src.plate==decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate==decklayout.DILPLATE): logging.notice("Forcing pipette mix of " worklist.comment("pipette mix for src mix of " src.mix(tipMask) # Manual mix (after allocating a tip for this) src.aspirate(tipMask,volume) dest.dispense(tipMask,volume,src) if mix[1]: dest.mix(tipMask,True) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask&self.DITIMASK,decklayout.WASTE)
def sanitize(self,nmix=1,deepvol=20,force=False): 'Deep wash including RNase-Away treatment' fixedTips=(~self.DITIMASK)&15 worklist.flushQueue() if not force and fixedTips==self.cleanTips: # print no sanitize needed worklist.comment("Sanitize not needed cleanTips=%d"%self.cleanTips) return worklist.comment("Sanitize (cleanTips=%d)"%self.cleanTips) worklist.wash(15,1,2) fixedWells=[] if not self.overrideSanitize: for i in range(4): if (fixedTips & (1<<i)) != 0: fixedWells.append(i) decklayout.BLEACH.addhistory("SANITIZE",0,1<<i) worklist.mix(fixedTips,fixedWells,decklayout.BLEACH.mixLC,200,decklayout.BLEACH.plate,nmix,False) worklist.wash(fixedTips,1,deepvol,True) self.cleanTips|=fixedTips # print "* Sanitize" worklist.comment(clock.statusString())
def sanitize(self, nmix=1, deepvol=20, force=False): 'Deep wash including RNase-Away treatment' fixedTips = (~self.DITIMASK) & 15 worklist.flushQueue() if not force and fixedTips == self.cleanTips: # print no sanitize needed worklist.comment("Sanitize not needed cleanTips=%d" % self.cleanTips) return worklist.comment("Sanitize (cleanTips=%d)" % self.cleanTips) worklist.wash(15, 1, 2) fixedWells = [] if not self.overrideSanitize: for i in range(4): if (fixedTips & (1 << i)) != 0: fixedWells.append(i) decklayout.BLEACH.addhistory("SANITIZE", 0, 1 << i) worklist.mix(fixedTips, fixedWells, decklayout.BLEACH.mixLC, 200, decklayout.BLEACH.plate, nmix, False) worklist.wash(fixedTips, 1, deepvol, True) self.cleanTips |= fixedTips # print "* Sanitize" worklist.comment(clock.statusString())
def stage(self, stagename, reagents, sources, samples, volume, finalx=1.0, destMix=True, dilutant=None): # Add water to sample wells as needed (multi) # Pipette reagents into sample wells (multi) # Pipette sources into sample wells # Concs are in x (>=1) # Sample.printallsamples("Before "+stagename) # print "\nStage: ", stagename, "reagents=",[str(r) for r in reagents], ",sources=",[str(s) for s in sources],",samples=",[str(s) for s in samples],str(volume) if len(samples) == 0: print "No samples\n" return if dilutant is None: dilutant = decklayout.WATER worklist.comment("Stage: " + stagename) if not isinstance(volume, list): volume = [volume for i in range(len(samples))] for i in range(len(volume)): assert volume[i] > 0 volume[i] = float(volume[i]) reagentvols = [ 1.0 / x.conc.dilutionneeded() * finalx for x in reagents ] if len(sources) > 0: sourcevols = [ volume[i] * 1.0 / sources[i].conc.dilutionneeded() * finalx for i in range(len(sources)) ] while len(sourcevols) < len(samples): sourcevols.append(0) watervols = [ volume[i] * (1 - sum(reagentvols)) - samples[i].volume - sourcevols[i] for i in range(len(samples)) ] else: watervols = [ volume[i] * (1 - sum(reagentvols)) - samples[i].volume for i in range(len(samples)) ] if min(watervols) < -0.01: print "Error: Ingredients add up to more than desired volume by %.1f ul" % ( -min(watervols)) for s in samples: if s.volume > 0: print "Note: %s already contains %.1f ul\n" % (, s.volume) assert False if sum(watervols) > 0.01: self.multitransfer(watervols, dilutant, samples, (False, destMix and (len(reagents) + len(sources) == 0))) for i in range(len(reagents)): self.multitransfer( [reagentvols[i] * v for v in volume], reagents[i], samples, (True, destMix and (len(sources) == 0 and i == len(reagents) - 1))) if len(sources) > 0: assert len(sources) <= len(samples) for i in range(len(sources)): self.transfer(sourcevols[i], sources[i], samples[i], (True, destMix))
def savegem(self, filename): worklist.comment("Completed (%s-%s)" % (sys.argv[0], self.checksum)) worklist.flushQueue() worklist.savegem(decklayout.headerfile, filename)
