Exemple #1
 def ref_url_to_path(self, ref_url):
     """Convert a refUrl to a path, by stripping the share prefix.
     Used to calculate the <path> from a storage key by inverting get_ref_url().
     print("/" + compat.unquote(util.lstripstr(
         ref_url, self.share_path)).lstrip("/"))
     return "/" + compat.unquote(util.lstripstr(
         ref_url, self.share_path)).lstrip("/")
Exemple #2
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

        # util.log("SCRIPT_NAME='{}', PATH_INFO='{}'".format(
        #    environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO")))

        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]

        # (#73) Failed on processing non-iso-8859-1 characters on Python 3
        # Note: we encode using UTF-8 here (falling back to ISO-8859-1)!
        # This seems to be wrong, since per PEP 3333 PATH_INFO is always ISO-8859-1 encoded
        # (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#unicode-issues).
        # But also seems to resolve errors when accessing resources with Chinese characters, for
        # example.
        # This is done by default for Python 3, but can be turned off in settings.
        re_encode_path_info = self.config.get("re_encode_path_info")
        if re_encode_path_info is None:
            re_encode_path_info = compat.PY3
        if re_encode_path_info:
            path = environ["PATH_INFO"] = compat.wsgi_to_bytes(path).decode()

        # We optionally unquote PATH_INFO here, although this should already be
        # done by the server (#8).
        if self.config.get("unquote_path_info", False):
            path = compat.unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"])
        # GC issue 22: Pylons sends root as u'/'
        if not compat.is_native(path):
            _logger.warn("Got non-native PATH_INFO: {!r}".format(path))
            # path = path.encode("utf8")
            path = compat.to_native(path)

        # Always adding these values to environ:
        environ["wsgidav.config"] = self.config
        environ["wsgidav.provider"] = None
        environ["wsgidav.verbose"] = self.verbose

        # Find DAV provider that matches the share
        share = None
        lower_path = path.lower()
        for r in self.sortedShareList:
            # @@: Case sensitivity should be an option of some sort here;
            # os.path.normpath might give the preferred case for a filename.
            if r == "/":
                share = r
            elif lower_path == r or lower_path.startswith(r + "/"):
                share = r

        # Note: we call the next app, even if provider is None, because OPTIONS
        #       must still be handled.
        #       All other requests will result in '404 Not Found'
        if share is not None:
            share_data = self.providerMap.get(share)
            environ["wsgidav.provider"] = share_data["provider"]
        # TODO: test with multi-level realms: 'aa/bb'
        # TODO: test security: url contains '..'

        # Transform SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO
        # (Since path and share are unquoted, this also fixes quoted values.)
        if share == "/" or not share:
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path
            environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] += share
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path[len(share) :]

        # assert isinstance(path, str)
        assert compat.is_native(path)
        # See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2007-January/002475.html
        # for some clarification about SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO format
        # SCRIPT_NAME starts with '/' or is empty
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "" or environ["SCRIPT_NAME"].startswith("/")
        # SCRIPT_NAME must not have a trailing '/'
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] in ("", "/") or not environ[
        # PATH_INFO starts with '/'
        assert environ["PATH_INFO"] == "" or environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/")

        start_time = time.time()

        def _start_response_wrapper(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
            # Postprocess response headers
            headerDict = {}
            for header, value in response_headers:
                if header.lower() in headerDict:
                    _logger.error("Duplicate header in response: {}".format(header))
                headerDict[header.lower()] = value

            # Check if we should close the connection after this request.
            # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.4
            forceCloseConnection = False
            currentContentLength = headerDict.get("content-length")
            statusCode = int(status.split(" ", 1)[0])
            contentLengthRequired = (
                environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "HEAD"
                and statusCode >= 200
                and statusCode not in (204, 304)
            #            _logger.info(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], statusCode, contentLengthRequired)
            if contentLengthRequired and currentContentLength in (None, ""):
                # A typical case: a GET request on a virtual resource, for which
                # the provider doesn't know the length
                    "Missing required Content-Length header in {}-response: closing connection".format(
                forceCloseConnection = True
            elif not type(currentContentLength) is str:
                    "Invalid Content-Length header in response ({!r}): closing connection".format(
                forceCloseConnection = True

            # HOTFIX for Vista and Windows 7 (GC issue 13, issue 23)
            # It seems that we must read *all* of the request body, otherwise
            # clients may miss the response.
            # For example Vista MiniRedir didn't understand a 401 response,
            # when trying an anonymous PUT of big files. As a consequence, it
            # doesn't retry with credentials and the file copy fails.
            # (XP is fine however).

