Exemple #1
def test_double_nested_context_interceptor():
    hostname = str(uuid4())
    url1 = 'http://%s:%s/' % (hostname, 9998)
    url2 = 'http://%s:%s/' % (hostname, 9999)

    with Urllib3Interceptor(app=app, url=url1):
        with Urllib3Interceptor(app=app, url=url2):

            response = httppool.request('GET', url1)
            assert response.status == 200
            assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)

            response = httppool.request('GET', url2)
            assert response.status == 200
            assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)

        response = httppool.request('GET', url1)
        assert response.status == 200
        assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)

        # outside the inner context manager url2 does not work
        with py.test.raises(urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError):
            httppool.request('GET', url2, retries=False)

    # outside both context managers neither url works
    with py.test.raises(urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError):
        httppool.request('GET', url2, retries=False)
    with py.test.raises(urllib3.exceptions.HTTPError):
        httppool.request('GET', url1, retries=False)
Exemple #2
def test_urllib3_interceptor_host():
    hostname = str(uuid4())
    port = 9999
    with Urllib3Interceptor(app=app, host=hostname, port=port) as url:
        response = httppool.request('GET', url)
        assert response.status == 200
        assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)
Exemple #3
def test_urllib3_interceptor_url():
    hostname = str(uuid4())
    port = 9999
    url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (hostname, port)
    with Urllib3Interceptor(app=app, url=url) as target_url:
        response = httppool.request('GET', target_url)
        assert response.status == 200
        assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)
Exemple #4
def test_urllib3_in_out():
    hostname = str(uuid4())
    port = 9999
    url = 'http://%s:%s/' % (hostname, port)
    with Urllib3Interceptor(app=app, url=url) as target_url:
        response = httppool.request('GET', target_url)
        assert response.status == 200
        assert 'WSGI intercept successful!' in str(response.data)

    # outside the context manager the intercept does not work
    with py.test.raises(urllib3.exceptions.ProtocolError):
        httppool.request('GET', url, retries=False)
Exemple #5
    def setUp(self):
        super(RunnerTest, self).setUp()

        # NB: random host ensures that we're not accidentally connecting to an
        #     actual server
        host, port = (str(uuid4()), 8000)
        self.host = host
        self.port = port
        self.server = lambda: Urllib3Interceptor(
            SimpleWsgi, host=host, port=port)

        self._stdin = sys.stdin

        self._stdout = sys.stdout
        sys.stdout = StringIO()  # swallow output to avoid confusion

        self._stderr = sys.stderr
        sys.stderr = StringIO()  # swallow output to avoid confusion

        self._argv = sys.argv
        sys.argv = ['gabbi-run', '%s:%s' % (host, port)]
Exemple #6
    def test_target_url_parsing_standard_port(self):
        # NOTE(cdent): For reasons unclear this regularly fails in
        # py.test and sometimes fails with testr. So there is
        # some state that is not being properly cleard somewhere.
        # Within SimpleWsgi, the environ thinks url_scheme is
        # 'https'.
        self.server = lambda: Urllib3Interceptor(
            SimpleWsgi, host=self.host, port=80)
        sys.argv = ['gabbi-run', 'http://%s/foo' % self.host]

        sys.stdin = StringIO("""
        - name: expected success
          GET: /baz
          status: 200
            x-gabbi-url: http://%s/foo/baz
        """ % self.host)
        with self.server():
            except SystemExit as err: