class Proxy(ProxyCore): """ An OMERO driver for the knowledge base. """ def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, group=None, session_keep_tokens=1): super(Proxy, self).__init__(host, user, passwd, group, session_keep_tokens) self.factory = ObjectFactory(proxy=self) #-- learn for k in KOK: klass = KOK[k] setattr(self, klass.get_ome_table(), klass) # special case self.Marker = Marker #-- setup adapters self.gadpt = GenotypingAdapter(self) self.madpt = ModelingAdapter(self) self.eadpt = EAVAdapter(self) self.admin = Admin(self) #-- depencency_tree service self.dt = None def __check_type(self, fname, ftype, val): if not isinstance(val, ftype): msg = 'bad type for %s(%s)' % (fname, val) raise ValueError(msg) def __resolve_action_id(self, action): if isinstance(action, self.Action): if not action.is_loaded(): action.reload() avid = else: avid = action return avid # High level ops # ============== def find_all_by_query(self, query, params): return super(Proxy, self).find_all_by_query(query, params, self.factory) def get_by_vid(self, klass, vid): query = "from %s o where o.vid = :vid" % klass.get_ome_table() params = {"vid": vid} res = self.find_all_by_query(query, params) if len(res) != 1: raise ValueError("%d kb objects map to %s" % (len(res), vid)) return res[0] def update_dependency_tree(self): self.dt = DependencyTree(self) # Modeling-related utility functions # ================================== def get_device(self, label): return self.madpt.get_device(label) def get_action_setup(self, label): return self.madpt.get_action_setup(label) def get_study(self, label): return self.madpt.get_study(label) def get_data_collection(self, label): return self.madpt.get_data_collection(label) def get_vessels_collection(self, label): return self.madpt.get_vessels_collection(label) def get_data_collection_items(self, dc): return self.madpt.get_data_collection_items(dc) def get_vessels_collection_items(self, vc): return self.madpt.get_vessels_collection_items(vc) def get_objects(self, klass): return self.madpt.get_objects(klass) def get_enrolled(self, study): return self.madpt.get_enrolled(study) def get_enrollment(self, study, ind_label): return self.madpt.get_enrollment(study, ind_label) def get_vessel(self, label): return self.madpt.get_vessel(label) def get_data_sample(self, label): return self.madpt.get_data_sample(label) def get_vessels(self, klass=vessels.Vessel, content=None): return self.madpt.get_vessels(klass, content) def get_containers(self, klass=objects_collections.Container): return self.madpt.get_containers(klass) def get_container(self, label): return self.madpt.get_container(label) def get_data_objects(self, sample): return self.madpt.get_data_objects(sample) # Genotyping-related utility functions # ==================================== def delete_snp_marker_defitions_table(self): self.delete_table(self.gadpt.SNP_MARKER_DEFINITIONS_TABLE) def create_snp_marker_definitions_table(self): self.gadpt.create_snp_marker_definitions_table() def add_snp_marker_definitions(self, stream, action, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): """ Save a stream of marker definitions. For efficiency reasons, markers are written in batches, whose size is controlled by batch_size. :param stream: a stream of dict objects :type stream: generator :param action: a valid action. For backward compatibility reasons, it can also be a VID. :type action: Action :param batch_size: size of the batch to write :type batch_size: positive int :return: list of (<label>, <vid>) tuples """ op_vid = self.__resolve_action_id(action) return self.gadpt.add_snp_marker_definitions(stream, op_vid, batch_size) def get_snp_marker_definitions(self, selector=None, col_names=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): """ Return an array with the marker definitions that satisfy selector. If selector is None, return all marker definitions. It is possible to request only specific marker definition columns by assigning to col_names a list with the names of the selected columns. """ return self.gadpt.get_snp_marker_definitions(selector, col_names, batch_size) def get_snp_markers_by_source(self, source, context=None, release=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): return self.gadpt.get_snp_markers_by_source(source, context, release, batch_size) def get_snp_markers(self, labels=None, rs_labels=None, vids=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, col_names=None): return self.gadpt.get_snp_markers(labels, rs_labels, vids, batch_size, col_names) #--- snp_markers_set --- def create_snp_markers_set(self, label, maker, model, release, N, stream, action): """ Given a stream of (marker_vid, marker_indx, allele_flip) tuples, build and save a new marker set. """ assert type(N) == int and N > 0 set_vid = vlu.make_vid() conf = { 'label': label, 'maker': maker, 'model': model, 'release': release, 'markersSetVID': set_vid, 'action': action, } mset = self.factory.create(self.SNPMarkersSet, conf) def gen(stream): for t in stream: yield { 'marker_vid': t[0], 'marker_indx': t[1], 'allele_flip': t[2] } # TODO: add better exception handling to the following code try: self.gadpt.create_snp_markers_set_tables(, N) counted = self.gadpt.define_snp_markers_set( set_vid, gen(stream), if counted != N: raise ValueError( 'there are %d records in stream (expected %d)' % (counted, N)) except: self.gadpt.delete_snp_markers_set_tables( self.delete(mset) raise return mset def align_snp_markers_set(self, mset, ref_genome, stream, action): """ Given a stream of six-element tuples, save alignment information of markers wrt a reference genome. Tuple elements are, respectively: #. the marker vid; #. the chromosome number (23=X, 24=Y, 25=XY, 26=MT); #. the position within the chromosome; #. a boolean that's True if the marker aligns on the 5' strand; #. the allele seen on the reference genome; #. the number of times this marker has been seen on the reference genome. If the latter is larger than 1, there should be N records for this marker. """ # FIXME no checking global_pos = snp_markers_set.SNPMarkersSet.compute_global_position def gen(s): for x in s: y = { 'marker_vid': x[0], 'ref_genome': ref_genome, 'chromosome': x[1], 'pos': x[2], 'global_pos': global_pos((x[1], x[2])), 'strand': x[3], 'allele': x[4], 'copies': x[5], } yield y max_len = self.gadpt.SNP_ALIGNMENT_COLS[1][3] if len(ref_genome) > max_len: raise ValueError('len("%s") > %d' % (ref_genome, max_len)) self.gadpt.add_snp_markers_set_alignments(, gen(stream), def make_gdo_path(self, mset, vid, index): table_name = self.gadpt.snp_markers_set_table_name('gdo', return 'table:%s/vid=%s/row_index=%d' % (table_name, vid, index) def parse_gdo_path(self, path): head, vid, index = path.split('/') head = head[len('table:'):] vid = vid[len('vid='):] tag, set_vid = self.gadpt.snp_markers_set_table_name_parse(head) index = int(index[len('row_index='):]) return set_vid, vid, index def add_gdo_data_object(self, action, sample, probs, confs): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify adding genotype data objects. :param probs: a 2x<nmarkers> array with the AA and the BB homozygous probabilities. :type probs: numpy.darray :param confs: a <nmarkers> array with the confidence on the above probabilities. :type probs: numpy.darray """ avid = self.__resolve_action_id(action) if not isinstance(sample, self.GenotypeDataSample): raise ValueError( 'sample should be an instance of GenotypeDataSample') mset = sample.snpMarkersSet # FIXME doesn't check that probs and confs have the right dtype and size gdo_vid, row_index = self.gadpt.add_gdo(, probs, confs, avid) size = 0 sha1 = hashlib.sha1() s = probs.tostring() size += len(s) sha1.update(s) s = confs.tostring() size += len(s) sha1.update(s) conf = { 'sample': sample, 'path': self.make_gdo_path(mset, gdo_vid, row_index), 'mimetype': mimetypes.GDO_TABLE, 'sha1': sha1.hexdigest(), 'size': size, } gds = self.factory.create(self.DataObject, conf).save() return gds def get_gdo(self, mset, vid, row_index, indices=None): return self.gadpt.get_gdo(, vid, row_index, indices) #FIXME this is the basic object, we should have some support for selections def get_gdo_iterator(self, mset, data_samples=None, indices=None, batch_size=100): def get_gdo_iterator_on_list(dos): seen_data_samples = set([]) for do in dos: # FIXME we could, in principle, handle other mimetypes too if do.mimetype == mimetypes.GDO_TABLE: self.logger.debug(do.path) mset_vid, vid, row_index = self.parse_gdo_path(do.path) self.logger.debug('%r' % [vid, row_index]) if mset_vid != raise ValueError( 'DataObject %s map to data with a wrong SNPMarkersSet' % do.path) yield self.get_gdo(mset, vid, row_index, indices) else: pass if data_samples is None: return self.gadpt.get_gdo_iterator(, indices, batch_size) for d in data_samples: if d.snpMarkersSet != mset: raise ValueError('data_sample %s snpMarkersSet != mset' % ids = ','.join('%s' % ds.omero_id for ds in data_samples) query = 'from DataObject do where in (%s)' % ids dos = self.find_all_by_query(query, None) return get_gdo_iterator_on_list(dos) def get_snp_markers_set(self, label=None, maker=None, model=None, release=None): return self.madpt.get_snp_markers_set(label, maker, model, release) def snp_markers_set_exists(self, label, maker, model, release): """ DEPRECATED """ return not self.get_snp_markers_set(label, maker, model, release) is None # Syntactic sugar functions built as a composition of the above # ============================================================= def create_an_action(self, study, target=None, doc='', operator=None, device=None, acat=None, options=None): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify action creation. Unless explicitely provided, the action will use as its device the one identified by the label 'DEVICE-CREATE-AN-ACTION'. **Note:** this method is NOT supposed to be used in production code. It is merely a convenience to simplify action creation in small scripts. """ default_device_label = 'DEVICE-CREATE-AN-ACTION' alabel = ('auto-created-action%f' % (time.time())) asetup = self.factory.create(self.ActionSetup, { 'label': alabel, 'conf': json.dumps(options) }) acat = acat if acat else self.ActionCategory.IMPORT if not target: a_klass = self.Action elif isinstance(target, self.Vessel): a_klass = self.ActionOnVessel elif isinstance(target, self.DataSample): a_klass = self.ActionOnDataSample elif isinstance(target, self.Individual): a_klass = self.ActionOnIndividual else: assert False operator = operator if operator else pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0] device = self.get_device(default_device_label) if not device: conf = { 'label': default_device_label, 'maker': 'CRS4', 'model': 'fake-device', 'release': 'create_an_action', } device = self.factory.create(self.Device, conf).save() conf = { 'setup': asetup, 'device': device, 'actionCategory': acat, 'operator': operator, 'context': study, 'target': target, } action = self.factory.create(a_klass, conf).save() action.unload() return action def create_device(self, label, maker, model, release): conf = { 'maker': maker, 'model': model, 'release': release, 'label': label, } device = self.factory.create(self.Device, conf).save() return device def create_markers(self, source, context, release, ref_rs_genome, dbsnp_build, stream, action): """ Given a stream of (label, rs_label, mask) tuples, create and save Marker objects and return the (label, vid) associations as a list of tuples. """ # FIXME this is extremely inefficient marker_defs = [t for t in stream] marker_labels = [t[0] for t in marker_defs] if len(marker_labels) > len(set(marker_labels)): raise ValueError('duplicate marker definitions in stream') def generator(mdefs): for t in mdefs: yield { 'source': source, 'context': context, 'release': release, 'ref_rs_genome': ref_rs_genome, 'dbSNP_build': dbsnp_build, 'label': t[0], 'rs_label': t[1], 'mask': convert_to_top(t[2]), } label_vid_list = self.add_snp_marker_definitions( generator(marker_defs), action) return label_vid_list def get_individuals(self, group): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on individuals contained in a group. :param group: a study object, we will be looping on all the Individual(s) enrolled in it. :type group: Study :type return: generator """ return (e.individual for e in self.get_enrolled(group)) def get_data_samples(self, individual, data_sample_klass_name='DataSample'): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on DataSample(s) connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param data_sample_klass_name: the name of the selected data_sample class, e.g. 'AffymetrixCel' or 'GenotypeDataSample' :type data_sample_klass_name: str :type return: generator of a sequence of DataSample objects **Note:** the current implementation does an expensive initialization, both in memory and cpu time, when it's called for the first time. """ if not self.dt: self.update_dependency_tree() klass = getattr(self, data_sample_klass_name) return (d for d in self.dt.get_connected(individual, aklass=klass)) def get_genotype_data_samples(self, individual, markers_set): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on GenotypeDataSample(s) related to a specific technology (or markers set) connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param markers_set: reference SNP markers set :param markers_set: SNPMarkersSet :type return: generator of a sequence of GenotypeDataSample objects """ return ( d for d in self.get_data_samples(individual, 'GenotypeDataSample') if d.snpMarkersSet == markers_set) def get_vessels_by_individual(self, individual, vessel_klass_name='Vessel'): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping in Vessels connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param vessel_klass_name: the name of the selected vessel class, e.g. 'Vial' or 'PlateWell' :type vessel_klass_name: str :type return: generator of a sequence of Vessel objects """ klass = getattr(self, vessel_klass_name) if not issubclass(klass, getattr(self, 'Vessel')): raise ValueError('klass should be a subclass of Vessel') if not self.dt: self.update_dependency_tree() return (v for v in self.dt.get_connected(individual, aklass=klass)) def get_wells_by_plate(self, plate): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify PlateWell retrival using a known TiterPlate :param plate: a known TiterPlate :type plate: TiterPlate :type return: generator of a sequence of PlateWell objects """ query = ''' SELECT pw FROM PlateWell pw JOIN pw.container AS pl WHERE pl.vid = :pl_vid ''' wells = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'pl_vid': plate.vid}) return (w for w in wells) def get_lanes_by_flowcell(self, flowcell): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify Lane retrival using a known FlowCell :param flowcell: a known FlowCell :type flowcell: FlowCell :type return: generator of a sequence of Lane objects """ query = ''' SELECT l FROM Lane l JOIN l.flowCell AS fc WHERE fc.vid = :fc_vid ''' lanes = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'fc_vid': flowcell.vid}) return (l for l in lanes) def get_laneslots_by_lane(self, lane): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify LaneSlot retrival using a known Lane :param lane: a known Lane :type lane: Lane :type return: generator of a sequence of LaneSlot objects """ query = ''' SELECT ls FROM LaneSlot ls JOIN ls.lane AS l WHERE l.vid = :l_vid ''' laneslots = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'l_vid': lane.vid}) return (ls for ls in laneslots) # EVA-related utility functions # ============================= def create_ehr_tables(self): self.eadpt.create_ehr_table() def delete_ehr_tables(self): self.delete_table(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE) def add_ehr_record(self, action, timestamp, archetype, rec): """ multi-field records will be expanded to groups of records all with the same (assumed to be unique within a KB) group id. :param action: action that generated this record :type action: ActionOnIndividual :param timestamp: when this record was collected, in millisecond since the Epoch :type timestamp: long :param archetype: a legal archetype id, e.g., ``openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem-diagnosis.v1`` :type archetype: str :param rec: keys and values for this specific archetype instance, e.g., ``{'at0002.1': 'terminology://'}`` :type rec: dict """ self.__check_type('action', self.ActionOnIndividual, action) self.__check_type('rec', dict, rec) action.reload() a_id = target = target.reload() i_id = # TODO add archetype consistency checks g_id = vlu.make_vid() for k in rec: row = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'i_vid': i_id, 'a_vid': a_id, 'valid': True, 'g_vid': g_id, 'archetype': archetype, 'field': k, 'value': rec[k], } self.eadpt.add_eav_record_row(row) def get_ehr_records(self, selector='(valid == True)'): rows = self.eadpt.get_eav_record_rows(selector) if len(rows) == 0: return rows rows.sort(order='g_vid') recs = [] g_vid = None x = {} fields = {} for r in rows: if g_vid != r[4]: if g_vid: x['fields'] = fields recs.append(x) g_vid = r[4] x = { 'timestamp': r[0], 'i_id': r[1], 'a_id': r[2], 'archetype': r[5], 'valid': r[3], 'g_id': r[4], } fields = {} fields[r[6]] = self.eadpt.decode_field_value( r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10], r[11]) else: if g_vid: x['fields'] = fields recs.append(x) return recs def get_birth_data(self, individual=None): selector = '(valid == True) & (archetype == "openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-CLUSTER.person_birth_data_iso.v1")' if individual: selector += ' & (i_vid == "%s")' % rows = self.get_ehr_records(selector) return rows def __build_ehr_selector(self, individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, valid, archetype, field, field_value): selector = [] if individual_id: selector.append('(i_vid == "%s")' % individual_id) if timestamp: selector.append('(timestamp == %d)' % timestamp) if action_id: selector.append('(a_vid == "%s")' % archetype_id) if grouper_id: selector.append('(g_vid == "%s")' % grouper_id) if not valid is None: selector.append('(valid == %s)' % valid) if archetype: selector.append('(archetype == "%s")' % archetype) if field: selector.append('(field == "%s")' % field) if not field_value is None: ftype, fval, defval = self.eadpt.FIELD_TYPE_ENCODING_TABLE[type( field_value).__name__] selector.append('(type == "%s")' % ftype) if ftype == 'str': selector.append('(%s == "%s")' % (fval, field_value)) else: selector.append('(%s == %s)' % (fval, field_value)) return ' & '.join(selector) def invalidate_ehr_records(self, individual_id, timestamp=None, action_id=None, grouper_id=None, archetype=None, field=None, field_value=None): selector = self.__build_ehr_selector(individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, True, archetype, field, field_value) self.update_table_rows(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE, selector, {'valid': False}) def validate_ehr_records(self, individual_id, timestamp=None, action_id=None, grouper_id=None, archetype=None, field=None, field_value=None): selector = self.__build_ehr_selector(individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, False, archetype, field, field_value) self.update_table_rows(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE, selector, {'valid': True}) def get_ehr_iterator(self, selector='(valid == True)'): # FIXME this is a quick and dirty implementation. recs = self.get_ehr_records(selector) by_individual = {} for r in recs: by_individual.setdefault(r['i_id'], []).append(r) for k, v in by_individual.iteritems(): yield (k, EHR(v)) def get_ehr(self, individual, get_invalid=False): if not get_invalid: recs = self.get_ehr_records( selector='(i_vid=="%s") & (valid == True)' % else: recs = selg.get_ehr_records(selector='(i_vid=="%s")' % return EHR(recs)