            # Make sure the socket is not reused, unless we are 100% sure all
            # current input was consumed
            if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0 and not environ.get(
                _logger.warn("Input stream not completely consumed: closing connection")
                forceCloseConnection = True

            if forceCloseConnection and headerDict.get("connection") != "close":
                _logger.warn("Adding 'Connection: close' header")
                response_headers.append(("Connection", "close"))

            # Log request
            if self.verbose >= 3:
                userInfo = environ.get("http_authenticator.username")
                if not userInfo:
                    userInfo = "(anonymous)"
                extra = []
                if "HTTP_DESTINATION" in environ:
                if environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "") != "":
                if "HTTP_DEPTH" in environ:
                if "HTTP_RANGE" in environ:
                if "HTTP_OVERWRITE" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 3 and "HTTP_EXPECT" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_CONNECTION" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 3:
                    extra.append("elap={:.3f}sec".format(time.time() - start_time))
                extra = ", ".join(extra)

                #               This is the CherryPy format:
                #       - - [08/Jul/2009:17:25:23] "GET /loginPrompt?redirect=/renderActionList%3Frelation%3Dpersonal%26key%3D%26filter%3DprivateSchedule&reason=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5"  # noqa
                    '{addr} - {user} - [{time}] "{method} {path}" {extra} -> {status}'.format(
                        addr=environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", ""),
                            environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""), sys.stdout.encoding
                        # response_headers.get(""), # response Content-Length
                        # referer
            return start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info)

        # Call first middleware
        app_iter = self.application(environ, _start_response_wrapper)
            for v in app_iter:
                yield v
            if hasattr(app_iter, "close"):

Exemple #3
    def _get_context(self, environ, davres):
        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.4
        assert davres.is_collection

        dirConfig = environ["wsgidav.config"].get("dir_browser", {})
        isReadOnly = environ["wsgidav.provider"].is_readonly()

        context = {
            "htdocs": (self.config.get("mount_path") or "") + ASSET_SHARE,
            "rows": [],
            "version": __version__,
            "displaypath": compat.unquote(davres.get_href()),
            "url": davres.get_href(),  # util.make_complete_url(environ),
            "parentUrl": util.get_uri_parent(davres.get_href()),
            "config": dirConfig,
            "is_readonly": isReadOnly,

        trailer = dirConfig.get("response_trailer")
        if trailer is True:
            trailer = "${version} - ${time}"

        if trailer:
            trailer = trailer.replace(
                "<a href='https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/'>WsgiDAV/{}</a>".format(
            trailer = trailer.replace("${time}", util.get_rfc1123_time())

        context["trailer"] = trailer

        rows = context["rows"]

        # Ask collection for member info list
        dirInfoList = davres.get_directory_info()

        if dirInfoList is None:
            # No pre-build info: traverse members
            dirInfoList = []
            childList = davres.get_descendants(depth="1", addSelf=False)
            for res in childList:
                di = res.get_display_info()
                href = res.get_href()
                classes = []
                if res.is_collection:

                if not isReadOnly and not res.is_collection:
                    ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lstrip(".").lower()
                    officeType = msOfficeExtToTypeMap.get(ext)
                    if officeType:
                        if dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"):
                        elif dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_urls"):
                            href = "ms-{}:ofe|u|{}".format(officeType, href)

                entry = {
                    "href": href,
                    "class": " ".join(classes),
                    "displayName": res.get_display_name(),
                    "lastModified": res.get_last_modified(),
                    "is_collection": res.is_collection,
                    "contentLength": res.get_content_length(),
                    "displayType": di.get("type"),
                    "displayTypeComment": di.get("typeComment"),

        ignore_patterns = dirConfig.get("ignore", [])
        if compat.is_basestring(ignore_patterns):
            ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns.split(",")

        for entry in dirInfoList:
            # Skip ignore patterns
            ignore = False
            for pat in ignore_patterns:
                if fnmatch(entry["displayName"], pat):
                    _logger.debug("Ignore {}".format(entry["displayName"]))
                    ignore = True
            if ignore:
            lastModified = entry.get("lastModified")
            if lastModified is None:
                entry["strModified"] = ""
                entry["strModified"] = util.get_rfc1123_time(lastModified)

            entry["strSize"] = "-"
            if not entry.get("is_collection"):
                contentLength = entry.get("contentLength")
                if contentLength is not None:
                    entry["strSize"] = util.byte_number_string(contentLength)


        # sort
        sort = "name"
        if sort == "name":
                key=lambda v: "{}{}".format(
                    not v["is_collection"], v["displayName"].lower()

        if "http_authenticator.username" in environ:
            context["username"] = (
                environ.get("http_authenticator.username") or "anonymous"
            context["realm"] = environ.get("http_authenticator.realm")

        return context
Exemple #4
    def _listDirectory(self, davres, environ, start_response):
        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.4
        assert davres.isCollection

        dirConfig = environ["wsgidav.config"].get("dir_browser", {})
        displaypath = compat.unquote(davres.getHref())
        isReadOnly = environ["wsgidav.provider"].isReadOnly()

        trailer = dirConfig.get("response_trailer")
        if trailer:
            trailer = trailer.replace("${version}",
                "<a href='https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/'>WsgiDAV/%s</a>" % __version__)
            trailer = trailer.replace("${time}", util.getRfc1123Time())
            trailer = ("<a href='https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/'>WsgiDAV/%s</a> - %s"
                       % (__version__, util.getRfc1123Time()))

        html = []
            "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN' "
            "<meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=UTF-8'>")
        html.append("<meta name='generator' content='WsgiDAV %s'>" %
        html.append("<title>WsgiDAV - Index of %s </title>" % displaypath)

        html.append("<script type='text/javascript'>%s</script>" % PAGE_SCRIPT)
        html.append("<style type='text/css'>%s</style>" % PAGE_CSS)

        # Special CSS to enable MS Internet Explorer behaviour
        if dirConfig.get("ms_mount"):
                "<style type='text/css'> A {behavior: url(#default#AnchorClick);} </style>")

        if dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"):
                "<object id='winFirefoxPlugin' type='application/x-sharepoint' width='0' "
                "height='0' style=''visibility: hidden;'></object>")

        html.append("<body onload='onLoad()'>")

        # Title
        html.append("<h1>Index of %s</h1>" % displaypath)
        # Add DAV-Mount link and Web-Folder link
        links = []
        if dirConfig.get("davmount"):
            links.append("<a title='Open this folder in a WebDAV client.' "
                "href='%s?davmount'>Mount</a>" % util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))
        if dirConfig.get("ms_mount"):
            links.append("<a title='Open as Web Folder (requires Microsoft Internet Explorer)' "
                "href='' FOLDER='%s'>Open as Web Folder</a>" % util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))
#                html.append("<a href='' FOLDER='%ssetup.py'>Open setup.py as WebDAV</a>" % util.makeCompleteUrl(environ))
        if links:
            html.append("<p>%s</p>" % " &#8211; ".join(links))

        # Listing
        html.append("<table onclick='return onClickTable(event)'>")

            "<tr><th>Name</th> <th>Type</th> <th class='right'>Size</th> "
            "<th class='right'>Last modified</th> </tr>")

        if davres.path in ("", "/"):
                "<tr><td>Top level share</td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>")
            parentUrl = util.getUriParent(davres.getHref())
            html.append("<tr><td><a href='" + parentUrl +
                        "'>Parent Directory</a></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr>")

        # Ask collection for member info list
        dirInfoList = davres.getDirectoryInfo()

        if dirInfoList is None:
            # No pre-build info: traverse members
            dirInfoList = []
            childList = davres.getDescendants(depth="1", addSelf=False)
            for res in childList:
                di = res.getDisplayInfo()
                href = res.getHref()
                infoDict = {"href": href,
                            "class": "",
                            "displayName": res.getDisplayName(),
                            "lastModified": res.getLastModified(),
                            "isCollection": res.isCollection,
                            "contentLength": res.getContentLength(),
                            "displayType": di.get("type"),
                            "displayTypeComment": di.get("typeComment"),

                if not isReadOnly and not res.isCollection:
                    ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lstrip(".").lower()
                    officeType = msOfficeExtToTypeMap.get(ext)
                    if officeType:
                        # print "OT", officeType
                        # print "OT", dirConfig
                        if dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"):
                            infoDict["class"] = "msoffice"
                        elif dirConfig.get("ms_sharepoint_urls"):
                                "href"] = "ms-%s:ofe|u|%s" % (officeType, href)

        for infoDict in dirInfoList:
            lastModified = infoDict.get("lastModified")
            if lastModified is None:
                infoDict["strModified"] = ""
                infoDict["strModified"] = util.getRfc1123Time(lastModified)

            infoDict["strSize"] = "-"
            if not infoDict.get("isCollection"):
                contentLength = infoDict.get("contentLength")
                if contentLength is not None:
                    infoDict["strSize"] = util.byteNumberString(contentLength)

