def delete(self): if BLOG.posts: idx = app.body.current() if BLOG.post_is_local(idx) and BLOG.post_is_remote(idx): # remote post with local changes - many delete option options = ((LABELS.loc.gm_no,lambda x: False), (LABELS.loc.pt_list_yes_rem_pst,BLOG.delete_only_remote_post), (LABELS.loc.pt_list_yes_loc_ch,BLOG.delete_only_local_post), (LABELS.loc.pt_list_yes_del_all,BLOG.delete_post)) else: # just local or remote - delete options = ((LABELS.loc.gm_no,lambda x: False), (LABELS.loc.gm_yes,BLOG.delete_post)) ny = popup_menu(map(lambda x:x[0],options),LABELS.loc.pt_pmenu_del_post) if ny is not None: if ny > 0: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.pt_info_del_post) funcs = map(lambda x:x[1],options) res = funcs[ny](idx) if res: note(LABELS.loc.pt_info_post_del,"info") else: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_del_pt,"error") self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def close_app(self): ny = popup_menu( [LABELS.loc.gm_yes, LABELS.loc.gm_no], LABELS.loc.wm_pmenu_exit ) if ny is not None: if ny == 0: self.clear_cache() Application.close_app(self)
def offline_publish(self): if BLOG.posts: idx = self.body.current() if BLOG.post_is_local(idx): self.lock_ui() BLOG.offline_publish(idx) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def moderate(self): t = self.get_title() idx = app.body.current() self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_aprv_cmt % utf8_to_unicode( BLOG.comments[idx]['content'][:15] )) BLOG.approve_comment(idx) self.unlock_ui() self.set_title( t ) self.refresh()
def blog_cbk(self): self.lock_ui() if not self.dlg.cancel: DB["blog_list"]=json.dumps(self.dlg.blogs) BLOG.check_persistence(self.dlg.blogs) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh() return True
def update(self): self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.pt_info_downld_pt) BLOG.update_posts_cats_and_tags() self.unlock_ui() if not BLOG.posts: note(LABELS.loc.pt_info_no_posts, "info") self.refresh()
def delete(self): item = self.body.current() cat_name = self.headlines[item] ny = popup_menu([LABELS.loc.gm_no, LABELS.loc.gm_yes], LABELS.loc.ca_pmenu_delete % cat_name) if ny is not None: if ny == 1: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.ca_info_del_cat % cat_name) BLOG.delete_category(item) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def contents(self): if BLOG.posts: idx = self.body.current() if self.download_contents(idx): publish = BLOG.posts[idx]['post_status'] == 'publish' # 'publish' or 'draft' self.dlg = EditPost(self.contents_cbk, BLOG.category_names_list(), BLOG.tag_names_list(), idx, publish)
def delete(self): if not BLOG.comments: note( LABELS.loc.cm_info_udt_cmts_lst, "info" ) return ny = popup_menu( [LABELS.loc.gm_no, LABELS.loc.gm_yes], LABELS.loc.cm_pmenu_del_cmt) if ny == 1: idx = app.body.current() self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_del_cmt % utf8_to_unicode( BLOG.comments[idx]['content'][:15] )) BLOG.delete_comment(idx) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def new(self): t = self.get_title() if not BLOG.comments: # no comments ... user need to select a post to add the comment if not BLOG.posts: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_downld_pt) upd = BLOG.update_posts_cats_and_tags() self.set_title( t ) self.unlock_ui() if not upd: return False self.set_title(LABELS.loc.cm_info_which_post) post_idx = selection_list( [ utf8_to_unicode( p['title'] )[:70] for p in BLOG.posts ], search_field=1) # idx may be -1 if list is empty and user press OK... strange ... why not None ? if post_idx is None or post_idx == -1: return False post_id = BLOG.posts[post_idx]['postid'] post_title = BLOG.posts[post_idx]['title'] else: comment_idx = self.body.current() post_id = BLOG.comments[comment_idx]['post_id'] post_title = BLOG.comments[comment_idx]['post_title'] self.dlg = NewComment( self.new_cbk, 0, post_id, utf8_to_unicode(post_title))
def view_image(self, img): if os.path.isfile(img): local = True else: local = False if local: viewer = Content_handler(self.refresh) try: except: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_open % img,"error") else: local_file = "img_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) local_file = os.path.join(DEFDIR, "cache", local_file) d = img.rfind(".") if d >= 0: local_file = local_file + img[d:] self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.pt_info_downld_img % img) try: urlprx = UrllibProxy(BLOG.get_proxy()) urlprx.urlretrieve(img, local_file) except: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_downld % img,"error") self.unlock_ui() return self.unlock_ui() viewer = Content_handler(self.refresh) try: except: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_open % img,"error") else: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_unknown_ext % img,"error")
def send2twitter(self): """ Send a post title to twitter. Just must be called if twitter is enabled """ if BLOG.posts: idx = self.body.current() if BLOG.post_is_remote(idx): if self.download_contents(idx): self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.pt_info_send_twt+u".") link = BLOG.posts[idx]['permaLink'] title = BLOG.posts[idx]['title'] api = s60twitter.TwitterApi(DB["twitter_user"], DB["twitter_pass"], BLOG.proxy) self.set_title(LABELS.loc.pt_info_send_twt+u"..") try: tiny_link = api.tinyfy_url(link) except: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_tiny_url,"error") else: msg = title[:140-len(tiny_link)-1] + " " + tiny_link # twitter: 140 chars max self.set_title(LABELS.loc.pt_info_send_twt+u"...") try: api.update(msg) except: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_send_twitter,"error") else: note(LABELS.loc.pt_info_twitter_updated,"info") self.set_title(u"") self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def refresh(self): Dialog.refresh(self) # must be called *before* self.headlines = BLOG.category_names_list() self.last_idx = min( self.last_idx, len(self.headlines)-1 ) # avoiding problems after removing self.set_title( LABELS.loc.ca_info_cat_pos % ( self.body.current()+1,len(self.headlines) ) ) self.body.set_list( self.headlines, self.last_idx )
def popup_menu(self): idx = app.body.current() self.last_idx = idx menu = [(LABELS.loc.pt_menu_updt, self.update), (LABELS.loc.pt_menu_cnew,] if BLOG.posts: menu += [(LABELS.loc.pt_menu_view, self.contents), (LABELS.loc.pt_menu_dele, self.delete)] if BLOG.post_is_remote(idx): menu += [(LABELS.loc.pt_menu_lstc, self.comments)] if DB["twitter_enabled"] == u"True": menu += [(LABELS.loc.pt_menu_s2tw, self.send2twitter)] if BLOG.post_is_local(idx): menu += [(LABELS.loc.pt_menu_offl_publ,self.offline_publish)] op = popup_menu(map(lambda x: x[0], menu) , LABELS.loc.pt_pmenu_posts) if op is not None: map(lambda x: x[1], menu)[op]()
def new(self): cat_name = query(LABELS.loc.ca_query_cat_name, "text", u"" ) if cat_name is not None: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.ca_info_create_cat % cat_name) ret = BLOG.new_category( cat_name ) self.unlock_ui() if ret: self.update() self.refresh()
def comments(self): def cbk(): self.refresh() return True if BLOG.posts: idx = app.body.current() if BLOG.post_is_remote(idx): self.dlg = Comments(cbk) self.dlg.update(idx) # update comments for current post
def download_contents(self,idx): # if post was not totally retrieved yet, fetch all data # only call this function if you have posts if BLOG.posts[idx].has_key('description') == False: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.pt_info_downld_post) ok = BLOG.get_post(idx) self.unlock_ui() if not ok: note(LABELS.loc.pt_err_cant_pst_cont, "error") return False return True
def update_comment(self, post_idx, comment_status): """ Update comments for a given post (post_idx) with status comment_status post_idx = -1 means comments for all posts """ BLOG.comments = [] self.set_title(LABELS.loc.cm_info_downld_cmt) if not BLOG.get_comment(post_idx, self.status_list[comment_status]): return False if not BLOG.comments: note(LABELS.loc.cm_info_no_cmts_st % comment_status,"info") return False return True
def new_cbk(self): if not self.dlg.cancel: self.lock_ui() # send to WP np = BLOG.new_post(self.dlg.post_title, self.dlg.contents, self.dlg.categories, self.dlg.tags, self.dlg.publish) self.unlock_ui() if np == -1: return False elif # just save BLOG.save_new_post(self.dlg.post_title, self.dlg.contents, self.dlg.categories, self.dlg.tags, self.dlg.publish) self.refresh() return True
def language(self): langs = [(LABELS.loc.st_menu_en_us, u"en_us"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_pt_br, u"pt_br"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_es, u"es"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_tr, u"tr"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_it, u"it"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_nl, u"nl"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_de, u"de"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_ro, u"ro"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_zh_cn, u"zh_cn"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_fr, u"fr"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_ru, u"ru"), (LABELS.loc.st_menu_id, u"id")] langs.sort() item = popup_menu(map(lambda x:x[0], langs), LABELS.loc.st_pmenu_lang ) if item is not None: loc = langs[item][1] if DB["language"] != loc: LABELS.set_locale(loc) DB["language"] = loc self.refresh() BLOG.refresh() # update global defines self.lang_changed = True
def refresh(self): Dialog.refresh(self) # must be called *before* if not BLOG.posts: self.headlines = [ (LABELS.loc.pt_info_empty, LABELS.loc.pt_info_updt_pst_lst) ] else: self.headlines = [] for p in BLOG.posts: status = u"" (y, mo, d, h, m, s) = parse_iso8601(p['dateCreated'].value) if BLOG.post_is_only_local(p): status = u"[@] " elif BLOG.post_is_local(p): status = u"[*] " elif p.has_key('post_status'): if p['post_status'] != 'publish': status = u"[#]" line1 = status + u"%02d/%s/%02d %02d:%02d " % (d,MONTHS[mo-1],y,h,m) line2 = utf8_to_unicode(p['title']) self.headlines.append((line1 , line2)) self.last_idx = min(self.last_idx, len(self.headlines)-1) # avoiding problems after removing self.body.set_list(self.headlines, self.last_idx)
def new_cbk(self): if not self.dlg.cancel: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_upld_cmt) ok = BLOG.new_comment(self.dlg.post_id,, self.dlg.realname,, self.dlg.contents) self.unlock_ui() if not ok: return False self.set_title(LABELS.loc.wm_menu_comm) self.refresh() return True
def contents_cbk(self): if not self.dlg.cancel: self.lock_ui() # send post to WP ok = BLOG.edit_post(self.dlg.post_title, self.dlg.contents, self.dlg.categories, self.dlg.tags, self.dlg.post_idx, self.dlg.publish) self.unlock_ui() if not ok: return False elif # just save post BLOG.save_exist_post(self.dlg.post_title, self.dlg.contents, self.dlg.categories, self.dlg.tags, self.dlg.post_idx, self.dlg.publish) self.refresh() return True
def contents_cbk(self): if not self.dlg.cancel: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_updt_cmt) ok = BLOG.edit_comment(self.dlg.comment_idx,, self.dlg.realname,, self.dlg.contents) self.unlock_ui() if not ok: return False self.refresh() return True
def refresh(self): #Dialog.refresh(self) # must be called *before* #self.headlines = BLOG.tag_names_list() Dialog.refresh(self) # must be called *before* self.headlines = BLOG.tag_names_list() if not self.headlines: self.headlines = [ LABELS.loc.tg_info_udt_tags_lst ] #self.headlines = [] #for t in BLOG.tags: # line = u"%s (%s)" % (t['name'],t['count']) # self.headlines.append(line) self.last_idx = min( self.last_idx, len(self.headlines)-1 ) # avoiding problems after removing app.body.set_list( self.headlines, self.last_idx )
def update(self, post_idx=None): k = self.status_list.keys() item = popup_menu(k, LABELS.loc.cm_pmenu_cmt_status) if item is None: return False comment_status = k[item] t = self.get_title() if not BLOG.posts: self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.cm_info_downld_pt) upd = BLOG.update_posts_cats_and_tags() self.set_title(t) self.unlock_ui() if not upd: self.refresh() return False if post_idx is None: comment_set = popup_menu([LABELS.loc.cm_list_one_post, LABELS.loc.cm_list_all_posts], LABELS.loc.cm_pmenu_updt_for) if comment_set is None: return False if comment_set == 0: self.set_title( LABELS.loc.cm_info_which_post ) post_idx = selection_list([utf8_to_unicode( p['title'] )[:70] for p in BLOG.posts], search_field=1) self.set_title(t) if post_idx is None or post_idx == -1: return False else: post_idx = -1 self.lock_ui() upd = self.update_comment(post_idx, comment_status) self.set_title( LABELS.loc.wm_menu_comm ) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh() return upd
def new(self): self.dlg = NewPost(self.new_cbk, u"", u"", BLOG.category_names_list(), [], BLOG.tag_names_list(), [], True)
def upgrade(self): self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.wm_info_check_updt) url = "" local_file = "web_" + time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S", time.localtime()) + ".html" local_file = os.path.join(DEFDIR, "cache", local_file) try: urlprx = UrllibProxy(BLOG.get_proxy()) urlprx.urlretrieve(url, local_file) except: note(LABELS.loc.wm_err_upd_page % url,"error") ok = False else: ok = True if ok: html = open(local_file).read() soup = BeautifulSoup( html ) addrs = soup.findAll('a') version = "" file_url = "" file_url_py19 = "" for addr in addrs: if addr.contents[0] == "latest_wordmobi_version": version = addr["href"] elif addr.contents[0] == "wordmobi_sis_url": file_url = addr["href"] elif addr.contents[0] == "wordmobi_sis_url_py19": file_url_py19 = addr["href"] if version and file_url and file_url_py19: version = version[version.rfind("/")+1:] num_rem_ver = self.ver2num(version) num_loc_ver = self.ver2num(VERSION) if (num_loc_ver >= num_rem_ver) and (VERSION.find('RC') == -1): # RC versions gives to the user the upgrading decision note(LABELS.loc.wm_info_ver_is_updt, "info") else: yn = popup_menu( [LABELS.loc.gm_yes,LABELS.loc.gm_no], LABELS.loc.wm_pmenu_download % (version) ) if yn is not None: if yn == 0: if float(e32.pys60_version[:3]) >= 1.9: furl = file_url_py19 else: furl = file_url sis_name = furl[furl.rfind("/")+1:] local_file = os.path.join(DEFDIR, "updates", sis_name) self.set_title( LABELS.loc.wm_info_downloading ) try: urlprx = UrllibProxy(BLOG.get_proxy()) urlprx.urlretrieve(furl, local_file) except: note(LABELS.loc.wm_err_downld_fail % sis_name, "error") else: msg = LABELS.loc.wm_info_downld_ok % (sis_name,DEFDIR) note( msg , "info") else: note(LABELS.loc.wm_err_upd_info,"error") self.set_title( u"Wordmobi" ) self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()
def check_update_value(self): if not self.ui_is_locked(): idx = self.body.current() BLOG.set_blog(idx) self.dlg = BlogManager(self.default_cbk,self.blogs[idx]['account'])
def update(self): self.lock_ui(LABELS.loc.tg_info_downld_tags) BLOG.update_tags() self.unlock_ui() self.refresh()