Exemple #1
def loadRawdata(rawfile=None, updbmode=1):
    rawfile: rawdata csv file.
    updbmode: update db mode: 1-all, 2-incr.

    Init *algo* tables with rawdata csv(16 columns) -- SLOW if csv is big, 
        try offline.doClusterAll(rawdata) -> db.loadClusteredData() instead.
    1) db.initTables(): init db tables if update all the db data.
    2) db.updateIndexes(): update tables indexes, drop old idxs if only update db incrementally.
    3) offline.doClusterIncr(): incremental clustering.
    dbips = DB_OFFLINE
    doflush = True
    for dbip in dbips:
        dbsvr = dbsvrs[dbip]
        wppdb = WppDB(dsn=dbsvr['dsn'], dbtype=dbsvr['dbtype'])
        if updbmode == 1:
            # Create WPP tables.
            doflush = False
        # Update indexs.
        # Load csv clustered data into DB tables.
        n_inserts = doClusterIncr(fd_csv=file(rawfile), wppdb=wppdb)
        print 'Added: [%s] clusters, [%s] FPs' % (n_inserts['n_newcids'], n_inserts['n_newfps'])
        # Init ver_uprecs in |wpp_uprecsver| if it's empty.
        if wppdb.getRawdataVersion() is None: 
Exemple #2
def loadRawdata(rawfile=None, updbmode=1):
    rawfile: rawdata csv file.
    updbmode: update db mode: 1-all, 2-incr.