class Proxy(ProxyCore): """ An OMERO driver for the knowledge base. """ def __init__(self, host, user, passwd, group=None, session_keep_tokens=1): super(Proxy, self).__init__(host, user, passwd, group, session_keep_tokens) self.factory = ObjectFactory(proxy=self) #-- learn for k in KOK: klass = KOK[k] setattr(self, klass.get_ome_table(), klass) # special case self.Marker = Marker #-- setup adapters self.gadpt = GenotypingAdapter(self) self.madpt = ModelingAdapter(self) self.eadpt = EAVAdapter(self) self.admin = Admin(self) #-- depencency_tree service self.dt = None def __check_type(self, fname, ftype, val): if not isinstance(val, ftype): msg = 'bad type for %s(%s)' % (fname, val) raise ValueError(msg) def __resolve_action_id(self, action): if isinstance(action, self.Action): if not action.is_loaded(): action.reload() avid = else: avid = action return avid # High level ops # ============== def find_all_by_query(self, query, params): return super(Proxy, self).find_all_by_query(query, params, self.factory) def get_by_vid(self, klass, vid): query = "from %s o where o.vid = :vid" % klass.get_ome_table() params = {"vid": vid} res = self.find_all_by_query(query, params) if len(res) != 1: raise ValueError("%d kb objects map to %s" % (len(res), vid)) return res[0] def update_dependency_tree(self): self.dt = DependencyTree(self) # Modeling-related utility functions # ================================== def get_device(self, label): return self.madpt.get_device(label) def get_action_setup(self, label): return self.madpt.get_action_setup(label) def get_study(self, label): return self.madpt.get_study(label) def get_data_collection(self, label): return self.madpt.get_data_collection(label) def get_vessels_collection(self, label): return self.madpt.get_vessels_collection(label) def get_data_collection_items(self, dc): return self.madpt.get_data_collection_items(dc) def get_vessels_collection_items(self, vc): return self.madpt.get_vessels_collection_items(vc) def get_objects(self, klass): return self.madpt.get_objects(klass) def get_enrolled(self, study): return self.madpt.get_enrolled(study) def get_enrollment(self, study, ind_label): return self.madpt.get_enrollment(study, ind_label) def get_vessel(self, label): return self.madpt.get_vessel(label) def get_data_sample(self, label): return self.madpt.get_data_sample(label) def get_vessels(self, klass=vessels.Vessel, content=None): return self.madpt.get_vessels(klass, content) def get_containers(self, klass=objects_collections.Container): return self.madpt.get_containers(klass) def get_container(self, label): return self.madpt.get_container(label) def get_data_objects(self, sample): return self.madpt.get_data_objects(sample) # Genotyping-related utility functions # ==================================== def delete_snp_marker_defitions_table(self): self.delete_table(self.gadpt.SNP_MARKER_DEFINITIONS_TABLE) def create_snp_marker_definitions_table(self): self.gadpt.create_snp_marker_definitions_table() def add_snp_marker_definitions(self, stream, action, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): """ Save a stream of marker definitions. For efficiency reasons, markers are written in batches, whose size is controlled by batch_size. :param stream: a stream of dict objects :type stream: generator :param action: a valid action. For backward compatibility reasons, it can also be a VID. :type action: Action :param batch_size: size of the batch to write :type batch_size: positive int :return: list of (<label>, <vid>) tuples """ op_vid = self.__resolve_action_id(action) return self.gadpt.add_snp_marker_definitions(stream, op_vid, batch_size) def get_snp_marker_definitions(self, selector=None, col_names=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): """ Return an array with the marker definitions that satisfy selector. If selector is None, return all marker definitions. It is possible to request only specific marker definition columns by assigning to col_names a list with the names of the selected columns. """ return self.gadpt.get_snp_marker_definitions(selector, col_names, batch_size) def get_snp_markers_by_source(self, source, context=None, release=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE): return self.gadpt.get_snp_markers_by_source( source, context, release, batch_size ) def get_snp_markers(self, labels=None, rs_labels=None, vids=None, batch_size=BATCH_SIZE, col_names=None): return self.gadpt.get_snp_markers( labels, rs_labels, vids, batch_size, col_names ) #--- snp_markers_set --- def create_snp_markers_set(self, label, maker, model, release, N, stream, action): """ Given a stream of (marker_vid, marker_indx, allele_flip) tuples, build and save a new marker set. """ assert type(N) == int and N > 0 set_vid = vlu.make_vid() conf = { 'label': label, 'maker': maker, 'model': model, 'release': release, 'markersSetVID': set_vid, 'action': action, } mset = self.factory.create(self.SNPMarkersSet, conf) def gen(stream): for t in stream: yield {'marker_vid': t[0], 'marker_indx': t[1], 'allele_flip': t[2]} # TODO: add better exception handling to the following code try: self.gadpt.create_snp_markers_set_tables(, N) counted = self.gadpt.define_snp_markers_set(set_vid, gen(stream), if counted != N: raise ValueError('there are %d records in stream (expected %d)' % (counted, N)) except: self.gadpt.delete_snp_markers_set_tables( self.delete(mset) raise return mset def align_snp_markers_set(self, mset, ref_genome, stream, action): """ Given a stream of six-element tuples, save alignment information of markers wrt a reference genome. Tuple elements are, respectively: #. the marker vid; #. the chromosome number (23=X, 24=Y, 25=XY, 26=MT); #. the position within the chromosome; #. a boolean that's True if the marker aligns on the 5' strand; #. the allele seen on the reference genome; #. the number of times this marker has been seen on the reference genome. If the latter is larger than 1, there should be N records for this marker. """ # FIXME no checking global_pos = snp_markers_set.SNPMarkersSet.compute_global_position def gen(s): for x in s: y = { 'marker_vid': x[0], 'ref_genome': ref_genome, 'chromosome': x[1], 'pos': x[2], 'global_pos': global_pos((x[1],x[2])), 'strand': x[3], 'allele': x[4], 'copies': x[5], } yield y max_len = self.gadpt.SNP_ALIGNMENT_COLS[1][3] if len(ref_genome) > max_len: raise ValueError('len("%s") > %d' % (ref_genome, max_len)) self.gadpt.add_snp_markers_set_alignments(, gen(stream), def make_gdo_path(self, mset, vid, index): table_name = self.gadpt.snp_markers_set_table_name('gdo', return 'table:%s/vid=%s/row_index=%d' % (table_name, vid, index) def parse_gdo_path(self, path): head, vid, index = path.split('/') head = head[len('table:'):] vid = vid[len('vid='):] tag, set_vid = self.gadpt.snp_markers_set_table_name_parse(head) index = int(index[len('row_index='):]) return set_vid, vid, index def add_gdo_data_object(self, action, sample, probs, confs): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify adding genotype data objects. :param probs: a 2x<nmarkers> array with the AA and the BB homozygous probabilities. :type probs: numpy.darray :param confs: a <nmarkers> array with the confidence on the above probabilities. :type probs: numpy.darray """ avid = self.__resolve_action_id(action) if not isinstance(sample, self.GenotypeDataSample): raise ValueError('sample should be an instance of GenotypeDataSample') mset = sample.snpMarkersSet # FIXME doesn't check that probs and confs have the right dtype and size gdo_vid, row_index = self.gadpt.add_gdo(, probs, confs, avid) size = 0 sha1 = hashlib.sha1() s = probs.tostring(); size += len(s) ; sha1.update(s) s = confs.tostring(); size += len(s) ; sha1.update(s) conf = { 'sample': sample, 'path': self.make_gdo_path(mset, gdo_vid, row_index), 'mimetype': mimetypes.GDO_TABLE, 'sha1': sha1.hexdigest(), 'size': size, } gds = self.factory.create(self.DataObject, conf).save() return gds def get_gdo(self, mset, vid, row_index, indices=None): return self.gadpt.get_gdo(, vid, row_index, indices) #FIXME this is the basic object, we should have some support for selections def get_gdo_iterator(self, mset, data_samples=None, indices = None, batch_size=100): def get_gdo_iterator_on_list(dos): seen_data_samples = set([]) for do in dos: # FIXME we could, in principle, handle other mimetypes too if do.mimetype == mimetypes.GDO_TABLE: self.logger.debug(do.path) mset_vid, vid, row_index = self.parse_gdo_path(do.path) self.logger.debug('%r' % [vid, row_index]) if mset_vid != raise ValueError( 'DataObject %s map to data with a wrong SNPMarkersSet' % do.path ) yield self.get_gdo(mset, vid, row_index, indices) else: pass if data_samples is None: return self.gadpt.get_gdo_iterator(, indices, batch_size) for d in data_samples: if d.snpMarkersSet != mset: raise ValueError('data_sample %s snpMarkersSet != mset' % ids = ','.join('%s' % ds.omero_id for ds in data_samples) query = 'from DataObject do where in (%s)' % ids dos = self.find_all_by_query(query, None) return get_gdo_iterator_on_list(dos) def get_snp_markers_set(self, label=None, maker=None, model=None, release=None): return self.madpt.get_snp_markers_set(label, maker, model, release) def snp_markers_set_exists(self, label, maker, model, release): """ DEPRECATED """ return not self.get_snp_markers_set(label, maker, model, release) is None # Syntactic sugar functions built as a composition of the above # ============================================================= def create_an_action(self, study, target=None, doc='', operator=None, device=None, acat=None, options=None): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify action creation. Unless explicitely provided, the action will use as its device the one identified by the label 'DEVICE-CREATE-AN-ACTION'. **Note:** this method is NOT supposed to be used in production code. It is merely a convenience to simplify action creation in small scripts. """ default_device_label = 'DEVICE-CREATE-AN-ACTION' alabel = ('auto-created-action%f' % (time.time())) asetup = self.factory.create( self.ActionSetup, {'label': alabel, 'conf': json.dumps(options)} ) acat = acat if acat else self.ActionCategory.IMPORT if not target: a_klass = self.Action elif isinstance(target, self.Vessel): a_klass = self.ActionOnVessel elif isinstance(target, self.DataSample): a_klass = self.ActionOnDataSample elif isinstance(target, self.Individual): a_klass = self.ActionOnIndividual else: assert False operator = operator if operator else pwd.getpwuid(os.geteuid())[0] device = self.get_device(default_device_label) if not device: conf = { 'label': default_device_label, 'maker': 'CRS4', 'model': 'fake-device', 'release': 'create_an_action', } device = self.factory.create(self.Device, conf).save() conf = { 'setup': asetup, 'device': device, 'actionCategory': acat, 'operator': operator, 'context': study, 'target': target, } action = self.factory.create(a_klass, conf).save() action.unload() return action def create_device(self, label, maker, model, release): conf = { 'maker' : maker, 'model' : model, 'release' : release, 'label' : label, } device = self.factory.create(self.Device, conf).save() return device def create_markers(self, source, context, release, ref_rs_genome, dbsnp_build, stream, action): """ Given a stream of (label, rs_label, mask) tuples, create and save Marker objects and return the (label, vid) associations as a list of tuples. """ # FIXME this is extremely inefficient marker_defs = [t for t in stream] marker_labels = [t[0] for t in marker_defs] if len(marker_labels) > len(set(marker_labels)): raise ValueError('duplicate marker definitions in stream') def generator(mdefs): for t in mdefs: yield { 'source': source, 'context' :context, 'release': release, 'ref_rs_genome': ref_rs_genome, 'dbSNP_build': dbsnp_build, 'label': t[0], 'rs_label': t[1], 'mask': convert_to_top(t[2]), } label_vid_list = self.add_snp_marker_definitions(generator(marker_defs), action) return label_vid_list def get_individuals(self, group): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on individuals contained in a group. :param group: a study object, we will be looping on all the Individual(s) enrolled in it. :type group: Study :type return: generator """ return (e.individual for e in self.get_enrolled(group)) def get_data_samples(self, individual, data_sample_klass_name='DataSample'): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on DataSample(s) connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param data_sample_klass_name: the name of the selected data_sample class, e.g. 'AffymetrixCel' or 'GenotypeDataSample' :type data_sample_klass_name: str :type return: generator of a sequence of DataSample objects **Note:** the current implementation does an expensive initialization, both in memory and cpu time, when it's called for the first time. """ if not self.dt: self.update_dependency_tree() klass = getattr(self, data_sample_klass_name) return (d for d in self.dt.get_connected(individual, aklass=klass)) def get_genotype_data_samples(self, individual, markers_set): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping on GenotypeDataSample(s) related to a specific technology (or markers set) connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param markers_set: reference SNP markers set :param markers_set: SNPMarkersSet :type return: generator of a sequence of GenotypeDataSample objects """ return (d for d in self.get_data_samples(individual, 'GenotypeDataSample') if d.snpMarkersSet == markers_set) def get_vessels_by_individual(self, individual, vessel_klass_name='Vessel'): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify the looping in Vessels connected to an individual. :param individual: the root individual object :type individual: Individual :param vessel_klass_name: the name of the selected vessel class, e.g. 'Vial' or 'PlateWell' :type vessel_klass_name: str :type return: generator of a sequence of Vessel objects """ klass = getattr(self, vessel_klass_name) if not issubclass(klass, getattr(self, 'Vessel')): raise ValueError('klass should be a subclass of Vessel') if not self.dt: self.update_dependency_tree() return (v for v in self.dt.get_connected(individual, aklass=klass)) def get_wells_by_plate(self, plate): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify PlateWell retrival using a known TiterPlate :param plate: a known TiterPlate :type plate: TiterPlate :type return: generator of a sequence of PlateWell objects """ query = ''' SELECT pw FROM PlateWell pw JOIN pw.container AS pl WHERE pl.vid = :pl_vid ''' wells = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'pl_vid' : plate.vid}) return (w for w in wells) def get_lanes_by_flowcell(self, flowcell): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify Lane retrival using