            <tr><td><a href="%(href)s" class="%(class)s">%(displayName)s</a></td>
            <td class='right'>%(strSize)s</td>
            <td class='right'>%(strModified)s</td></tr>""" % infoDict)



        if "http_authenticator.username" in environ:
            if environ.get("http_authenticator.username"):
                html.append("<p>Authenticated user: '******', realm: '%s'.</p>"
                            % (environ.get("http_authenticator.username"),
#            else:
#                html.append("<p>Anonymous</p>")

        if trailer:
            html.append("<p class='trailer'>%s</p>" % trailer)


        body = "\n".join(html)
        body = compat.to_bytes(body)

        start_response("200 OK", [("Content-Type", "text/html"),
                                  ("Content-Length", str(len(body))),
                                  ("Date", util.getRfc1123Time()),
        return [body]
Exemple #5
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

        # util.log("SCRIPT_NAME='{}', PATH_INFO='{}'".format(
        #    environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO")))

        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]

        # (#73) Failed on processing non-iso-8859-1 characters on Python 3
        # Note: we encode using UTF-8 here (falling back to ISO-8859-1)!
        # This seems to be wrong, since per PEP 3333 PATH_INFO is always ISO-8859-1 encoded
        # (see https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-3333/#unicode-issues).
        # But also seems to resolve errors when accessing resources with Chinese characters, for
        # example.
        # This is done by default for Python 3, but can be turned off in settings.
        if self.re_encode_path_info:
            path = environ["PATH_INFO"] = compat.wsgi_to_bytes(path).decode()

        # We optionally unquote PATH_INFO here, although this should already be
        # done by the server (#8).
        if self.unquote_path_info:
            path = compat.unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"])

        # GC issue 22: Pylons sends root as u'/'
        if not compat.is_native(path):
            _logger.warning("Got non-native PATH_INFO: {!r}".format(path))
            # path = path.encode("utf8")
            path = compat.to_native(path)

        # Always adding these values to environ:
        environ["wsgidav.config"] = self.config
        environ["wsgidav.provider"] = None
        environ["wsgidav.verbose"] = self.verbose

        # Find DAV provider that matches the share
        share, provider = self.resolve_provider(path)
        # share = None
        # lower_path = path.lower()
        # for r in self.sorted_share_list:
        #     # @@: Case sensitivity should be an option of some sort here;
        #     # os.path.normpath might give the preferred case for a filename.
        #     if r == "/":
        #         share = r
        #         break
        #     elif lower_path == r or lower_path.startswith(r + "/"):
        #         share = r
        #         break

        # Note: we call the next app, even if provider is None, because OPTIONS
        #       must still be handled.
        #       All other requests will result in '404 Not Found'
        # if share is not None:
        #     share_data = self.provider_map.get(share)
        #     environ["wsgidav.provider"] = share_data["provider"]

        environ["wsgidav.provider"] = provider
        # TODO: test with multi-level realms: 'aa/bb'
        # TODO: test security: url contains '..'

        # Transform SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO
        # (Since path and share are unquoted, this also fixes quoted values.)
        if share == "/" or not share:
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path
            environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] += share
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path[len(share) :]

        # assert isinstance(path, str)
        assert compat.is_native(path)
        # See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2007-January/002475.html
        # for some clarification about SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO format
        # SCRIPT_NAME starts with '/' or is empty
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "" or environ["SCRIPT_NAME"].startswith("/")
        # SCRIPT_NAME must not have a trailing '/'
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] in ("", "/") or not environ[
        # PATH_INFO starts with '/'
        assert environ["PATH_INFO"] == "" or environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith("/")

        start_time = time.time()

        def _start_response_wrapper(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
            # Postprocess response headers
            headerDict = {}
            for header, value in response_headers:
                if header.lower() in headerDict:
                    _logger.error("Duplicate header in response: {}".format(header))
                headerDict[header.lower()] = value

            # Check if we should close the connection after this request.
            # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.4
            forceCloseConnection = False
            currentContentLength = headerDict.get("content-length")
            statusCode = int(status.split(" ", 1)[0])
            contentLengthRequired = (
                environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "HEAD"
                and statusCode >= 200
                and statusCode not in (204, 304)
            # _logger.info(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], statusCode, contentLengthRequired)
            if contentLengthRequired and currentContentLength in (None, ""):
                # A typical case: a GET request on a virtual resource, for which
                # the provider doesn't know the length
                    "Missing required Content-Length header in {}-response: closing connection".format(
                forceCloseConnection = True
            elif not type(currentContentLength) is str:
                    "Invalid Content-Length header in response ({!r}): closing connection".format(
                forceCloseConnection = True

            # HOTFIX for Vista and Windows 7 (GC issue 13, issue 23)
            # It seems that we must read *all* of the request body, otherwise
            # clients may miss the response.
            # For example Vista MiniRedir didn't understand a 401 response,
            # when trying an anonymous PUT of big files. As a consequence, it
            # doesn't retry with credentials and the file copy fails.
            # (XP is fine however).

            # Make sure the socket is not reused, unless we are 100% sure all
            # current input was consumed
            if util.get_content_length(environ) != 0 and not environ.get(
                    "Input stream not completely consumed: closing connection."
                forceCloseConnection = True

            if forceCloseConnection and headerDict.get("connection") != "close":
                _logger.warning("Adding 'Connection: close' header.")
                response_headers.append(("Connection", "close"))

            # Log request
            if self.verbose >= 3:
                userInfo = environ.get("wsgidav.auth.user_name")
                if not userInfo:
                    userInfo = "(anonymous)"
                extra = []
                if "HTTP_DESTINATION" in environ:
                if environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "") != "":
                if "HTTP_DEPTH" in environ:
                if "HTTP_RANGE" in environ:
                if "HTTP_OVERWRITE" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 3 and "HTTP_EXPECT" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_CONNECTION" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 4 and "HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in environ:
                if self.verbose >= 3:
                    extra.append("elap={:.3f}sec".format(time.time() - start_time))
                extra = ", ".join(extra)

                #               This is the CherryPy format:
                #       - - [08/Jul/2009:17:25:23] "GET /loginPrompt?redirect=/renderActionList%3Frelation%3Dpersonal%26key%3D%26filter%3DprivateSchedule&reason=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5"  # noqa
                    '{addr} - {user} - [{time}] "{method} {path}" {extra} -> {status}'.format(
                        addr=environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", ""),
                            environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""),
                            sys.stdout.encoding if sys.stdout.encoding else "utf-8",
                        # response_headers.get(""), # response Content-Length
                        # referer
            return start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info)

        # Call first middleware
        app_iter = self.application(environ, _start_response_wrapper)
            for v in app_iter:
                yield v
            if hasattr(app_iter, "close"):

Exemple #6
    def __call__(self, environ, start_response):

        # util.log("SCRIPT_NAME='%s', PATH_INFO='%s'" % (
        #    environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO")))

        # We optionall unquote PATH_INFO here, although this should already be
        # done by the server (#8).
        path = environ["PATH_INFO"]
        if self.config.get("unquote_path_info", False):
            path = compat.unquote(environ["PATH_INFO"])
        # GC issue 22: Pylons sends root as u'/'
        # if isinstance(path, unicode):
        if not compat.is_native(path):
            util.log("Got non-native PATH_INFO: %r" % path)
            # path = path.encode("utf8")
            path = compat.to_native(path)

        # Always adding these values to environ:
        environ["wsgidav.config"] = self.config
        environ["wsgidav.provider"] = None
        environ["wsgidav.verbose"] = self._verbose

        # Find DAV provider that matches the share

        # sorting share list by reverse length
        #        shareList = self.providerMap.keys()
        #        shareList.sort(key=len, reverse=True)
        shareList = sorted(self.providerMap.keys(), key=len, reverse=True)

        share = None
        for r in shareList:
            # @@: Case sensitivity should be an option of some sort here;
            # os.path.normpath might give the preferred case for a filename.
            if r == "/":
                share = r
            elif path.upper() == r.upper() or path.upper().startswith(
                    r.upper() + "/"):
                share = r

        # Note: we call the next app, even if provider is None, because OPTIONS
        #       must still be handled.
        #       All other requests will result in '404 Not Found'
        if share is not None:
            share_data = self.providerMap.get(share)
            environ["wsgidav.provider"] = share_data['provider']
        # TODO: test with multi-level realms: 'aa/bb'
        # TODO: test security: url contains '..'