    Init *algo* tables with rawdata csv(16 columns) -- SLOW if csv is big, 
        try offline.doClusterAll(rawdata) -> db.loadClusteredData() instead.
    1) db.initTables(): init db tables if update all the db data.
    2) db.updateIndexes(): update tables indexes, drop old idxs if only update db incrementally.
    3) offline.doClusterIncr(): incremental clustering.
    dbips = DB_OFFLINE
    doflush = True
    for dbip in dbips:
        dbsvr = dbsvrs[dbip]
        wppdb = WppDB(dsn=dbsvr['dsn'], dbtype=dbsvr['dbtype'])
        if updbmode == 1:
            # Create WPP tables.
            doflush = False
        # Update indexs.
        # Load csv clustered data into DB tables.
        n_inserts = doClusterIncr(fd_csv=file(rawfile), wppdb=wppdb)
        print 'Added: [%s] clusters, [%s] FPs' % (n_inserts['n_newcids'],
        # Init ver_uprecs in |wpp_uprecsver| if it's empty.
        if wppdb.getRawdataVersion() is None:
Exemple #3
def fixPos(posreq=None, has_google=False, mc=None):
    xmlnodes = xmlparser(posreq).getchildren()
    # Parameters default vals init.
    lat, lon, ee = 39.9055, 116.3914, 5000 
    errinfo = 'AccuTooBad'; errcode = '102'
    # logic control switch init.
    pos_area = pos_pt = False # Default *PosLevel* is Point if not specified.
    # WppDB connection init.
    dbsvr = dbsvrs[DB_ONLINE] 
    wppdb = WppDB(dsn=dbsvr['dsn'], dbtype=dbsvr['dbtype'])
    # lambda func init.
    f = lambda x : [ node.attrib for node in xmlnodes if node.tag == x ] 
    plevel = f('PosLevel')
    # Area location related parameters interpretation & default vals init.
    plevel = plevel[0]['val'] if plevel else 'Point' 
    acode = addr = ''
    if plevel == 'Hybrid': pos_area = pos_pt = True
    elif plevel == 'Area': pos_area = True
        pos_pt = True 
        plevel = 'Point' # PosLevel default *Point*.
    if pos_area: # Area location.
        cell = f('CellInfo')
        if cell: 
            laccid = '%s-%s' % (cell[0]['lac'], cell[0]['cid'])
            acode_addr = wppdb.areaLocation(laccid)
            if acode_addr: 
                acode, addr = acode_addr 
                errinfo='OK'; errcode='100'
            lat = lon = ee = ''
    if pos_pt: # Point location, which returns 3d coordinates.
        macs = f('WLANIdentifier'); rsss = f('WLANMatcher'); need_google = False; 
        if macs and rsss:
            macs = macs[0]['val'].split('|') 
            rsss = rsss[0]['val'].split('|')
            INTERSET = min(CLUSTERKEYSIZE, len(macs)) 
            idxs_max = argsort(rsss)[:INTERSET]
            macsrsss = vstack((macs, rsss))[:,idxs_max]
            wlanloc = fixPosWLAN(INTERSET, macsrsss, wppdb, DEBUG_ALGO)
            if not wlanloc: 
                need_google = True
        else: wlanloc = []
        if not wlanloc: 
            if not pos_area: cell = f('CellInfo')
            if cell:
                if not pos_area: 
                    laccid = '%s-%s' % (cell[0]['lac'], cell[0]['cid'])
                celloc = wppdb.laccidLocation(laccid)
                if not celloc: 
                    need_google = True 
                    wpplog.error('Cell location FAILED!')
                elif celloc[2] > GOOG_ERR_LIMIT: 
                    need_google = False  # googleLocation err too big for wlanloc.
                else: pass
            else: celloc = []
        loc = wlanloc or celloc
        if loc: 
            lat, lon, ee = loc
            errinfo = 'OK'; errcode = '100'
        # TODO: make googleLocation async job when wlanloc fails & celloc succeeds.
        # Try Google location, when wifi location failed && wifi info exists.
        if need_google and has_google: 
            loc_google = googleLocation(macs=macs, rsss=rsss, cellinfo=cell[0], mc=mc) 
            if loc_google:
                lat1, lon1, h, ee_goog = loc_google 
                if not loc:
                    lat, lon, ee = lat1, lon1, ee_goog
                    errinfo = 'OK'; errcode = '100'
                # wifi location import. TODO: make google loc import job async when it's *succeeded*.
                if macs and ee_goog <= GOOG_ERR_LIMIT:
                    t = f('Time')
                    t = t[0]['val'] if t else ''
                    fp = '1000, 1000101, %s%s%s, %s, %s, %s, %s' % \
                            (t,','*9,lat1, lon1, h, '|'.join(macs), '|'.join(rsss))
                    n = doClusterIncr(fd_csv=StringIO(fp), wppdb=wppdb, verb=False)
                    if n['n_newfps'] == 1: 
                        wpplog.info('Added 1 WLAN FP from Google')
                        wpplog.error('Failed to add FP from Google!')
                # Cell location import.
                if cell and not celloc:
                    if ee_goog <= GOOG_ERR_LIMIT: 
                        loc_google[-1] = 500
                    wppdb.addCellLocation(laccid=laccid, loc=loc_google)
                    wpplog.info('Added 1 Cell FP from Google')
            else: wpplog.error('Google location FAILED!')
    if plevel == 'Hybrid': posresp = POS_RESP_FULL % (errcode, errinfo, lat, lon, ee, plevel, acode, addr)
    elif plevel == 'Area': posresp = POS_RESP_AREA % (errcode, errinfo, plevel, acode, addr)
    else: posresp = POS_RESP_PT % (errcode, errinfo, lat, lon, ee, plevel)

    return posresp
Exemple #4
def main():
    import getopt
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ac:f:hi:k:m:nr:st:uv",
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    if not opts: usage(); sys.exit(0)

    # global vars init.
    crawl_area=False; updatedb=False; doLoadRawdata=False; scan=False
    #spid=0; tormp=False; tfail=0; dokml=False; 
    rawfile=None; docluster=False; updbmode=1
    global verbose,pp,floor,nodump
    verbose=False; pp=None; nodump=False; floor=False

