def init(): ''' **FR** Initialisation du programme **EN** Software initialization ''' print('\t\t\t---------- ScanPC ---------') print('\t***************************************************************') print('\t*\t\t Computer scanning *') print('\t*\t\t Disclaimer ! *') print('\t*\t This sofware only scan your computer *') print('\t*\t for users, various system information and software. *') print('\t*\t No copy of your data will be performed. *') print('\t***************************************************************') print() # Begin timer begin_scan = time.time() # Début du programme key = scanpart() unique_dir = str(COMPUTERNAME) + '_' + '%d%m%y%H%M%S') log_file_path = str(key) + "/logScanPC/" + '%Y/%m/%d/') + unique_dir + '/' + unique_dir # Appel de scanPC log_file, software_dict, services_running_dict = scanpc(log_file_path) # Tests complémentaires complement_init(log_file_path, software_dict, services_running_dict) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') # Ending timer end_scan = time.time() total_time_scan = end_scan - begin_scan elem = "----------------------- Scan ended ------------------------" writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) total_time = 'Computer analyzed in {} seconds.'.format( round(total_time_scan, 2)) writer.writelog(log_file, total_time) writer.writer('Computer analyzed in ' + str(round(total_time_scan, 2)) + ' seconds.\n') # Write last html tags elementraw = """ </body> </html>""" writer.writelog(log_file, elementraw) # Copy css file in the log directory if os.path.isfile(STYLECSSFILE): file_name = os.path.basename(STYLECSSFILE) file_to_write = str(key) + "/logScanPC/" + '%Y/%m/%d/') + unique_dir + '/' + file_name writer.copy_file(STYLECSSFILE, file_to_write) #Fin du programme readandcopy(log_file) fin(key)
def services_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ wmic service where started=true get name, displayname, processid, startmode, startname, pathname **FR** Liste les services démarrés sur l'ordinateur Retourne le dictionnaire des noms des services démarrés **EN** List computer started services Return the running services names dict ''' writer.writer('Getting running services') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + 'FINAL.html' writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Running services on computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtenir la liste des services démarrés if detect_os() != 'xp' or psutil.__version__ != '3.4.2': services_list = psutil.win_service_iter() services_running_dict = {} for srv in services_list: srvname = re.findall("name='(.*)',", str(srv))[0] service_temp = psutil.win_service_get(srvname) service = service_temp.as_dict() # Keep running services if service['status'] == 'running': services_running_dict[service['name']] = {'Name':service['name'], 'PID':service['pid'], 'Display_Name':service['display_name'], 'Start_Type':service['start_type'], 'Username':service['username'], 'Binpath':service['binpath']} else: import wmi wmi_instance = wmi.WMI() services_list = wmi_instance.Win32_Service() services_running_dict = {} for srv in services_list: # Keep running services if srv.State == 'Running': services_running_dict[] = {'Name', 'PID':srv.processid, 'Display_Name':srv.displayname, 'Start_Type':srv.startmode, 'Username':srv.startname, 'Binpath':srv.pathname} # 3 - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['Name', 'Display_Name', 'PID', 'Start_Type', 'Username', 'Binpath'] csv_file = log_file_path + "services.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, services_running_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Running services') # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(services_running_dict)) + ' running services :<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return services_running_dict
def ports_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ netstat -a **FR** Liste les communications réseaux de l'ordinateur Retourne le dictionnaire des connexions réseaux **EN** List computer network connections Return the network connections dict ''' writer.writer('Getting network connections') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Informations about network connections of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - obtenir la liste des connexions actives ports_list = psutil.net_connections() ports_dict = {} for ports in ports_list: if ports.status == 'ESTABLISHED' or ports.status == 'CLOSE_WAIT': ports_dict[str(ports.laddr)] = {'Local_addr':str(ports.laddr[0]), 'Local_port':str(ports.laddr[1]), 'Remote_addr':str(ports.raddr[0]), 'Remote_port':str(ports.raddr[1]), 'Status':str(ports.status), 'PID':str(} if ports.status == 'LISTEN': ports_dict[str(ports.laddr)] = {'Local_addr':str(ports.laddr[0]), 'Local_port':str(ports.laddr[1]), 'Remote_addr':'', 'Remote_port':'', 'Status':str(ports.status), 'PID':str(} # 3 - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['Local_addr', 'Local_port', 'Remote_addr', 'Remote_port', 'Status', 'PID'] csv_file = log_file_path + "ports.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, ports_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Network connections') # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(ports_dict)) + ' network connections :<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return ports_dict
