Exemple #1
def test_thing_fragment():
    """Thing fragment dictionaries can be represented and serialized."""

    thing_fragment = ThingFragment(THING_INIT)

    assert thing_fragment.id == THING_INIT["id"]
    assert thing_fragment.title == THING_INIT["title"]
    assert thing_fragment.description == THING_INIT["description"]
    assert isinstance(next(six.itervalues(thing_fragment.properties)),
    assert isinstance(next(six.itervalues(thing_fragment.actions)),
    assert isinstance(next(six.itervalues(thing_fragment.events)),
    assert json.dumps(thing_fragment.to_dict())
    assert next(six.itervalues(thing_fragment.to_dict()["properties"]))["type"]
    assert thing_fragment.version.instance == THING_INIT["version"]["instance"]

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
Exemple #2
class ThingDescription(object):
    """Class that represents a Thing Description document.
    Contains logic to validate and transform a Thing to a serialized TD and vice versa."""

    def __init__(self, doc):
        Validates that the document conforms to the TD schema."""

        self._doc = json.loads(doc) if isinstance(doc, (six.string_types, bytes)) else doc
        self._thing_fragment = ThingFragment(self._doc)


    def validate(cls, doc):
        """Validates the given Thing Description document against its schema.
        Raises ValidationError if validation fails."""

            jsonschema.validate(doc, SCHEMA_THING)
        except (jsonschema.ValidationError, TypeError) as ex:
            raise InvalidDescription(str(ex))

    def from_thing(cls, thing):
        """Builds an instance of a JSON-serialized Thing Description from a Thing object."""

        return ThingDescription(thing.thing_fragment.to_dict())

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        """Search for members that raised an AttributeError in
        the internal ThingFragment before propagating the exception."""

        return getattr(self._thing_fragment, name)

    def to_dict(self):
        """Returns the JSON Thing Description as a dict."""

        return self._thing_fragment.to_dict()

    def to_str(self):
        """Returns the JSON Thing Description as a string."""

        return json.dumps(self._thing_fragment.to_dict())

    def to_thing_fragment(self):
        """Returns a ThingFragment dictionary built from this TD."""

        return self._thing_fragment

    def build_thing(self):
        """Builds a new Thing object from the serialized Thing Description."""

        return Thing(thing_fragment=self.to_thing_fragment())

    def get_forms(self, name):
        """Returns a list of FormDict for the interaction that matches the given name."""

        if name in self.properties:
            return self.get_property_forms(name)

        if name in self.actions:
            return self.get_action_forms(name)

        if name in self.events:
            return self.get_event_forms(name)

        return []

    def get_property_forms(self, name):
        """Returns a list of FormDict for the property that matches the given name."""

        return self.properties[name].forms

    def get_action_forms(self, name):
        """Returns a list of FormDict for the action that matches the given name."""

        return self.actions[name].forms

    def get_event_forms(self, name):
        """Returns a list of FormDict for the event that matches the given name."""

        return self.events[name].forms