        # Transform SCRIPT_NAME and PATH_INFO
        # (Since path and share are unquoted, this also fixes quoted values.)
        if share == "/" or not share:
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path
            environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] += share
            environ["PATH_INFO"] = path[len(share):]
#        util.log("--> SCRIPT_NAME='%s', PATH_INFO='%s'" % (environ.get("SCRIPT_NAME"), environ.get("PATH_INFO")))

# assert isinstance(path, str)
        assert compat.is_native(path)
        # See http://mail.python.org/pipermail/web-sig/2007-January/002475.html
        # for some clarification about SCRIPT_NAME/PATH_INFO format
        # SCRIPT_NAME starts with '/' or is empty
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] == "" or environ[
        # SCRIPT_NAME must not have a trailing '/'
        assert environ["SCRIPT_NAME"] in (
            "", "/") or not environ["SCRIPT_NAME"].endswith("/")
        # PATH_INFO starts with '/'
        assert environ["PATH_INFO"] == "" or environ["PATH_INFO"].startswith(

        start_time = time.time()

        def _start_response_wrapper(status, response_headers, exc_info=None):
            # Postprocess response headers
            headerDict = {}
            for header, value in response_headers:
                if header.lower() in headerDict:
                    util.warn("Duplicate header in response: %s" % header)
                headerDict[header.lower()] = value

            # Check if we should close the connection after this request.
            # http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec4.html#sec4.4
            forceCloseConnection = False
            currentContentLength = headerDict.get("content-length")
            statusCode = int(status.split(" ", 1)[0])
            contentLengthRequired = (environ["REQUEST_METHOD"] != "HEAD"
                                     and statusCode >= 200
                                     and not statusCode in (204, 304))
            #            print(environ["REQUEST_METHOD"], statusCode, contentLengthRequired)
            if contentLengthRequired and currentContentLength in (None, ""):
                # A typical case: a GET request on a virtual resource, for which
                # the provider doesn't know the length
                    "Missing required Content-Length header in %s-response: closing connection"
                    % statusCode)
                forceCloseConnection = True
            elif not type(currentContentLength) is str:
                    "Invalid Content-Length header in response (%r): closing connection"
                    % headerDict.get("content-length"))
                forceCloseConnection = True

            # HOTFIX for Vista and Windows 7 (GC issue 13, issue 23)
            # It seems that we must read *all* of the request body, otherwise
            # clients may miss the response.
            # For example Vista MiniRedir didn't understand a 401 response,
            # when trying an anonymous PUT of big files. As a consequence, it
            # doesn't retry with credentials and the file copy fails.
            # (XP is fine however).

            # Make sure the socket is not reused, unless we are 100% sure all
            # current input was consumed
            if (util.getContentLength(environ) != 0
                    and not environ.get("wsgidav.all_input_read")):
                    "Input stream not completely consumed: closing connection")
                forceCloseConnection = True

            if forceCloseConnection and headerDict.get(
                    "connection") != "close":
                util.warn("Adding 'Connection: close' header")
                response_headers.append(("Connection", "close"))

            # Log request
            if self._verbose >= 1:
                userInfo = environ.get("http_authenticator.username")
                if not userInfo:
                    userInfo = "(anonymous)"
                threadInfo = ""
                if self._verbose >= 1:
                    threadInfo = "<%s> " % threading.currentThread().ident
                extra = []
                if "HTTP_DESTINATION" in environ:
                    extra.append('dest="%s"' % environ.get("HTTP_DESTINATION"))
                if environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH", "") != "":
                    extra.append("length=%s" % environ.get("CONTENT_LENGTH"))
                if "HTTP_DEPTH" in environ:
                    extra.append("depth=%s" % environ.get("HTTP_DEPTH"))
                if "HTTP_RANGE" in environ:
                    extra.append("range=%s" % environ.get("HTTP_RANGE"))
                if "HTTP_OVERWRITE" in environ:
                    extra.append("overwrite=%s" %
                if self._verbose >= 1 and "HTTP_EXPECT" in environ:
                    extra.append('expect="%s"' % environ.get("HTTP_EXPECT"))
                if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_CONNECTION" in environ:
                    extra.append('connection="%s"' %
                if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_USER_AGENT" in environ:
                    extra.append('agent="%s"' % environ.get("HTTP_USER_AGENT"))
                if self._verbose >= 2 and "HTTP_TRANSFER_ENCODING" in environ:
                    extra.append('transfer-enc=%s' %
                if self._verbose >= 1:
                    extra.append('elap=%.3fsec' % (time.time() - start_time))
                extra = ", ".join(extra)

                #               This is the CherryPy format:
                #       - - [08/Jul/2009:17:25:23] "GET /loginPrompt?redirect=/renderActionList%3Frelation%3Dpersonal%26key%3D%26filter%3DprivateSchedule&reason=0 HTTP/1.1" 200 1944 "" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9.1) Gecko/20090624 Firefox/3.5"
                #                print >>sys.stderr, '%s - %s - [%s] "%s" %s -> %s' % (
                    '%s - %s - [%s] "%s" %s -> %s' % (
                        threadInfo + environ.get("REMOTE_ADDR", ""),
                        environ.get("REQUEST_METHOD") + " " +
                        environ.get("PATH_INFO", ""),
                        # response_headers.get(""), # response Content-Length
                        # referer

            return start_response(status, response_headers, exc_info)

        # Call next middleware
        app_iter = self._application(environ, _start_response_wrapper)
        for v in app_iter:
            yield v
        if hasattr(app_iter, "close"):

Exemple #7
    def _get_context(self, environ, dav_res):
        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.4
        assert dav_res.is_collection

        is_readonly = environ["wsgidav.provider"].is_readonly()

        context = {
            "htdocs": (self.config.get("mount_path") or "") + ASSET_SHARE,
            "rows": [],
            "version": __version__,
            "display_path": compat.unquote(dav_res.get_href()),
            "url": dav_res.get_href(),  # util.make_complete_url(environ),
            "parent_url": util.get_uri_parent(dav_res.get_href()),
            "config": self.dir_config,
            "is_readonly": is_readonly,
            "access": "read-only" if is_readonly else "read-write",
            "is_authenticated": False,

        trailer = self.dir_config.get("response_trailer")
        if trailer is True:
            #trailer = "${version} - ${time}"
            trailer = "Shihira Fung - ${time}"

        if trailer:
            trailer = trailer.replace(
                "<a href='https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/'>WsgiDAV/{}</a>".format(
            trailer = trailer.replace("${time}", util.get_rfc1123_time())

        context["trailer"] = trailer

        rows = context["rows"]

        # Ask collection for member info list
        dirInfoList = dav_res.get_directory_info()

        if dirInfoList is None:
            # No pre-build info: traverse members
            dirInfoList = []
            childList = dav_res.get_descendants(depth="1", add_self=False)
            for res in childList:
                di = res.get_display_info()
                href = res.get_href()
                ofe_prefix = None
                tr_classes = []
                a_classes = []
                if res.is_collection:

                if not is_readonly and not res.is_collection:
                    ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lstrip(".").lower()
                    officeType = msOfficeExtToTypeMap.get(ext)
                    if officeType:
                        if self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_support"):
                            ofe_prefix = "ms-{}:ofe|u|".format(officeType)
                        # elif self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"):
                        #     a_classes.append("msoffice")
                        # elif self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_urls"):
                        #     href = "ms-{}:ofe|u|{}".format(officeType, href)

                entry = {
                    "href": href,
                    "ofe_prefix": ofe_prefix,
                    "a_class": " ".join(a_classes),
                    "tr_class": " ".join(tr_classes),
                    "display_name": res.get_display_name(),
                    "last_modified": res.get_last_modified(),
                    "is_collection": res.is_collection,
                    "content_length": res.get_content_length(),
                    "display_type": di.get("type"),
                    "display_type_comment": di.get("typeComment"),

        ignore_patterns = self.dir_config.get("ignore", [])
        if compat.is_basestring(ignore_patterns):
            ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns.split(",")

        ignored_list = []
        for entry in dirInfoList:
            # Skip ignore patterns
            ignore = False
            for pat in ignore_patterns:
                if fnmatch(entry["display_name"], pat):
                    # _logger.debug("Ignore {}".format(entry["display_name"]))
                    ignore = True
            if ignore:
            last_modified = entry.get("last_modified")
            if last_modified is None:
                entry["str_modified"] = ""
                import time
                entry["str_modified"] = time.strftime("%b %d %Y, %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(last_modified))

            entry["str_size"] = "-"
            if not entry.get("is_collection"):
                content_length = entry.get("content_length")
                if content_length is not None:
                    for unit in ['Bytes', 'KiB', 'MiB', 'GiB']:
                        if content_length < 1024:
                            content_length = "%.2f %s" % (content_length, unit)
                        content_length /= 1024.0
                    entry["str_size"] = content_length

        if ignored_list:
                "Dir browser ignored {} entries: {}".format(
                    len(ignored_list), ignored_list

        # sort
        sort = "name"
        if sort == "name":
                key=lambda v: "{}{}".format(
                    not v["is_collection"], v["display_name"].lower()

        if "wsgidav.auth.user_name" in environ:
                    "is_authenticated": True,
                    "user_name": (environ.get("wsgidav.auth.user_name") or "anonymous"),
                    "realm": environ.get("wsgidav.auth.realm"),
                    "user_roles": ", ".join(environ.get("wsgidav.auth.roles") or []),
                    "user_permissions": ", ".join(
                        environ.get("wsgidav.auth.permissions") or []

        return context
Exemple #8
    def _get_context(self, environ, dav_res):
        @see: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html#rfc.section.9.4
        assert dav_res.is_collection

        is_readonly = environ["wsgidav.provider"].is_readonly()

        context = {
            "htdocs": (self.config.get("mount_path") or "") + ASSET_SHARE,
            "rows": [],
            "version": __version__,
            "display_path": compat.unquote(dav_res.get_href()),
            "url": dav_res.get_href(),  # util.make_complete_url(environ),
            "parent_url": util.get_uri_parent(dav_res.get_href()),
            "config": self.dir_config,
            "is_readonly": is_readonly,
            "access": "read-only" if is_readonly else "read-write",
            "is_authenticated": False,

        trailer = self.dir_config.get("response_trailer")
        if trailer is True:
            trailer = "${version} - ${time}"

        if trailer:
            trailer = trailer.replace(
                "<a href='https://github.com/mar10/wsgidav/'>WsgiDAV/{}</a>".format(
            trailer = trailer.replace("${time}", util.get_rfc1123_time())

        context["trailer"] = trailer

        rows = context["rows"]

        # Ask collection for member info list
        dirInfoList = dav_res.get_directory_info()

        if dirInfoList is None:
            # No pre-build info: traverse members
            dirInfoList = []
            childList = dav_res.get_descendants(depth="1", add_self=False)
            for res in childList:
                di = res.get_display_info()
                href = res.get_href()
                ofe_prefix = None
                tr_classes = []
                a_classes = []
                if res.is_collection:

                if not is_readonly and not res.is_collection:
                    ext = os.path.splitext(href)[1].lstrip(".").lower()
                    officeType = msOfficeExtToTypeMap.get(ext)
                    if officeType:
                        if self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_support"):
                            ofe_prefix = "ms-{}:ofe|u|".format(officeType)
                        # elif self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_plugin"):
                        #     a_classes.append("msoffice")
                        # elif self.dir_config.get("ms_sharepoint_urls"):
                        #     href = "ms-{}:ofe|u|{}".format(officeType, href)

                entry = {
                    "href": href,
                    "ofe_prefix": ofe_prefix,
                    "a_class": " ".join(a_classes),
                    "tr_class": " ".join(tr_classes),
                    "display_name": res.get_display_name(),
                    "last_modified": res.get_last_modified(),
                    "is_collection": res.is_collection,
                    "content_length": res.get_content_length(),
                    "display_type": di.get("type"),
                    "display_type_comment": di.get("typeComment"),

        ignore_patterns = self.dir_config.get("ignore", [])
        if compat.is_basestring(ignore_patterns):
            ignore_patterns = ignore_patterns.split(",")

        ignored_list = []
        for entry in dirInfoList:
            # Skip ignore patterns
            ignore = False
            for pat in ignore_patterns:
                if fnmatch(entry["display_name"], pat):
                    # _logger.debug("Ignore {}".format(entry["display_name"]))
                    ignore = True
            if ignore:
            last_modified = entry.get("last_modified")
            if last_modified is None:
                entry["str_modified"] = ""
                entry["str_modified"] = util.get_rfc1123_time(last_modified)

            entry["str_size"] = "-"
            if not entry.get("is_collection"):
                content_length = entry.get("content_length")
                if content_length is not None:
                    entry["str_size"] = util.byte_number_string(content_length)

        if ignored_list:
                "Dir browser ignored {} entries: {}".format(
                    len(ignored_list), ignored_list

        # sort
        sort = "name"
        if sort == "name":
                key=lambda v: "{}{}".format(
                    not v["is_collection"], v["display_name"].lower()

        if "wsgidav.auth.user_name" in environ:
                    "is_authenticated": True,
                    "user_name": (environ.get("wsgidav.auth.user_name") or "anonymous"),
                    "realm": environ.get("wsgidav.auth.realm"),
                    "user_roles": ", ".join(environ.get("wsgidav.auth.roles") or []),
                    "user_permissions": ", ".join(
                        environ.get("wsgidav.auth.permissions") or []

        return context