def multitransfer(self, volumes, src, dests, mix=(True, False), getDITI=True, dropDITI=True, ignoreContents=False, extraFrac=0.05): 'Multi pipette from src to multiple dest. mix is (src,dest) mixing -- only mix src if needed though' #print "multitransfer(",volumes,",",src,",",dests,",",mix,",",getDITI,",",dropDITI,")" if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or len( [1 for d in dests if d.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE]) > 0): self.waitpgm() if isinstance(volumes, (int, long, float)): # Same volume for each dest volumes = [volumes for i in range(len(dests))] assert len(volumes) == len(dests) # if len([d.volume for d in dests if d.conc!=None])==0: if len([ dests[i].volume for i in range(0, len(dests)) if dests[i].conc != None and volumes[i] > 0.01 ]) == 0: maxval = 0 else: maxval = max([ dests[i].volume for i in range(0, len(dests)) if dests[i].conc != None and volumes[i] > 0.01 ]) # maxval=max([d.volume for d in dests if d.conc != None]) #print "volumes=",[d.volume for d in dests],", conc=",[str(d.conc) for d in dests],", maxval=",maxval if not mix[1] and len(volumes) > 1 and (maxval < .01 or ignoreContents): if sum(volumes) * (1 + extraFrac) > self.MAXVOLUME: #print "sum(volumes)=%.1f, MAXVOL=%.1f"%(sum(volumes),self.MAXVOLUME) for i in range(1, len(volumes)): if sum(volumes[0:i + 1]) * (1 + extraFrac) > self.MAXVOLUME: destvol = max([d.volume for d in dests[0:i]]) reuseTip = destvol <= 0 # print "Splitting multi with total volume of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul after %d dispenses "%(sum(volumes),self.MAXVOLUME,i), # if reuseTip: # print "with tip reuse" # else: # print "without tip reuse" self.multitransfer(volumes[0:i], src, dests[0:i], mix, getDITI, not reuseTip, extraFrac=extraFrac) self.multitransfer(volumes[i:], src, dests[i:], (False, mix[1]), not reuseTip, dropDITI, extraFrac=extraFrac) return if self.useDiTis: tipMask = 4 if getDITI: ditivol = sum(volumes) * ( 1 + extraFrac ) + src.inliquidLC.multicond + src.inliquidLC.multiexcess worklist.getDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, min(self.MAXVOLUME, ditivol), True, True) else: tipMask = self.cleantip() cmt = "Multi-add %s to samples %s" % (, ",".join( "%s[%.1f]" % (dests[i].name, volumes[i]) for i in range(len(dests)))) #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): if src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate == decklayout.DILPLATE: self.shakeSamples([src]) else: src.mix(tipMask) src.aspirate(tipMask, sum(volumes) * (1 + extraFrac), True) # Aspirate extra for i in range(len(dests)): if volumes[i] > 0.01: dests[i].dispense(tipMask, volumes[i], src) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, decklayout.WASTE) else: for i in range(len(dests)): if volumes[i] > 0.01: self.transfer(volumes[i], src, dests[i], (mix[0] and i == 0, mix[1]), getDITI, dropDITI)
def volcheck(self,tipMask,well,volToRemove): '''Check if the well contains the expected volume''' if self.lastvolcheck is not None: # Decide if a volume check is needed if volToRemove==0: # No need to check if not removing anything and it has been checked previously (i.e. lastvolcheck is not None) return if self.volume-volToRemove > max(30,self.lastvolcheck-200) or self.volume-volToRemove>200: # Not needed return self.lastvolcheck=self.volume height=self.plate.getliquidheight(self.volume) gemvol=self.plate.getgemliquidvolume(height) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height if gemvol is None: logging.warning( "No volume equation for %s, skipping initial volume check" return volwarn=self.volume*0.80 heightwarn=min(self.plate.getliquidheight(volwarn),height-1.0) # threshold is lower of 1mm or 80% gemvolwarn=self.plate.getgemliquidvolume(heightwarn) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height volcrit=self.plate.unusableVolume*0.8+volToRemove heightcrit=self.plate.getliquidheight(volcrit) gemvolcrit=self.plate.getgemliquidvolume(heightcrit) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height