def hotfixes_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ wmic qfe get HotfixID,InstalledOn | more **FR** Liste les patchs de sécurité Windows installés Retourne le log généré **EN** List Windows security updates installed Return generated log ''' writer.writer('Getting Windows security updates') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Windows security updates of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtenir la liste des correctifs de l'ordinateur str_computer = '.' obj_wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') obj_sw_bem_services = obj_wmi_service.ConnectServer(str_computer, 'root\\cimv2') col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_QuickFixEngineering WHERE Description='Security Update'") hotfix_dict = {} for obj_item in col_items: try: hotfix_dict[obj_item.HotFixID] = {'HotFixID':obj_item.HotFixID, 'InstalledOn':str(datetime.strptime(str(obj_item.InstalledOn), "%m/%d/%Y").strftime("%Y-%m-%d"))} except ValueError: hotfix_dict[obj_item.HotFixID] = {'HotFixID':obj_item.HotFixID, 'InstalledOn':str(obj_item.InstalledOn)} # 3 - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['HotFixID', 'InstalledOn'] csv_file = log_file_path + "hotfixes.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, hotfix_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Hotfixes') # 5 - Ecriture fin de log writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return hotfix_dict
def process_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ tasklist /SVC ***FR** Liste les processus démarrés sur l'ordinateur Retourne le dictionnaire des processus **EN** List computer running processes Retourne the processes dict ''' writer.writer('Getting running processes') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + 'FINAL.html' writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Running processes on computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtenir la liste des processus démarrés proc_dict = {} for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: proc_timestamp = proc.create_time() proc_start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(proc_timestamp) proc_dict[str(] = {'Name':str(, 'PID':str(, 'PPID': str(proc.ppid()), 'Start': str(proc_start_date)} except (psutil.NoSuchProcess, psutil.AccessDenied, psutil.ZombieProcess): pass # 3 - Ecrire du fichier CSV header = ['Name', 'PID', 'PPID', 'Start'] csv_file = log_file_path + 'processes.csv' writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, proc_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Running processes') # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(proc_dict)) + ' running processes :\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return proc_dict
def shared_folders_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ net share **FR** Liste les dossiers partagés Retourne le log généré **EN** List shared folders Return generated log ''' writer.writer('Getting shared folders') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Shared folders of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtenir la liste des dossiers partagés de l'ordinateur str_computer = '.' obj_wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') obj_sw_bem_services = obj_wmi_service.ConnectServer(str_computer, 'root\\cimv2') col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_Share') shared_folders_dict = {} for obj_item in col_items: shared_folders_dict[str(obj_item.Name)] = {'Name':str(obj_item.Name), 'Path':str(obj_item.Path), 'Caption':str(obj_item.Caption), 'Description':str(obj_item.Description)} # 3 - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['Name', 'Path', 'Caption', 'Description'] csv_file = log_file_path + "shared_folders_info.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, shared_folders_dict) # Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Shared Folders') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return log_file
def software_init(log_file_path): ''' **FR** Initialisation et fonction principale de la recherche des logiciels **EN** Init the main function to search installed software ''' texte5 = "Software scanning in progress...\n" writer.writer(texte5) # 1 - Début de l'analyse des logiciels log_file = log_file_path + "final.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Software informations of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtenir la liste des logiels de l'ordinateur regkey = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" #32 bits regkey2 = r"SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall" #64 bits software_list1 = software_lst(regkey) software_dict1 = search_software(software_list1, regkey) software_list2 = software_lst(regkey2) software_dict2 = search_software(software_list2, regkey2) # 3 - Concaténation des deux dictionnaires de valeurs des clés de registre (32b et 64b) final_dict = software_dict1 for item, value in software_dict2.items(): # print(item, value) if item not in final_dict.items(): # print(item) final_dict.update({item: value}) # 4 - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = [ 'Name', 'Version', 'Last Update', 'Last Version', 'Up to date', 'Publisher', 'Location' ] csv_file = log_file_path + "software.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, final_dict) # 5 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Installed software') # 6 - Placer des id sur certains tags du tableau htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>ko</TD>', '<TD id="ko">ko</TD>') htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>ok</TD>', '<TD id="ok">ok</TD>') # 7 - Bilan soft_ok = 0 soft_ko = 0 others = 0 for _, value in final_dict.items(): stat = value['Up to date'] if stat == 'ok': soft_ok += 1 elif stat == 'ko': soft_ko += 1 else: others += 1 soft_summary_dict = {} soft_summary_dict[str(len(final_dict))] = { 'Total Software': str(len(final_dict)), 'Up to date': str(soft_ok), '% up to date': str(round(soft_ok / len(final_dict) * 100)), 'Outdated': str(soft_ko), '% outdated': str(round(soft_ko / len(final_dict) * 100)), 'others': str(others), '% others': str(round(others / len(final_dict) * 100)) } header = [ 'Total Software', 'Up to date', '% up to date', 'Outdated', '% outdated', 'others', '% others' ] csv_file = log_file_path + "software_summary.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, soft_summary_dict) htmltxt2 = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Software summary') htmltxt2 = htmltxt2.replace('<TH>Up to date</TH>', '<TH id="ok">Up to date</TH>') htmltxt2 = htmltxt2.replace('<TH>% up to date</TH>', '<TH id="ok">% up to date</TH>') htmltxt2 = htmltxt2.replace('<TH>Outdated</TH>', '<TH id="ko">Outdated</TH>') htmltxt2 = htmltxt2.replace('<TH>% outdated</TH>', '<TH id="ko">% outdated</TH>') # 8 - Ecriture fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(final_dict)) + ' software found :\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '<br>Software summary :') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt2) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') texte5bis = "Software scanning ended.\n" writer.writer(texte5bis) return final_dict
def complement_init(log_file_path, software_dict, services_running_dict): ''' **FR** Initialisation de la recherche d'infos complémentaires **EN** Init search ''' # 1 - Ecriture début de log (à la fin du log fourni) log_file = log_file_path + 'FINAL.html' elem = '<h2>Additional scans</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) writer.writelog(log_file, '<div>\n') # 2 - Obtention des informations complémentaires # McAfee mc_afee(log_file) complement_dict = {} # Name Result #LAPS info_laps = 'LAPS' to_find = 'Local Administrator Password Solution' res = elem_in_list(1, list(software_dict.keys()), to_find) complement_dict[info_laps] = { 'Name': info_laps, 'Description': to_find, 'Result': res, 'Type': 'Software test' } ### Services ## BranchCache/WSUS # BranchCache info_bc = 'BranchCache' to_find = 'PeerDistSvcs' res = elem_in_list(2, list(services_running_dict.keys()), to_find) complement_dict[info_bc] = { 'Name': info_bc, 'Description': to_find, 'Result': res, 'Type': 'Service test' } # WSUS info_wsus = 'WSUS' to_find = 'WSUS server' restemp = 'N/A' srv_wsus = restemp try: srv_wsus = get_wsus() except Exception: pass complement_dict[info_wsus] = { 'Name': info_wsus, 'Description': to_find, 'Result': srv_wsus, 'Type': 'Service test' } ## AppLocker info_al = 'AppLocker' to_find = 'AppIDSvc' res = elem_in_list(2, list(services_running_dict.keys()), to_find) complement_dict[info_al] = { 'Name': info_al, 'Description': to_find, 'Result': res, 'Type': 'Service test' } # TestAV msg0 = '\nDo you want to perform an antivirus detection test ? (y = yes, n = no)\n' writer.writer(msg0) if verif.reponse() == 'y': user_rep = gen_eicar(log_file_path) av_etat = 'Antivirus status' to_find = 'Antivirus alert' complement_dict[av_etat] = { 'Name': av_etat, 'Description': to_find, 'Result': user_rep, 'Type': 'Service test' } # 3 - Ecrire du fichier CSV header = ['Type', 'Name', 'Description', 'Result'] csv_file = log_file_path + 'additional_scans.csv' writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, complement_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Additional Scans') # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(complement_dict)) + ' additional scans :\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n')
def persistence_info(log_file_path): ''' cf **FR** Chercher les élements persistants dans : - les répertoires de démarrage - Regedit **EN** Search for persistent objects in : - Startup directories - Regedit ''' writer.writer('Search for persistent objects') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Informations about persistent objects of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - obtenir les objets persistants # 2.1a - startup dirs drive = os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'] user = os.environ['USERNAME'] dir_list = [drive + '/Users/' + user + '/AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup', drive + '/ProgramData/Microsoft/Windows/Start Menu/Programs/Startup', drive + '/Documents and Settings/All Users/Start Menu/Programs/Startup'] files_list = [] for dirs in dir_list: if os.path.isdir(dirs): files_list = get_files(dirs, files_list) # 2.1b - Ecriture dans le log writer.writelog(log_file, 'Persistent objects in startup dirs :<br>\n') for elem in files_list: writer.writelog(log_file, elem + '<br>\n') # 2.2a - regedit hive_list = {'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE': winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER':winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER} reg_list = [r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run', r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce', r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices', r'Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServicesOnce', r'Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon'] per_reg_dict = {} for hkeyname, hkeyvalue in hive_list.items(): for key in reg_list: fullhkeyreg = hkeyname + '\\' + key tosave_dict = search_reg(hkeyvalue, key) if tosave_dict: for name, value in tosave_dict.items(): per_reg_dict[fullhkeyreg + '_' + name] = {'regkey':fullhkeyreg, 'name':name, 'value':value} # 2.2b - Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['regkey', 'name', 'value'] csv_file = log_file_path + "persistants_reg.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, per_reg_dict) # 2.2c - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Persistent reg objects') # 2.2d - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, '<br>\nPersistent reg objects :<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) # 3 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return log_file
def security_product_info(log_file_path): ''' **FR** Scan le système pour obtenir la liste et le status des produits de sécurité (antivirus, parefeu, antispyware) Retourne le dictionnaire des produits de sécurité **EN** Scan to get security product in the system with their status (antivirus, firewall, antispyware) Return security products dict ''' # Determinate what namespace to call sec_name_space = 'SecurityCenter' if detect_os() != 'xp': sec_name_space = 'SecurityCenter2' str_computer = '.' obj_wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') obj_sw_bem_services = obj_wmi_service.ConnectServer(str_computer, 'root\\' + sec_name_space) writer.writer('Getting security products') # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Security products on computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Obtention des informations security_product_dict = {} i = 1 # Antivirus col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery("select * from AntivirusProduct") i, security_product_dict = security_product_get(i, security_product_dict, col_items, 'Antivirus') # Firewalls # Windows xpfw = win32com.client.gencache.EnsureDispatch('HNetCfg.FwMgr', 0) xpfw_policy = xpfw.LocalPolicy.CurrentProfile writer.writelog(log_file, 'Windows firewall enabled : ' + str(xpfw_policy.FirewallEnabled) + '<br>\n') # Third party firewall col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery("select * from FireWallProduct") i, security_product_dict = security_product_get(i, security_product_dict, col_items, 'Firewall') if detect_os() != 'xp': # AntiSpyware col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery("select * from AntiSpywareProduct") i, security_product_dict = security_product_get(i, security_product_dict, col_items, 'Antispyware') # 3 - Ecrire du fichier CSV header = ['Type', 'Name', 'GUID', 'pathProduct', 'pathReporting', 'productState', 'rtstatus', 'defstatus'] csv_file = log_file_path + "security_products.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, security_product_dict) # 4 - Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Security Products') htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>Outdated</TD>', '<TD id="ko">Outdated</TD>') htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>Up to date</TD>', '<TD id="ok">Up to date</TD>') htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>Disabled</TD>', '<TD id="ko">Disabled</TD>') htmltxt = htmltxt.replace('<TD>Enabled</TD>', '<TD id="ok">Enabled</TD>') # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(security_product_dict)) + ' security products :\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return security_product_dict
def system_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ systeminfo | find /V /I "hotfix" | find /V "KB" ~ wmic logicaldisk get volumename, description, FileSystem, Caption, ProviderName **FR** Scan le système (os, bios, cpu, ram, cartes réseaux, disques durs, etc) Retourne le log généré **EN** Scan system (os, bios, cpu, ram, network interfaces, drives, etc) Return generated log ''' writer.writer('Getting system informations') delimiter = '*' * 40 # 1 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>System information of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) # 2 - Get information from regedit hive = winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" # W7-64/32 registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(hive, key, 0, winreg.KEY_READ | winreg.KEY_WOW64_64KEY) # W7-64/32 # 2' - Specific to W10 (ok for 64 bits) if detect_os() == '10': writer.writer('Perform operations for W10+ OS') key = r"SYSTEM\Setup" #\Source OS" #W10 registry_keys = winreg.OpenKey(hive, key, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) i = 0 while 1: try: name = winreg.EnumKey(registry_keys, i) # print(name) if 'Source OS' in name: # print(name) key = key + '\\' + name registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(hive, key, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) #W10-64 break except Exception: break i += 1 # Continuing tosave_dict = {'InstallDate':'N/A', 'SystemRoot':'N/A', 'ProductId':'N/A', 'ProductName':'N/A', 'RegisteredOrganization':'N/A', 'RegisteredOwner':'N/A'} to_get_list = ['InstallDate', 'SystemRoot', 'ProductId', 'ProductName', 'RegisteredOrganization', 'RegisteredOwner'] i = 0 while 1: try: name, value, _ = winreg.EnumValue(registry_key, i) if name in to_get_list: # print(repr(name), value) tosave_dict[name] = value except Exception: # print('error : ' + name) break i += 1 # print(tosave_dict) # OS writer.writelog(log_file, 'Hostname : ' + platform.node() + '<br>\n') # print('OS : ' + platform.system() + ' ' + platform.version()) writer.writelog(log_file, 'OS : ' + tosave_dict.get('ProductName') + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'OS type : ' + platform.machine() + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Product Id : ' + tosave_dict.get('ProductId') + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Install Date: ' + str(datetime.fromtimestamp(tosave_dict.get('InstallDate'))) + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'System Root: ' + tosave_dict.get('SystemRoot') + '<br>\n') # Language (Windows Vista or further) if detect_os() != 'xp': buf_size = 32 buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(buf_size) dw_flags = 0 lcid = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetUserDefaultUILanguage() ctypes.windll.kernel32.LCIDToLocaleName(lcid, buf, buf_size, dw_flags) writer.writelog(log_file, 'Regional and language options : ' + buf.value + '<br>\n') # Time zone writer.writelog(log_file, 'Time zone : ' + time.tzname[0] + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Owner writer.writelog(log_file, 'Registered Organization : ' + tosave_dict.get('RegisteredOrganization') + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Registered Owner : ' + tosave_dict.get('RegisteredOwner') + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Computer model/brand str_computer = '.' obj_wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') obj_sw_bem_services = obj_wmi_service.ConnectServer(str_computer, 'root\\cimv2') col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery('SELECT * FROM Win32_ComputerSystem') for obj_item in col_items: writer.writelog(log_file, 'Manufacturer : ' + obj_item.Manufacturer + '<br>\n') try: writer.writelog(log_file, 'SystemFamily : ' + obj_item.SystemFamily + '<br>\n') except AttributeError: writer.writelog(log_file, 'SystemFamily : N/A<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Model : ' + obj_item.Model + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Type : ' + obj_item.SystemType + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Processor col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery('Select * from Win32_Processor') for obj_item in col_items: writer.writelog(log_file, 'Processor : ' + obj_item.Name + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Core : ' + str(obj_item.NumberOfCores) + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Logical