Exemple #1
class MyRobot(TimedRobot):
    # Defines the channels that are used on the inputs. In the simulator, they have to match up with the physics.py file
    # This is really useful when you have a variable used hundreds of times and you want to have it set so you can
    # change it all in one go.

    RLMotorChannel = 2
    RRMotorChannel = 0
    FLMotorChannel = 3
    FRMotorChannel = 4

    DriveStickChannel = 0

    # RobotInit is where all of the things we are using is initialized.
    def robotInit(self):
        # Note the lack of the camera server initialization here.

        # Initializing drive motors
        RLMotor = Spark(self.RLMotorChannel)
        RRMotor = Spark(self.RRMotorChannel)
        FLMotor = Spark(self.FLMotorChannel)
        FRMotor = Spark(self.FRMotorChannel)

        # Grouping drive motors into left and right.
        self.Left = SpeedControllerGroup(RLMotor, FLMotor)
        self.Right = SpeedControllerGroup(RRMotor, FRMotor)

        # Initializing drive Joystick.
        self.DriveStick = Joystick(self.DriveStickChannel)

        # Initializing drive function.
        self.drive = DifferentialDrive(self.Left, self.Right)

        # Sets the right side motors to be inverted.

        # Turns the drive off after .1 seconds of inactivity.

        # Components is a dictionary that contains any variables you want to put into it. All of the variables put into
        # components dictionary is given to the autonomous modes.
        self.components = {"drive": self.drive}

        # Sets up the autonomous mode selector by telling it where the autonomous modes are at and what the autonomous
        # modes should inherit.
        self.automodes = autonomous.AutonomousModeSelector(
            "Sim_Autonomous", self.components)

        # Autonomous and teleop periodic both run the code on a fixed loop time. A part of TimedRobot.
    def autonomousPeriodic(self):
        # runs the autonomous modes when Autonomous is activated.

    def teleopPeriodic(self):
        # Turns on drive safety and checks to se if operator control and the robot is enabled.
        if self.isOperatorControl() and self.isEnabled():
            # Drives the robot with controller inputs. You can use buttons with self.DriveStick.getRawButton(ButtonNum).
class Driver():
    def driveTrainInit(self, robot, controlScheme):
        self.controlScheme = controlScheme

        self.leftMotorGroup = wpilib.SpeedControllerGroup(
        self.rightMotorGroup = wpilib.SpeedControllerGroup(
        self.drive = DifferentialDrive(self.leftMotorGroup,

    def driveRobotWithJoystick(self):
        speed = self.controlScheme.joystickDriveForward() * (
            1 - (0.95 * self.controlScheme.triggerSlowSpeed()))
        #speed = joystick.getY(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft)*(1-(0.75*joystick.getTriggerAxis(GenericHID.Hand.kRight)))

        rotation = self.alignWithVisionTargets(
            self.controlScheme.buttonVisionAlign()) * (
                1 - (0.95 * self.controlScheme.triggerSlowRotation()))
        #rotation = self.alignWithVisionTargets(joystick)*(1-(0.75*joystick.getTriggerAxis(GenericHID.Hand.kLeft)))

        self.drive.arcadeDrive(-speed, rotation, squareInputs=True)

    def alignWithVisionTargets(self, rotation, buttonVisionAlign):
        visionTable = NetworkTables.getTable('PiData')

        if (buttonVisionAlign):
            visionAlignment = visionTable.getNumber('yawToTarget', 0)
            if (visionAlignment < 0):
                rotation = -0.4
            elif (visionAlignment > 0):
                rotation = 0.4
                rotation = rotation

        return rotation