worklist.flushQueue() worklist.comment( "Check that %s contains %.1f ul (warn< %.1f, crit<%.1f), (gemvol=%.1f (warn<%.1f,crit<%.1f); height=%.1f (>%.1f) )"%(,self.volume,volwarn,volcrit,gemvol,gemvolwarn,gemvolcrit,height,heightwarn)) tipnum=0 tm=tipMask while tm>0: tm=tm>>1 tipnum+=1 volvar='detected_volume_%d'%tipnum worklist.variable(volvar,-2) worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask,well,self.inliquidLC,self.plate) doneLabel=worklist.getlabel() worklist.condition(volvar,">",gemvolwarn,doneLabel) ptmp=clock.pipetting; warnLabel=worklist.getlabel() worklist.condition(volvar,">",gemvolcrit,warnLabel) worklist.moveliha(worklist.WASHLOC) # Get LiHa out of the way msg="Failed volume check of %s - should have %.0f ul (gemvol=~%s~, crit=%.0f)"%(,self.volume,volvar,gemvolcrit)'*****@*****.**',subject=msg) worklist.stringvariable("response","retry",msg+" Enter 'ignore' to ignore and continue, otherwise will retry.") worklist.condition("response","==","ignore",doneLabel) # Retry worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask,well,self.inliquidLC,self.plate) worklist.condition(volvar,">",gemvolcrit,doneLabel) worklist.stringvariable("response","retry","Still have <%.0f. Enter 'ignore' to ignore and continue, otherwise will retry."%self.volume) worklist.condition("response","==","ignore",doneLabel) # Retry again worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask,well,self.inliquidLC,self.plate) worklist.condition(volvar,">",gemvolcrit,doneLabel) worklist.stringvariable("response","ignore","Still have <%.0f. Will continue regardless."%self.volume) worklist.condition("response","!=","warn",doneLabel) worklist.comment(warnLabel) msg="Warning: volume check of %s - should have %.0f ul (gemvol=~%s~, warn=%.0f, crit=%.0f)"%(,self.volume,volvar,gemvolwarn,gemvolcrit)'*****@*****.**',subject=msg) worklist.comment(doneLabel) clock.pipetting=ptmp # All the retries don't usually happen, so don't count in total time self.addhistory("LD",0,tipMask)
def savegem(self,filename): worklist.comment("Completed (%s-%s)"%(sys.argv[0],self.checksum)) worklist.flushQueue() worklist.savegem(decklayout.headerfile,filename)
def moveplate(self, plate, dest="Home", returnHome=True): if self.ptcrunning and plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE: self.waitpgm() # move to given destination (one of "Home","Magnet","Shaker","PTC" ) if plate != decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE and plate != decklayout.DILPLATE: print "Only able to move %s or %s plates, not %s" % (,, assert False if plate.curloc == dest: #print "Plate %s is already at %s"%(,dest) return #print "Move plate %s from %s to %s"%(,plate.curloc,dest) worklist.flushQueue() self.lihahome() cmt = "moveplate %s %s" % (, dest) worklist.comment(cmt) if plate.curloc == "Home": worklist.vector(plate.vectorName, plate, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc == "Magnet": worklist.vector("Magplate", decklayout.MAGPLATELOC, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc == "Shaker": worklist.vector("Shaker", decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) elif plate.curloc == "PTC": worklist.vector("PTC200", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) else: print "Plate %s is in unknown location: %s" % (, plate.curloc) assert False if dest == "Home": plate.movetoloc(dest) worklist.vector(plate.vectorName, plate, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) elif dest == "Magnet": plate.movetoloc(dest, decklayout.MAGPLATELOC) worklist.vector("Magplate", decklayout.MAGPLATELOC, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) elif dest == "Shaker": plate.movetoloc(dest, decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC) worklist.vector("Shaker", decklayout.SHAKERPLATELOC, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) elif dest == "PTC": plate.movetoloc(dest, decklayout.PTCPOS) worklist.vector("PTC200", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) else: print "Attempt to move plate %s to unknown location: %s" % (, dest) assert False Sample.addallhistory("{->%s}" % dest, if returnHome: worklist.romahome()
def volcheck(self, tipMask, well, volToRemove): '''Check if the well contains the expected volume''' if self.lastvolcheck is not None: # Decide if a volume check is needed if volToRemove == 0: # No need to check if not removing anything and it has been checked previously (i.e. lastvolcheck is not None) return if self.volume - volToRemove > max( 30, self.lastvolcheck - 200) or self.volume - volToRemove > 200: # Not needed return self.lastvolcheck = self.volume height = self.plate.getliquidheight(self.volume) gemvol = self.plate.getgemliquidvolume( height) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height if gemvol is None: logging.warning( "No volume equation for %s, skipping initial volume check" % return volcrit = self.plate.unusableVolume * 0.8 + volToRemove volwarn = min(volcrit, self.volume * 0.80) heightwarn = min(self.plate.getliquidheight(volwarn), height - 1.0) # threshold is lower of 1mm or 80% gemvolwarn = self.plate.getgemliquidvolume( heightwarn ) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height heightcrit = self.plate.getliquidheight(volcrit) gemvolcrit = self.plate.getgemliquidvolume( heightcrit ) # Volume that would be reported by Gemini for this height worklist.flushQueue() worklist.comment( "Check that %s contains %.1f ul (warn< %.1f, crit<%.1f), (gemvol=%.1f (warn<%.1f,crit<%.1f); height=%.1f (>%.1f) )" % (, self.volume, volwarn, volcrit, gemvol, gemvolwarn, gemvolcrit, height, heightwarn)) tipnum = 0 tm = tipMask while tm > 0: tm = tm >> 1 tipnum += 1 volvar = 'detected_volume_%d' % tipnum worklist.variable(volvar, -2) worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask, well, self.inliquidLC, self.plate) doneLabel = worklist.getlabel() worklist.condition(volvar, ">", gemvolwarn, doneLabel) ptmp = clock.pipetting warnLabel = worklist.getlabel() worklist.condition(volvar, ">", gemvolcrit, warnLabel) worklist.moveliha(worklist.WASHLOC) # Get LiHa out of the way msg = "Failed volume check of %s - should have %.0f ul (gemvol=~%s~, crit=%.0f)" % (, self.volume, volvar, gemvolcrit)'*****@*****.**', subject=msg) worklist.stringvariable( "response", "retry", msg + " Enter 'ignore' to ignore and continue, otherwise will retry.") worklist.condition("response", "==", "ignore", doneLabel) # Retry worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask, well, self.inliquidLC, self.plate) worklist.condition(volvar, ">", gemvolcrit, doneLabel) worklist.stringvariable( "response", "retry", "Still have <%.0f. Enter 'ignore' to ignore and continue, otherwise will retry." % self.volume) worklist.condition("response", "==", "ignore", doneLabel) # Retry again worklist.detectLiquid(tipMask, well, self.inliquidLC, self.plate) worklist.condition(volvar, ">", gemvolcrit, doneLabel) worklist.stringvariable( "response", "ignore", "Still have <%.0f. Will continue regardless." % self.volume) worklist.condition("response", "!=", "warn", doneLabel) worklist.comment(warnLabel) msg = "Warning: volume check of %s - should have %.0f ul (gemvol=~%s~, warn=%.0f, crit=%.0f)" % (, self.volume, volvar, gemvolwarn, gemvolcrit)'*****@*****.**', subject=msg) worklist.comment(doneLabel) clock.pipetting = ptmp # All the retries don't usually happen, so don't count in total time self.addhistory("LD", 0, tipMask, "detect")
def waitpgm(self, sanitize=True): if not self.ptcrunning: return #print "* Wait for PTC to finish" if sanitize: self.sanitize() # Sanitize tips before waiting for this to be done worklist.comment("Wait for PTC") while self.pgmEndTime - clock.pipetting > 120: # Run any idle programs oldElapsed = clock.pipetting for ip in self.idlePgms: if self.pgmEndTime - clock.pipetting > 120: #print "Executing idle program with %.0f seconds"%(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting) ip(self.pgmEndTime - clock.pipetting - 120) if oldElapsed == clock.pipetting: # Nothing was done break worklist.flushQueue() # Just in case clock.pipandthermotime += (clock.pipetting - self.pgmStartTime) clock.thermotime += (self.pgmEndTime - clock.pipetting) clock.pipetting = self.pgmStartTime #print "Waiting for PTC with %.0f seconds expected to remain"%(self.pgmEndTime-clock.pipetting) worklist.pyrun('PTC\\') worklist.pyrun("PTC\\ OPEN") # worklist.pyrun('PTC\\ %s CALC ON'%"COOLDOWN") # worklist.pyrun('PTC\\') worklist.vector("PTC200lid", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector("Hotel 1 Lid", decklayout.HOTELPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, True, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE, True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN, True) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2Pos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE, True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN, True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle2Pos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE, True) worklist.vector("PTC200Wiggle", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.OPEN, True) worklist.vector("PTC200WigglePos", decklayout.PTCPOS, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.DONOTMOVE) self.ptcrunning = False self.moveplate(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE, "Home") # Mark all samples on plate as unmixed (due to condensation) Sample.notMixed( # Verify plate is in place worklist.vector(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE.vectorName, decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE, worklist.SAFETOEND, False, worklist.DONOTMOVE, worklist.CLOSE) worklist.vector(decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE.vectorName, decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE, worklist.ENDTOSAFE, False, worklist.OPEN, worklist.DONOTMOVE) worklist.romahome() #worklist.userprompt("Plate should be back on deck. Press return to continue") # Wash tips again to remove any drips that may have formed while waiting for PTC worklist.wash(15, 1, 5, True)
def transfer(self, volume, src, dest, mix=(True, False), getDITI=True, dropDITI=True): if self.ptcrunning and (src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or dest.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE) > 0: self.waitpgm() if volume > self.MAXVOLUME: destvol = dest.volume reuseTip = destvol <= 0 msg = "Splitting large transfer of %.1f ul into smaller chunks < %.1f ul " % ( volume, self.MAXVOLUME) if reuseTip: msg += "with tip reuse" else: msg += "without tip reuse" logging.notice(msg) self.transfer(self.MAXVOLUME, src, dest, mix, getDITI, False) self.transfer(volume - self.MAXVOLUME, src, dest, (mix[0] and not reuseTip, mix[1]), False, dropDITI) return cmt = "Add %.1f ul of %s to %s" % (volume,, ditivolume = volume + src.inliquidLC.singletag if mix[0] and not src.isMixed(): cmt = cmt + " with src mix" ditivolume = max(ditivolume, src.volume) if mix[1] and dest.volume > 0 and not src.isMixed(): cmt = cmt + " with dest mix" ditivolume = max(ditivolume, volume + dest.volume) # print "Mix volume=%.1f ul"%(ditivolume) if mix[0] and not src.isMixed() and ( src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate == decklayout.DILPLATE): worklist.comment("shaking for src mix of " + self.shakeSamples( [src] ) # Need to do this before allocating a tip since washing during this will modify the tip clean states if self.useDiTis: tipMask = 4 if getDITI: worklist.getDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, ditivolume) else: tipMask = self.cleantip() #print "*",cmt worklist.comment(cmt) if mix[0] and (not src.isMixed() or not src.wellMixed): if (src.plate == decklayout.SAMPLEPLATE or src.plate == decklayout.DILPLATE): logging.notice("Forcing pipette mix of " + worklist.comment("pipette mix for src mix of " + src.mix(tipMask) # Manual mix (after allocating a tip for this) src.aspirate(tipMask, volume) dest.dispense(tipMask, volume, src) if mix[1]: dest.mix(tipMask, True) if self.useDiTis and dropDITI: worklist.dropDITI(tipMask & self.DITIMASK, decklayout.WASTE)