    for o,a in opts:
        if o in ("-a", "--areacrawl"):
            crawl_area = True
        elif o in ("-c", "--cluster"):
            if not a.isdigit(): 
                print '\ncluster type: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
                usage(); sys.exit(99)
                # 1-All; 2-Incr.
                cluster_type = int(a)
                docluster = True
                rmpfile = sys.argv[3]
                if not os.path.isfile(rmpfile):
                    print 'Raw data file NOT exist: %s!' % rmpfile
        #elif o in ("-i", "--spid"):
        #    if a.isdigit(): spid = int(a)
        #    else:
        #        print '\nspid: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
        #        usage(); sys.exit(99)
        elif o in ("-m", "--mode"):
            if a.isdigit(): 
                updbmode = int(a)
                if not (1 <= updbmode <= 2):
                    print '\nError: updatedb mode: (%d) NOT supported yet!' % updbmode
                    usage(); sys.exit(99)
                print '\nmode: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
                usage(); sys.exit(99)
        elif o in ("-r", "--rawdata"):
            if not os.path.isfile(a):
                print 'Rawdata file NOT exist: %s' % a
                doLoadRawdata = True
                rawfile = a
        elif o in ("-s", "--scan"):
            scan = True
        #elif o in ("-t", "--to-rmp"):
        #    if not os.path.isfile(a):
        #        print 'Raw data file NOT exist: %s' % a
        #        sys.exit(99)
        #    else: 
        #        tormp = True
        #        rawfile = a
        #elif o in ("-k", "--kml"):
        #    if not os.path.isfile(a):
        #        print 'cfprints table file NOT exist: %s' % a
        #        sys.exit(99)
        #    else: 
        #        dokml = True
        #        cfpsfile = a
        #elif o in ("-n", "--no-dump"):
        #    nodump = True
        elif o in ("-f", "--floor"):
            if a.isdigit(): 
                floor = int(a)
                print '\nfloor: %s should be an INTEGER!\n' % str(a)
                usage(); sys.exit(99)
        elif o in ("-u", "--updatedb"):
            updatedb = True
        elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbose = True
            pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
            usage(); sys.exit(0)
            print 'Parameter NOT supported: %s' % o
            usage(); sys.exit(99)

    if doLoadRawdata:
        loadRawdata(rawfile, updbmode)

    # Update Algorithm related data.
    if updatedb:

    if crawl_area:

    # Ordinary fingerprints clustering.
    if docluster:
        if cluster_type   == 1: 
        elif cluster_type == 2: 
            dbips = DB_OFFLINE
            for dbip in dbips:
                dbsvr = dbsvrs[dbip]
                wppdb = WppDB(dsn=dbsvr['dsn'], dbtype=dbsvr['dbtype'])
                n_inserts = doClusterIncr(fd_csv=file(rmpfile), wppdb=wppdb)
                print 'Added: [%s] clusters, [%s] FPs' % (n_inserts['n_newcids'], n_inserts['n_newfps'])
        else: sys.exit('Unsupported cluster type code: %s!' % cluster_type)

    # KML generation.
    #if dokml:
    #    genKMLfile(cfpsfile)

    ## Raw data to fingerprint convertion.
    #if tormp:
    #    fingerprint = []
    #    fingerprint = genFPs(rawfile)
    #    if not fingerprint:
    #        print 'Error: Fingerprint generation FAILED: %s' % rawfile
    #        sys.exit(99)
    #    if nodump is False:
    #        if not rawfile == None: 
    #            date = strftime('%Y-%m%d')
    #            rmpfilename = DATPATH + date + RMPSUFFIX
    #            dumpCSV(rmpfilename, fingerprint)
    #            print '-'*65
    #            sys.exit(0)
    #        else:
    #            usage(); sys.exit(99)
    #    else:
    #        if verbose: pp.pprint(fingerprint)
    #        else: print fingerprint
    #        sys.exit(0)

    # WLAN scan for FP raw data collection.
    if scan:
Exemple #5
def main():
    import getopt
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "ac:f:hi:k:m:nr:st:uv", [
            "areacrawl", "cluster", "floor=", "help", "spid=", "kml=", "mode=",
            "no-dump", "rawdata", "scan", "to-rmp=", "updatedb", "verbose"
    except getopt.GetoptError:

    if not opts:

