Exemple #1
 def get_event_counts(self, filter=False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not e.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select e.*, count(p.id)
                    from event e
                    join photo p on e.id = p.taken_during
                    group by e.id, e.name, e.description,
                             e.start_date, e.end_date, e.hidden
                    order by e.start_date''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Event, row[0:6]), row[6]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #2
 def get_category_counts(self, filter = False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not p.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select c.*, count(p.id)
                    from category c
                    join in_category inc on inc.category = c.id
                    join photo p on inc.photo = p.id
                    group by c.id, c.name, c.hidden, c.description
                    order by c.name''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Category, row[0 : 4]), row[4]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #3
 def get_event_counts(self, filter = False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not e.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select e.*, count(p.id)
                    from event e
                    join photo p on e.id = p.taken_during
                    group by e.id, e.name, e.description,
                             e.start_date, e.end_date, e.hidden
                    order by e.start_date''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Event, row[0 : 6]), row[6]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #4
 def get_category_counts(self, filter=False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not p.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select c.*, count(p.id)
                    from category c
                    join in_category inc on inc.category = c.id
                    join photo p on inc.photo = p.id
                    group by c.id, c.name, c.hidden, c.description
                    order by c.name''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Category, row[0:4]), row[4])
             for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #5
 def get_person_counts(self, filter=False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not p.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select p.*, count(f.id)
                    from person p
                    join depicted_in d on d.person = p.id
                    join photo f on d.photo = f.id
                    group by p.id, p.name, p.hidden, p.username, p.password
                    order by p.name''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Person, row[0:-1]), row[-1])
             for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #6
 def get_person_counts(self, filter = False):
     where = ''
     if filter:
         where = 'where not p.hidden'
     cur.execute('''select p.*, count(f.id)
                    from person p
                    join depicted_in d on d.person = p.id
                    join photo f on d.photo = f.id
                    group by p.id, p.name, p.hidden, p.username, p.password
                    order by p.name''' % where)
     return [(worm.make(Person, row[0 : -1]), row[-1])
             for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #7
 def get_search_results(self, search, filter=False):
     if filter:
         filter = ' and ' + SQL_PHOTO_FILTER
         filter = ''
     query = '''
  select t1.*,
    ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector(t1.title || ' ' || coalesce(t1.description, '')), query) AS rank
  from photo t1, to_tsquery(%%s) query
  where query @@ to_tsvector(t1.title || ' ' || coalesce(t1.description, ''))
  order by rank desc limit 50''' % filter
     cur.execute(query, (tokenize_for_search(search), ))
     return [worm.make(Photo, row[:1]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #8
 def get_search_results(self, search, filter = False):
     if filter:
         filter = ' and ' + SQL_PHOTO_FILTER
         filter = ''
     query = '''
  select t1.*,
    ts_rank_cd(to_tsvector(t1.title || ' ' || coalesce(t1.description, '')), query) AS rank
  from photo t1, to_tsquery(%%s) query
  where query @@ to_tsvector(t1.title || ' ' || coalesce(t1.description, ''))
  order by rank desc limit 50''' % filter
     cur.execute(query, (tokenize_for_search(search), ))
     return [worm.make(Photo, row[ : 1]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #9
 def get_best_photos(self, offset=0, filter=False):
     if filter:
         filter = ' where ' + SQL_PHOTO_FILTER
         filter = ''
     cur.execute('''select t1.*, avg(score) as a
                    from photo t1
                    join photo_score on t1.id = photo
                    group by t1.id, t1.title, t1.description, t1.taken_at,
                             t1.taken_during, t1.taken_by, t1.time_taken,
                    order by a desc limit 50 offset %s''' %
                 (filter, offset))
     return [worm.make(Photo, row[:-1]) for row in cur.fetchall()]
Exemple #10
 def get_best_photos(self, offset = 0, filter = False):
     if filter:
         filter = ' where ' + SQL_PHOTO_FILTER
         filter = ''
     cur.execute('''select t1.*, avg(score) as a
                    from photo t1
                    join photo_score on t1.id = photo
                    group by t1.id, t1.title, t1.description, t1.taken_at,
                             t1.taken_during, t1.taken_by, t1.time_taken,
                    order by a desc limit 50 offset %s''' %
                 (filter, offset))
     return [worm.make(Photo, row[ : -1]) for row in cur.fetchall()]