def ex_georef(): # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # EXAMPLE 1: Full workflow for georeferencing radar data # 1st step: generate the centroid coordinates of the radar bins # define the polar coordinates and the site coordinates in lat/lon r = np.arange(1, 129) * 1000 az = np.linspace(0, 360, 361)[0:-1] # drs: 51.12527778 ; fbg: 47.87444444 ; tur: 48.58611111 ; muc: 48.3372222 # drs: 13.76972222 ; fbg: 8.005 ; tur: 9.783888889 ; muc: 11.61277778 sitecoords = (9.7839, 48.5861) # these are the polgon vertices of the radar bins polygons = georef.polar2polyvert(r, az, sitecoords) # these are the corresponding centroids cent_lon, cent_lat = georef.polar2centroids(r, az, sitecoords) # plot the vertices and the centroids in one plot fig = pl.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) polycoll = mpl.collections.PolyCollection(polygons, closed=True, facecolors='None') ax.add_collection(polycoll, autolim=True) ax.plot(cent_lon, cent_lat, 'r+') ax.axis('tight') pl.title('Zoom in to compare polygons and centroids.') # 2nd step: reproject the centroid coordinates to Gauss-Krueger Zone 3 # by using the EPSG-Number 31467 # use it for projecting the centroids to Gauss-Krueger 3 proj_gk3 = georef.epsg_to_osr(31467) x, y = georef.reproject(cent_lon, cent_lat, projection_targe=proj_gk3) # export the projected centroid coordinates # f = open('', 'w') f = '' # f.write('x\ty\n') np.savetxt(f, np.hstack((x.reshape((-1, 1)), y.reshape((-1, 1)))), fmt='%.2f', header='x\ty', delimiter='\t') # f.close() print('Exit.')
def test_polar2polyvert(self): self.assertTrue( np.allclose( georef.polar2polyvert(np.array([10000., 10100.]), np.array([45., 90.]), (9., 48.)), np.array([[[9.05100794, 48.08225674], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.12302879, 48.03401088], [9.05100794, 48.08225674]], [[9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.05204008, 48.08391826], [9.12551589, 48.03469661], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.051524, 48.0830875]], [[9.12302879, 48.03401088], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.05100794, 48.08225674], [9.12302879, 48.03401088]], [[9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.12551589, 48.03469661], [9.05204008, 48.08391826], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.12427234, 48.03435375]]])))
def test_polar2polyvert(self): self.assertTrue(np.allclose(georef.polar2polyvert(np.array([10000., 10100.]), np.array([45., 90.]), (9., 48.)), np.array([[[9.05100794, 48.08225674], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.12302879, 48.03401088], [9.05100794, 48.08225674]], [[9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.05204008, 48.08391826], [9.12551589, 48.03469661], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.051524, 48.0830875]], [[9.12302879, 48.03401088], [9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.05100794, 48.08225674], [9.12302879, 48.03401088]], [[9.12427234, 48.03435375], [9.12551589, 48.03469661], [9.05204008, 48.08391826], [9.051524, 48.0830875], [9.12427234, 48.03435375]]])))
def setUp(self): global skip # setup test grid and catchment lon = 7.071664 lat = 50.730521 r = np.array(range(50, 100 * 1000 + 50, 100)) a = np.array(range(0, 360, 1)) rays = a.shape[0] bins = r.shape[0] # create polar grid polygon vertices in lat,lon radar_ll = georef.polar2polyvert(r, a, (lon, lat)) # create polar grid centroids in lat,lon rlon, rlat = georef.polar2centroids(r, a, (lon, lat)) radar_llc = np.dstack((rlon, rlat)) # setup OSR objects self.proj_gk = osr.SpatialReference() self.proj_gk.ImportFromEPSG(31466) self.proj_ll = osr.SpatialReference() self.proj_ll.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # project ll grids to GK2 self.radar_gk = georef.reproject(radar_ll, projection_source=self.proj_ll, projection_target=self.proj_gk) self.radar_gkc = georef.reproject(radar_llc, projection_source=self.proj_ll, projection_target=self.proj_gk) # reshape self.radar_gk.shape = (rays, bins, 5, 2) self.radar_gkc.shape = (rays, bins, 2) self.box0 = np.array([[2600000., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630000.]]) self.box1 = np.array([[2600100., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630000.]]) = np.array([self.box0, self.box1]) # create catchment bounding box buffer = 5000. bbox = zonalstats.get_bbox([..., 0],[..., 1]) bbox = dict(left=bbox['left'] - buffer, right=bbox['right'] + buffer, bottom=bbox['bottom'] - buffer, top=bbox['top'] + buffer) mask, shape = zonalstats.mask_from_bbox(self.radar_gkc[..., 0], self.radar_gkc[..., 1], bbox, polar=True) self.radar_gkc = self.radar_gkc[mask, :] self.radar_gk = self.radar_gk[mask] self.zdpoly = zonalstats.ZonalDataPoly(self.radar_gk,, srs=self.proj_gk) # self.zdpoly.dump_vector('test_zdpoly') self.zdpoint = zonalstats.ZonalDataPoint(self.radar_gkc,, srs=self.proj_gk) # self.zdpoint.dump_vector('test_zdpoint') isec_poly0 = np.array([ np.array([[2600000., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630057.83273596], [2600018.65014816, 5630000.], [2600000., 5630000.]]), np.array([[2600000., 5630057.83273596], [2600000., 5630100.], [2600091.80406488, 5630100.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600100., 5630000.], [2600018.65014816, 5630000.], [2600000., 5630057.83273596]]), np.array([[2600091.80406488, 5630100.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600091.80406488, 5630100.]]) ]) isec_poly1 = np.array([ np.array([[2600100., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600124.05249566, 5630000.], [2600100., 5630000.]]), np.array([[2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600197.20644071, 5630100.], [2600200., 5630091.33737992], [2600200., 5630000.], [2600124.05249566, 5630000.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104]]), np.array([[2600197.20644071, 5630100.], [2600200., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630091.33737992], [2600197.20644071, 5630100.]]) ]) isec_point0 = np.array([[2600062.31245173, 5630031.20266055]]) isec_point1 = np.array([[2600157.8352244, 5630061.85098382]]) self.isec_poly = np.array([isec_poly0, isec_poly1]) self.isec_point = np.array([isec_point0, isec_point1])
def setUp(self): global skip # setup test grid and catchment lon = 7.071664 lat = 50.730521 r = np.array(range(50, 100 * 1000 + 50, 100)) a = np.array(range(0, 360, 1)) rays = a.shape[0] bins = r.shape[0] # create polar grid polygon vertices in lat,lon radar_ll = georef.polar2polyvert(r, a, (lon, lat)) # create polar grid centroids in lat,lon rlon, rlat = georef.polar2centroids(r, a, (lon, lat)) radar_llc = np.dstack((rlon, rlat)) # setup OSR objects self.proj_gk = osr.SpatialReference() self.proj_gk.ImportFromEPSG(31466) self.proj_ll = osr.SpatialReference() self.proj_ll.ImportFromEPSG(4326) # project ll grids to GK2 self.radar_gk = georef.reproject(radar_ll, projection_source=self.proj_ll, projection_target=self.proj_gk) self.radar_gkc = georef.reproject(radar_llc, projection_source=self.proj_ll, projection_target=self.proj_gk) # reshape self.radar_gk.shape = (rays, bins, 5, 2) self.radar_gkc.shape = (rays, bins, 2) self.box0 = np.array([[2600000., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630000.]]) self.box1 = np.array([[2600100., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630000.]]) = np.array([self.box0, self.box1]) # create catchment bounding box buffer = 5000. bbox = zonalstats.get_bbox([..., 0],[..., 1]) bbox = dict(left=bbox['left'] - buffer, right=bbox['right'] + buffer, bottom=bbox['bottom'] - buffer, top=bbox['top'] + buffer) mask, shape = zonalstats.mask_from_bbox(self.radar_gkc[..., 0], self.radar_gkc[..., 1], bbox, polar=True) self.radar_gkc = self.radar_gkc[mask, :] self.radar_gk = self.radar_gk[mask] self.zdpoly = zonalstats.ZonalDataPoly(self.radar_gk,, srs=self.proj_gk) # self.zdpoly.dump_vector('test_zdpoly') self.zdpoint = zonalstats.ZonalDataPoint(self.radar_gkc,, srs=self.proj_gk) # self.zdpoint.dump_vector('test_zdpoint') isec_poly0 = np.array([np.array([[2600000., 5630000.], [2600000., 5630057.83273596], [2600018.65014816, 5630000.], [2600000., 5630000.]]), np.array([[2600000., 5630057.83273596], [2600000., 5630100.], [2600091.80406488, 5630100.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600100., 5630000.], [2600018.65014816, 5630000.], [2600000., 5630057.83273596]]), np.array([[2600091.80406488, 5630100.], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600091.80406488, 5630100.]])]) isec_poly1 = np.array([np.array([[2600100., 5630000.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600124.05249566, 5630000.], [2600100., 5630000.]]), np.array([[2600100., 5630074.58501104], [2600100., 5630100.], [2600197.20644071, 5630100.], [2600200., 5630091.33737992], [2600200., 5630000.], [2600124.05249566, 5630000.], [2600100., 5630074.58501104]]), np.array([[2600197.20644071, 5630100.], [2600200., 5630100.], [2600200., 5630091.33737992], [2600197.20644071, 5630100.]])]) isec_point0 = np.array([[2600062.31245173, 5630031.20266055]]) isec_point1 = np.array([[2600157.8352244, 5630061.85098382]]) self.isec_poly = np.array([isec_poly0, isec_poly1]) self.isec_point = np.array([isec_point0, isec_point1])