    # global vars init.
    crawl_area = False
    updatedb = False
    doLoadRawdata = False
    scan = False
    #spid=0; tormp=False; tfail=0; dokml=False;
    rawfile = None
    docluster = False
    updbmode = 1
    global verbose, pp, floor, nodump
    verbose = False
    pp = None
    nodump = False
    floor = False

    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ("-a", "--areacrawl"):
            crawl_area = True
        elif o in ("-c", "--cluster"):
            if not a.isdigit():
                print '\ncluster type: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
                # 1-All; 2-Incr.
                cluster_type = int(a)
                docluster = True
                rmpfile = sys.argv[3]
                if not os.path.isfile(rmpfile):
                    print 'Raw data file NOT exist: %s!' % rmpfile
        #elif o in ("-i", "--spid"):
        #    if a.isdigit(): spid = int(a)
        #    else:
        #        print '\nspid: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
        #        usage(); sys.exit(99)
        elif o in ("-m", "--mode"):
            if a.isdigit():
                updbmode = int(a)
                if not (1 <= updbmode <= 2):
                    print '\nError: updatedb mode: (%d) NOT supported yet!' % updbmode
                print '\nmode: %s should be an INTEGER!' % str(a)
        elif o in ("-r", "--rawdata"):
            if not os.path.isfile(a):
                print 'Rawdata file NOT exist: %s' % a
                doLoadRawdata = True
                rawfile = a
        elif o in ("-s", "--scan"):
            scan = True
        #elif o in ("-t", "--to-rmp"):
        #    if not os.path.isfile(a):
        #        print 'Raw data file NOT exist: %s' % a
        #        sys.exit(99)
        #    else:
        #        tormp = True
        #        rawfile = a
        #elif o in ("-k", "--kml"):
        #    if not os.path.isfile(a):
        #        print 'cfprints table file NOT exist: %s' % a
        #        sys.exit(99)
        #    else:
        #        dokml = True
        #        cfpsfile = a
        #elif o in ("-n", "--no-dump"):
        #    nodump = True
        elif o in ("-f", "--floor"):
            if a.isdigit():
                floor = int(a)
                print '\nfloor: %s should be an INTEGER!\n' % str(a)
        elif o in ("-u", "--updatedb"):
            updatedb = True
        elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
            verbose = True
            pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=2)
        elif o in ("-h", "--help"):
            print 'Parameter NOT supported: %s' % o

    if doLoadRawdata:
        loadRawdata(rawfile, updbmode)

    # Update Algorithm related data.
    if updatedb:

    if crawl_area:

    # Ordinary fingerprints clustering.
    if docluster:
        if cluster_type == 1:
        elif cluster_type == 2:
            dbips = DB_OFFLINE
            for dbip in dbips:
                dbsvr = dbsvrs[dbip]
                wppdb = WppDB(dsn=dbsvr['dsn'], dbtype=dbsvr['dbtype'])
                n_inserts = doClusterIncr(fd_csv=file(rmpfile), wppdb=wppdb)
                print 'Added: [%s] clusters, [%s] FPs' % (
                    n_inserts['n_newcids'], n_inserts['n_newfps'])
            sys.exit('Unsupported cluster type code: %s!' % cluster_type)

    # KML generation.
    #if dokml:
    #    genKMLfile(cfpsfile)

    ## Raw data to fingerprint convertion.
    #if tormp:
    #    fingerprint = []
    #    fingerprint = genFPs(rawfile)
    #    if not fingerprint:
    #        print 'Error: Fingerprint generation FAILED: %s' % rawfile
    #        sys.exit(99)
    #    if nodump is False:
    #        if not rawfile == None:
    #            date = strftime('%Y-%m%d')
    #            rmpfilename = DATPATH + date + RMPSUFFIX
    #            dumpCSV(rmpfilename, fingerprint)
    #            print '-'*65
    #            sys.exit(0)
    #        else:
    #            usage(); sys.exit(99)
    #    else:
    #        if verbose: pp.pprint(fingerprint)
    #        else: print fingerprint
    #        sys.exit(0)

    # WLAN scan for FP raw data collection.
    if scan: