def update_equities(year): updated = wrds_update("pr_equities_" + str(year), "rpna", rename="group=group_") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON rpna.pr_equities_" + str(year) + " (rp_entity_id, rpna_date_utc)") return updated
def update_schema(schema, wrds_id): table_list = get_wrds_tables(schema, wrds_id) regex_list = [ "wrds_company_networks", "company_profile_sr_mgrs", "wrds_dir_profile_emp", "dir_profile_emp", "wrds_dir_profile_all", "wrds_org_composition" ] regex = "(" + "|".join(regex_list) + ")" for table in table_list: if"individual_networks", table): continue fix_missing =, table) is not None wrds_update(table_name=table, schema=schema, wrds_id=wrds_id, fix_missing=fix_missing)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update, make_engine # engine.execute("CREATE ROLE risk") # engine.execute("GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA risk TO risk") update = wrds_update("va_proposals", "risk") update = wrds_update("vavoteresults", "risk") if update: sql = """ ALTER TABLE risk.vavoteresults ALTER COLUMN companyid TYPE integer; ALTER TABLE risk.vavoteresults ALTER COLUMN meetingid TYPE integer; ALTER TABLE risk.vavoteresults ALTER COLUMN itemonagendaid TYPE integer; ALTER TABLE risk.vavoteresults ALTER COLUMN seqnumber TYPE integer; UPDATE risk.vavoteresults SET voterequirement = 0.6667 WHERE voterequirement=66.67; UPDATE risk.vavoteresults SET base = 'F+A' WHERE base='F A'; UPDATE risk.vavoteresults SET base = 'F+A+AB' WHERE base IN ('F A AB', 'F+A+B'); UPDATE risk.vavoteresults SET (votedfor, votedagainst, votedabstain)=(2224433656, 93561790, 34814753) WHERE itemonagendaid=6019529; UPDATE risk.vavoteresults SET (votedfor, votedagainst, votedabstain, ticker)= (10540862,1329889,790539,'KIDE') WHERE itemonagendaid=6039421;
autoload_with=engine) columns = the_table.c col_lst = [ for col in columns if"is_") and not isinstance(col.type, Boolean) ] modify_lst = [mod_col(col, schema, table, engine) for col in col_lst] if modify_lst: print("Columns changed to boolean", modify_lst) return modify_lst updated = wrds_update("feed25person", "audit") updated = wrds_update("namesauditorsinfo", "audit") # Partially working; need to add part4_3_text* columns updated = wrds_update("nt", "audit", drop="match: closest: prior: part4_3_text: ") # updated = wrds_update("nt", "audit", keep="nt_notify_key", force=True, alt_table_name="nt_other") updated = wrds_update("auditnonreli", "audit", drop="prior: match: closest: eventdate:") updated = wrds_update("bankrupt", "audit", drop="match: closest: prior:") if updated: engine.execute(""" ALTER TABLE audit.bankrupt ALTER COLUMN bank_key TYPE integer;
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("wciklink_gvkey", "wrdssec") updated = wrds_update("wciklink_names", "wrdssec") updated = wrds_update("wciklink_cusip", "wrdssec", drop="tmatch")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("amend", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("avgreturns", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("company", "tfn", fix_cr=True) updated = wrds_update("form144", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("header", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("idfhist", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("idfnames", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("rule10b5", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("table1", "tfn") updated = wrds_update("table2", "tfn")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update dealscan_tables = ["borrowerbase", "company", "currfacpricing", "dealamendment", "dealpurposecomment", "facility", "facilityamendment", "facilitydates", "facilityguarantor", "facilitypaymentschedule", "facilitysecurity", "facilitysponsor", "financialcovenant", "financialratios", "lendershares", "link_table", "lins", "marketsegment", "networthcovenant", "organizationtype", "package", "packageassignmentcomment", "performancepricing", "performancepricingcomments", "sublimits", "dbo_df_fac_dates_data"] for table in dealscan_tables: wrds_update(table, "dealscan")
engine = make_engine() # Update Treasury yield table crsp.tfz_ft # From wrds: # The error is correct, the table "tfz_ft," does not exist. Behind the scenes this web # query form is joining two tables on the fly. The tables this query is joining are # "crsp.tfz_idx" and either "crsp.tfz_dly_ft" or "crsp.tfz_mth_ft" (depending on if # you want daily or monthly data) by the variable "kytreasnox." # Here are some links to the information about these tables: # # # tfz_idx = wrds_update("tfz_idx", "crsp", fix_missing=True) tfz_dly_ft = wrds_update("tfz_dly_ft", "crsp", fix_missing=True) if tfz_idx or tfz_dly_ft: sql = """ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS crsp.tfz_ft; CREATE TABLE crsp.tfz_ft AS (SELECT kytreasnox, tidxfam, ttermtype, ttermlbl, caldt, rdtreasno, rdcrspid, -- to_timestamp(rdcrspid, 'YYYYMMDD.HH24MISS') as rdcrspid, tdyearstm, tdduratn, tdretadj, tdytm, tdbid, tdask, tdnomprc, tdnomprc_flg, tdaccint FROM crsp.tfz_idx INNER JOIN crsp.tfz_dly_ft USING (kytreasnox)) """ engine.execute(sql)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update, make_engine engine = make_engine() updated = wrds_update("wrds_gvkey", "ciq", fix_missing=True) if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.wrds_gvkey (companyid)") updated = wrds_update("wrds_cusip", "ciq", fix_missing=True) if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.wrds_cusip (companyid)") updated = wrds_update("wrds_cik", "ciq", fix_missing=True) if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.wrds_cik (companyid)") updated = wrds_update("ciqfininstance", "ciq") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqfininstance (financialperiodid)") engine.execute("ANALYZE ciq.ciqfininstance") updated = wrds_update("ciqfinperiod", "ciq") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqfinperiod (financialperiodid)") engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqfinperiod (companyid)") engine.execute("ANALYZE ciq.ciqfinperiod") updated = wrds_update("ciqgvkeyiid", "ciq") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqgvkeyiid (relatedcompanyid)")
autoload_with=engine) columns = the_table.c col_lst = [ for col in columns if"is_") and not isinstance(col.type, Boolean) ] modify_lst = [mod_col(col, schema, table, engine) for col in col_lst] if modify_lst: print("Columns changed to boolean", modify_lst) return modify_lst updated = wrds_update("feed25person", "audit") updated = wrds_update("namesauditorsinfo", "audit") # Partially working; need to add part4_3_text* columns updated = wrds_update("nt", "audit", drop="match: closest: prior: part4_3_text: ") # updated = wrds_update("nt", "audit", keep="nt_notify_key", force=True, alt_table_name="nt_other") updated = wrds_update("auditnonreli", "audit", drop="prior: match: closest: eventdate: http_name_html") updated = wrds_update("bankrupt", "audit", drop="match: closest: prior:") if updated: engine.execute(""" ALTER TABLE audit.bankrupt ALTER COLUMN bank_key TYPE integer;
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("mflink1", "mfl", force=True) updated = wrds_update("mflink2", "mfl")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from time import gmtime, strftime from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update, make_engine, run_file_sql engine = make_engine() updated = wrds_update("g_exrt_dly", "comp") updated = wrds_update("g_funda", "comp", fix_missing=True, rename="do=do_") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON comp.g_funda (gvkey)") updated = wrds_update("g_secd", "comp") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON comp.g_secd (gvkey)") updated = wrds_update("g_security", "comp") updated = wrds_update("g_company", "comp") updated = wrds_update("sec_history", "comp") ecupdated = wrds_update("idxcst_his", "comp", rename="from=fromdt") updated = wrds_update("anncomp", "comp") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON comp.anncomp (gvkey)") updated = wrds_update("adsprate", "comp") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON comp.adsprate (gvkey, datadate)") updated = wrds_update("co_hgic", "comp")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import make_engine, wrds_update updated = wrds_update("wrds_keydev", "ciq", fix_missing=True) if updated: engine = make_engine() engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.wrds_keydev (keydeveventtypeid)") engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.wrds_keydev (companyid)") engine.dispose() updated = wrds_update("ciqkeydev", "ciq", fix_cr=True) if updated: engine = make_engine() engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqkeydev (keydevid)") engine.dispose() wrds_update("ciqkeydeveventtype", "ciq", fix_cr=True) wrds_update("ciqkeydevstatus", "ciq") wrds_update("ciqkeydevobjectroletype", "ciq", fix_cr=True) updated = wrds_update("ciqkeydevtoobjecttoeventtype", "ciq") if updated: engine = make_engine() engine.execute( "CREATE INDEX ON ciq.ciqkeydevtoobjecttoeventtype (keydevid)") engine.dispose()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update, run_file_sql from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import make_engine, wrds_id engine = make_engine() wrds_update("act_epsus", "ibes") wrds_update("actpsumu_epsus", "ibes") wrds_update("actu_epsus", "ibes") updated = wrds_update("detu_epsus", "ibes") if updated: engine.execute("SET maintenance_work_mem='1999MB'") engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ibes.detu_epsus (ticker, revdats)") updated = wrds_update("det_xepsus", "ibes") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ibes.det_xepsus (ticker, revdats)") wrds_update("curr", "ibes") wrds_update("det_epsus", "ibes") wrds_update("detu_epsint", "ibes") wrds_update("id", "ibes") wrds_update("idsum", "ibes") wrds_update("surpsum", "ibes") wrds_update("statsum_epsus", "ibes") updated = wrds_update("statsumu_epsus", "ibes") if updated: engine.execute("SET maintenance_work_mem='1999MB'") engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON ibes.statsumu_epsus (ticker, statpers)") wrds_update("det_guidance", "ibes")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update wrds_update("globalvoteresults", "risk") wrds_update("vavoteresults", "risk") wrds_update("issrec", "risk") wrds_update("directors", "risk") wrds_update("gset", "risk") wrds_update("votes", "risk")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from sqlalchemy import MetaData from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update, run_file_sql, make_engine engine = make_engine() avail_years = range(2000, 2020) updated = wrds_update("rp_entity_mapping", "rpna") def update_equities(year): updated = wrds_update("pr_equities_" + str(year), "rpna", rename="group=group_") if updated: engine.execute("CREATE INDEX ON rpna.pr_equities_" + str(year) + " (rp_entity_id, rpna_date_utc)") return updated updated = [update_equities(year) for year in avail_years] def select(cols): sql = "SELECT " + ", ".join(cols) return sql def get_sql(year, cols): return (select(cols) + "\nFROM rpna.pr_equities_%s\n" % year)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("issuer", "cusipm") updated = wrds_update("issue", "cusipm")
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("firm_ratio", "wrdsapps", force=True)
#!/usr/bin/env python3 from wrds2pg.wrds2pg import wrds_update updated = wrds_update("history", "kld", fix_missing=True)