a known FlowCell :param flowcell: a known FlowCell :type flowcell: FlowCell :type return: generator of a sequence of Lane objects """ query = ''' SELECT l FROM Lane l JOIN l.flowCell AS fc WHERE fc.vid = :fc_vid ''' lanes = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'fc_vid' : flowcell.vid}) return (l for l in lanes) def get_laneslots_by_lane(self, lane): """ Syntactic sugar to simplify LaneSlot retrival using a known Lane :param lane: a known Lane :type lane: Lane :type return: generator of a sequence of LaneSlot objects """ query = ''' SELECT ls FROM LaneSlot ls JOIN ls.lane AS l WHERE l.vid = :l_vid ''' laneslots = self.find_all_by_query(query, {'l_vid' : lane.vid}) return (ls for ls in laneslots) # EVA-related utility functions # ============================= def create_ehr_tables(self): self.eadpt.create_ehr_table() def delete_ehr_tables(self): self.delete_table(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE) def add_ehr_record(self, action, timestamp, archetype, rec): """ multi-field records will be expanded to groups of records all with the same (assumed to be unique within a KB) group id. :param action: action that generated this record :type action: ActionOnIndividual :param timestamp: when this record was collected, in millisecond since the Epoch :type timestamp: long :param archetype: a legal archetype id, e.g., ``openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem-diagnosis.v1`` :type archetype: str :param rec: keys and values for this specific archetype instance, e.g., ``{'at0002.1': 'terminology://'}`` :type rec: dict """ self.__check_type('action', self.ActionOnIndividual, action) self.__check_type('rec', dict, rec) action.reload() a_id = target = target.reload() i_id = # TODO add archetype consistency checks g_id = vlu.make_vid() for k in rec: row = { 'timestamp': timestamp, 'i_vid': i_id, 'a_vid': a_id, 'valid': True, 'g_vid': g_id, 'archetype': archetype, 'field': k, 'value': rec[k], } self.eadpt.add_eav_record_row(row) def get_ehr_records(self, selector='(valid == True)'): rows = self.eadpt.get_eav_record_rows(selector) if len(rows) == 0: return rows rows.sort(order='g_vid') recs = [] g_vid = None x = {} fields = {} for r in rows: if g_vid != r[4]: if g_vid: x['fields'] = fields recs.append(x) g_vid = r[4] x = { 'timestamp': r[0], 'i_id': r[1], 'a_id': r[2], 'archetype': r[5], 'valid' : r[3], 'g_id' : r[4], } fields = {} fields[r[6]] = self.eadpt.decode_field_value( r[7], r[8], r[9], r[10], r[11] ) else: if g_vid: x['fields'] = fields recs.append(x) return recs def get_birth_data(self, individual=None): selector = '(valid == True) & (archetype == "openEHR-DEMOGRAPHIC-CLUSTER.person_birth_data_iso.v1")' if individual: selector += ' & (i_vid == "%s")' % rows = self.get_ehr_records(selector) return rows def __build_ehr_selector(self, individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, valid, archetype, field, field_value): selector = [] if individual_id: selector.append('(i_vid == "%s")' % individual_id) if timestamp: selector.append('(timestamp == %d)' % timestamp) if action_id: selector.append('(a_vid == "%s")' % archetype_id) if grouper_id: selector.append('(g_vid == "%s")' % grouper_id) if not valid is None: selector.append('(valid == %s)' % valid) if archetype: selector.append('(archetype == "%s")' % archetype) if field : selector.append('(field == "%s")' % field) if not field_value is None: ftype, fval, defval = self.eadpt.FIELD_TYPE_ENCODING_TABLE[type(field_value).__name__] selector.append('(type == "%s")' % ftype) if ftype == 'str': selector.append('(%s == "%s")' % (fval, field_value)) else: selector.append('(%s == %s)' % (fval, field_value)) return ' & '.join(selector) def invalidate_ehr_records(self, individual_id, timestamp = None, action_id = None, grouper_id = None, archetype = None, field = None, field_value = None): selector = self.__build_ehr_selector(individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, True, archetype, field, field_value) self.update_table_rows(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE, selector, {'valid' : False}) def validate_ehr_records(self, individual_id, timestamp = None, action_id = None, grouper_id = None, archetype = None, field = None, field_value = None): selector = self.__build_ehr_selector(individual_id, timestamp, action_id, grouper_id, False, archetype, field, field_value) self.update_table_rows(self.eadpt.EAV_EHR_TABLE, selector, {'valid' : True}) def get_ehr_iterator(self, selector='(valid == True)'): # FIXME this is a quick and dirty implementation. recs = self.get_ehr_records(selector) by_individual = {} for r in recs: by_individual.setdefault(r['i_id'], []).append(r) for k,v in by_individual.iteritems(): yield (k, EHR(v)) def get_ehr(self, individual, get_invalid = False): if not get_invalid: recs = self.get_ehr_records(selector='(i_vid=="%s") & (valid == True)' % else: recs = selg.get_ehr_records(selector='(i_vid=="%s")' % return EHR(recs)