core : ' + str(obj_item.NumberOfLogicalProcessors) + '<br>\n') try: writer.writelog(log_file, 'Virtualization enabled : ' + str(obj_item.VirtualizationFirmwareEnabled) + '<br>\n') except AttributeError: writer.writelog(log_file, 'Virtualization enabled : N/A<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Bios col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_BIOS") for obj_item in col_items: writer.writelog(log_file, "BIOS Version : " + str(obj_item.BIOSVersion) + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, "Release Date : " + str(datetime.strptime(str(obj_item.ReleaseDate[:8]), "%Y%m%d").strftime("%Y-%m-%d")) + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Memory mem = psutil.virtual_memory() writer.writelog(log_file, 'Total memory : ' + str( >> 20) + ' Mo<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Available memory : ' + str(mem.available >> 20) + ' Mo<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Used memory : ' + str(mem.used >> 20) + ' Mo (' + str(mem.percent) + ' %)<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, 'Free memory : ' + str( >> 20) + ' Mo<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Domaine writer.writelog(log_file, 'Domain : ' + os.environ['userdomain'] + '<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Network interfaces str_computer = '.' obj_wmi_service = win32com.client.Dispatch('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator') obj_sw_bem_services = obj_wmi_service.ConnectServer(str_computer, 'root\\cimv2') col_items = obj_sw_bem_services.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration') network_dict = {} for obj_item in col_items: if obj_item.MACAddress is not None: net_caption = re.findall("] (.*)", obj_item.Caption)[0] # print(net_caption, obj_item.IPAddress) try: dns_srv = '<br>'.join(obj_item.DNSServerSearchOrder) except TypeError: dns_srv = obj_item.DNSServerSearchOrder try: ipv4 = obj_item.IPAddress[0] except IndexError: ipv4 = '' except TypeError: ipv4 = '' try: ipv6 = obj_item.IPAddress[1] except IndexError: ipv6 = '' except TypeError: ipv6 = '' try: dgw = ''.join(obj_item.DefaultIPGateway) except TypeError: dgw = obj_item.DefaultIPGateway try: dhcp_srv = ''.join(obj_item.DHCPServer) except TypeError: dhcp_srv = obj_item.DHCPServer network_dict[net_caption] = {'Name':net_caption, 'MAC':obj_item.MACAddress, 'Enabled':obj_item.IPEnabled, 'IpV4':ipv4, 'IpV6':ipv6, 'Default Gateway':dgw, 'DHCP Enabled':obj_item.DHCPEnabled, 'DHCP Server':dhcp_srv, 'WINS Primary Server':obj_item.WINSPrimaryServer, 'WINS Secondary Server':obj_item.WINSSecondaryServer, 'DNS Domain':obj_item.DNSDomain, 'DNS Servers':dns_srv} writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(network_dict)) + ' network interfaces found :<br>\n') # Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['Name', 'MAC', 'Enabled', 'IpV4', 'IpV6', 'Default Gateway', 'DHCP Enabled', 'DHCP Server', 'WINS Primary Server', 'WINS Secondary Server', 'DNS Domain', 'DNS Servers'] csv_file = log_file_path + "networkInterfaces.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, network_dict) # Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Network Interfaces') # Ecriture sur le log writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # Drives drives = psutil.disk_partitions() drives_dict = {} for drive in drives: drive_path = re.findall("device='(.*?)'", str(drive))[0] if drive.opts != 'cdrom': try: disk_usage = psutil.disk_usage(drive_path) drives_dict[str(drive_path)] = {'Path':str(drive_path), 'Total_Space (Go)':str( >> 30), 'Free_Space (Go)':str( >> 30), 'Used_space (Go)':str(disk_usage.used >> 30), 'Used_space (%)':str(disk_usage.percent)} except Exception: pass # Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['Path', 'Total_Space (Go)', 'Free_Space (Go)', 'Used_space (Go)', 'Used_space (%)'] csv_file = log_file_path + "drives.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, drives_dict) # Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Drives') # Ecriture sur le log writer.writelog(log_file, str(len(drives_dict)) + ' drive(s) found :<br>\n') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) writer.writelog(log_file, delimiter + '<br>\n') # 3 - Ecriture fin de log writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return log_file
def user_info(log_file_path): ''' ~ net user <username> /domain & net user <username> **FR** Obtient la liste des utilisateurs AD et locaux de l'ordinateur avec la base de registre et WinNT Retourne le log généré **EN** Get AD and local users list of the computer with regedit and WinNT Return generated log ''' writer.writer('Getting computer users') hive = winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE key_user = r"SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList" # AD users registry_key = None temp_user_list = [] temp2_user_list = [] profil_path = "ProfileImagePath" # 1 - Liste tous les profils try: registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(hive, key_user, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) # print("ok") except FileNotFoundError: # print("oups") pass # print(registry_key) if registry_key is not None: i = 0 while True: try: temp_user_list.append(winreg.EnumKey(registry_key, i)) # ok pour 1 clé i += 1 # print("value :", str(registry_key)) except Exception: # print(Exception) winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) break # 2 - Tri de la liste pour ne garder que les SID commençant par "1-5-21" et récupérer le nom des utilisateurs for item in temp_user_list: if "1-5-21" in item: # print(item) key = key_user + '\\' + item # print(key) try: registry_key = winreg.OpenKey(hive, key, 0, winreg.KEY_READ) value, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(registry_key, profil_path) winreg.CloseKey(registry_key) # print(value) value_mod = re.findall(r'[^\\]+\s*$', value) # print(type(value_mod[0])) temp2_user_list.append(value_mod[0]) except FileNotFoundError: # print("oups") pass domain = os.environ['userdomain'] # 3 - Ecriture début de log log_file = log_file_path + "FINAL.html" writer.writelog(log_file, '<div><br>\n') elem = '<h2>Getting details about the ' + str(len(temp2_user_list)) + ' user(s) of computer "' + COMPUTERNAME + '"</h2>' elem2 = "<br>Domain : " + str(domain) + '\n' writer.prepa_log_scan(log_file, elem) writer.writelog(log_file, elem2) # 4 - Détails sur les utilisateurs user_dict = {} for user in temp2_user_list: try: obj_ou = win32com.client.GetObject("WinNT://" + domain + "/" + user + ",user") #User account fullname = str(obj_ou.Get('fullname')) # print(fullname) try: expiration_date = str(obj_ou.Get('AccountExpirationDate')) except Exception: expiration_date = 'N/A' profile = str(obj_ou.Get('Profile')) login_script = str(obj_ou.Get('LoginScript')) try: last_login = str(obj_ou.Get('lastlogin')) except com_error: last_login = '******' primary_gid = str(obj_ou.Get('PrimaryGroupID')) auto_unlock_interval = str(obj_ou.Get('AutoUnlockInterval')) lockout_observation_interval = str(obj_ou.Get('LockoutObservationInterval')) homedir = str(obj_ou.Get('HomeDirectory')) homedir_drive = str(obj_ou.Get('HomeDirDrive')) #Password pwd_age = str(round(obj_ou.Get('PasswordAge')/3600/24)) pwd_min_age = str(round(obj_ou.Get('MinPasswordAge')/3600/24)) pwd_max_age = str(round(obj_ou.Get('MaxPasswordAge')/3600/24)) pwd_expired = str(obj_ou.Get('PasswordExpired')) pwd_max_bad_pwd_allowed = str(obj_ou.Get('MaxBadPasswordsAllowed')) pwd_min_length = str(obj_ou.Get('MinPasswordLength')) pwd_history_length = str(obj_ou.Get('PasswordHistoryLength')) #Groups groups_list = [] for grp in obj_ou.Groups(): groups_list.append(grp.Name + '<br>') #Flag flag_final_list = [] flag = obj_ou.Get('UserFlags') #Get flags with user flag (user flag = sum(flags)) flag_list = [] mini, flag_to_save = calc_flag(flag) flag_list.append(flag_to_save) while mini != 0: mini, flag_to_save = calc_flag(mini) flag_list.append(flag_to_save) #Verify if flag = sum(flag_list) if flag == sum(flag_list): flag_final_list.append(str(flag) + ' => ' + str(flag_list) + '<br>') #Get flags description with flag nums saved flag_final_list.append('Flag properties :') for k, value in USER_FLAGS_DICT.items(): if value in flag_list: flag_final_list.append('<br>' + str(value) + ' : ' + str(k)) user_dict[user] = {'User':user, 'Fullname':fullname, 'Expiration_Date':expiration_date, 'Profile':profile, 'Login_Script':login_script, 'Last_Login':last_login, 'Primary_Group_ID':primary_gid, 'Auto_Unlock_Interval (secs)': auto_unlock_interval, 'Lockout_Observation_Interval (secs)':lockout_observation_interval, 'HomeDir':homedir, 'HomeDirDrive':homedir_drive, 'pwd_age (days)':pwd_age, 'pwd_min_age (days)':pwd_min_age, 'pwd_max_age (days)':pwd_max_age, 'pwd_expired':pwd_expired, 'pwd_max_bad_pwd_allowed':pwd_max_bad_pwd_allowed, 'pwd_min_length':pwd_min_length, 'pwd_history_length':pwd_history_length, 'Groups':(''.join(groups_list)), 'Flag':(''.join(flag_final_list))} except Exception: pass i += 1 if user_dict != '': # Ecriture du fichier CSV header = ['User', 'Fullname', 'Expiration_Date', 'Profile', 'Login_Script', 'Last_Login', 'Primary_Group_ID', 'Auto_Unlock_Interval (secs)', 'Lockout_Observation_Interval (secs)', 'HomeDir', 'HomeDirDrive', 'pwd_age (days)', 'pwd_min_age (days)', 'pwd_max_age (days)', 'pwd_expired', 'pwd_max_bad_pwd_allowed', 'pwd_min_length', 'pwd_history_length', 'Groups', 'Flag'] csv_file = log_file_path + "users.csv" writer.write_csv(csv_file, header, user_dict) # Transformation du CSV en HTML htmltxt = writer.csv2html(csv_file, 'Users details') writer.writelog(log_file, htmltxt) # 5 - Ecriture de la fin du log writer.writelog(log_file, '\n</div>\n') return log_file